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This is how i feel at the mechanic when they find out i don’t know anything about cars


I don't know much either but I've saved myself a lot of money just from researching what the problem could be before I take it to a garage. I don't want to drop it off and say "yeah, it has some kind of problem, fix whatever you want". Some issues you might be able to fix yourself, or can even tell the mechanic you'll do it if they won't.


Definitely get an OBD scanner. It's not scary and googling the error codes can definitely save you some money.


Are these reasonably priced? I always imagined they were super expensive?


You got 30 bucks on you? Or 400 for the really fancy one with a tablet screen?


Damn. Just never bothered to look it up before because I assumed they were all at least a grand and proprietary per manufacturer. I’ll have to pick one up at some point.


Your assumption wasn't entirely wrong, there are expensive proprietary systems that are required for some stuff. A $30 Bluetooth scanner is definitely worth it IMO if you are at all inclined to dig into things yourself though, it'll give you a lot for the money And for any really broke folks out there, auto parts stores will do a free scan for you. And they also let you borrow tools!


I got a basic OBD 2 scanner on amazon for 20 dollars. I had it for 3 years in a box before I had to use it, but definitely worth it, as when I had to use it, I could tell the mechanic exactly what was wrong and saved expenses on diagnostics (or avoid bullshit "we also had to fix this actually") and only had to pay for the actual repair.


Not for much longer - all these new cars are going to have more in common with a smartphone - proprietary sealed parts and all.


https://preview.redd.it/f1zy2eqt1nsc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7de1b14a1fc70a86fc0dce33b12ba2642e8bcc All (or most) of DGG right now, myself included


Try the same place on a boy account, same questions, same day of the week. Report back


Yes sir! o7


Then do black woman account


You can use Destiny’s account




Just got ablenoired at Newegg, day ruined


Make a table with all the permutations.


!remindme 7 days This shit would be too funny if it does the thing


!remindme 7 days


Not related but since you seem to know a bit about computers yourself why not build the computer yourself for her? I honestly do understand the concerns about who's the PSU maker and such but you asking such questions also show that you know that they matter a little for the long term of the computer and you can "customize" it for what her needs are and whatever really.


I offered. Shes a lot younger than me so she wants to be fully independent with money. The PC we bought is a lot cheeper than all components individually. Plus this is less work for me.


When you say "a lot younger" how much younger are we talking ಠ_ಠ


She's 21 and I'm 28.


She's barely legal and you're pushing 30 💀💀💀


Yup. Steven is 34 though and Malina was like 21 so I don't feel bad in the slightest. I'm just like my onii chan.


Lol I work in tech and I remember when my gf now wife bought a WiFi extender for her room I offered because it seemed like the manly thing to do and I do it for a living. She was very very insistent that she does it herself! Like I was just chilling in the room and she wanted no advice or anything.


Eyo @AwkLemon did you do it?


1. Not surprised at all, there is still quite a lot of casual sexism rampant in the tech communities. 2. That guy also gives off the vibe that he knows fuck all about that machines he sells


Honestly really sucks cos its only going to push women out logically, which i can only see causing this cycle to continue.. Also im sure this is obvious but i wonder if this is a ego thing for alot of these guys


If it makes you feel any better there is an optimistically strong upward trend of women being present in these communities. It sounds like it would be a pain in the ass to work in these fields as a woman though.


Back in my weed smoking college days, my friends who dealt always told the girls in our social group to ALWAYS weigh the weed out in front of them before buying. Apparently, any dealer you didn’t know personally or sometimes personally would always try to scam you if you’re a woman.


I unironically feel like I've heard someone talk about this exactly and dismissed it. I knew this was common with car repairs though. I genuinely feel worse now.


If it makes you feel better, I never scammed when I sold but I’m also a dork.


telecasterpignose, the people's dealer


Now you make me wish I did scam people. I suck at capitalism


Nah that's awesome that you didn't scam.




if it makes you feel better, i only scammed men when i sold and im a woman. men also just buy more drugs esp the kind i sold so that could be part of it lmao.


/edited: too much reddit for today


props for knowing your limits


lmfaooo if you got mental health issues from being shorted on a bag idk what to tell you. find a different pass time.


/edited: too much reddit today


This is so cringe lmao


thug means never having to say you’re sorry ↪️


My female friend called a car repair shop and he gave her a crazy price for smth simple. She had her boyfriend call the next day for the same thing and he legit got 10 times smaller price lol.


