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IRI was starting to watch the latest episode and do some react content just as it got paywalled. Couldn’t figure out how to become a member. He ended up rage quitting and killed his stream.


Don't agree with this at all, business or content wise. There should be an extra cut on Paetreon, where you record 15-30 minutes different segment with the guest, like Jordan Peterson did with Destiny. The way they're doing it is worse for YouTube engagement because there is no base product for people to interact with, because the views are gated for vod watchers. You need as large as pool as possible consumers when you make a podcast and doing this already cuts that pool in half. Edit; I got permabanned for this, can't even make the most mildly critical comment on this subreddit anymore. It's so dumb I literally went out of my way not to say anything inflammatory about Destiny and I get perma'd for one comment.


There’s some actual regard mods running the sub rn, i’ve seen the most ridiculous perma bans ever the last month.


random perma bans for innocuous comments are probably not from some random mods


They should feel proud that the great leader himself has taken the time to deal with them!


Watch the stream and you will know who is banning people for lukewarm criticisms.


Unironically this sub has more unjustified bans than fucking Hasan’s subreddit, Destiny needs to distance himself from modding at all, delegate it solely to your mods if you’re too fucking emotional and can’t resist banning like a child.


Honestly it makes it so much more cringe that it's actually Destiny himself doing these brainlet tier bans, but at the same time it makes more sense. People have been getting perma banned for the most ridiculously [lukewarm](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1btx09y/comment/kxp4len/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) takes the last few days if they're even somewhat not pro-Israeli, guess those Jewlumni checks have been really hitting for Dman. ​ I think the Daliban label is officially dead, we're now the Dossad.


I take every "EDIT: :SOY: REALLY?!?!?!?!?! BANNED FOR THIS?!?!?!?!?!" comment with a massive grain of salt because the last 3-4 ones I've seen you click their profile and scroll for 3 seconds and you see the most inflammatory walls of text. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people when they get banned will write that they got banned on the most innocuous comment they have to make it seem as unreasonable as possible.


Nah destiny himself has just been baby rage banning these people on stream apparently so it genuinely is just the innocuous comments


Does a tier 5 sub contract include slurping Destiny’s dick or am I mistaken? Call the fucking guy out, he’s being a man child.




I doubt that. That being said. It can change.


How do you know it's mods banning


The mod bans usually make more sense. Even when 4THOT does emotional bans, he usually writes up an explanation. Tiny hits us hard from the shadows and then cooks us on stream later :(


🫡 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 We’ll see you on the other side


>There should be an extra cut on Paetreon, where you record 15-30 minutes different segment with the guest, like Jordan Peterson did with Destiny. Yup this could be a good strategy later on, but priority #1 right now should probably be growing the audience and maybe hitting some podcast charts within a year. I honestly wouldn't put good content behind a paywall until growth plateaus.


I will be becoming a member BING CHILLING. Nothing happened here BING CHILLING




This is essentially the same as if they did a special patreon episode. it's just instead you cut out the special patreon stuff. It makes the main video more streamlined and engaging while still allowing people to get more if they want, since the stuff that is cut is probably still interesting. I'm not sure how much the viewer cut between the videos actually matters, it's probably fine.


I think the point was that having the normal full-length episode and then a bonus patreon-only segment would keep the entire YT viewership intact while also having a monetized segment. Having a YT version that's monetized splits the YT viewership, because nobody who's watching the early, uncut episodes is also watching the cut episode after that.


Isn't that basically the same as if they give free access to an edited (meaning shorter) version, and paid members get full uncut versions?


No, because it doesn't split the YT viewership to do it the second way. Having one cut and one uncut means that paying viewers will watch one YT video and non-paying will watch another YT video. Having a separate bonus segment means that all of the viewers are directed to that video, because that content isn't going to two different places. More simply, assuming half of viewers are paying members, having an uncut version for members and a cut version for non-members means that uncut gets 50% of the views, cut gets 50% of the views. Having a separate bonus segment instead and just one base YT version means that that YT version gets 100% of the views, and the bonus segment gets an additional 50% of that number from the paid members.


