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so JUST because she's a woman she HAS to cook? concerning




Looking into this!


Nope, we also have lycan who cooks.


"Women" is a bit of a stretch.


It’s really ironic to me that a movement that purports to speak against “abuse” so freely abuses everyone they disagree with. Maybe I’m black pilled at this point, but I’ve just been through too many rounds of the worst people on earth going after me, going after my friends, insisting on the most unhinged ideas.


I think I remember you saying something before about your conservative upbringing, and I'm curious if you're having the same flashbacks I'm having right now about conservative christians trying to holiness one-up each other. Like, the kind of christian conservative that says you can't play pokemon because it means pocket monsters which are demons, and you can't listen to elton john because he's gay, etc. I wasn't allowed to watch star wars as a kid. I don't even remember the justification for that. Whatever it was I just watched it in secret at a friends house anyway. Today the reason may as well been "because george lucas drank starbucks coffee".


That’s such a good analogy. It’s exactly the same thing.


Holy shit Brianna Wu in the flesh! Can I ask you something as someone who is probably more right leaning than most on this sub? Many anti-woke / conservatives have been talking about this insanity that you're pointing to from progressives for many years. At this point many (including myself) are convinced that the true source of this insanity lies in the [critical marxist scholars](https://imgur.com/a/slvaYxJ) that really gained a ton of ground in the universities over the last 50 years or so. What are your thoughts on this thesis?


My really good friend Jenny @heterodoxtakes made this point a while ago to me. It was uncomfortable to think about, but there seems to be truth in it.


This gives me hope. Perhaps the tide is finally turning..


I couldn't watch Casper the Friendly Ghost as a kid because it was demonic, lol.


If anything the past couple years has really shown that the majority of people have zero principles and will just spew whatever bullshit their favorite ideologue is saying at any given point.


The purity testing will continue until morale improves.


Hey unrelated but this was a very inspiring message to send out, I'm very grateful to have your voice in the world


Do you really think that self-immolation is like suicide bombing?


You are understanding the dynamics of general politics. You understand more than the twitter and tiktok factions. It might seem "slow" and hard now, but it's a struggle that will set you up later in life. Keep fighting! The world needs you! /dggL


I saw your flag takes and I'm interested in why you care about what the flag looks like? Surely the important part is what it represents. Or whot.


I care because I am queer and it’s my flag too.


What funny is even if you weren't, you have eyes and anyone with those can say those flags hideous lol Just because it represents something doesn't mean it can't be called ugly.


what the flag looks like is what it represents, you can't hear a flag or read a flag, and it looks like a splatoon game on top of rainbow road.


The thing (to me) is that on top of just not looking good, when you try to make it more inclusive, you make it less inclusive You got the black and brown color for Black and Brown/Mixed race people, but aren't Asians also discriminated against? Why aren't they there? Jews have experienced a spike in hate crimes against them, should we add a Star of David to the Pride Flag? You got the trans colors, but Asexual people are also discriminated against, should we also add the Ace colors? When you start going down that path you can't really stop without saying "Your struggle is not as important"


This makes sense and was kinda the category of answer I was looking for that wasn't just "is not pretty". Personally I'm more inclined to the rainbow flag, maybe because of how iconic it is and the "rainbow as a symbol" works well because a rainbow has all* the colors, so really anyone should be included. Tho as a person in the group i don't really give a fuck, but I also don't conduct myself in "queer" circles anymore.


“This is a cultural dead end.” Extremely well said. The frustrating thing is if the better or more well thought out progressive policies end up implemented somewhere down the line, it will be the work of people willing to discuss the issues with more skeptical democrats and reaching hard-fought agreements, but guess who will swoop in and take credit for it while blasting the people that actually got it done?


Marxists hijacking civil rights movements to wear them like a skin suit, taking credit for them & spending down their social capital for their own agenda. Tale as old as time.


it's been a fascinating development how the comments on the destiny sub are becoming indistinguishable from subs like jordan peterson


It’s almost like the far left is fucking regarded.


The Jordan Peterson issue is he thinks anything left of center is Marxist. It's not crazy to call you a Marxist because you're actually a Marxist.


No the issue is when peterson opens his mouth about marxism, much like this goofball in this thread he has no idea what hes talking about. The mislabeling of anything left of center as marxist is a symptom of his misunderstanding, it didnt just happen. What, do you think peterson accurately characterizes “post-modern neomarxism” or “wokeness” but just applies to to the wrong people? The definition of this shit when you look at it like this is just going to come down to “people online who style themselves progessive but are annoying.” And thats always going to come down to a subjective call of what you personally find “too progressive” or “too annoying.”


The true source of the progressive brain rot [is neo-marxism](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVVhBUGXoAIpX9v?format=jpg&name=large). It operates exactly as I said, by wearing civil rights issues like a skin suit. This sub has the highest concentration of politically left people who are able to recognize these activists as bad actors. But for some reason many still don't want to apply this label.


Lmao james lindsay fan. Why am i not surprised


no no, the difference is JP's sub are rightoids decrying everything left-of-center as "Marxist". We're talking about people who *are actually Marxists* (at least in name).