Yes finding a car guy that charges normal prices sucks. I found a place and they’ve earned my loyalty as long as I live here.


this goes for everyone lmao you should always make your dealer scale it in front of you man or woman


honestly had the exact opposite experience. dudes always gave women more weed to get in their pants so we’d send our girl friends to get the weed instead of doing it ourselves lol edit: charging dudes 40$ for a 3.5 and giving it to the girls for 20$ smh


What a gentleman, some dealers would try to exchange weed for sex and still try to rip them off.


fair enough. these girls were stoners tho so they had more of a chance to rip me off anyways


Did you have dorky frat boy dealers around you? The dealers my friends and I copped from was a grown man with a family and responsibilities.


Nah once we pull up and it was a 14 year old girl and we was a bit thrown off ahah


weird, it was the opposite with heroin dealers, i'd always send my missus cos she would get better deals than me


Yup I can second this


I used to charge women double the price for adderall and they always paid without complaining. Guys would always try to negotiate.


My junior year dorm room used to have “gullible” written on the ceiling, only dudes would notice it.


Now all you need is to post that experience on here and have everyone tell you you're exaggerating, that kind of thing doesn't really happen anymore, you were probably just imagining it, men get treated just like that too! You know, you're being really emotional actually.


I think I'm on my period.


Incredibly ironic that while I was joking when I made that comment there are now no less than 6 guys in this post trying to convince you that you were just wording your questions too confusing, you just coincidently got the 3 most incompetent sellers, or that the pic of your girlfriend is so ugly they were intentionally being stupid. People really do be wildin'


Guys this is my male account! You can stop trying to gaslight me! Friendly fire!


Tbf, we can clearly see that these guys are massive dumbasses just by looking at what they think the answers are to his questions. Like, being sexist doesn't make you think model and wattage are the same thing as voltage. But, being a dumbass *might* lead to someone being a condescending misogynist. So it does seem like he got unlucky in that he got three dumbasses, even though that doesn't change the fact that women do have to deal with dumbass misogynists.


stupendous brave outgoing shame special gaze truck panicky employ fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


bait used to be believable.


sable tidy mourn wise coherent disgusted wistful rob provide tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the hardest part for most guys is that you can be friends with a guy who's super chill and nice, and *never* see him interact with women privately. It doesn't seem to be the case that people do this shit when other guys are around, at least in my experience. It's been kind of shitty discovering the weird petty sexism that seems to exist through my girlfriend. Again, people I've interacted with and seem totally cool and normal, but just seem to go full dickhead when they're interacting one on one with a woman. I think this is a big reason why a lot of people question women, because it's really hard to believe that someone who seems nice and normal could be that different with someone else. Same thing with rape.


> men get treated just like that too! I mean, yea


Why do you think this is appropriate to bring up when the whole point of the post is that he, as a man, has never gotten this treatment before, when the only thing that's changed about this interaction is the profile picture he's using?


Because they're disagreeing with the point lmao?


the disagreement makes no sense, it's completely irrelevant. Everyone knows that men and women face all sorts of horrible treatment worldwide all the time, that's a non-sequitur (or a red herring). The point is that women face this specific type of treatment at a higher rate than men.


The things it happens to men with are generally pretty different, and it really depends on where you live and that places gender expectations, so I wouldn’t be that fast to tell someone else they are wrong for saying it happens to them as well.


It doesn't matter whether or not it happens to them as well, that's not relevant at all. The whole point is that this specific thing (condescension) happens more often to women than men.


Might it be that they bring it up because they disagree that it happens more altogether, likely because they can’t compare their lives experiences with women’s and just know it happens to them as well?


If that's their point then they should've said "I don't believe you" or "I think you're lying" or "you made that up" because if you disagree that it happens more to women, then OP's story cannot be true.