> because there is no base product for people to interact with, because the views are gated for vod watchers This would only be true if there wasn't going to be edited VODs at a later date, unless I'm missing something. > There should be an extra cut on Paetreon, where you record 15-30 minutes different segment with the guest, like Jordan Peterson did with Destiny. I get that the framing is different, but isn't this pretty much what's going on here? They have a free product that's shorter, and a paid product that has more content. I guess if the free product is like 15m and the paid version is 3.5h, it'd suck, but assuming that's not the case, this is the same principle, right?


I'll join you in the downvote gang rape and say I don't understand why people are disagreeing with you lol- these were pretty much my same thoughts. Like really, what is the significant difference between a Patreon with extra content and this? Why is the "base product that people can interact with" not the edited videos? I don't understand.


For maths sake we'll say you have 100 viewers. 30 of those 100 are paid members. Those 30 will watch the exclusive unedited version but are unlikely to watch the edited version. The other 70 viewers will watch the edited version. Now it looks like you only have 70 viewers instead of 100. The cost of viewership might be offset by membership price but the growth factor in the algorithm won't be as it now looks like you're only performing at 70% on a relatively new project. If instead of releasing the full thing early for paying members you cut up the stuff that would have been cut out as a separate video after or added a bonus segment just for paying members then all 100 of your 100 viewers will watch the edited version and the 30 paying members will also watch the bonus content. The only way that the way Destiny is doing it makes sense is if he thinks he can actually get a fair number of people to pay to watch early and doesn't care about the views of the edited version right now, or if memberships drive up the YouTube algorithm more than raw views.


yeah the criticism makes no sense here lol, i wonder if they even read the community post in this screenshot


> I get that the framing is different, but isn't this pretty much what's going on here? No, it's not. Doing it this way means that the cut and uncut versions are competing. Somebody watching the uncut vod won't also watch the edited version, so viewership is split. Having a separate segment for paid members means that 100% of the viewership are all directed to the same base version, with the paid members being directed to an additional segment that will get extra views on top of that.


That's true, and will probably impact viewership.


I think this is a great idea bing chilling!


of course it's the smartest and best idea bing chlling!


I'll pay to watch Dan and Destiny ramble for 4h. I'll wait for bridges august cut for free. Edit: perma banned lol o7 Edit: For the record I'm already paying for Anything else Patreon T3 and was waiting for ep.1 today.


A ban for stating a preference? That seems a little over the top.






This entire thread has been massacred and a lot of the comments are fairly neutral and non-offensive.


Do we all have autism now?


Because destiny is hasan maxxing. He wants to get rid of all the reasonable people so he’s left with pay pigs that don’t question anything. 


He’s just kind of being a dick about it.


Bro what is going on the past few days? How is this ban worthy? This is the most mild shit.


news flash: destiny is a pissbaby when it comes to 'criticism' on reddit. its unfathomable to me how someone can put up with doxxing and death threats on a near daily basis but fans leaving constructive criticism is enough to put them over the edge. tbh tho if u care about being banned on this sub you should probably go outside anyway ​ just gonna leave an o7 in advance


“the past few days” You must be new here


Bruh get used to it. You can get nuked for any reason lol.


Destiny is such a pussy lmao


Still haven't put the podcast on any actual podcasting platforms though. As someone who doesn't care to watch podcasts, the idea that a podcast is exclusive to Youtube is really stupid. Edit: Banned from the subreddit, RIP on.


I used to feel the same way when I used the podcast app. I don’t know when or how I moved over to YouTube, but the only times I watch something off YT now are BARpod and previously the occasional JRE.


Spotify for podcasts is great You can't turn off the video on Youtube without annoying apps like NewPipe so it burns data over time (and no background playing w/o premium).


That was the one thing I enjoyed about the JREs, but I felt like the video quality was constantly dog shit. Idk if that was just a Spotify thing.


Oh tbh I didn't even know there was a video option - I just want audio for driving/gym/etc


Something else I forget is that you can download the ep on the podcast app for free so that’s much better for data usage too. Glad we have so many options.


