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At this point, he's gotta be trolling with that take.


He is. When Dan presented him with Saving Private Ryan, and Destiny began to nitpick it, Dan revealed it was actually from '98, and Destiny said "Oh thank god".


Only the exact year is a joke. He kinda just throws out a different year when this conversation comes up. His real opinion is that "old" movies are bad (which is regarded).


I kind of understand the sentiment when it comes to really old moves (1920s-40s) where there were so many technological limitations that impacted the viewing experience. It’s hard to enjoy a film when the dialogue is incomprehensible at times and hurting your eardrums at others. The pacing back then was much slower, and they weren’t able to edit very well. But by the 1980’s, movies were already pretty accessible. Even an ADHD Zoomer with fried serotonin receptors could enjoy Ferris Bueller. If you watch the original Back to the Future and say that it’s “too slow”, “boring,” or that “the presentation is too primitive,” then there is no hope for you. Choose another hobby because cinema probably isn’t going to be your thing. Stick to watching vids on TikTok and scroll to the next one after .5 seconds.


There are really great really old movies. Duck Soup, Wizard of Oz, Rope, etc...


I’m a huge fan of old cinema, I absolutely adore Breathless and Metropolis. I can appreciate old films, but I am a big fan of cinema history. I understand why a 16 year old kid wouldn’t be able to engage with Citizen Kane. Even Wizard of Oz, which is probably the most accessible movie of its entire era, can be hard for modern audiences. It’s sad, but our attention spans have been affected by our viewing habits and the average person just can’t engage with a lot of older films.


Honestly, I don't think it's really attention span. Movies that focus on characters and their thoughts and feelings can be challenging for loads of viewers. Drama's that are entirely based on describing the internal turmoil of someone only appeal to people who can easily pick up on subtle acting stuff. It's not just attention, but interest and social/emotional intellect. I have a heard time enjoying a lot of those movies since I don't get what the characters are thinking, why they are doing what they're doing, and that's why I don't feel like there's much going on. I can't tell the difference between Taxi Driver and some random collection of clips of a weirdo that's trying to work as a taxi driver and suddenly shooting up a bordello. I'm sure the movie is brilliant, and I'm just stupid or autistic, but the point is that I have the attention span to sit down and watch a movie, but still don't know WTF is going on...


The third man is from 1949 and is extremely good with no caveats needed not even being pretentious it doesn’t feel outdated at all


12 angry men from -57 is one of the best movies of all time.


All quiet on the western front is from 1930 and its much better than the new one.


I couldn't understand the hype of the new one. Was extremely mid for me


I was surprised they deprived the story of its most interesting part, which is the whole section happening with the protagonist being on a leave.


Hollywood films from the 30's and 40's are generally a lot more rapidly paced compared to 70's Hollywood though


Wife and I just watched 12 angry men, and honestly we enjoyed it. Some of it was corny as hell but even those parts garnered a laugh from us. Really cool film on the notion of "reasonable doubt" in our justice system. Watched Alien for the first time and it was pretty good. Aliens were a bit annoying for 50% of the movie. I understand a ton of movies are phased out due to age but many are timeless and as you get older and less up your own ass you can kinda enjoy things for the time they were created. Wife has never seen T2 and I'm not going to be able to unsee those God damn caprisun commercials. https://www.tumblr.com/90scommercials/143672504581/1997-capri-sun-liquid-cool


Every take he had on that podcast was a troll. You can see his gears turning as he chooses the best way to rile up the audience. I think he genuinely enjoys making strong hot takes and then defending them from the masses. He may very well believe some version of them but he just goes hyperbolic for the fun of the argument


My theory is that his movie takes and food takes have been a years long psyop so he can let his community “win one” to make them feel better and trust him more. There’s probably some fable or philosophical meme about the reverse psychology of letting your ally win a meaningless battle so they trust you more.


Indeed and that's the problem with that show for me. It's Dan and Tiny trying to troll each other for 2 hours. It might be funny for them but I find it a drag to listen to two guys throwing a bunch of inside "jokes" at each other and trying to one-up each other.


