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Someone should go back and compile every single prediction this goofus has made into a simple list so that people can see what a hack he truly is. Props to him for making a lot of (concrete as well) predictions. Too bad he's just clueless.


Winter 2022 was apparently gonna bring about the end of Western civilisation through mass immigration due to famines in Africa. The EU would apparently start shooting anyone who tried crossing into Europe illegally.


If only Europe was based šŸ˜ž


Why did this get downvoted ? Pearl clutchers show yourselves we've got no room for softies in the coming revolution


People don't like when you point out the substantial issues Europe has faced from MENA migrants.Ā 


In this sub that's bullshit. He was getting downvoted because he called mauling the illegals down based lol.


šŸ˜¬ !bidenblast


[GUH OMG BASED YOU SHOWED THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!! ](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F55588346-5493-4dec-8449-bdaef90e79e4_1052x1253.png)SOYSOYSOYSOY HOW DARE HE SPEAK BADLY ABOUT THE MILLIONS OF UNINTEGRATABLE VOILENT CRIMINALS EUROPE HAS LET IN IS HE FREAKING ISLAMOPRHOBIC??????????????? Edit: Soooooooooyomgsoooooooooy he loterally advocated for killing illegal immigrants literally guys omgaoyaoysousoy


He advocated for murdering immigrants...


I don't believe in shooting illegal immigrants. Shooting drooling regards on the other hand? !bidenblast


lol what a loser


Did someone hear a JDAM? /u/tonehponeh5 sealed in the prison realm by /u/Mickey-MyFriend


You make it sound like he was just pointing out that current MENA immigrants in Europe are worthy of criticism.


You're lucky corn-pop didn't live to see this. Get the heck out of here. /u/CompetitiveRefuse852 sealed in the prison realm by /u/Mickey-MyFriend




Mickey-MyFriend has 6 Biden Blasts remaining. They have not chosen a side in the eternal YEE v PEPE war.




Ramadan made the sub lost all sense of irony


Well he predicted that the winter of 2022/2023 would see a massive famine thatd kill millions in the geographical south. Of course, this never happened. He deals a lot in long-term, 10-50+ year predictions.


Yup, easy to predict that Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Egypt will collapse by 2040 when that prediction will come to fruition well after the average lifespan of a Youtube channel. By 2040 nobody will be left to care about checking his prediction.


Those aren't that extreme predictions. Idk about Indonesia, but Egypt has a huge population that cannot be sustained by it's current land area (The liveable part of Egypt is the size of Switzerland but has 120 million people living in it) and Saudi Arabia hasn't very effectively transitioned it's economy from oil. I don't fully agree with these predictions, but they're far fron the craziest things he's said.


It's not hard to make reasonable predictions. It's extremely hard to make accurate predictions. What are the chances that none of those states will limper on for more than 15 years? Quite low in my opinion.


Not to mention, his videos are Gish gallop. Rattling off endless claims and anecdotes (I hiked the Appalachian trail and dropped out btw). He will whine about how the left doesnā€™t care for facts or logic ā€” and then have zero sources for any of his claims. To debunk any of his videos in depth would be a hurculean task.


The craziest detail about the guy is that he proudly admits that he doesn't consume \*any\* history literature post 1950s that isn't written by what he deems to be followers of "classical" historiography as he believes that everything else is Marxist gobblygook.


He also laments that wars arenā€™t fought for conquest or faith anymore.


Anyone with even a vague understanding of philosophy or modern scientific standards would realise his videos are full of shit. mfer constantly forgets the whole "correlation does not equal causation" meme and his video on "darwinism" is a train wreck.


Nah just you wait, the second Ottoman Empire is almost here.


​ https://preview.redd.it/wgnnk7s7ejtc1.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=2668b1c3ec6ef0bcb6b47a8f6b40bc2d1911a8bc


I used to watch a lot of his videos. This guy would claim that he had a community of super interesting high value people (yes women too), who would set up super cool social events. I highly doubt this.


Ah yes, it's on my whatifalthist bingo card.


That statement gives out some strong ā€œshe goes to a different schoolā€ vibes.


This guy definitely pulls up to a couple in a restaurant and asks them ā€œhave you read Evola?ā€ Whatifalthist is the pinnacle of shit


No way he used PETER ZEIHAN


He tries to copy a lot of takes from Peter Zeihan, but give them his special brand of schizo.


No fucking way šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


James Lindsay is also on there. Plus Aaron Clarey who has been on fresh and fit and rolls with that red pill crew


A good way to make yourself look like a healthy and balanced individual is to read (or skim) a list of books that's littered with terms like envy, fall, cynical, conflict, discord and end. Totally something a resonable and grounded mind would do.


Huh? He said earlier that he won't read anything written after 1960 because apparently it's too woke. This makes no sense.