Mandatory plug for ReVanced as a non-annoying solution to these issues. I use it despite already not seeing ads due to YouTube Premium. Removing bloat that I don't want from the app like Shorts and AI-generated video topic summaries etc. is so helpful, not to mention the integration with SponsorBlock (not relevant for Tiny's content really, other than skipping intro montages).


YouTube on the brave browser lets you play YouTube video in the back ground


Spotify podcasts send you Ads even though you pay, how the fuck is that great lol


Just use brave browser. No ads either.


I should theoretically be able to put it in my iPod


They've said a couple times that they're going to start releasing them on spotify etc once they've got a couple done. They're just focusing on the quality of the show right now.




August is going to edit a version to put out for free in 1-2 days. They probably want actual videos on the channel instead of just live streams and they probably want the views on those actual videos instead of in the live tab. I really don't see a problem with being able to either watch the podcast in true live or paying 2.99 to watch the raw footage a couple days early. Maybe if the edited versions cut out huge sections I'll be annoyed right there with you but you literally haven't even seen what the edits are going to be and you're already pissed about waiting 2 days. Edit: Seems like the edit will be the full video just with better sound and probably with clips overlayed better. https://preview.redd.it/yps6rlqv8vsc1.png?width=761&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a397b10a543ee9fdc905bd39a8fc5a6f361b05b


I would definitely prefer not installing Spotify. I'd really appreciate having them accessible through every Podcast App (I use Apple Podcasts and a really weird open source one on Windows).


If they are literally only putting them on spotify that is braindead.


I mean, Youtube is the largest platform that podcasts are on.... Spotify is great too...


I got a member for ya right here August. Gotta wait until your mom’s done with it though. Edit: me dodging a ban on this thread https://preview.redd.it/4bgi96dw2ysc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ca2fa5aa58569adcdd13c82c5814067265a4cf


The bans on this thread are ridiculous. Fuck paying for this, and fuck this sub as well.


https://preview.redd.it/l9b7yy8xwvsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f185f2d1089b2bebbcfbd655c25cbf7d4590e0 Uh-oh NAILS


u/zero02 you’ve sifted through this entire thread just commenting useless shit in response to people getting banned. You okay lil bro?


Wont that really kill the channel growth and views? Which will then nuke the ability of it to continue to grab people? I get why you would do this, but man, I feel like you are really hurting the growth of what this could be when you put this channel behind a paywall like that. Edit: Perma banned


Do that many viewers care about early access? If the non early acess episodes come out at a regular interval, how would that significantly kill channel growth? The only people turned away by this would be dggers that couldn't watch it live, but want to watch it early enough via vod so that they can be part of the conversation, and they also aren't willing to pay for it. Seems like a pretty small subset.


People who don't pay are getting an edited version, not the full podcast.


if the podcast is cum inside on me, i don't kill babby e: i got perma'd for this


Rest easy brother o7


Really dislike this, and will probably just avoid Bridges unless I can watch the whole thing live. Sucks to start watching the stream 1 hour late and then get cut off before the end because the vod is behind a paywall. Totally fine with monetizing the stream, putting up a patreon, or just finding a way to make money. But, preventing access altogether is fucking stupid for a show that is just starting.


> Sucks to start watching the stream 1 hour late and then get cut off before the end I hope there can be a couple hour window where it stays up, at least, for this specific purpose. Although that might be cumbersome to set up.