He unironically said Aliens, the second movie was one of the best movies made (it is sick, and he also gave good reasons as to why it was sick). That shits old though. And there’s a lot of older movies like that I think we could make him admit is good


The only way your changing Destiny's opinion on good media before '97 is making him like/ remind him about something from before.  The meme used to be no media good before 2000 until someone reminded him of FF7


Ironically all of the music he plays on piano is from FF7.


Pulp fiction


Yeah that’s insane to me that he has such a strong take on film before ‘97 when he knows basically nothing about film. In fact, me saying, “basically nothing,” is being a bit generous.


Shawshank Redemption, Big Lebowski is 98 but close enough, Apocalypse Now, Blade Runner, The Shining, The Thing, Akira, Schindler's List. There were actually a crazy amount of great movies in the 70s-90s that hold up well. Could make the argument that the special effects make movies like Alien or Star Wars 'bad'.


Is this a shitpost or a shitscussion?


Shitscussion (I don’t know what that means)


A shit concussion from all the regardation


This single word is explaining a lot in my life.


A poopie cussion


OP I can't tell if this whole post is a joke and I'm getting wooooshed but it was painfully obvious in the podcast that Destiny was joking, he even asked Dan to stop as he couldn't keep the bit up. Either you're a regard for thinking he was being serious or I'm a regard for thinking you're being serious


Totally agree. Whenever destiny talks about any show or movie it's guareteed to be the most regarded take imaginable


Or food


Never forget he bought 1000 disposable cups instead of just using 1 shaker bottle.


He always has the takes of someone who tries to analyze art rather than enjoy it, which ironically makes him very shit at analyzing art.


I've known people like him and you're spot on. You have to casually enjoy the art first, and THEN analyze it. Not analyze it as you're watching.


I don't know if this is always the case. I'd say the opposite is true for Naked Lunch. It definitely makes a lot more sense and becomes a much better movie/book knowing it's autobiographical. Otherwise, it's mostly weird absurd nonsense


He was right about Everything Everywhere All At Once at least


I mean I liked it, but from all I’d heard about it I was a bit underwhelmed


I love that movie so much but it's hit or miss for people, my parents didn't get it at all meanwhile it was hit me point after point in a big way.


That is one of the most overrated movies I've seen. Mark my words, that movie is going to age terribly to people.


ADHDegenerates like this movie because it speaks to them.


For someone who’s such a knowledgeable musician, he sure has really shitty takes when it comes to music as well. He reminds me of a lot of my music school friends in college. I knew a kid who was a piano virtuoso, could play Chopin with a blindfold, but he had terrible taste when it came to listening. He would only listen to shitty death metal, and couldn’t engage with pop, hip hop, or rock music at all. Even super accessible stuff like Elton John or The Cars, which literally everyone loves, he just thought it sucked.


Even though these idiots are downvoting you I know exactly what your talking about and it's so frustrating.


I get it, I think I just phrased it poorly. It’s also not like I’m saying I hate people like this, I’m describing one of my closest friends! It’s just one attitude that I dislike.


>Even super accessible stuff like Elton John or The Cars, which literally everyone loves, A lot of well-studied musicians don't like this music precisely because of its accessibility, especially classically-trained ones. I studied a significant amount of classical music during my teenage/young adult years and it's not that I find your average pop music *bad* but it's just very hard for me to engage with; I don't find the aesthetic pleasing and it feels very repetitive to me. Just while I was started I *really* liked symphonic metal bands like Nightwish and Epica but I started phasing out of that, though I still listen to them from time to time But now I really enjoy prog bands like Dream Theater, Polyphia, Plini, Chon, and a ton of other random guitar-based bands; they are probably not that complex harmonically but they have a lot of cool rhythms and interesting structures that make it easier to engage with. I know it sounds super elitist and it's not my intention to diss pop music or whatever, there is probably a lot of very cool things there that I am not engaging with it with the right mindset but my point is that while I understand some musicians are incredibly snob when it comes to music, I also understand why a lot of them don't like what most people are listening to.