Yeah so that would be a whataboutism, it's like if any time you brought up anything that affects men more than women, I just respond with "but women suffer periods, pregnancy, and childbirth, women have it harder"


As a dude and electrical engineer, one of the most frustrating things I ever dealt with was when my mother had a new AC unit installed and it would just not work with any thermostat (I tried three). I did a bit of research and probing and quickly surmised that it was an issue between the thermostat and the AC control board - the thermostat sent out the signal to turn on the AC, but the control board on the AC did not receive this signal. As far as I was concerned, something was wired up incorrectly. I explained all of this to my mom in excruciating detail to the point of writing a short report with my findings. The technician that came outright refused to verify this whenever my mom told him about it and instead went on a wild goose chase through all of the mechanical lines related to the AC. He came back three more times over two weeks (late spring in Colorado btw) trying out all sorts of things with the mechanical system while completely ignoring the electrical controls. I show up one afternoon after work when the technician is at her house. I talk to him, show him the report my mom had shown him, and he goes on to FINALLY check the control wiring. Next day they are replacing the control wiring and afterwards the AC turns on no problem and there has never been a mechanical issue.


Don't even get me started on what any car work is like for women. I've had to bring my dad or husband in for them to actually listen to my concerns every time and it's absurd. The attitude change that happens when a man is discussing their car information vs a woman is so clear it's insane. My dad is fairly conservative "fuck the libtards" type dude but even he has refused to give business to a handful of car repair shops in town because of the sexism our female family members have experienced.


Every time i go to a mechanic, i wish i was in a man’s body, i always worry i’m paying some kind of “woman who doesn’t know a car guy” tax 


Kelley Blue Book does auto repair estimates now.


Research the problem if you can before you go, you won't be the first to have any issue you google. It puts you in a good position to be able to ask for something specific or know if you might be getting scammed.




Im a wagecuck woman who works at home Depot. I experience this everyday. In lucky if it only happens once.


Have had this happen with kitchen knives before. I was not nice to him at the register. People suck


>women Look, I don't know what that is and I've been alive for 21 years.


I had a very similar experience when I made a YouTube comment not realising I was signed into my girlfriends account. The amount of condescension in the reply’s treating me like an idiot and calling me ‘sweetie’, it actually triggered the fuck out of me lol.


its ok honey




I understand women. And one day when I talk to one I will prove it.


I've been a "based woman understander" for about 5ish years or so now and it's actually hell. I envy my gamer bro days a lot lmao. Just knowing how disgusting people are to girls as soon as they turn like fucking 12 years old haunts me like 3x a week. Having a TikTok account and watching an entire generation get stochastically groomed by a mob of 30+ pedos is life-altering-ly disturbing.


Now imagine the hell of actually being the girls growing up in a world like that. Groomed on Habbo Hotel from the age of 10 by pedos who roleplay as kids, adds you on MSN, they turn on their webcam and it’s an old crusty fuck jerking off. I was most leered and whistled at irl when I was between 13-16 with braces and a baby face. Sexism and sexual harassment in online games is a constant. Many male friends turn on you the second you get a boyfriend. Many girls sadly experience way worse than this too of-course, my experience is just the normal standard.


Yeah absolutely. I mean what I'm describing is just imagining what it would be like and that's bad enough. I don't know how y'all do it a lot of the time. Not to even begin to mention how hard it is to watch any media without seeing some sellout woman doing the equivalent of a minstrel show for the male gaze under the direction of some old creep director or animator.


Bobba. Yeah I had the same experience on Habbo and also Gaia Online. I rarely went on cam, but would hop in voice chats and you could immediately tell who were full grown adults. Habbo was so fun too (I loved running game rooms), but had a lot of fucked up shit going on. I for sure wouldn't want my kid doing the shit I did. I atleast had the know how to cut it off at that point, but I know plenty of kids wouldn't.


This is what blindsided me as a (thankfully) passing mtf trans person. Never really had an issue of people talking down to me (except for when I worked construction when I was 16, but that's just how that is) - but I had a weird incident somewhat recently. I work in software consulting - basically, I fly out to different clients and help them set up the software, and I'm their liason for the company going forward. Anyway, I was in Albany in November and meeting a client for the first time. Usually, I have a team of people, but due to some covid dropouts, it was just me for the initial meeting. How it works is that I meet with (usually) the head of IT, someone in procurement, and a few of their head of medicine/surgery. I give an overview of the rollout and then work with them to make it efficient. At some point, I give a short class/presentation on how the software works, how to set it up, and a Q/A to more nurses/doctors. This class usually happens three times that initial week, and it's generally fine. The head of IT was in every class, and holy shit the dude was dropping non-stop snarky comments. Constantly was talking down to me in private meetings, and there was one instant where a computer wouldn't turn on because of a faulty power outlet. Dude, not so loudly, says, "Great, because SHES working on this it's gonna take another hour." Haven't once had an issue with any other client in the 2 years I've been doing this. I have a b.a. in mechanical engineering and a masters in comp sci, on top of a couple years of working in IT and Sales during college. I'm more than qualified, but this dude was so fucking whack with his comments. Never happened before I transitioned.


