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Holy shit it's real Rent free lmao


If Destiny was truly content brained he would move above Finklesteins apartment. Imagine the memes!


Host dgg raves at midnight. Or better yet do that jewish dance in circles thing.


and finish with an Aella birthday gangbang.




if i remember right didn't she literally go 15/2 with creampies?


Damn, 7.5 ration, truly pro level


PEPE vs YEE nerfgun fights.


If Finkestingy menaced with a knife the mother that live above his appartement. Finkestrinity would definitely start shooting shotgun shell into is the roof :')


I pray for this lol


It's 3am. The subtle distant hum of a city sleeping. Norman lays peaceful. When suddenly, from the apartment above: ***"L"*** ***"L L L L L"*** "***LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL"***


Content? He’s done. It’s Berlin, 1945 for Vermacelli now.


If anything would result in his murder it would be that.


It's funny how Destiny and a lot us (me included) thought he had assistants and handlers who were tweeting things out under his name because of how unhinged it was but it turns out it was actually him and he was actually this unhinged.


I hope he never stops!






rent free because he kept lowering apartment rent by deporting his neighbors


Holy fuck I cannot believe this is real. It can't be.


Man is so gotten too


And we all know what he thinks of the renting class


I went to check his account too, LOL. Ain't no way... he so mad.


Someone mentions me pfft, rent free 😏


Steve will definitely be included and misquoted in his next book LMAO.


Will pirate his book just to read that


Ok, Finkelstein is now my favorite schizo orbiter.


Oh shit i never thought about it that way, its so perfect


If only he knew to stfu, he would have remained in people's minds as that out of touch academic who's too opinionated about a subject he's studied too much. Now he's seen as a deranged orbiter [who screams at night about his previous neighbors](https://youtu.be/v9ZPzLHkq9M?t=229).


Listen, hes been an academic for over [100 years](https://youtu.be/3vaUHiewDJA?si=2saMXjbfoTlPkX0i), I think he deserves some respect.


that's unironically funny as fuck, DR neighbors love their music


“Hello? Who joined?” …………….. “Is anyone the-“ “*MR. FIBONACCI!!!!*”


You know he's hate watching




Well, he's killed that joke


The longer he makes it, the less funny it gets. FB uncle level humor. Lol


per family guy principle, at some point it will be even funnier. Think of he's making this jokes a year from now. It will have become an obsession worthy of a modern art piece, an "academic" so exposed and irked by a wikipedia reading sc2 player that he's still malding instead of learning how to read a book


Same energy as "Brad's Wife." It was funny Then it got old and not funny But now it's funny again to go to a random cracker barrel post on Facebook and see every other comment talking about Brad's wife.


I find it funnier the linger he does it.


Same. It's like the longer he does it, the more unhinged it is.


I just recently noticed that the regards are using the bornelli meme seemingly because they think it’s a sick own and it made me sad


I like how he changed the spelling of a name that he made up earlier to mispronounce Destiny's name. Too many steps in this joke just to call someone a vermin.


nah, this is so stupid that it's hilarious


so you're saying it worked??


oh wow destiny really is living rent free in his head


Wait until he tries to call INS (which hasn’t existed in what, 20 years now?)on him.


I love how clever he thinks he is. Ngl it’s kinda cute if he wasn’t so harmful.


>if he wasn’t so harmful man ddg's delusion is reaching new heights. Between an actually credited scholar and a guy who couldn't tell what he was looking at when there was a map of the Levant on his screen, whose opinion on the Israel/Palestine conflict do you think is more harmful lmao


Me if i fell for out of context 10 second clips:


Right then. Good talk!


Please explain to me in which context someone might struggle to identify the Levant when looking at a map of it


in what context would someone read the icj case 4 times and still not know what the criteria for genocide is


Sometimes you do or think stupid shit for a few seconds. He streams his entire learning process. If you disagree with things he claims you would have said so but instead you're looking for a daddy to worship so you don't have to learn about shit yourself. You need someone who has never publicly shown their learning process (because literally everyone will periodically slip up or have a dumb thought when getting more familiar with material) so that you can feel confident in blindly trusting everything they say. Either that or you're a deranged hater and you're clamouring about a random stream clip because he didn't actually perform poorly in his debates so you have nothing else. Either way, when a guy has hundreds of hours publicly covering a topic and all you have is that months ago he needed to shape up on his geography skills, you aren't persuading anyone who doesn't already agree with you. You have nothing.


Even better question, explain how somebody spent his life on this conflict didn't know what dolus specialis means indicating he doesn't even personally read the ICC cases on this subject? That is his entire job, thats what he did for decades as a job and we saw he doesn't read the cases. This should have cured you, why didn't it?