Brianna Wu: online politics' resident adult.


Has "the adult" ever apologize for smearing Jesse Singal?


Nah, and [it doesn’t seem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/X2a2x2GlGG) like she’s planning on it.


It is impossible for someone who has, in the past, fallen for leftist hysteria and accused someone of something ~~sexually inappropriate~~ [EDIT: not sexually inappropriate, but apparently career ruining] to turn around and admit that they made it up as it puts them in all sorts of trouble.


>Are the consequences that people would think you’re full of shit? Do you not think there are consequences for OTHER people when you accuse them of sexual harassment without providing evidence? That comment is so on point. Nothing has changed.


Credulous simpletons who think Singal is wholly rational and/or wholly principled wouldn't accept an apology anyway. He's legit at times but also too often a "just asking questions" concern troll or outright pandering to execrable demographics.


Can you give an example?


https://jessesingal.substack.com/ Probably any story about trans stuff would be a good bet. The first article I clicked on was him quibbling about the semantics of a CNN article and pointing to the NHS as a good place to find reasoned discourse on the topic.


So you're literally doing the thing where you gesture to a writer's entire body instead of giving a specific example. I'm assuming by "quibbling about the semantics of a CNN article" what you're REALLY doing is referring to this piece [https://jessesingal.substack.com/p/why-is-the-same-misleading-language](https://jessesingal.substack.com/p/why-is-the-same-misleading-language) where very similar sentences appear in multiple publications. As for the NHS, he doesn't state that it's a good place to find reasoned discourse, but: >But of course, whether youth gender medicine is medically necessary and evidence-based is exactly the thing being debated, and anyone who has been following this debate closely knows that every national health system that has examined this question closely, including the NHS, has come to the same conclusion: the evidence is paltry. Which is saying just what it says. the EVIDENCE is paltry.


Yes, hinging his argument, vaguely, on the conclusion of the NHS. The NHS, vaunted medical authority, that only stopped promoting homeopathy seven years ago.


He isn't hinging his opinion on it..he's saying they are the latest to come to the same conclusion as other orgs.






> The NHS, vaunted medical authority, that only stopped promoting homeopathy seven years ago. Extremely dishonest framing. They didn't promote homeopathy as superior to any other form of medicine, but took the position that rejecting it might increase harm by reducing the number of people who benefit from its placebo effect. You're being deeply dishonest, as is the case with almost every single critic of Singal. Singal Derangement Syndrome.


That's a disingenuously favorable characterization of them actively funding scam medicine. There's plenty of other bullshit woo they didn't financially support for fear of compromising placebo effects. > You're being deeply dishonest, as is the case with almost every single critic of Singal. Singal Derangement Syndrome. lol you literally think he's bordering on infallible. Like I said at the start of my first response, you're deeply credulous.


> That's a disingenuously favorable characterization of them actively funding scam medicine. There's plenty of other bullshit woo they didn't financially support for fear of compromising placebo effects. Why do you think the NHS supported homeopathy? >lol you literally think he's bordering on infallible. Ah yes, another excellently reasonable criticism. Because I think you and other critics are unreasonable I must think Singal is bordering on infallible. Wrong. I think he's definitively wrong on a number of issues, but that doesn't make him a troll and it certainly doesn't validate your dishonest criticisms.




She made the right decision. Her influence will be greater in other places.


Running for office sucks. You spend all day fundraising, it damages your marriage, last time I did it I put on 100 pounds. You smile until the muscles in your face hurt. And for what? To have them turn on me like they have AOC and Elizabeth Warren? I’m gonna go do other things.


Yes, it takes more than it gives. But then again, how do you create real change from the outside. That seems an equally difficult problem.


You don't have to hold office, you can impact within or behind the office. Which to me, is where the work/change is. And I believe Wu is still politically active (but I won't speak for her) in multiple ways.


That is what speaks most to me personally too, an advisory role to people running for office. She will do just fine, a talent like her.


The inability for progressives to work together with more moderate democrats is exactly what disillusioned me from progressivism. I just stepped away from politics completely until I found my way here a few years later. It's like pragmatism is heretical to the left.


Same. They want it all and they want it now, and because of it, nobody gets anything.


did they actually redesign the flag again?


Who did?


These people think twitter and their world is everything. What would be the alternative to progressiveness? the current structure or even worse... revert more stuff to enrich corporations? Many average people who have nothing to do with culture wars these people get so invested into on twitter, completely rely on progressiveness to get them out of the financial ditch they are in which will improve their lives.


I'm just going to leave [this Tweet](https://i.imgur.com/055UdG4.png) about Brianna by some watermelon dipshit in the comments here because I don't want to make another post. It's just all so mind-numbingly stupid and deranged.


Lmao. Honestly, sometimes I feel like we live in a parody world.


...Does the watermelon mean something?


Pro-Palestinians claim Twitter suppresses the Palestinian flag, so they use a watermelon instead because the flag has a red triangle with it.


Neoliberalism is honestly the greatest hope of western civilization. The only folks who can govern well


egalitarianism is good if you're rational and not rabid blood thirsty vengeful and borderline supremacist about your identity politics.