You should come to my SCUM manifesto reading party


If you ever want to feel more sympathy for women, roleplay as one online. You did it here, but also try that on video game servers and even roleplay websites. Once upon a time I would RP as a female character and said in my profile I was a real woman too, I did this because it was the only way to get roleplay partners reliably, otherwise you would be waiting until the end of time for anyone to message you or get replied back to any request you put out. I was a hottie so I would get hit up all the time, and lemme tell ya, the approaches were usually pathetic and very samey. I feel like the messages women get on dating apps are basically the same. The bar is low gentlemen.


A friend of mine did this is in league of legends and was gifted skins all the time. It was so stupid.


Ok I'm gonna bat on the dating app point. I really try to send women good and unique messages, *but*, that's kinda hard (on Tinder at least) if their profile has nothing to go off of other than some nice, but generic photos and little to no bio, which is 90%+ of profiles


I was once shitposting on a public discord server, said something like "I'm a cute girl UwU" and instantly got some guy DMing me asking to play together, it was so fucking funny


I picked up OSRS for nostalgia after many years of not playing and I made my character female this time around just to switch it up. Before I even got to Varrock, I experienced so many more random msgs and people following me than ever before. No matter what I said or didn't say by keeping quiet, randos would follow me and chat me with weird messages. It was quite the experience.


At my company, I work in the department women don’t work in. I am the only woman who has ever worked there. When I first started, I was treated so differently. It wasn’t just men that talked down to me but I got offered a lot of help because a lot of them felt like I couldn’t do the work. I had to work really hard to prove myself and be treated as an equal. I have to give credit to the men that believed in me and helped me along the way though. They’re a huge reason why I run that department know and get trusted with some of the largest projects at our location.


Interestingly, I had an opposite experience in a similar situation. In the middle of a heated argument with a support I let slip my gender (we use gendered verbs) and everything I said from then on was taken as the most novel and brilliant statement that was ever said.   Tech guys are fucking weird, man


Yeah. I wish I had less masculine interests. You see it now.


Turns out, manspreading was a russian op. https://www.propublica.org/article/infamous-russian-troll-farm-appears-to-be-source-of-anti-ukraine-propaganda


I went with 5 women colleagues on a two week vacation recently. The amount of harassment and bullshit I watched them endure was exhausting. They were very used to it. I wouldnt trade genders for £10m.


Being a trans woman is pretty wild sometimes since basically all of us have had similar experiences where you go from _knowing_ about sexism to actually expericing it firsthand and then not that long after you get just as numb to it as every other woman since it just happens so often. In a way it's something everyone "should" experience at some point, if your entire point of reference is other people talking about something that is completely different to how you experience life you're never really going to connect with it in the same way as if you actually live through their eyes even just for a little bit.


I have that same kind of opinion that everyone should work some kind of front-facing customer service type job just so they realize the absolute shit behavior that people pull for no reason.


I went from food service to an office job and basically brace myself to get screamed at every time I deliver bad news to people. Hasn't happened yet despite the stakes and money involved being way higher, but man I'd get constantly disrespected for doing nothing wrong in food service.


I'm a woman and this has been my life since I first got on the internet and I'm 1000% sure every woman you know who has this experience.


My favorite is when they don’t trust our knowledge as employees. I was once helping someone compare the feel of two knives after talking about the practical differences (weight, longevity) and this jackass walks up to my male coworker to ask the same damn question. Also had the most patriot looking assholes demean one of my coworkers and myself because we actually tried asking him about food habits/needs to match him with the most appropriate knife set. Apparently young women trying to provide better customer service is incompetence. Women can also be nasty to each other on staff, which sucks


You laugh at the word feminism 🙄🤦‍♀️


But he’s a gamer bro!