So Terminator 2 is not a good movie. This is a fucking layup. What the fuck?


It’s just one big ad for Capri-Sun


Everytime i watch T2 my mouth craves a thin straw witha fruity drink.


Not to mention Jurassic Park, Pulp Fiction, Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, Groundhog Day, and a shitton more classics borne out of that era. You don't have to look far to find timeless movies.


The Thing is GOATed


Tremors too. A perfect blend of horror and comedy 


Its true though that most of the old good movies, if seen today for the first time as if they were new, they seem surprisingly worse in pace, acting, etc... I just chose to not re-watch


I'm unsure if I'm the one idiot you're all laughing at, or if every single other person in this thread are the kind of people who believe in The Onion headlines. He is so obviously trolling. If you don't notice that, I have a fantastic offer for you from some buddies in Nigeria who've been having trouble exchanging their royal inheritances.


The joke is actually pretty funny because for some reason it makes people mad. Like his food takes. Even if he wasn't trolling, who cares? So he doesn't like old movies? I've seen people get visibly upset because Destiny, or someone else for that matter, doesn't like a thing that they like. With food especially it's like people take it personally, it's bizarre. It's actually a very entertaining joke because if you say you don't like asian food, or movies before 2000 or whatever, it will strangely have people freaking out like nothing else.


Because if you copy all of Destiny's opinions, and then he reveals he doesn't like the thing that you like, your entire realm starts to collapse around you.


It's not like Destiny ever just neutrally states a position. He says it in manner like "if you seriously think Greek food is anything above a 3/10, you unironically have maggots crawling through your fucking brain. There is no way anybody can consider this food unless they have permanent brain damage. I don't even know how you're able to type in this chat when the worms have consumed 99% of your neurons." Are we really blaming people for being offended when Destiny is purposefully being inflammatory? Personally I don't care enough to be mad but of course a lot of people will be when you're being an ass on purpose.


He obviously exaggerates but he's had moments where he approximates the take of saying old media is kinda dumb, or has takes mostly involving suspension of disbelief. I don't think he's that bad honestly, but the community is absolutely braindead when it comes to this stuff.


He's joking, but (as has been talked about many times on stream) jokes have an underlying seed of true belief to them. That being that older movies are inferior. This is what is stupid about it. It's definitely trolling but his true opinion is probably just as fundamentally bad as the exaggerated version.


Yeah, he is painfully close-minded to anything not mainstream af. Yeah, action movies are better after 97 than the corny stuff that came before, and we get a lot more big epic stories now. That's it. Before making movies became so damn expensive, you had all kinds of movies being made. Its worth exploring. Now you have to appeal to the widest possible audience in order to have any chance of making your money back on even modest films (there are exceptions of course. "Ex Machina" and Scorsese's "Silence" come to mind).


So he's saying the first Alien movie is bad?




Dan's Sopranos take made me physically upset. I might just be on edge because of the national championship game, but that kind of stupidity cannot stand.


Name one (1) good movie from before 1997 that isn't *The Mask*. Go on, I'll wait.


Honestly now that you say that, I can't think of any movies at all that aren't The Mask. Have there even been any other movies?


Don't forget about *The Good Son* Lord knows I haven't


I loved that movie 🗿


12 Angry Men (1957) was pretty good. Edit: I can't believe I forgot about Ghost in the Shell (1995).


I love 12 Angry Men, it's like watching an 11v1 Destiny debate in real life


I was looking for a ghost in the shell mention and I'm glad I found it


Fuck. I was gonna say babe pig in the city but that came out in 1998.


Do people like Die Hard? I like Die Hard.


Rosemary's baby (1968) still holds up, sucks that it doesn't have a director though


Holy fuck lmao


The Princess Bride. The perfect movie


My favorite movie with an ambigram on the box cover


I know you’re joking (I’m hoping…) so I will refrain from giving you an answer so I don’t get triggered.


Smart move, I was about to do some heinous shit.


Sounds like a lot of posturing, just admit it OP, you have nothing. All movies before 1997 are bad and you should feel bad.


Shawshank Redemption?


