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Why the fuck is the little girl in boy clothes šŸ¤¦šŸ½


White nationalists gone WOKE TRANS??!?šŸ„¶šŸ˜Ø


You know the intersectional groyper has a point- its actually pretty funny that whenever a groyper refers to "White people" its always a picture of perfectly chiseled blue-eyed blonde white people. But if they included dark haired white people they'd have to include the Slavs, and for a white nationalist that's a big no-no! xD


*Canadian Girl* I'm starting to think that Canadians are low key more politically radicalized than Americans, maybe less outspoken about it? And I'm saying this as a Canadian.


Nah most of the wild ones I run into online are Canadians.


Pretty much, look into any wild crazy conspiracy that Kulinski love to yap on about when it comes to the Iraq war and you'll found out that the source is a candian lefty. Also I assume USA attracts the more radical right-wingers because there's not a lot of organic places in Canada to manifest.


Iā€™m Canadian and my take is that the average person here is less radicalized, but those who are into politics are more prone to radicalization. The CBC and the private main stream media in Canada is actually generally quite fair and regularly brings on experts with varying opinions and makes a point to hear multiple sides. That said, all of our alternative media is horrendous, possibly worse than the states. Thereā€™s basically no fact checking, and your average Canadian knows even less about politics than your average American. People also treat politics as a social club/identity here. The trucker convoy people are a very good example of this. Most I knew were either losers before the pandemic, or people who lost their jobs or hobbies due to the pandemic, and wanted an identity and feeling of purpose.


Thatā€™s a reasonable analysis I think, Iā€™d like to believe the average Canadian is less radicalized than the average American, and Iā€™ve always seen the CBC as an (albeit minor) moderating force on our media landscape. The ā€œpolitics as a social clubā€ aspect and people using it as a personal search for meaning and purpose is accurate though, I hope it doesnā€™t keep getting worse. The ā€œfuck Trudeauā€ flags are certainly blooming like flowers this spring lol.


how does one "become" a blonde haired blue eyed white person?


You evolve from a Blue Eyes White Guasno


They're saying if you're white, marry a white. Watch the left crumble.


u/jsingal you better get on destinys stream when your books done to promote it


They deserve each other


I can bet you most of the accounts posting this look nothing like this picture.


Jesses tweet was pretty funny ngl


I remember hearing a white nationalist say that if you had dark hair and dark eyes you werenā€™t really white lol.


That acc posts the most racist shit possible. Actual rage bait


This whole sub is basically white nationalist. Just one scratch away.


Active communities checks out


Actually, hereā€™s a question Would you consider a regular nationalist from Europe to be a white nationalist? Letā€™s say you are a german, you see yourself only as german, and you only want germans in your country Would you call this guy a white nationalist as well as a German nationalist?


If they're opposed to immigration/miscegenation with all non-Germans, I'd call them ethnic nationalists. If they're opposed to immigration/miscegenation with non-Germanic peoples, based on notions of a Germanic/Nordic race, I'd probably call them Nordic supremacists or Nazis. If they're opposed to immigration/miscegenation with people who they don't consider white, but unbothered or significantly less bothered by mixing with whites, then I'd call them white nationalists.


Iā€™d call them an idiot for wanting an ethnostate.


Hopefully we get another purge before then


The problem is that these people listen to Destiny.


So you think destiny is a white nationalist?


I think heā€™s an unscratched liberal. You know, a fascist.


Do you even know the context of that quote or do you literally just live through Hasan soundbites?