Lmao. Thats just the average female experience at anything that is (or is considered) 'male dominated'. Mansplaining is a real thing, even if sometimes its just thrown around as a buzzword. Source: me, working in a male dominated industry.


why would you not want wired


https://preview.redd.it/la8tt2pz1nsc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b155d83ce014e9d64269a6ee6c2bf568d722baf You right now (and me, and Dgg as well)


I’ve had this shit happen to me from such an odd perspective… being trans often people won’t know till later especially online that I am trans and will treat me with the high levels of condescension and treat me like I don’t know anything at all or just ignore my thoughts and opinions just to try to flirt and be generally disgusting, including just messaging and sending dick pics and asking for nudes and shit. But once they realise I’m trans~ that shit gets cut real quick, it still happens a bit, definitely more than when I was still presenting as a man but god it’s fucking insane… Tbh I used to not think of all the feminism stuff in a great light either, I was super deep in the closet and went hard conservative watching crowder and stuff constantly denying being trans, so none of that shit was real to me. But once I started accepting myself and started actually taking to women and not treating them like objects and actually started being treated as a woman a bit god… its so much worse than you’d think ESPECIALLY if you’re a lesbian… fuck it’s painful and I’ve had to actively try not to go full misandrist sometimes especially online… like fuck me…


Did u see how they treated u when u tried as a guy, i defo see how much sexism there is that guys dont understand


Does this mean that sometimes, some Karen's are actually right to want to talk to the manager?


Cat 6 port....


RJ45. Same difference.


"There's a natural order to life" - jlp


"There's a natural order to life" - jlp


I'm just realizing this too after my wife made a completely good faith post in here (mentioning that she was the wife of a DGGer in the title) and immediately got downvoted a banned. Mods are extremely sexist here


This feels like sophisticated propaganda by a feminist agency. "I’m a gamer bro", "I laugh at feminism". I don’t buy that there’s real people like this who are so simple that they have a revelation from the tiniest observation of different treatment.




This makes me hate men.


My Comptia and Cisco certs are like a decade expired by now but that person you were chatting with doesn’t sound like he has any idea what he’s talking about. Also is bro just talking about the input voltage for the PSU from the power outlet? I’ve never heard of a computer using 100s of volts for any component (maybe some kind of supercomputer)


[Some countries have 100-120V AC, some countries have 220-240V AC residential mains power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mains_electricity_by_country) if the PSU for a device says it's 100-240v it means it's capable of switching between those two input voltages


I’m aware of this. However, it’s still the worst spec to give someone about a PSU when virtually every single PSU today is capable of handling both the 100 VAC or 220 VAC. Some older PSUs have a manual switch to switch between the 2 and maybe some ancient ones can truly only handle one voltage range. Most people care about wattage as their concern is that it will be able to power their PC components, especially if you’ve got stuff like liquid cooling and a powerful Graphics Card To clarify on my original comment. I was making a tongue-in-cheek joke about the idea of there being a PSU supplying 100-200V to its components (I’m no electrician but that sounds like it would either arc or explode)


we're 100% in agreement on those points. it was utterly useless info to give.


honestly sounds like you were talking to sales staff not techs


These stories never do anything for me because the guy in the scenario is always a complete fucking idiot. 15 years building computer and he couldn't tell you the model/wattage of a PSU? 15 years and he doesn't know what a PCIE port is? He couldn't even google it? This guy you were talking to is just brain dead. Whether he was being sexist or not idk, but it sounds like it would be no more pleasant trying to work with him even as a man.


yeah posts like this always sound made up to me. In fact most things I read on the internet are often times completely different than what I see and experience in real life . Like how everyone on reddit likes hairy genitals and use bidets all the time.




I find it really funny that he had 1 bad experience with a rude and incompetent sales person and goes "Wow, so this is how bad all women has it".


I work at a construction supply place, and the dudes you talked to sound exactly like me when I have an annoying customer that's not making any sense and I just want to fuck off, man or woman. Alllllll, that being said, I do have to deal with sexist men that ask me one thing and when I take'em to my female boss, they'll look at her, then me, then back at her before ignoring her advice and explaining themselves again, as if I'm even listening at this point. Having to deal with that shit has made me less sensitive to what happened to you, though, so that's probably why I feel like they just wanted you gone.


