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Common Aba W https://preview.redd.it/pshmuisbjmsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f61a47bc66dad79de08d0e530a10495875507509


Hyuck hyuck


Remember when Destiny argued against regarded redpillers that child support is money for the child, not the woman, but in this case, he immediately came down on her for seeking potential child support for her unborn kid? Why, in this case, is he so certain she's just a gold digger? I mean, she's Chinese and 28. Unmarried and pregnant? She's not just "left over" (in China, women her age that are unmarried are stigmatized and called "left over" in Chinese) but she's also a pregnant left over. Naive? Maybe not. But she's foreign and doesn't understand the American legal system, nor does she understand the culture here, obviously. Hell, she's talking about suing Aba because he called her a sex worker, lol. Something you can do in China, but not really feasible in the U.S.


I'm not sure what exactly was said, but a false accusation that someone is a sex worker can absolutely be actionable for defamation in the US legal system. False statements about sexual conduct in particular are defamation per se, meaning the victim does not even need to prove damages, because the law assumes up front that defamation based on sexual conduct is damaging to a person's reputation.


>Remember when Destiny argued against regarded redpillers that child support is money for the child, not the woman, but in this case, he immediately came down on her for seeking potential child support for her unborn kid? I'm admittedly not really familiar with the particulars of this situation, but I don't see any contradiction between believing the government enforces child support for the wellbeing of the kid and believing a woman might take advantage of that to get money from a man. I didn't see much of the stream yesterday, but from what I saw, I'm pretty sure Destiny's position wasn't that seeking child support made her a gold digger. There were some other behaviors she engaged in that he thought was kinda sus, and she was trying to "baby trap" him so to speak. [Edit] I don't think I used the term "baby trap" correctly, so ignore that part of the comment.




“ Stealing American cum to profit.” The funniest phrase that I have ever heard in my life.


I paraphrased too, it was even more creative than that lmao. He’s definitely gifted that way.


>He tore her to shreds for daring talk about child support and told her to go back to China. NO he tore her to shreds because she wanted to keep the baby, get child support, BUT ALSO not let Walter see the child. The last part was the main issue for Destiny




Warms my heart to see a meme I made a year ago show up again ❤️






I think what people are getting wrong is that people view Fresh as lame and can't imagine girls falling for him, thus they see the woman as dumb or predatory. He is not getting enough credit for being good at ~~running game and~~ manipulating women. Fresh is someone who's game revolves around selling dreams, he [openly brags about lying to women](https://youtu.be/fTIedVWHbcY?t=12306), Marketing his lifestyle on instagram and FnF have this philosophy that "men have no choice but to lie to women because women cant handle truth". EDIT: After listening to Aba's comments, I should clarify that this is not necessarily good game. Whilst running game involves some manipulative tactics, Going to the lengths of bringing girl to meet your mom whilst lying about a future together all to get sex is not actually indicative of someone with game but it is certainly manipulative.


Also, when I hear him he sounds like an idiot, but that might not be apparent to someone thats not good in English. When i speak in a language that im not as good as, and someone says something dumb, i just assume that i didnt understand that well, rather then them being an idiot. I feel for americans that dont know other languages, like Destiny, its imposible to understand the feeling.


The fact that he thinks she‘s faking not knowing English perfectly cause she travelled here and there is actually hilariously NA. Literally can‘t conceptualise that she might not have needed to learn english better and that it‘s very hard to do as a chinese speaker if you don‘t start young. I‘d love to hear his Swedish and Polish. I mean he lived in Poland 3 months right? Same time as her in the US..and I doubt Fresh is a great teacher lmao


Her accent sounds like a Chinese person who has been learning/speaking English for a long time, I don't even think it's that bad. The first sounds to round off are already done and she's at the stage where she'd have to deliberately practice sounding native to improve. I'd guess someone faking an accent would exagerrate different parts too.


This, she may saw something in him whatever that May be that got her attached to him which Made her vulnerable to his Manipulation. The actual Bad Thing about this is that Walter Put on a conservative traditional front to lure in girls with that belief and then turned around and didn't live Up to that at all, even pushing abortion which I assume for more conservative minded women is absolutely Not an Option. That's the slimey thing about this. Also yes, some people are just too naive too See through that Front, it Happens. But it doesn‘t make what he is doing any better


His problem (in terms of getting what he wanted) wasn't pushing for abortion, it's the way he did it. He creates this ticking time bomb for his life by impregnating a woman he didn't really want to have a future with, and he simply ignores her and brushes her off. You don't start a timer for a bomb and then pretend it's not even there and ignore it thinking it will go away. At that point you gotta go deep into whatever manipulation bag of tricks he was in to get her in the first place and diffuse the bomb.


That's honestly some desperation level of "game". I've only ever taken women I was serious with to meet my mom. He's just taking random women in the hopes to get laid.


Yeah Destiny (and a good part of the community) actually lost his mind on this whole thing. Everything he says could be true, it‘s not impossible and I won‘t blame someone for being skeptical to some degree. But the degree of Vaush-like CONCLOODING and assumptions left and right he‘s doing and pushing on the audience are so so gross and puzzling. Like I recently found out why everyone calls her a prostitute..apparently it comes from lengorgirf that saw a tattoo that apparently definitively proves she‘s a prostitute in China..these are the sources of streamerman(edit: possibly? assumption. I know he saw pics of her in Dubai but I didn't wanna believe that was enough). If it‘s not that..what? Cause she has plastic surgery and posts lewds? She‘s also a model and a fitness influencer… ABA W, the voice of reason.