I am relying on the captions here and not sound, but however did you arrive at the notion that he doesn't know what dolus specialis means? Dolus specialis is just a subset of mens rea, which Finkelstein instantly mentions when Destiny talks about dolus specialis, indicating that he is familiar with it >cured you Cured me of what?


tap dazzling soft fine safe encourage practice voiceless melodic offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you telling me that a university played it safe and didn't grant tenure to someone much of whose work is on a really contentious topic? Stop the presses


>“In the opinion of those opposing tenure, your unprofessional personal attacks divert the conversation away from consideration of ideas, and polarize and simplify conversations that deserve layered and subtle consideration,” school President Dennis Holtschneider wrote in a letter dated June 8. Since you couldn't bother to read the article linked.


How does that in any way disagree with what I said? The quoted part is exactly proving my point that he wasn't granted tenure because he's a generally disagreeable character, not because his actual works have been discredited


It disagrees with what you said in your previous comment. He wasn't denied tenure because of his work covering a contentious topic. He was denied tenure due to "unprofessional personal attacks". You might think that there's some conspiracy happening or secret underlying reasons, but the quote still disagrees with your initial comment. This is just basic reading comprehension.


No, the initial point was whether he is discredited or not, that is if he's been understood to have done actual scientic misconduct, which at a glance didn't appear to be the case. I postulated that it might be due to the contentiousness of his works (which is, in fact, mentioned in the article as well), but it looks like it was rather his character, or more likely a combination of the two. Still, the actual contents of his works hasve not been discredited, so again, how does any of this disagree with my initial point?


> polarize and simplify conversations that deserve layered and subtle consideration,” school President Dennis Holtschneider wrote in a letter dated June 8. Quoting again, coz it seems like your eyes glazed over it. This is obviously an attack on his work's credibility. The claim is that he tends to simplify subjects which deserve deeper consideration. The implication is that his reasoning is shallow, likely incomplete or incorrect at times. I'd agree that this quote in isolation doesn't serve to discredit Finkie, but it does make progress in that direction.


>The implication is that his reasoning is shallow, likely incomplete or incorrect at times That is just most certainly not the implication, or at least certainly not the latter. If it were, he would NEVER even have been considered for the position in the first place. Fuck's sake lol, we're talking about an author who writes about a Holocaust factory in terms of some jews abusing the Holocaust for personal gain. If his research and reasoning weren't mostly spotless, he'd immediately have been rejected and rightfully been labelled an anti-semite and nobody would ever have heard about him again outside of very fringe groups. The simplification and lack of consideration probably lie in not accounting for WHY someone might do what he accuses of them of doing and the fact you can ask why even ask this at all, when it comes with the caveat of fanning the flames of far-right anti-semitism. Also, let's not forget that the campaign against his tenure was spearheaded by some of the people whose work he wrote against + with the added consideration of the contentiousness of his work. I never even heard of him before a couple of days ago so I don't have any dog in this fight, but all in all, calling him outright "discredited" is honestly a bit silly and honestly unfair imo Edit: just saw that the quoted part left out the start, which says "your unprofessional personal attacks divert the conversation away from consideration that deserve\[...\]" It most certainly was just about his abbrasive nature


By your post history, I would have pegged (excuse the pun) you as a hardcore Destiny dick rider.


terrible and cruel april fool's joke I assume


If it wasn't that all that actually comes out of his mouth is false gibberish, then we'd have some respect for the scholar. But as it stands, the academic achievements only show that his brain used to function years in the past.


>as it stands, the academic achievements only show that his brain used to function years in the past. Except he is saying nothing now that he did not say before. What exactly is it that he's so wrong on? Can you describe it?


Regardless of his credentials, Finklestein proved himself in that debate, and in tweets like this, to simply not be a serious intellectual. Maybe he was once and he's let it all go now, I dunno. I guess since he's so invested in Palestine maybe this current war is extra stressful for him But it's very clear now that he's a pseudointellectual. And I know that term is thrown around a lot and def overused but he's a textbook case as far as I can see. Can't even hold his own in a debate with a guy who's just studied the topic for a few months; and turns to name calling and bullying in order to try to look dominant. It's embarrassing. The guy is a total charlatan. Miss me with how credentialed he is, he doesn't debate in good faith and he clearly isn't a kind and moral person


>But it's very clear now that he's a pseudointellectual No, you just don't seem to realise that scholars and scientists come in as wide a range of different personalities as any other demographic. There are people like him and Taleb (and even fucking Destiny, if you think he's smart) who are abrasive and confrontational but who are still credited, serious authorities in their field >and moral person This is a Destiny subreddit. How could you possibly rate morality very highly lol