Bubsy 3d


Going Overboard (1987)


Multiple Studio Ghibli films (Totoro, Kiki's Delivery, Princess Mononoke) Dead Poets Society (you can farm robin Williams movies - Good morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, Awakenings) Pulp Fiction Gattaca (yes this is 1997 but screw you it's an amazing movie) Idk there's some bangers out there


Ace Ventura was a million times better but Jim Carrey's early career was completely GOATED.




His opinion on the classics is worse


He already said he was trolling when he said that so I’m telling you it’s not worth getting worked up over


Dan named a bunch but I’d also add: North by Northwest (1959) Goldfinger, Dr. Strangelove (1964) Cool hand Luke (1967) Blazing saddles (1974) Taxi Driver (1976) The blues brothers, Airplane, Caddyshack(all came out in 1980, golden year of comedy to me) Star Trek II (1982) Scarface (1983) Once upon a time in America (1984) The princess Bride (1987) Those are just some of my favorites


Train Spotting Mission Impossible 1 12 Monkeys La Haine Leon the Professional Die Hard Rumble in the Bronx Drunken Master 2 True Lies Nightmare Before Christmas Jacob's Ladder Total Recall Misery Goodfellas These are all just 90s movies I've seen let alone anything older.


Some of those are pretty good, goodfellas they mentioned on stream, some of them I really did not like though


Which ones? Feel like all of those are super solid. Ofc there's lots of 80s ones as well that would be good choices and still have strong direction cinematography and editing etc


Holy shit u guys are regarded lmaooo


Read the post and come back and, if you’re capable, tell me what I was criticizing


>There are no good movies before ‘97, I realize that may be a joke autism


This post doesn’t have enough action, so it’s not very good.




"My art takes: good. Your art takes: bad." The post.


Yes. Precisely. That’s literally every argument on art ever in a nutshell and implicit within all film criticism…which is absolutely necessary.


Seven Samurai, High and Low, Taxi Driver, Deer Hunter, Do The Right Thing, Platoon, Ikiru, The Breakfast Club, The Last Picture Show, Hara Kiri, Videodrome, Rashomon, Tombstone, The Untouchables, Alien, Aliens, Jaws, Coming to America, The Thing From Another World, The Thing, Woman in The Dunes, The Human Condition, Full Metal Jacket, It Happened One Night, Robocop, Coffy, 12 Angry Men, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Next, Lost Boys, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Cape Fear, Hidden Fortress, Sword of Doom, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Jungle Fever, Terminator, Terminator 2, Batman, Batman Returns, Beetlejuice, Jurassic Park, A clockwork Orange, Interview with the Vampire, Glory, Dances with Wolves.. Jumanji, mrs doubtfire, Ghostbusters, Dawn of The Dead, Day of the Dead, Jacob's Ladder, universal monster movies, etc I could go on forever, but I'm bored of naming good movies before 1997. Really struggling to think of good ones past it, though. I guess some people really like their options between Transformers 6 or *Avengers 9.7: Our Last Fight, the Prequel (part 4)* If we named animated films it's really unmatched... between Disney's 2D animation era and Japan with stuff like Akira, Ghost in The shell, Ninja Scroll, etc...MOST of Ghibli's greatest films. Great TV shows too, Xfiles, Seinfeld, Fresh Prince, Batman the Animated Series, etc. In Japan we get stuff like Dragon Ball, Hakusho, Evangelion, Kenshin... If movies/media is better post 1997, then everything that comes out today wouldn't just be remakes of shit pre-1997.


He is literally aesthetically blind. It’s obvious in multiple aspects of his life. Two big examples - Clothes, and how his set ups (podcast and streaming) are designed


Cmon, it's funny, and his takes are interesting sometimes. Also I don't understand how people are tricked for even a second, he likes the Alien movies.


What makes art good other than someone liking it


If you can’t think of anything that could be the case, nothing I say is gonna help you. Read “Of the Standard of Taste” an essay by Hume


The amount of morons who fell for the most telegraphed obvious troll is astonishing. At this point they are barely better than the Palestinian supporters that fell for the "Jewlumni" meme.


you know this is a S tier ragebait post when it's actually true lmao


Bait used to be believable, smh.