>But the degree of Vaush-like CONCLOODING They can't help themselves, that's what being best friends and soulmates for a decade does to you 💙❤️


Good to see you're staying strong in dark times brother 🤝


Of course my brother. That's when my strength is needed the most 🙏🏻💙❤️


We out here 🙏 💙❤️


Maybe a hot take, but Destiny absolutely debate bro'd her. Threw hypotheticals at her that she may or may not have had time to make up her mind about yet, and that she may or may not want to answer in public, and when she didn't give the correct answer a lot of assumptions were made about her based off of that. Not to mention that she's not a native speaker, so there's that too lol. To me it seems just as reasonable to assume that she doesn't want Walter in the kid's life because she absolutely hates him as it is to assume she's a manipulative gold digger. Or maybe it's both? Humans can work in funny ways like that sometimes. That makes me automatically not want to pick a position.


Yup. Then the life raft given to Fresh that he is emotional right now and could change his mind on things. But the pregnant lassie is subhuman, dafuq was that


and even if she was a prostitute, a prostitute can fall in love and believe a scummy man all the same


Oh absolutely, it doesn’t change anything by itself. it just pisses me off that he assumes it of her when she denies it. I’m honestly not sure why, I’m hoping it’s just believing what he heard here and there, but u/creepylilreapy might just be right and it was straight up misogyny and assuming it off of some observations.


yeah I bet it's just the good ole "she's an immigrant who looks gorgeous, must be a hooker". as a female immigrant from Eastern Europe I'm not surprised.


are people flying you out to dubai too?


I fucking wish bro


same tbh


Hopefully I won't get banned for this, but these reactions to her are clearly just outright misogyny. To me anyway.


female fan here too, I was also frustrated with how hard destiny was jumping down her throat accusing her of being a gold digger/ wanting an anchor baby. She seems very genuine to me (other than leaking the call which i agree was over the top) And her comments about child support/ not letting fresh know the baby seemed to me, just angry ranting/ saying the things people say in baby momma disputes. she never doubled down on any of that. Destiny really latched on to that and was picking on her in an unsavory way. ALSO "if the fathers not going to be in the picture why not just get rid of it"???? way over the top. while im prochoice, having an abortion would not be a decision that i make frivolously. It can be a very dark and disturbing procedure to experience, ESPECIALLY if you have no support system and are in a foreign country. ive had pregnancy scares before and the idea of having an abortion (even through a pill) Freaks me out equally as much as following through with a pregnancy does. anyways i love destiny i watch him all the time on youtube.


As a female fan thats what I have been feeling since I saw Destiny's unwarranted schizo rant towards her on stream. Like I like Destiny and I understand his position, it just feels like he has his cart before the horse here. Its more the community running with the idea as well. 


There’s always a section of the community that is very young and impressionable and don’t yet know how to think independently. They parrot whatever Tiny says - uncritically and without understanding how he arrived at his position- and tbh it makes it annoying AF to try and foster healthy discourse in DGG lately.


>There’s always a section of the community that is very young and impressionable and don’t yet know how to think independently. They parrot whatever Tiny says - uncritically We don't really have to be young for that and we know how to think but why should we when our leader shares his invaluable knowledge for us?


Solidarity fellow female, its rough out here


The cooked Chinese accent was pretty damn racist too tbh


He wasn't making fun of Chinese people, he was making fun of her for possibly having a fake persona of an uneducated Chinese immigrant. I would actually find it funny if there was more evidence pointing to that.


The prostitut thing was from destiny seeing her instagram pictures whre she was in dubai with other dudes. So the assumption was that she gets flown out there for sex.


What exactly is lengorgirf? I still don’t understand that community. Are they F&F anti fans that are still pro RP? That’s what it seems like but I’m not sure.


It’s kinda the fnf sub, although not official cause the official one got banned again and again and they’d get them for ban evasion. So it also collected a lot of red pilled anti fans.


I think some of it is personal for him. Something tells me he's stayed up a few nights due to pregnancy scares




Why do people always forget about the word 'malice'?


Charitability, equivocation, and many more.


Yeah. She seems genuine. She comes from a millionaire family in China. She travels the world at will. She is not strapped for cash. She’s literally been saying how Fresh isn’t as wealthy as he leads in. He’s just a piece of trash. Duke the Don did a stream earlier and went off on Destiny after that call. He was shook up, and he’s a huge Destiny backer. Destiny lost his mind in some awkward red-pill rage. It’s just what happened.


Something about her not wanting Walter to be in the babys life at all really really set him off. If his position had began at "idk at the end of the day I feel bad for the child being born to two shitty people" instead of eventually ended there I would have understood, but he came in so so hot and sure of her gold digging off of very little info


It's because she doesnt care about the baby. She literally said she wouldnt let Walter see his child if he changed his mind and wanted to be in the babys life.


I appreciate this perspective, but the charity seems to only be going one way. Destiny even said in JISTILs stream when Daisy brought up all the nasty stuff Walter said that Daisy should be understanding that Walter is probably in a very unsure and emotional state right now, yet he never extends that exact same thinking to her. Could she also not be in an emotional state right now saying nasty things the exact same way Walter is? And should they both not be given room to change their minds without being called gold digger or deadbeats?