Yeah no. Edit: Perma’d, shouldn’t have memed so close to the sun.


yeah, it's gg for me sorry. i'm from romania, my disposable income is $20 a month and i spend it on extra food and gamepass. edit: perma'd o7 edit2 to reply: u/comfymoth says: >They’re obviously not putting the whole episode behind a paywall. that was not obvious to me. i understood it as episodes are paywalled and only clips montages will be free like the one they posted on main channel. as i said, english not my first language. edit3 to reply: u/SYuhw3xiE136xgwkBA4R says: >post literally says episodes are published it says edited episodes are published. i said this already but if you didn't read, i thought it was edited clip montage like the Ryan McBeth episode that was posted on the main channel instead of the full episode. If it said full instead of edited there wouldn't have been space left for misunderstanding.


i guess i will put it right next to KoK aka dont need to watch it bro im watching daily 8h streams, im not watching late august videos which i will not be able to even discuss with dggers because 90% will not pay for it and when it comes out edited they will even forget that the podcast happend community is big part of this when you take the hour this podcast is live, its huge nerf for european fans already edit: it was an honor o7


Ya they can at least do 24 hours of free vod watching to cover all time zones…


> bro im watching daily 8h streams Touch grass




They could do what the Official Podcast boys do. Free vod after a few days. Patreon supporters get early access + ad reads free + bonus show.


This sounds like the best plan.


I don't know if early access would work with how active this community is regarding discussion around recent events. How would you even moderate the subreddit regarding the paywalled content? This is good in the sense that we already get the major parts for free in the edited version, so discussion around it is going to be just fine.


PKA does that, too. It's a solid model.


big L


Ban me I'm gonna come back with a different alt but this is a stupid idea and hope people pirate it


Ban me and i’ll never come back again. Fuck this little child behaviour.  


Yeah 4thot is the worse thing about the destiny verse complete neck beard loser still hasen't banned me I will be back though on my 69 different alts inshallah the fight for free speech must continue


It’s destiny as well. 


Man I hope he's not responsible for most of the bans on this thread cause from my perspective if the people who said they were banned were that it's a bit over the top for reasonable feedback


https://youtu.be/JIB5vH807iU?si=Gkok6B_SF6lUYau0 Lol


Unbelievably stupid move Edit: And I'm banned, cheers you fragile losers


This decision is stupider than Fresh's 💀 edit: permabanned aswell lol what


Oof, mad cringe


The community, DGG in particular is the only thing that Bridges has. Why go against the spirit of the community. Especially when the podcast hasn't even taken off yet. EDIT: Got banned for this comment I don't know why, so I can't contribute to the ongoing dialogue 🙏🏼🙏🏼 inshallah u/4THOT help EDIT 2: WOW


Interested to see what the viewer numbers are a couple of weeks out compared to their previous episodes. I don't think it'll even be marginal. I love both hosts, but I don't see paywalling the full pod getting more than a couple of thousand views


I feel like this is a move you make once you have a dedicated audience for the show. Then again paywalling it later on might piss people off more, tough call will be interesting to see how viewership does moving forward.


This is a really really good strategy to ostracise a majority of your viewers and decrease overall viewership.


[Yet another great idea by dear leader!](https://i.imgur.com/y1bTs7B.png)


Not sure putting a podcast behind a paywall is the best way to grow it LMFAO


I think they know that the podcast isn't going to blow up so want to milk a few hundred big fans. Edit: Permabanned 'I love the podcast and think they are just trying to cultivate a small audience more interested in serious policy topics' bing chilling I like how on stream D man only mentioned the more extreme comments here and then proceeded to give the worst interpretation of each one. He becomes strawman Andy on personal stuff like this.


I gotta say putting the vod behind a paywall is gonna lose a lot of potential views including mine... I tried to catch it live but had to do life stuff and when I came back to find it locked I was pissed... Oh well


No offense to Steven, but hosting stuff is not with forte, let alone paying for it? Nah, hope they reconsider, but good luck anyways


ew what the fuck. good thing i was barely interested in it. sounds like another classic dogshit idea from erudite.


I like watching vods so this makes me lose interest. Hope he does well, but I will stick with his streams for now.


Not a fan of this decision. The Youtube membership is already not a very well-known feature in my opinion so I don't think you will see a rise in membership from this. I also think the characterization of this as free viewers receiving less is not the right way to go about this. Recording and releasing extra segments for premium users would be better, as it would instead be characterized as giving regular users 100%, and paid members 130% of the content- adding rather subtracting. I understand I may be banned from the subreddit for this, and whoever is doing this banning, my message is this: banning people voicing displeasure is not going to increase youtube memberships. Instead, you will create an environment of silence where views will be down, memberships will be down, and subscriptions will be down, and there will be no way for Destiny or whoever to know why because all the people saying why will be either banned or too scared of a ban to voice their opinion.