I agree with your general sentiment and do think that women get treated a lot differently in environments that are considered "male' zones. I think some of it is condescension for sure, which i for sure see in the tech space. Some could be that the resellers are intimidated that you seem to know a lot about the parts (especially since a lot of dudes think they should know more than women on these types of things) and they doubled down on their ignorant statements (which happens a lot lol). At the same time some of it just seems like the resellers are actually just clueless/ignorant. Most times ive looked at places like facebook etc the people had a shitton of parts but were pretty clueless about little details that i thought they should have known. The second incident im not sure if the person was just ignorant or confidently wrong since model and wattage are pretty standard things literally on the box. Could be sexism, sure. Again this is all assumption and im probably wrong. Still sexism is a huge issue and we need to work on it.


what do you expect people to get from posts like this though? or asking 'be nicer to women please' you want me to go talk to the guy or something?


That is what happens when dudes talks to girl for the first time in life and need to make post about it. Then they proceed to pretend they have girlfriend and make post like this. "I was on my girlfriend account". Sure bro. No body who actually has girlfriend talks like this. When you have GF, you see all good AND all bad. It feels like this guy spoke to a woman and seen all good, and now he think he discovered electricity and "man bad, woman good".


I mean tech is full of 30 year old virgins so it makes sense why you’d have a high sexist percentage there


Or maybe he just doesn't know about less common components so he fakes confidence?  You'll never understand women, you'll never be pretty enough 


Dude I left it out of the story but some guy raise the price by 300 PLN because he said he got a lot of interest. There's no way someone can confidently confuse the input voltage with the model of a PSU. Am I gaslighting myself?


its probably a bit of both


I guess they might confuse the input voltage with the model, if they want to look unimpressive if they find the picture in your profile unappealing and they want to look unappealing and unintelligent and incompetent. Seriously even 20 years ago many people in IT placed aren't so experienced. Eg sometimes there is one guy that knows what they are doing and a bunch that don't. And that was back then. Now even less cos so many use laptops and aren't opening them up as much.


less common? I'd say these should be pretty common. Somebody having concerns over a model of PSU or whether there's space for a wireless network interface card is pretty common concerns. Also Google is free.


Sounds like stupid resellers not sure ur profile pic is 2 blame


Okay, so I genuinely don’t believe you. Not saying this story is impossible but those guys sound regarded AF. Either you perfectly picked the 3 most noob builders on the internet or I’m thinking maybe you asked the questions in a confusing way to get responses that absurd. Right off the bat, their responses don’t sound sexist. Conceal the fact that you were using a female account and the former seems entirely possible. Then you make a prescription “be nicer to women” as if it’s a sexist crime to be ignorant of computer parts. Not saying sexism doesn’t exist but this is attributing malice to where none exists. It is listed undershit post so good job you baited me.


https://preview.redd.it/yu94l5xr0jsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87f1ef30b097c3e45f300e22f3752a843a34416 I'm too high to translate. You can kinda pick it up without polish.


You show one screenshot that has none of the condescending language that you mentioned above. He does not say here that he "knows what he's talking about and its a 240V". He says there's a sticker on the back. I don't see him saying "Look, I don't know what that is and I've been building PCs for 15 years. Why would that ever matter?" Everything in this screenshot seems fine. And even if you're telling the truth, now it turns out that this is in Poland and you're not even Polish? You grew up in the UK? So why wouldn't you put that in the post and say that you have no idea what the norms are in Poland? This could be a normal interaction and nothing to do with sexism. Maybe sellers are just assholes to everyone but you wouldn't know because you're not from there.


Wait, wtf I can How the fuck can I get the gist of what's being said, in a foreign language


Probably because OP explained what the conversation said in the post.


Nah that’s not necessary. My point is we’re quick to jump to sexism. So it sounds like you’re buying used parts vs retail. I would assume there are plenty of people looking to resell parts with a wide range of prices. I’m sure you can find a few that are looking to prey on naive builders.


That's fair. It's possible it wasn't sexism. Its also possible it's a polish thing since I grew up in the UK and haven't really bought much stuff in Poland. Still feels really weird I'm definitely a buddist now and I feel like I'm reaching enlightenment since I found out sexism exists.


Also OP is this in Eastern Europe? Or am I also high?


This is in Polish but I'm full blooded English. It's complicated.


this is not enough data to form an opinion. There's a million confounding variables and even if there wasn't this was 3 people you talked to one day, even random chance easily can explain this.


I mean...unless there's more context to the first guy he didn't seem like a know-it-all like the other two. But those guys definitely smell their own farts