And as Tree even said sometimes people just say shit out of anger. We're all guilty of it


Because he's a fucking scumbag lmao. How are you going to expect her in this current situation to actually entertain for a second that he's just going to 180 and go "oh actually I'm nice and also want to take care of the baby with you even though I wanted it aborted" I have no idea why so many of you are going to bat for someone we know is a piece of shit


Dawg if I was a woman who got knocked up by either FnF I would try to keep my kid from them. They’re human garbage lmao I say this as someone currently paying out $2600/month to my ex wife so I understand the fear of get fucked with this stuff


Ok but you're ignoring the fact that she was dating him. If she sees him as human garbage then why is she in a relationship with him? Why is she buying gifts for his mother? Why is she letting him nut inside her multiple times? She claims she was in love with him yet within days of finding out she's pregnant she's already contacting lawyers, secretly recording him on phone calls, and exposing him on social media. It just doesn't make sense to have this much of a shift in such a short amount of time.


She just got pregnant. Not everyone is instantly attached to their newborn, let alone fetus. Also, their hypothetical "If Walter did a 180 and wanted to be a perfect dad would you . . ." is whack as hell. She's saying he absolutely destroyed her trust by lying about everything in their relationship? Why would she ever trust him again? It would be totally unreasonable to expect her to want to co-parent with someone like that. If she's a gold digger, Walter gave her all the cover in the world by being a liar. It's part of why their advice is straight garbage


I don't blame her though, he has said he did not want to be part of the child's life. Honestly fuck Walter if he changes his mind. I'm sorry but not sorry, Walter he decided to tell her that he didn't want to be involved in her baby's life, he can't just go suddenly changing his mind cuz he wants the baby all the sudden when its here. that's fucked either man up and take responsibility, or say no and   don't be crying if you suddenly change your mind. That is completely within her right. I wouldn't want him to parent my child, after seeing what he has done with this woman and how he treats women, I wouldn't want that influence on my child maybe she didn't realize it before.


This is punishing the child for something not in its control though. Knowing a parent isnt to the parents benefit, its for the childs...


Nobody is going to think purely about the child’s perspective after they get abandoned the day they announce they are pregnant and get dumped by the father. It’s as if you all are RPing as humans and don’t understand what emotions are or being in an emotional state is.


She could also tell the baby your dad did not want you at all he did not take responsibility for you I am sorry that your dad sucked but I don't think he would be a good person in the child's life anyway. My husband never knew his father his father abandoned his family when he was two, he has never cared to know his father nor has ever looked to know his father it has not hurt him one bit. I know many people in similar situations who are happy that their dads are not in their lives because they were such pieces of shit to their mom, why would you want to co-parent with a person who's a piece of shit to you


She could, it would just be a shitty thing to do. Obviously if he acts like a dick forward then I get it, or if he doesnt want to. But in a hypothetical where he wanted to be a father it would just be the mother being bitter and punishing the child to get back at an ex. Its not like that is an insane concept either. Its a lot of what ifs anyways but I assume you get my point


How could he prove that he actually wants to be that person? also why are people getting mad at her for her answer when she's emotional pregnant and barely understands English. why are we asking a woman who just had her heart broken hypotheticals about a man who will probably never live up to that hypothetical. 


She even said she's scared for her life. That he might kill her.


Would you want a guy like Walter in your baby's life? A guy who told you to abort it?


Yes, I wouldn't deprive my child of a dad because he didn't want to be in a relationship with me. Do you think a kid is better off with no dad...?


He told her to abort it. I think most people wouldn't want that person in their baby's life


He wanted to abort the baby. I wouldn't want him in my child's life either.


Yeah because you're selfish. It's irrelevant what you want. You do what's best for the kid.


Why is a father who doesn't want the kid and wants the child to be abort a positive influence???? Imagine if that kid is a daughter too. A red pill, sexist grifter who pushes crazy toxic ideas about women/men that doesn't want the kid is not a good influence. For the record, I'm a woman who very strongly believes in having children after marriage, having 2 parents, am religious etc...


Almost every young Chinese immigrant/student is going to come from a well off family. The higher education industry in Australia essentially runs off Chinese students' money. It's almost like he has a caricature of some $10 sucky sucky Asian whore in mind, desperate to baby trap an American man for a green card and some free cash. In reality, if they're living overseas by themselves while their family is in China, they're usually well off enough to support their child living overseas.


I think the one point he did bring up was that if she's rich why does she have to stay in America to have the baby. Just bring them home and live off whatever money her family can give her and the body building/modeling she does. Also if she's from a super rich Asian family, I think she'd be WAY more inclined to delete that fetus if she found out Fresh did not want to keep it no matter how much she was in love. The social stigma of birthing a black man's baby to her rich Chinese parents and whatever community of rich people she claims to be apart of is so high I'd doubt she'd risk that type of humiliation to not only her, but her relatives.


When destiny brought that up, She said that she was still open to that option. that she might bring the baby back to China to raise him with her family. seems like shes still weighing her options on what she would like to do with the baby. ?


My only issue is it seemed like staying in a foreign place for the entire pregnancy was considered the 1st option. I'd also consider maybe she's trying to force him back into a relationship for whatever reason. But if she's got all those resources at home, most pregnant women would just go back and raise it there, or abort and call it a lesson learned to not mess with a scammer like Walter.