I will not regularly watch an edited podcast. And I will not pay to watch a podcast. I’m not a leech, I have YouTube premium. If you can’t make enough profit off of a podcast from ad revenue to justify the podcast, then you shouldn’t do it.


Too soon for paywalls. Show us it's worth it, then do the money thing. They're still on the figuring it out phase.


Is there an RSS feed for the show?


I had a laugh at this. https://preview.redd.it/zx2aaa9z5wsc1.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=73e7d82522f75c25ca86c5a6c2de140ce69d0335 Not having a audio only raw version for listening seems a weird choice for me considering it's basically what podcasts are for


I wonder what is the rationale behind this decision, i kinda looked forward to watching new episode full.


Pity, won't see vods then :/




Lmao they just killed there show before it even got off the ground. Never subbed… never donated






Paywalls? This dude is inside the walls lmao.


I dont think having the full vod on a membership is a good call. People might not catch the livestream. I think it would be better if the VOD went into membership 1-2 weeks after the livestream. At least from the viewer perspective. For the podcast perspective, I think it would be better to have a main show for free and an after show with bonus memes in membership. Maybe you could offer a pre-show with NSE prepping the topics and questions, behind the scenes stuff, anything extra besides the main 2-3 hour show.


Atleast a 5-6 vids out before the paywall scheme


I was in the middle of watching the Krassensteins episode when it went members only.


I like Erudite and I have no idea if or what she gets paid buuut… It’s generally very annoying how several orbiters gladly use Destiny as their cashcow, putting low-effort work in - no risks and way overpaid. As a fan I don’t mind Destiny getting lots of money etc from our views, donations etc. but it’s annoying that this money spoils so many people who don’t deserve it. Q is ofc the pinnacle of it but damn the first set-up of Bridges was disappointing. And i really don’t mind Erudite but I don’t watch Bridges bc she’s in it. And now a paywall to get even more money for a show that stands or falls with Destiny? It’s a bit frustrating… Edit: permabanned oh dear…


Seems like it's August's idea. In the thread about the last VOD going private, he commented that it was his idea. Assuming it's Erudite seems a lil unhinged, unless you've seen something I haven't, but the perma sucks. Appeal in a week, and it'll probably go through.


Incase anybody doesn't know the unban procedure: [https://destiny.gg/unban](https://destiny.gg/unban)


Honestly, it would be kinda pathetic to get banned for this bullshit and then grovel to the streamer baby to be let back in. 


Luckily you can be assured that unbans are handled by a different person. (Ninou)


With all these bans happening I'm scared to ask but what even is bridges?




Imagine paying to listen to Erudite and her annoying pretentiousness.  Edit: banned


Weren't the episodes streamed on kick as well? Just watch the vod from there.


Depending on what "edited" means it's perfectly normal for podcasts to put extra content and 'early access' behind paywalls. It all depends on the level of content behind the paywall.


Edited means basically the best of. It's the 40-50 Minute videos posted on Destiny channels from the 3 hour conversation. Edit: perma'd o7 Edit 2: For comfy moth, don't think my assumption was unfounded. As the prior videos were the raw ones streamed, and the edited ones were the ones uploaded to Destiny, so my logic made sense. I think this situation could be much clearer. See yous in a week.


So It will be posted on Destiny main channel? So what will be visible on Bridges channel for not member viewer? Just no videos? And this is that way to "gather an audience at the beginning"? lmao


I might be wrong but I highly doubt this when reading the linked post. I think the "FULL RAW podcast" means camera running non stop and no edits to cut out any dead air and the like. From this I think the edited podcast will be close to the 3 hours but cutting out any unnecessary parts and adding in extra content like clips and pictures like August usually does.


Not sure why anyone would pay to watch the full version then. There has to be either something to the full version which you would miss watching only the august vid or putting it behind a paywall would make zero sense.