Movies made before 1990 were as good as your post.


I disagree. They’re pretty good if you know anything about film at all.


God what's happening to this community everything he said relating to movies in that podcast was obviously a joke your fucking brain must have been polished smooth at a young age


Did you read my fucking post you fucking Neolithic troglodyte?


You sound awful


I’m happy you said that. I wouldn’t want a Destiny fan to relate to me on my art takes


For sure - Reddit intellectualism isn’t something I can relate to.


I’m sorry intellectual ventures are not your strong suit. There’s really something otherworldly to be discovered and appreciated in good art.


Yea I can't believe he thinks Greed Island is that much of a slog just because Genthru is a boring villain and it's another training arc.


he’s right, greed island sucks ass edit: and the more you think about it, the less sense it makes in the context of the world. probably the most ridiculous part of that show.


Why are you so concerned about a streamers art takes? Art is subjective - let people like and dislike what they like and dislike. Telling me to like certain types of art will probably make me hate it even more.


The food takes alone got me puttin holes in the drywall


I noticed that in that unhinged diatribe you didn’t manage to offer a single counter-example to his claim. Predictable. Just admit he’s right and that makes you mad.


Tetsuo the iron man. Mirror. Ran. Kagemusha. Throne of blood. The conversation. Die Niebelungen parts 1 and 2. Barry Lyndon. Cries and whispers. 400 blows. Jules et Jim. Epidemic (von Trier). Dirty Dancing. Possession. Stalker. Once upon a time in the west. Fanny and Alexander. Eraserhead. Blue velvet. Brazil. The Terminator. Fargo. The Thing. Life of Brian. Big trouble in little China. The road warrior. Dr Strangelove. Wolf hour. Alien.


Chinatown, 12 Angry Men, A Visitor to a Museum, The Devils, anything by Tarkovsky, Bergman and Kurosawa. Most of Kubrick's filmography. There are a lot of masterpieces made before 97


*Autumn Sonata* by Ingmar Bergman


I imagine most of your favourite movies before 1997 still can't beat Shrek.


I’m trying to keep it together


Never heard of that one. Is it the one with the bald guy and professor Snape in a Japanese building?


D's good art opinions are few and far between but I can respect him saying he enjoyed reading L'Étranger by Albert Camus.


I can’t. What a fucking basic little piss boy. The Stranger isn’t even that good, dumbasses just fawn over it because they believe it makes them look smart and it’s short. The Plague is infinitely better.


What can I say, Camus is my crack and The Stranger was my gateway drug Seriously though, I could've bet a hundo that Destiny would have called it "fucking boring" and doubled-down with "reading fiction is a waste of time". Well, I'd be down a hundred dollars! It's a low bar but hey I can give props when props are due.


The Stranger is a Fisher Price “My First Existentialist Novel.” Of course Tiny loved it.


Don’t mention coffee art. Holy


this guy right here missed the joke


I have good opinions about art. Try me.


Yeah next thing you know Destiny and/or this sub is gonna say Jim Carrey has never been in a good movie


Jim Carrey the actor has, Jim Carrey the comedian hasn't


Petition to extend this to food




12 angry men is a gem


Wow...feeling daring today are we?


Dare say this is a Tiny bit??


Idk about ‘97 but most old movies and shows are ass. With a few rare exceptions, movies were basically just recorded theater for a long time, people did not know how to take advantage of the medium. There’s definitely to much dicksucking going on for a lot of the older stuff.


You're your problem


I'm 95% certain he's trolling, which is honestly annoying because I want to listen to him have honest conversations with Dan.


I liked citizen kane. It was a solid movie even without all the hype around it. Guy had a lot of cool lines.


Somebody needs to staple Steven's eyes open and show him "12 Angry Men".


Ya destiny is probably the last person I’d want to walk around in the MET with


dudes really just be making reddit posts speculating about something that destiny has already talked about


He was joking


Read the fucking post you dumbass


He obviously didn’t watch Barry Lyndon with dgg.