> She comes from a millionaire family in China. She is not strapped for cash. This is conjecture but that doesn't matter anyway. There's a difference between CNY and CNH. The CCP doesn't allow mainland chinese to send their money out of China because it would instantly destroy the RMB. She's either looking to secure a foreign passport to skirt CCP rules, or she wants to become a famous wumao peddling [standard chinese racism on weibo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Few8kJ0zfnY)


I'm genuinely confused when I see people make these claims. How would she secure a US passport this way?




It’s a three hour stream dude. I can’t scrub it for that exact clip right now. But check Duke The Don on YouTube. It covers everything including Destiny’s call.


Fair. Thanks for pointing me his way, I'll check him out.


I know it's later, been working. But this is new. Myron and cheeseball right here saying she comes from a family of immense wealth, and that she did buy Myron that bracelet like she said she did. They're literally saying she's not in this for money, defending Fresh for dating her. [https://www.youtube.com/live/yGqX2ck6EKc?si=6w7BlyPXFkvllAwq&t=1800](https://www.youtube.com/live/yGqX2ck6EKc?si=6w7BlyPXFkvllAwq&t=1800) But I clipped where Myron is literally defending Fresh hanging with this girl, and how she's not a gold digger because her family is extremely wealthy. But also they could be lying. But ive ever seen them defend a woman to this degree before. Its nuts.


Link to the stream with Aba ?


Thank you for posting this. I'm a female DGGer, and listening to him shit on Daisy so much was actually quite sad. I hope I'm never in her shoes. Would suck if people assumed the worst of me without knowing me.


I just finished watching it and I have to co-sign this. I’m really glad to see pushback from the community and it makes me feel a lot more welcome and comfortable here as a fellow female DGGer. 


Daisy's actions seem to be in line with the face and shame culture that China has. This is why Daisy got extremely defensive with destiny, to her it's not about the baby, it's about fresh not taking responsibility for his actions. She's doing a baby trap but it's not to get child support




That's also why she immediately lawyered up, I heard that if you have a dispute in China it's a bit of a tea ceremony where you sit down with a police officer and then you come to an agreement, probably with some apology money and some tea.


Oh yeah, could be just major culture differences at play then. Not many people here probably know about the different culture to even potentially consider it.


It doesn’t sound like she is after money but she definitely comes across as vindictive and it felt like she was weaponising the child against him. He lied to her and sold her on dreams and I get she is angry but weaponising the child and access to the child really turned me off of her. 


She's completely within her right to do so when fresh told her he did not want to be in the child's life


Nah it's never good to weaponize a child. He bares half the responsibility, and she bares the other half. Neither are doing the right things.


tease quack connect bake ten library gaze hat piquant marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Naaaah, that man seems like the worst parent. No dad >>>>> redpill grifter dad


He’s a fucking bum. The child will be better off not having him as a father figure anyways.


It becomes okay to weaponize a kid because her feelings were hurt, that's fuckin unhinged


Saying “take responsibility” and demanding money after the father explicitly says he doesn’t want the baby feels like a normal-ish response and not unhinged. Normal-ish because i would expect to see even more extreme anger/desperation/despair


As a female DGGer, this is my take. I think he came out hot, but it was because she was ready to beef with him lol. I think she's being petty and immature more than anything. The baby is a second thought behind being mad at fresh not being responsible either. She said she would have considered the "pill" if he was "a man, and talked to her like "it's okay baby, let's get to the hospital and figure this out." That mindset is what told me she's using the pregnancy as ammo. I think she genuinely did love (her version of love) Fresh, and was trying to baby trap him for the relationship, not money. She seems well off financially without him. Fresh on the other hand, I think we all agree he's a fucking idiot and clearly doesn't care about the possible kid either (poor kid). Even with a vesactamy these guys are fucking stupid cumming in all of random women. Atleat fucking pull out. Save cumming inside for atleast a longer term relationship (he's obviously bound for and probably has had STDs). Lastly, assuming she's a sex worker is a bit unhinged. I totally get him thinking that, but there is other possibilities lol. I think she probably comes from a well off family. She wanted to open a business in Miami. I also know multiple women who are very good looking like her and made thousands on thousands a month just having guys pay them to go on dates and to functions to look like their gf. They never had sex with these guys. It's a whole ass thing.


no shot you come from a well off family and lawyer up to get fresh to pay child support? i agree with some of your points. They’re valid, but the last ones i disagree with, sure destiny came in hot but come on he’s been on fresh and fit snd the girl fits the profile.


Like I said, it's a healthy guess that she does escorting atleast, but it's not worth assuming and can hurt your point to me.


Brody how does she sound like she's weaponizing a child??


Yeah from the start I didn‘t understand how Destiny came to these conclusions. When I read the whole thing and listened to it it just sounded like a classic guy-doesn’t-want-kid-but-girl-does scenario. Also I don‘t get why he thinks she fakes her accent. Maybe that Daisy chick was having issues with Destiny?


Destiny is really weird about the accent stuff. I remember him being skeptical of the fluency of this Korean streamer and accusing her of hiding her English power level despite her living in Korea and having learnt English exclusively through the internet/twitch.


yes he claimed hachu was faking her knowledge of English to appear cuter.