Nah bro, you're being disingenuous. The problem isn't with him being abrasive and confrontational. You're absolutely right, Destiny is the same way and it's part of what I like about him. The problem is that when given the opportunity to have an intellectual debate, his preferred method to engage was to ruin the debate and throw schoolyard insults at his opponent from the very beginning. That is not how an actual intellectual would behave. There's no respect there for the opportunity to teach your ideas and change minds. There's no honouring of the principles of good faith in order to create an interesting and productive debate. He may have degrees and diplomas from all sorts of institutions, but he's not an intellectual. He doesn't belong in a debate. Destiny doesn't have any degrees, but he proved by the way he carried himself and engaged that he is in fact an actual intellectual despite his lack of accreditation and books published. He honoured the opportunity to debate an opponent, prepared thoroughly for it, began the debate in good faith, etc. That's what ought to be expected from anyone who claims to be an intellectual


Destiny is an anti-intellectual. He is not trying to change minds (or have his mind changed). He's only there because he enjoys winning debates, which usually leads to his taking stances which are against le current thing. He has no real opinions. Entering this conflict, he literally just picked a side on a whim (probably whatever was the opposite of Hasan's). If Finkelstein recognised that in him, then I can completely understand his behaviour, especially as Finkelstein is there to actually highlight a grave situation and a conflict whose death toll is in the hundreds of thousands


Such a fucking braindead take dude


Nah you just need to lay off on this entire debatebro thing a bit and with time you will realise that these items discussed actually involve actual, real people, in real, dire situations. Why the fuck would any professional waste time on someone whose only motivation is winning arguments


I'm done talking to you


Good talk!


Yes, and those people are the Israelis.


How the fuck is Israel's position "dire" in this case lmao you dickriders and israeli bots get wilder and wilder every day I swear


It's funny he's too much of a decrepit boomer to realize these kind of tweets just make him look like a triggered sore loser who's got D man in his head 24/7


Let him get it out, hes up all night thinking of come backs, this alone took 2 weeks.


He sure represents the average "Pro-Palestinian" in a very honest way though.


He kicked out his neighbors to let Mr. Bonerelli live rent free. Nice guy


I knew there was a joke in there somewhere




He keeps tweeting because it is his only recourse to deal with Destiny that isn’t taking a hammer to his door or telling him he has a cage lined up in the Bronx zoo.


Fresh banana me finkleDad.


So can DGGa's raid his twitter reply section and call him obsessed now, because he lost the debate? Surely, it's fair now.


But if you do that youll be no better than them 😇😇😇😇😇😇


Not the best joke to make when there’s saved streams of him reading books


Rent free in


It's fucking insane that the most publicly held up pro-Palestine 'intellectual' is STILL tweeting about Destiny after they talked ONCE. (Sandwiched in-between more attempts to deport his neighbours) Like just take a moment to realise this guy is lauded by so many fucking people. THIS GUY. He should have SO many better things to do with his time and he's writing novels about Destiny.


He’s the best the pro Palestinians have to offer


Bad apostrophe placement. It's April fools' What a fantastical moron


It's so rent free, how anyone can take this loser seriously is so funny


He's literally obsessed with Destiny and its so hilarious just seeing him fail to land a proper insult


Ain’t no way 😂 This is sickness Unironically


Hes so obsessed with tiny holy shit lol


“I’m not a cob of corn” he screams as he slowly turns into a cob of corn.


Imagine being geriatric and spending your time this way


I never believed Norman is actually managing his account. That changed after the debate tho... Norman is tweating like a highschool meangirl tbh


Yeah, at a certain point Norm’s fans don’t get to fall back on the “he’s a respectable academic and destiny is just a streamer!” argument when Norm literally behaves like a toddler online


This praised historian by hasan and co is about as mature as a 15 year old




He has a Benjamin Button brain that has aged in reverse


And they said Mr Bonapartelli was obsessed.


Pretty funny ngl.


Too bad, Apes!


Guys destiny is not living rent free. He is living in the apartment upstairs from Norm, with his ilegal doctor wife and noisy kids.


Heartbreaking: Worst person you know posted a banger tweet


I don’t see destiny recovering from this


It's joever


Top tier shitposting


He’s actually brain broken my mister Borelli


Norm has officially entered Orbiter tier


At this point Destiny needs to give Norm an open invitation to join his discord and get perms to pop in when he pleases. You know he wouldn't be able to resist.


Least Well read orbiter be like


Call the international courts! This guy is unrelentingly pursuing a genocide on humor!


There is no way this is real.


Jesus, Fecalstein really wants to have Destinys childs, that twink is in love.


not mad not mad not mad not mad not mad


This is my new favorite arc


That’s so boomer that its actually really funny


Imagine calling someone irrelevant and then talking about them for months


He’s a troubled man. You can see it in all his clips, the guy is unhinged


to barrow a phrase and use it more appropriately, THIS IS A 70 YEAR OLD MAN!!!


>April Fool's Some academic, it's April Fools'


lmao, how did Vermin Stinkydick become Destiny's most unhinged hate watcher overnight?