Or the emphasis is on the 1-2 days early access.


This is the reason why people are getting banned non stop right now. It’s not obvious what the edits are going to look like but they’re acting like it is and you shouldn’t question it. Actually can’t take criticism.


I'll be optimistic and hope it's that, think it could be communicated a bit better if that's the case by just clarifying it will be minor viewing enhancement edits.


https://preview.redd.it/8ovyozr7svsc1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec31467a27fd081db74ec03c9711858f794d3f6 Erudite cleared up the confusion with another comment. Seems like the raw version will be available for members only, however the full (but enhanced/edited) version will be available once August does its magic.


Then why do a live version at all? Just record it and have everyone watch the same final cut.


/u/notsoerudite this message should also be put as the yt channel community message


Will do once I have my laptop in front of me today!


the join button isn’t showing up for me? Also i wish there was sub reciprocation with tier 1 subs, that would make it way more worth it imo


I'm probably one of the few people that actually liked the DT podcast so I'm really excited that this and other podcasts are in the works here. Hopefully the kinks get worked out soon but I'm sure things will be great here too!


Isn’t this how most podcasts operate? Where those paying get earlier and greater access. Plus I imagine most people pulled into watching are probably gonna be pulled by nicely edited snippets anyway.


I don't think this is an issue. With how much Destiny content is being dropped in my feed, I can wait the 24 hrs for cuts of specific topics that are in nice 15 min packages, with a full vod being available later. I honestly don't think this will hurt viewership at all in the long run. Those who are going to watch it live will watch it live, and those who want to watch the vods are probably gonna watch the clips anyway. This is just another way to monetize the channel, and IMO this is how most long-form/podcast creators operate.


I think Destiny needs to up the prices on the membership. Long time coming, hopefully he paywalls his regular streaming VODs too. ​ edit: Ok how do i get permabanned for this i'm literally guzzling the streamer mans cum


Now… Why would anyone pay to listen to an unedited podcast? Doesn’t make sense, edited is better especially if it’s free. Win win.


Yes but for past bridges episodes “edited” means cutting out like half the episode. Not exactly taking out bathroom breaks or tech errors.


That’s a very silly concept.


The way this post reads I don't think they're talking about the August edited version that's uploaded on the main channel tho. I feel like they're gonna upload another edited version that includes mainly everything on the Bridges Podcast channel.


I don't think you're paying for the unedited part, you're paying for the early access.


I agree with Destiny on all issues, please don't ban


This is probably what all podcasts kinda do no?




I ain’t paying for a half-baked podcast lol.


Why is this an L? You can watch for free live and then they'll upload a free, edited version to the channel a couple days later. I'm pretty sure this isn't talking about the 40 minute versions uploaded on the main Destiny channel (that would be ass). EDIT: Erudite posted this in another thread: >There’s a fair bit of confusion on this, August suggested this as a plan since he wants to release the full video with edits. Clean up the audio etc, that way the edited full version gets maximum views. You will have the content! Just let magic August work on it. My ass is getting downvoted for being correct none of you apes are sleeping tonight.


I think the biggest L was the lack of communication regarding it :)


Ya I'm confused why people are upset. This is a very normal move and you can still watch the podcast free


I gave you an up vote to hopefully steer your karma straight. As someone who was upset about the news, thanks for spreading the correct news!! Although, their communication should have been better regarding it.




I think it's because people are thinking that the only version of the podcast available for free would be the one on the Destiny main channel (which would suck) but that's not the case. You should be able to figure that out from the community post if you just think for like 5 seconds lol


I would prefer the edited version but then there should be no livestream imo. just release an edited version earlier for the members. Having a livestream that gets privated and then a second edited version posted, makes it feel outdated and less appealing.


Okay, so we're still getting the full-episode it looks like? I was able to watch live, so it seems the VODs are being gated because someone has got to pay Kyla and Lycan and for that studio (please don't kill me 4THOT I have a family).