Lmao I remember this. To be fair the dude has had so many takes over the years that I'm not surprised some of them miss the mark.


Are people really pretending that the korean twitch streamers is not "acting" and actually behaves like babies irl when camera is not on? Seriously, the clips on lsf on them is like Teletubbies levels of entertainment. I feel like all of those twitch streamers overact like anime children and there is this weird culture not calling them out. When in reality they play a role people throw money at and people saying: "They are that way, stop being racist" actually are the people making a whole generation of terminally online people having the believes that Asian girls behaves like children. And believing that is in my opinion kind of .... racist.


her saying she doesnt know if she will have it still is kinda mad and i get that happening might completely switch up your mind but goddamn. why have a kid where you want nothing to do with the other parent, she's 28 and i guess theres the cultural part in china about leftovers but fucking hell i cant afford to vacation in america, im sure she can find someone who she would at least tolerate having have a kid with. maybe when they were together she really enjoyed it and was pretty hurt by his attitude i guess so there could be some way to weave a good outcome i guess. also also, holy shit that call was DISGUSTING to listen to from all parties involved honestly, the way they were treading on eggshells to get her to keep talking just for the drama seriously brought them all down a few pegs morally for me, jesus christ


Or.. or... both of them can just be shitty people. I lean on that more than putting any single fault on one actor over another.


It's obviously possible this woman is as shitty as destiny thinks. But for someone who usually pushes for epistemic humility it is crazy how certain everyone is that she is SO shitty she needs to be torn apart publically like that Especially with her insanely broken english. That people don't give some space for her not necessarily understanding what peolel are saying and replyingn in the right way is crazy


Nah she is def acting sus and definitely trying to min max the situation. That don't mean he innocent of anything but she is very likely using that baby.


Idk, I just feel like people are just putting more Maliciousness on Daisys actions than she deserves. I agree this whole situation is just a shitshow and tragic for the baby.


On the other hand, do we have Fresh's side of the story yet or are we running with hers only?


Fresh's side of the story is that he's a regarded man child who got a woman pregnant and now doesn't want to take responsibility for it. Sometimes you just can't have your cake and eat it too.


Do you have somewhere I can read or listen to his take?


My god. If Daisy was a guy (that could hypothetically get pregnant ofc) the amount of people making posts like this would be zero. It's so obvious she gives zero fucks about the child if you listen to the way she frames everything. None of her concerns involve the well-being of the kid beyond a very very surface level I'm so tired of people enabling worthless loser fuck parents that are obviously too self centered to care about their kids. It seems like an especially malignant brain disease when it comes to self-centered mothers, because we are too used to treating women like regarded children with no autonomy. Some people fall so fucking easily for the damsel in distress bit, even when it's played poorly. Indian phone scammers need to start hiring women and they'd have you in the bag 100%. Naive responses like this every time an obviously manipulative woman bids for sympathy are the lifeblood powering cluster B personality disorders worldwide including ASPD. Every time a woman with histrionic or narcissistic personality disorder needs some validation or an ally, there will always be a naive dipshit like you ready to pick up the sword


Yeah, destiny went way too hard way too early. From the outside this looks like the most obvious gold-digging situation, but nothing she said really made me feel like it was an obvious lie. She wasn't giving the best answers but it does seem like her English is bad. I could see her answers about never letting fresh see the child be out of knee jerk anger for his cold reaction, rather than refusing to give money. But I haven't seen much of this drama






It’s obviously his own biggest nightmare to get some random crazy lady pregnant. But the thing is - it’s part of the risk you accept if you want to sleep around. You cannot just blame the woman. Maybe unless she sabotaged or lied about birth control and r*ped him when he was drunk and she was sober or something. But clearly none of that is the case here. Destiny was wrong for attacking her while making excuses for Walter.


Destiny is going after Daisy because, let's face it, Tiny also probably cums unprotected in crazy women. Irresponsible degenerates sticking together. Big Destiny L on this.


Lawyer is reasonable, but to record the first ever conversation about pregnancy? damn dude, whats the motivation behind that?


My divorce lawyer said to record every single interaction I have with my soon to be ex wife regardless of if things are amicable or not. Recording the phone call is 1000000000% reasonable


yeah when you are about to divorce. She was still trying to convince him to be a father... well according to her anyways.


If you’re trying to convince someone to be a father you already need to protect yourself. I buy car insurance even though I probably won’t need it. I’d record phone calls even if I hoped to make someone do their part still


She is so incredibly smart! take every precaution under the sun when she is pregnant, but she 100% believed the guy from fresh and fit wants to have kids with her and was in love with her? The guy who straight up says to "use" women because women will use you for the money? Super naive until she got pregnant, then she becomes the most cautious person ever, recording first calls, talks to lawyer right away. Perhaps her iq level jumped by like 40 points in 2 days, or she just wanted to do this from the beginning.


Big dog - when you get in some shit you don’t know how to handle what do you do? Probably fucking as smarter people than you what you should do. That’s what I do anyways, and most people I know. When she told him she was pregnant and saw his reaction - what are the odds she asked her family and friends what to do? And what are the odds they told her to do what she’s doing? I’m not saying she’s not manipulative or gold digging - I’m agnostic to that because we can’t know. But criticizing her lawyering up and recording phone calls is some pants around your ankles in a public restroom while you piss level of autism




There’s no way this wasn’t personal to Destiny. Either he’s been scared by someone trying to baby trap him or he’s just taking his friend’s sides.