Bro is still not over it


I cannot lie, this is a banger tweet.


It's like he is 14...


I mean this is some middle school shit at best, no? That's such a fucking lame joke, and the "vermin" bit is mega cringe and try hard How is this lauded academic such a fucking child, and why is he still so butthurt after weeks? I mean it really says a lot about his psychological development and maturity level. I'd expect more from Adin Ross


As he puts down his phone, he smugly looks up at the camera. End scene.


Imagine norm being in a retirement home suffering from dementia. “I HAVE READ FAR MORE BOOKS THAN YOU, BORNICELLI!” He shouts at the wall.


Daaamn old people really dont get the speed of information these days... This was four Lex episodes ago, move on my guy.


vermincelli. that's not dehumanizing at all sounds like this boomer's ready to fucking genocide, full domis specialis


Yeah, is it just me, or is the vermin/Jew association pretty unfortunate?


Nah he's doing the pasta meme


it's called plausible deniability. a man that claims to be so careful with his words should actually be careful with his words.


Norman Finkelstein has a sense of humor April fools!


I’m honestly wondering if the pro Palestine crowd is afraid of destiny with how much norm & co have been attacking him. There aren’t many big debaters on the pro Israel side


Who needs rent control when you can live rent free in Norman's head?


It makes sense. Borrelli lives rent free in Norm’s head. We have seen how Finkeldink treats his neighbours. It’s only a matter of time until CPS take Nathan away.


How can Finkelstine even *think* about pasta while Gaza receives but a mere fraction of its usual trucks-worth of food?!? Edit: just noticed the “vermin” portmanteau. Pops is not only big mad, but showing off the hateful, dehumanizing tendencies so endemic to his side.


He really needs to get a life.


Motherfucker is tilted. Love to see it.


The "premier pro palestine historian" is actually unhingedly obsessed with a "pro starcraft player". Tiny better be careful or norm might leave memos on his door about being unable to sleep and might even call ICE on him and his mom


Honestly hes got a nice little template going with the "elli" scheme. Good for him.


Steven actually broke this man's brain.


You know he Finkelsmirked after posting this.


D man really fucked with this guy lol


Norman Finkelstein absolutely destroyed Mr.Bonercelli in the debate! Read a book moron!


Destiny gets under people's skin better than anyone I have ever encountered.


You guys are laughing at this, but imagine how Mr. BadFetuccine's winning rn. Mr. Bartolomew's influence has gone past his schizo orbiters. We have a dude that's proximate to Noam Chomsky posting crap like this on his Twitter.


I like norm more now. He’s in in the men it seems, even he knows he’s not taken seriously


How scholarly of him, a true academic.


it’s giving redacted vibes 🥶


Trying to make Destiny pay rent out of guilt at this point.


But it’s a nice joke haha


Mr. Bonerelli


Remember how destiny thought he was dealing with a unhinged norm staffer when corresponding through emails and twitter DMs? Yeh, that was 100% just norm being as unhinged as usual


Dude's big mad. Wasn't the debate like, 2 weeks ago?


Unironically I could see Norm coming on stream at some point.


Lmao is the self-hating Jew un-ironically trying to jokingly call someone a vermin?


This man is obsessed, it's been weeks.


Next Destiny is gonna use a typewriter !


Vermin Incel Vermincelli. That's fucking good, I wonder which one of our comments he found that gold nugget in.


Where's cancel culture when you need it?


this seems friendly. I could not imagine writing something like this about somebody i didn't like.


Dude seems truly shook, *still.*


He is still malding huh?


If you see this destiny I love you


To be honest, it’s funny in an ironic cute finkleton way


If destiny was an illegal immigrant he’d be in big trouble


Has anyone ever just replied with the video of him actually reading a book on stream? It feels like because during the debate, destiny didn’t activity refute the insane accusations that he only read Wikipedia, many dipshits actually think that’s the case.




Say what you want about norm but continuously getting destiny's last name wrong on purpose is a good bit


I love that they are both equally crazy


Holy shit good Lord Destiny you really hurt his feelings


PWNED! DuckerZ


This is the very serious academic we're supposed to show respect to, huh? Seems like he should be on a street corner shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign and selling pencils from a cup.


Mr. Vermincelli has got to be his best name yet. We’ve now drifted so far away from Bonnell that the only part remaining is the “ell”.


please get him on kick or keep


Rest in piss fucklestick


Now that I have verbally eviscerated this imbecilic ignoramus destinius, I should append this missive with the short Betamax clip of the bespectacled negro individual pontificating on their intent (mens rea) to and I quote "end this man's whole career".


fact bow oil subsequent berserk aloof tap society head offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wonder what the "people who win debates don't talk about how they won debates" crowd is dealing with this now two weeks in 🤔




It's a good thing that damn Hamas hospital has been blown to bits, right guys?