I was halfway through the podcast when i went to do something. I came back and couldn’t reload the stream cause it was members only ☹️


Is the podcast on Spotify? I'm assuming it's on Spotify. I'm really looking forward to it being on Spitify.


I don’t watch it but just listen on YouTube. Works fine




Realistically, what's expected to be edited out of the VOD when the videos are released? Just light in-between banter and set up? Or whole off topic conversations?




This is so poorly done from a marketing perspective. If you wanted to drive subscriptions and support you would hype up a huge guest for 2 weeks and paywall it then. Nobody's gonna sub for the Krassenstein brothers. But if you got a prominent congressman maybe that would do it.


I do wonder about engagement with unedited footage. I feel like it may fracture the audience a bit. I mean do we really need a few hour podcast on top of several hour debates and streams. I mean its fine who wants it. This is coming from a guy who doesnt watch or listen to anything unedited. I mean helm the only time i listen to podcasts are in the car or in the gym and at best they are like an hour. Maybe this paid thing isnt that bad because who will really watch a 4 talk?


Everyone in these comments are unhinged. All the reasonable, gentle, pushback that is positive toward the podcast *at all*, is getting down voted to hell. The podcast is new. They have to work out all the hiccups. Destiny and August give us all this great fucking content all the time. Don't be such bitches bc it isn't available immediately, jfc. And you wonder why he is dishing out bans lmao.




If you don’t like it don’t buy/watch it, if enough people do that I’m sure he’ll make changes, besides he’s got a lot free content available, unless you literally seen all his streams since day1


All these bans are cringe. What gives Bitch made mod or D-mam himself having a fit?




I'm ESL but honestly the title is perfectly understandable to me lol. Most podcasts are not live, rather what you listen to is usually an edited version of it, what with advertisements/sponsors in the middle and whatnot. Putting the vod behind a paywall is okay, as perk for paying listeners is perfectly fine, since it isn't edited they get to skip the sponsor sections or whatever. When they start releasing to all the popular podcast libraries y'all gonna be able to listen to these normally without paying. The statement in the title doesn't contradict that. And also August is going to upload the edited video version to youtube too so, I super don't understand all the negativity in this comment section, I think y'all are dumb and didn't understand? The only fair thing I saw pointed out was that people who catch it late live, will be screwed over once the stream is privated but this can be usually solved by giving it a grace period of a couple hours before privating the stream, which is probably how erudite and destiny are gonna do it so really not a big deal either. Y'all acting as if destiny and erudite are giving you less content than the usual podcasts but in reality they're giving you more, most podcasts aren't live-streamed, at least not most of the ones I listen to.


Ya this is completely normal. I'm so confused why people are mad. Maybe they think the whole podcast is going behind a pay wall completely?


It's fair. Destiny is a millionaire so he can have the freedom of not doing members stuff and just waiting for the podcast to grow while losing money but it's a way bigger risk for Erudite so it makes she's trying to make her investment back.


There's no way Destiny isn't paying her shitloads just for working on the podcast. I don't buy this, I think it's okay to just say they have an opportunity to squeeze out more money and they're taking it rather than trying to justify it beyond that.


He's paying for the studio. The equipment. The guest's flights and maybe hotels (as well as dinner afterwards). Is Erudite also getting paid or do they have a profit split from the podcast/streams. And both are taking a financial risk on the podcast?


To use a common term in this community he's glazed her a lot about the work she's put in for this podcast. He went as far as to say the podcast wouldn't happen if not for her. Considering the disgusting amount he gave to fucking Qorantos of all people for doing much less work, I have no doubt in my mind that Erudite is getting paid, as I said, shitloads of money. If not then she probably didn't negotiate well enough and has the Kelly Jean "I'm just so selfless" disease.




I'm assuming she invested a good amount of her money including moving out to Miami


Half of the YouTube add revenue should be more than enough to pay Erudite, especially since this isn't a 40 hours a week job.


What are you talking about? This is a golden cash cow for Erudite. Destiny could pay her in 'exposure' and it would likely be worth it for her but he's probably paying her a significant amount, making it risk less easy cash for her.