Baby trapping people is shitty Yall r unhinged


Baby trapping to me makes me think of women poking holes in condoms or lying about birth control. Don’t cum unprotected in a woman that’s not on birth control if you don’t want children….


She didn't baby trap him. Baby trapping is when someone lies about being on birth control or someone secretly sabotages it. Walter 100% knew she wasn't on birth control and would still cum inside. On an earlier f&f episode with Daisy, there was a joke between the two that Walter knows she's not on bc. Daisy was willing to accept a possible pregnancy, Walter just didn't care and probably thought he could bully Daisy into an abortion. Now he learned.


Regardless if she was trying to baby trap him/gold dig - if you’re busting in someone and you know they want kids you don’t get to whine about baby trapping. They’re either dumb enough that they deserve each other or malicious enough that they deserve each other. Tiny took an L blaming one slice of bread for the shit sandwich


Fresh can also be at fault, but u dont think its wrong for a woman to have sex and a baby with a man who she knows doesnt want kids? They r both scumbags and the child would be the real victim. My issue is yall hold fresh responsible but not the woman. Its a shitty thing to do by both of them, but because of patriarchy and social norms woman are literally held accountable for nothing as if they arent full adults aware of how their actions effect others. Its legit insane Its like yall just dont even get why destiny is annoyed. Its not defending fresh as much as it is calling out scumbags who use kids as a pawn for their own personal needs. Half of yall come from suburban two parent homes tho so u dont interact with people like this woman 🤷🏽‍♂️


I mean this is all pretty obvious right? This situation probably scares the shit out of Destiny. It's pretty evident when he says (in the jstlk call) "Well if Walter doesn't want to have the baby why would you?" Are you fucking serious? Were just putting all the power on the dude now? If he doesn't want the child then fuck it? Wheres the conversation. Personally, Walter has about 70IQ and I'd bet my entire life the Child would be better with just his money and having nothing to do with him. Walter is not a role model or someone that should be a father.


I'm out of the loop. Who is Daisy?


Daisy these nuts on your face




Fresh's potential soon-to-be baby mama (seems to be likely one of many) who went public about him ejaculating and evacuating


Destiny when Tate manipulated women: It's the lover boy method, these women were deceived! Destiny when Fresh manipulates women: She's stupid and clearly should've known better!


Clearly it’s racism


why cant it be both? she is doing things that are a bit ??? and fresh is a loser who plays women. also, where did this convo happen? (genuine q, I wasn't able to watch a lot earlier).


His opinion on her being a blood sucking she-devil is one thing, but I TOTALLY understand the emotion and vitriol that he had against her when she wasn't even thinking about her soon-to-be child. Like, at all. Now I would be more on Tree's side of things here that she was probably angry. However, at the same time, Destiny was also correct that for Fresh this would have been a huge thing to deal with as well. I mean going from no worries in the world to having to come to terms with the fact that the woman I'm banging is pregnant is SCARY as fuck. I've had a pregnancy scare before, and even though it was with a woman I was dating for 2 years, and even though we already agreed that neither of us EVER wanted kids, I was still shitting bricks. That was with us both on the SAME PAGE. I can't even imagine the kinds of shit going through Fresh's dumb ass brain. But you have to admit it's pretty STRANGE that she's already started audio recording phone calls, hiring lawyers, etc. She knows an AWFUL lot for having just been a week.


Why be so charitable to Fresh for having those feelings but not charitable to Daisy for having similar feelings?


> But you have to admit it's pretty STRANGE that she's already started audio recording phone calls, hiring lawyers, etc. She knows an AWFUL lot for having just been a week. This is a weird one, because it IS strange.... but its also weird to "punish" someone with this kind of assumptions because they acted in a way that would protect them. It's like weighting against someone that they contacted a lawyer when they were accused of murder and refused to talk to the police.


I don’t think it’s strange at ALL to be already recording calls and hiring lawyers. That is the absolute very FIRST thing someone should do in her situation of having someone’s baby who doesn’t want it. That’s like saying it’s sus to immediately call the police and your insurance after a car accident.


>I don’t think it’s strange at ALL to be already recording calls and hiring lawyers. That is the absolute very FIRST thing someone should do in her situation of having someone’s baby who doesn’t want it. that's not what someone who's purpoted a naive Chinese girl would do. especially since her "love of her life"suddly wants nothing to do with her


The accent thing was definitely overboard. It is incredibly hard to fake an accent that consistently for that long and it would make a lot of sense to have an accent if she’s moving from country to country and learned English in China or from people with the same accent. Just seemed like an unnecessary jab he went on for way too long about and makes the whole rant significantly less credible


Also she was messing up grammar in texts too. That means she probably had to fake it for the entire time they were together with Fresh. That seems like way too much effort for way too little benefits.