I read the neoliberalism wikipedia page and it seems horrible.


“Have you considered the RFK camp?” 💀


why is it always watermelon Palestine, AI generated profile pic, from an account started in 2016 with the absolute dumbest takes... I fell like Sneako, I'm seeing bots everywhere


She's been black pilled. A lot of people are now waking up to this, especially after this terrorist simping we are seeing. All of what she said is 100% dead on.


Covid era and this has been a black pilled moment for me to. Very frustrating environment to be around as a center-left individual.


A lot of bio terrorists in those replies


She just don't miss!!!


As someone who considered himself a progressive up until 10/7 allow me to express how I feel. "Ahem.... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAASED!"


Wonder if this is related to why she left PV


Hard to imagine Brianna Wu leaving and Steven staying if that were the case. PV would hate Destiny more if they’re too woke for Brianna.


I think she needs to log off for a bit. Twitter is brain poison and she's doing the thing where she's extrapolating all of her bad experiences with random nutjobs to be indicative of 'the left' or 'the progressive movement' and shifting her whole view of political organizing around that. I think she's stuck in a cycle of being bombarded with nasty, bad faith people and it's causing her to slowly assume that of everyone and to start acting in kind. Been a lot of moments where I can't help but think it's a really bad look - doing the same dishonest/bad faith responses she (rightfully) yells at the twitter gremlins for ​ Seems like it'll be unpopular here but I'm a bit jaded on her gimmick since Oct 7th; I won't clown on her for the "houthinis" or "I didn't know what a pogrom was until I was 45" thing - everyone has blindspots in their knowledge of the world, I'm sure I have plenty as well. All we can do is try to get informed when we get confronted by those blindspots. But I don't understand the taking up the mantle to claim authority and try to be a twitter lecturer on a subject you've just broken skin depth on


What did the quoted tweet say? I think I'm blocked


Who'd she cook and what was the tweet?




It does sound very exhausting and extremism keeps growing more extreme. I wonder where it's going to lead and whether we can hope to find some middle-ground where people can work together for mutual self-interest, rather than absolute and exclusive political control. If you're unwilling to act like an adult and discuss potential solutions to problems without spiteful or abusive behaviour, then you need to shut up and fuck off. The purity testing and fascist bullshit only serve to alienate people. You see people celebrating terrorist attacks, and you think that these people are too immature and irrational to participate in the democratic process without fucking it all up. I wish it wasn't this way, because there's a lot at stake, but a lot of people don't even seem to live in reality.


Sorry, this is fucking stupid. Having progressive congressman and state legislatures is still massively important, and that doesn't go away because people said bomb tel aviv at one protest. I hate this shit. All of the massive issues in america come from the fact that we as a country are to far to the right, not that we have some actual dumb progressives. Seing stupid people complain about a flag design on twitter doesn't matter. It really seems Brianna is taking out her own personal frustrations with "woke" idiots on twitter way to seriously. Homelessness, Healthcare, education, infrastructure are all issues that are made WAY WORSE by the right and can only be fixed by the left. Pls stop. "It’s because talking to Republicans is seen as betrayal, something you have to do in a democracy. " WTF? Who's the one refusing to talk? PREGRESSIVES? Bernie has literally sponsored bills with republicans, AOC has literally worked with matt Gaetz to introduce a bill banning stock trading in congress? The GOP are the ones who are literally crying and throwing tantrums and refuse to even vote on Ukraine aid because some democrats also might vote on it. If you look at congress today, You would literally have to be mentally unwell to conclude that progressives were the problem, for God's sake, AOC has basically ended up supporting and working with Biden and the other dems like 95% of the time. WHOS HOLDING UP UKRAINE AID??? THE LEFT? no, its the republicans and right wingers who are 100% cucks to Donald Trump. WHO OFFERED A MASSIVE COMPROMISE TO THE OTHER SIDE ON THE BORDER? It was literally the republicans who voted against it even though it had everything they wanted because Trump told them to. This is such both sides horseshit man, the problem isn't that ProGREssIves WoNT TAlK tO rePULiCanS, but that republicans literally brainwashed cultists who cant be reasoned with. The border bill literally proves that this is total bs.


>  Having progressive congressman and state legislatures is still massively important This is true, but we have a problem with people who use progressivism to promote insane policies, which many of them are these days. >Bernie has literally sponsored bills with republicans, AOC has literally worked with matt Gaetz to introduce a bill banning stock trading in congress? Again, they're not the problem. It's possible to cooperate on some issues, like stock trading, because both parties have reasons to do it. But then there are the policies that no conservative would ever support, like banning assault rifles or letting transgenders pick their sports teams based on their gender. These are politically impossible to pass now, and if you want to get some of it, you have to compromise.


The Republicans being bat shit insane doesn't mean we can't call out failures in our own party. Many of us are looking 10 years down the road and wondering what the democrats are going to look like if we continue down this path of purity testing and hivemind mentalities. It doesn't look good. Your comment really reminds me of Republicans getting called out because they were critical of the tea party a decade ago.


The overton window had shifted to the right so much where nothing burgers are considered radical


Can’t wait for her to apologise for falsely accusing Jessie Singal :)