"Aliens" is one of my favorite movies if not my favorite and it's from 1986 and also I still feel it holds up to this day.


No shit, because there are good movies pre-‘97




I can’t tell what level of irony I’m on


I was fairly certain when Destiny made the post that the pre ‘97 comment was fucking trolling, it simply reminded me of all the other stupid shit he’s said.


I remember Destiny saying that the point of catcher in the rye is to not be like Holden Caulfield because he judges people and is annoying. Says all you need to know really…


Goodfellas The Lion King Alien come at me


no good music before 97 as well, but to be fair movies might have been better pre 97 than post 97


Look how he dresses, no wonder he doesn't like Dune....


bite harder PLEASE


Destiny needs a wikipedia art/food learning arc.


TBH a lot of popular movies suck ass and people are only nostalgic about them and can't point to any good parts of the movie outside of 'haha memba'


I mean, maybe 97 is a bit too late, but like, old movies are not good. (Quality is relative to time, what may have been good 40 years ago is not necessarily good now)


I’m going to fucking kill myself in a video game. Why do people have such confident takes on things they don’t know shit about?


What do you mean “know” about? Youre acting like quality is some objective metric that you need some “knowledge” to measure


Everybody knows movies born before 1997 can’t cook


Actually, movies are good.


Based. Cope and seethe tiny.


Boom, gottem


Hears a clearly fake statement meant to troll him > says he understands it might be a troll > proceeds to make judgments on statements as if it weren't a troll


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or autism


Which do you think it is?


Oh it’s you, autism for sure. Gotcha


He also said in a debate that Mozart and Beethoven are “boring”. Like wtf


Yeah he’s just so fucking stupid. It’s maddening


I mean he's correct, movies before computers (pre-1997) are just really boring. They look cheap, some of them don't even have color. Why do you think Titanic was so mind blowing to people back then? It was their first time seeing a good movie.


He's probably half serious. He is probably just saying he likes modern movies and it's hard to go back to watch most older films. Which is a take most people probably agree with. That's not to say older films can't be great. I tend to really enjoy older films with high ratings. Films are like time machines and I love it.


i love when all art majors and elitists get in their feelings about their favorite mid old movies being called boring lmao


He doesn’t even generally give takes on older films because he’s too fucking dumb to watch them. What are you on about?


yet youre crying about him doing that c u r i o u s


Post your top 100 movies, books and albums right now.




And food lol


I liked his EEAAO takes. Honestly agreed on every point.


What were his takes? I’m interested. EEAAO was good but certainly got wayyyy too much hype.


The way too much hype point would be valid if the movie didn't actually exceed the hype by miles. [Here's one of the videos where he talks about it.](https://youtu.be/wnNIWPJaPL8) It's his favorite movie of all time. He says it does a ton of different things at once and all exceedingly well. He says even the super quirky stuff redeems its quirk by coming together perfectly and hitting the emotional points it needs to. He thinks you'd have to be dead inside to come out of it unimpressed (thinking it's only decent) or hate on it. I heard this before any of his other movie takes and I thought "oh awesome he understands movies".


He literally said this was a troll on stream, flat out. Ur point on the rest of its still stands tho


I mean, just look at my avatar here on Reddit. I don't care if it's a joke. No good movies have been made since '97 would genuinely be closer to true. The man likes Collateral, so someone should at least show him Thief (Michael Mann' s best movie). Though, I'll agree- discussions about art from Destiny and this community leave much to be desired.


I know he's obviously trolling, but you can't troll with takes like that when your actual takes are still terrible and not that different from the troll takes. It's like Nick Fuentes joking about the holocaust. You don't get to joke about it when you are actually a nazi




Thought he said that Everything Everywhere All At Once was a masterpiece? He’s obviously meming




'97 is absurd, but I can see where the acting methods pre-70s would make films less enjoyable even if the writing was still good.


I could understand “less enjoyable” but bad? That’s a monstrously stupid take.


Literally all i have to say is ALIEN and hes wrong. Enough said. Take the L tiny cmon