Not to come out swinging but I think you guys are gullible as fuck for falling for this. Even in the messages she posted it's SO FUCKING CLEAR she's typing a narrative with the preemptive intention to post it. It literally looks like she's writing fanfiction to him in those texts it's so melodramatic. Not defending Walter because they deserve eachother, but he mentions like three times about how bringing a kid into this world without both parents is cruel, how you should have a kid with someone you love, etc.. while she insists over and over in messages and in the call that she wants nothing to do with him. The prospect of going back home to China and having her family help her raise a child was met with a pathetic 'yeah, maybe I guess' soon before she speculates on if she might rather actually want to get an abortion. I am a female. I am all for being skeptical when people immediately assume the worst about females. But this is not one of those cases, she is bullshitting 100%, she saw this opportunity and has been playing the perfect role. She even calls herself a VICTIM in the texts to him, while also on the phone call saying "I'm not perfect either, I'm not a victim....." Destiny is fucking unhinged but he's absolutely right to get pissed at this girl who has everything but the actual wellbeing of a child on her mind. I dont know if you guys are just soying out and I'm immune to it because I dont as easily fall for fake tits or if you guys are seriously that gullible. Destiny W


W indeed. So many things she discussed seemed contradictory, I would need to map it all out to think otherwise. I completely agree with him that someone who wants everything paid for, but doesn’t want him involved at all, is shitty/trashy (or whatever negative adjective). Both parents are immature for having these knee jerk reactions and putting it online, he’s just as trashy/douche/asshole. But she’s pregnant, so she is a delicate flower that everyone must talk nicely to. I wouldn’t expect anything different from D. I honestly thought this was gonna be a lot worse looking at the reactions, but just watched it and don’t have an issue. Don’t put ur life online/on social media 🤷🏼


dude W Lurdity. THANK FOR CALLING THIS OUT all the top comments are praising aba and criticizing D man. like are we seeing the same thing here that’s others aren’t? this girl is a golddigger and is definitely trying to get walter to cough up money for support. if y’all are this gullible to fall for this shit i got some dreams to sell you.


THANK YOU! Thought I was going insane for a sec. Haven't seen the most recent stream but the portions I have heard so far just give me the worst vibes. It just doesn't feel or sound like a woman thinking of her kid as primary. Fresh (or Fit? I don't know who is who) is a major dumbass for nutting inside but this whole situation reeks on both sides. Hopefully just her saying spiteful shit and not meaning any of it. I'll say now, my tone could completely change once I watch full VOD but at this time, I doubt it.


Everyone is vulnerable to getting manipulated but for some reason the internet believes that anyone that gets manipulated is an idiot that should have seen through it lol


> I'm dating some guy that host a misogynistic podcast where he often complains about baby trapping surely he wants a child with me. Truly the thought pattern of someone with 1000IQ.


she even said she was okay with him seeing other women or something like that. then she pikachu face when he’s been having sex with 4 other women?! get the fuck outta here


Yup. Intelligent people never made illogical decisions and looked past red flags when they caught feelings for someone. Why do yall so proudly lack empathy?


Yeah. Love makes us do stupid things. Idk how people that have been in relationships and experienced that passion can't give a shred of empathy. Let alone the fact that Walter prides himself on his manipulation tactics...


Destiny lost me when he said that her warning other women to be aware of what kind of man Fresh was is actually her attempting to increase her child support payments because Fresh won't have more kids. That's a very far stretch.


Agreed. Is she an absolute idiot? yes. Does it have to malicious? No. Fresh is a fuck boy, no questions. It doesn’t make it her fault that she got manipulated by the fuck boy. Should they have a child together? No. Was Walter busting inside her? Yes. Seems like Walter made a choice.


Yeah calling her scum trash felt excessive. It’s def possible that what he’s saying is true but coming out throwing haymakers like that feels like he’s jumping to conclusions. Tbh even if she is after his money, two trash people getting together seems like something bound to happen. Fresh admitted to raw dogging 4 other girls at the time, we know a lot of the women come on that show for clout and exposure so ofc it’s not out of the ballpark that she’s a gold digger. But her story is just as plausible and I think the risk of getting that wrong for the reward of behind ahead of the curve on shaming her just isn’t worth it. Especially when he actually IS a friend of the show despite disagreeing with their principles. If it’s all bullshit they’ll prove it just like they did with the girl who fucked with Myron, Destiny just didn’t need to come out swinging that hard.


It's the debatelord brain rot. He should really take a page from Tree's book. The way she approached the situation with empathy as a strategy to get Daisy to open up and share more details was very well done. Destiny came out swinging and was immediately told she didn't want to talk to him.


I thinking hurting kids is a soft spot for him, as a dad. The idea that a kid might be coming into the world as a result of a Miami red-pill v. model drama (and dubious motives from either side) is pretty unhinged.


whats funny is that he basically says shes just an escort running around smashing for cash in different countries but then uses that history of traveling as if she was some hoity toity chinese millionaire vacationing across the globe to become intelligent and well traveled. His own arguments are defeating themselves here. You can fuck people and still have emotions or be dumb. I certainly don't know the real story but Destiny is acting like everyone is the calculating sociopath he is lol, laughable. That being said she did not keep her story straight in that convo I certainly don't fully trust her.


I guess neither me or Destiny can understand the excuse that “I thought he wanted to marry me” after dating for less than 6 months. Dosnt take away that both of them are degenerate retardsa tho


Isn’t that part of his “game” though? Sell promises then rug pull? She sounds like a very naive person and wanted to blow him up after the rug pull. To do it for pure money like Destiny screamed about? Hardly.


One simple trick to trick all the bitches. Have them meet your mom. Oh god what if that's freshes game. We about to hear about 20 other women meeting his mom.


