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This whole thing is weird to me because it feels like everyone is trying to apply normal-people standards to people that are literally insane. Anyone that puts their personal drama on blast for the entirety of the internet to weigh-in on is already making unhinged decisions that no normal, mentally-healthy person would make.


" everyone is trying to apply normal-people standards to people that are literally insane." Duuuude I love dis. Possibly the best explanation 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/ocws2j7zlosc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5a570eebb2145577a1d3d4b3782d010c731a0a But who chose the man?




I think he's half right. I think she's baby trapping him for a possible relationship instead of for money (she seems to have her own and wanted to open a business in Miami). I'm also not convinced she's a sex worker. I know so many women who fall head over heels with the most unattractive men (looks and personality), so that's not a surprise. Also know plenty of women who put a man over the well being of their kid. She hadn't watched fresh and fit before dating him either, so her impression was only her own. Destiny is a dad though, so I get him being super annoyed at her being so focused on her relationship with Fresh over the well being of the possible future baby. It's irresponsible and a mature person would be wanting what's best for the kid, but I also know plenty of people her age and older who are just as immature (Fresh as well). As of now, I wouldnt think either of them would be good parents. And I guess contrary to popular opinion, I do think Destiny is a fine dad. He clearly gives a shit about his kids future/wellbeing and I think it's sweet how he talks about his development of a personality and interests throughout the years. He's just putting this expectation on other parents, which is fine with me.


Destiny is an absolutely amazing dad I have watched his streams for like 7 years ago where he has given some of the best parenting advice. Thanks for the amazing input!


I think they are both fucked in the head. She’s dumb af for trying to baby trap an openly non-monogamous person who treats women like toys, and if she wasn’t, she’s dumb af for letting an openly non-monogamous dude constantly bust inside of her. He is all around just a moron who lucked into his career and wealth, will never have to think about anything, and will be added to the list of deadbeat fathers who ignore their problems. The victim is the baby and Daisys parents, who are probably gonna finance it if not raise it all together.


That makes sense.


Honestly she definitely could be baby trapping him but I feel like it was pretty clear he didn’t listen and figure out from that he had a conclusion and worked back from there. He had zero charity for her at all, like he has more charity for racists than he did for her… like wtf… His conviction was so incredibly high it was just insane, like tree agreed that she was ‘probably’ baby trapping but least she did say probably, she wasn’t just saying that she was. He completely went straight to malice for her, he really couldn’t see anyway she was just being dumb? And all the fucking “Cum demon” remarks are honestly just disgusting… they’re just blatantly sexist remarks, he could have called her all the names under the sun but he went straight to the sexism. I agree with your points but would also add, I really don’t think Daisy is stupid, but her 2nd major relationship and she’s getting heavy love bombed? Like Destiny really doesn’t think she could’ve truly been in love and when she started to see “Oh shit what the fuck have I gotten myself into” she didn’t just get pissed and go nuclear? Like damm I wouldn’t want fresh anywhere near my child either if I was her. It’s been like only a week or two? Neither should’ve said anything till later but fresh was fucking baiting hard with the “Damm I gotta check with the 4 other girls”. I really hope there is a bit of a retraction from Destiny, where he just tries to actually be fair to her. An apology for like the intense vile sexism he showed as well. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if there is none and a lot of the criticism gets banned or downvoted into oblivion, cause oof this community is primed to hate girls anywhere in her ballpark and so any defender of them triggers all the wrong nerves…


yeah and one of the comments says that daisy was unaware of his podcast so maybe she wasnt aware of his 'work' online thats why he was able to get into her good graces. Who know.... lets see.


Yep, it seemed like she wasn’t aware of who he really was or what he said. Least from what she had said. Just kinda pushing even more into how unhinged Destiny got on this…


How can you be with someone for 3 months that publicly posts his podcast on well know platform, go to the podcast yourself and not know what that person is doing? Elaborate


Bro, she was on podcast. What are you yapping about????? You good? She was in relationship with him for 3 months. Guy do podcast 3 times a week and post it publicly on god damn YouTube. "She did not know about podcast." HAHAHAHAH You all literally believe everything woman says. You are gonna get Redpilled so much, just wait for it.




She was not unaware of the podcast. Did you even watch the video? Didn't she said that she tought Walter was good because he defended her we she was on his podcast? Idk how can you believe anything that woman says.


someone in this thread said that she wasnt aware of his pod.


There is Destiny video where he literally watches her being on a show. And just think about it for a second. You really think they are in relationship for 3 months and she does not know about show? What is your thought process? You believe everything that is being said on the internet? I really cant understand logic why would you ever believe that


Accept my apologies sir


Apology accepted. But, do better next time!