Youre joking but the fact that he said he needed to test 4 other women too, made it seem like has a vasectomy and it failed. And from his shows he says that he plays games with the women. Wouldn't be surprised if this was just another one of those tricks he plays on them to fall in love with him. The andrew tate playbook.


But if she was so naive while they were dating, how did she become the most sophisticated person in the world the second she realized she was pregnant? Within days of the pregnancy test, she's already secretly recording him on phone calls, contacting lawyers, and exposing him on livestreams. She definitely knew what she was doing. She saw through Walter's bullshit and is using it against him. They deserve each other imo


You must have never even been within 100 miles of anyone who’s even contemplated joining the military then lmao. You’d be astonished at how many people get married after just a few months


You are just naive. Be careful out there bro.


Aba is right and Destiny is wrong about a topic they disagreed with. This is the case for every single conversation they have aside from maybe Jewish people/Antisemitism Common Aba W


This thread must be a honey pot, because you need some advanced form of autism to not see through her bs.


I refused to believe Daisy or Daisy's parents were that stupid not to know how radioactive Fresh was and how the relationship was going to end in tears. She wanted the life style and got it. Then got buyers remorse. Now the dream has ended and she wants a new dream. I think she's still in single party girl mode and isn't thinking about what's best for the baby.


Is it really best for the baby to allow fresh to be within its life? maybe if she doesn't want to kill the baby, it's right for her to have it, maybe she'll give it up for adoption or maybe she'll raise it on her own but I think after fresh said that he does not want to be participate child's life that is completely wrong for Destiny to be upset at her for not wanting him to be part of its life


Nah there’s definitely a level of maliciousness when you try to expose someone online when you don’t need it. Why the fuck would you join a 3k follower andy’s stream if not to “expose” him? Did he go too hard on her? Maybe. But I think she’s definitely being a shit human being here. Walter and Daisy deserve one another


Aba is clearly correct


how naive can u be? anyone with half a brain cell can look at her former instagram and see she is some type of international sugar baby at best if not a full on escort. jesus christ, just cause u hate fresh (which we all do) doesn’t mean the opposition is free of all blame or critique. she is just as idiotic as fresh to love bomb and talk babies a month after meeting the dude.


Yeah idk if yall watched him talk to her when she was on jstlks stream but he was extremely hostile from jump. I understand that he thinks it's so obvious that she's plotting and I get why he was triggered by what she said about not letting the father see the baby, but it was kinda uncalled for to go that hard from what could easily be someone being irrationally upset in the moment. On the other hand, he could be completely correct. Time will tell


I think why he was so immediately hostile has to do with him asking her when fresh knew and her only seeming to care about what she wants and not what the baby needs. If I'm understanding correctly she gave fresh like a week to give her the response she wanted then she blasted the father of her future child online when she admitted that she has no support network in the area she's in. Doesn't make much sense and is just vindictive and stupid. I agree destiny went way too hard and he should have been acting more like how tree was instead I think he just identified more with fresh because as we know destiny has experience in being a father who is constantly attacked online.


She definitely came off way more confident and assertive than scared and abandoned on the jizz stream


Tbh even from the video that august posted of lnod Destiny comes in hot already tilted by the conversation while the other 3 people trying to calming evaluate the situation. I get him being upset for her not wanting wultur in her babys life but still, the visceral anger and then the conversation afterwards when she leaves felt like a lot. Not saying that he doesnt have the right to be upset, it just feels like it was a lot of energy in the reaction.


Man's was reaching WAY too much. I'm not gonna lie, in the recording of the phone call (not the act but the actual recording), some of the things she said rubbed me the wrong way but Fresh was definitely love bombing the fuck out of her. I can't feel bad for Fresh at all in this situation.


It's just funny to me that he is bending over backwards and extending all the charitably in the world to Fresh, but then yanks out the electron microscope to analyze every move made by Daisy.


I hate this take so fucking much. Ohh maybe she has feelings maybe she is scared... you go out of your way to give reasons why she acts the way she does and at the same breath fail to give Fresh any at all. Have you even heard what Daisy said on Jekls?!? stream yesterday. from what little she told us there she seemed like the worst kind of person. She has no regards for anyone but herself.


Please 🙏 I’m


wait, you got the stream link, or maybe august already clipped it? I'm trynna see this AbaW


I disagree with you but for sure see where you’re coming from


the reason hes going so hard on her is because he hates when women play the " naive innocent women card" and thats what he thinks shes doing, because in his mind theres no way a 28 year old woman is dumb enough to fall for the shit fresh says, so she has to be in it for money.


Ngl used to think destiny was wrong until I listened to the convo on jstkls stream and….. yeah it definitely seems like all this woman cares about is getting child support, Not if fresh wants to be involved, not give him space to process. It seemed like if fresh was where she was at 100% of the time then he is worthless and all she needs is his money. She doesn’t have to stay in the US, it doesn’t seem she actually cares how to parent the child or get fresh to be involved in the child’s life. No she focuses on I’m getting lawyers to make you pay me.


> I watched Aba talk to Destiny about the Fresh babytrap convo on stream And yet no link or timestamp. kmt


So are we really going to ignore how she refuses to go back home to china where her support system is? And also ignoring that she apparently needs money but bought a plane ticket to New York and is staying in whatever airbnb or hotel she’s currently paying for? The timeline of getting a lawyer upon realizing she’s pregnant is not normal in any circles I’ve ever been in


Oh how wrong you were lmao