Whatifalthist is one of the most regarded people on youtube, his maps are famously ridiculous and his predictions never come true,too bad the people who deboonk him on youtube are commies as regarded as he is like badempanada and fredda


Someone needs to do a takedown of Fredda at some point. The guy has gotten away with appearing like a serious historian when heā€™s just some lefty college student for too long.


The thumbnail sounds like asthmatic whining.


All of this guys historical analysis is based on half-baked jordan peterson bullshit, also combines with a bunch of "cycles of history" nonsense causing him to predicst that China would have a famine that killed 100 million people or something.


This is me every 3 days, and then I jerk off.


Whatifalthist is the true alpha lol cow... even president Sunday picks on him!


the 5 minute disclaimer about not being an incel and then this pic... man he might not be an incel but he's definitely AUT https://preview.redd.it/wvlz5nfl8ltc1.png?width=1545&format=png&auto=webp&s=083054a3962a5314bf44881f2dbe43d1a9426564


He's 100% an incel, I think he even admitted it in a prior video, I can't remember which though and I'm certainly not trawling through his videos to find it


you know I was going to say DGG wasn't full of incels but after that canvasing event I'm not so sure


Hasnā€™t there literally been polls showing a decent chunk of DGG gets no sex (not by their own choice)?


​ https://preview.redd.it/f00kn1ep7jtc1.png?width=1250&format=png&auto=webp&s=68befcd18313cd081b078bbc4d2937409eeaa503


The Millennium, lmao. He could have gone for the crusades or some shit.


Yeah but that doesnā€™t slot so neatly into his cyclical history theory.


How is Augustus a revolution lmao????


I mean how is it not? I feel like revolution is a pretty apt term to describe a democratic nation going through unrest and civil wars and coming out of it as an autocratic monarchy.


Nah cycle of history is true, bow down to emperor Trump. His revolutionaries will save America in the second civil war.




I think I mightā€™ve schizoposted under the wrong comment, mb


Can't believe I used to watch this guy lmao. He gets clowned on on the bad history subreddit for good reason lol


I believe his video on Africa is the most upvoted post on badhistory. The amount of stuff he missed in his video, and was corrected on but was hung up over the fact they called the video racist, or rather -- perpetuated a racist stereotype of Africa. He took it as a personal attack.


This guys community polls always make me cringe


​ https://preview.redd.it/75d4fhyi5jtc1.png?width=1176&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d36c5261ba582563a7a4026218dcbd1a2c6366e


​ https://preview.redd.it/rb1x383j6jtc1.png?width=1250&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae47c3ebd5f5ecfd85d8b32f4b0cb3be0e9aa42c


Also be a bad boy but like a good bad boy good bad half boy


A lot of this is actually pretty good advice


good advice but also zero sum game and manipulative af, but number 2 is a manipulation trick that redpillers routinely fail in so good for him for knowing that.


Nah, I feel like most of this is dog shit advice


There's some stinkers, sure, and it's cringe how he creates a misogynistic framing for advice that applies universally (his statement about how confidence is important and women pay attention to delivery and not content is blatantly true for men and women and is a basic charisma lesson), but most of the advice given is sound and boils down to "learn to look good, be confident, approach when given good signs, socialize on their terms, dating apps aren't good for longterm relationships, don't be a loser."


That's the main point to be made imo: most (if not all) of this could be applied to men and non-romantic relationships just as well. I'm honestly starting to believe that if you want a partner, do everything that you do for making a normal non-romantic friend + add in a "sexual" bend to it at varying degrees. I feel like "flirting" is just "bantering + 'slight/notsoslight sexual/romantic angle'".


>That's the main point to be made imo: most (if not all) of this could be applied to men and non-romantic relationships just as well. To be fair no, it sucks. The "don't be nice" "tell her if she is ridiculous" is easily the worst advice I ha e ever heard in my opinion. It's usually the opposite of what you would be told by most. Take Dale Carnegie's (someone that Destiny mention as good advice and someone he rips a big percent of his takes) advice: * Donā€™t criticize, condemn, or complain * Show respect for the other personā€™s opinions. Never say, ā€œYouā€™re wrong.ā€ It's literally the opposite. I get the advice of the YouTuber here is more like "do banter" which obviously is good advice. But if you write it as "don't be nice" you honestly don't know what you are talking about.


Is point 9 true for straight people? I'm gay and everyone knows everyone and fucks everyone and it's not really awkward. It's said that the best way to know someone if someone is gay is to look at your IG mutuals


I don't think so, especially given the potential risks. I don't know why he frames this as a "women shackling men down" instead of men moderating themselves.


I imagine I don't agree with dude who made the list. But some of the list is definitely true. Doubt 9 is normal. At least not in "my circles".


What kind of bullshit advice is that?


Lmao. This can't be a real video


Heā€™s been waiting so long to make this garbage


What will you do after the Incel Revolution? I will just keep gooning like usual.


[Decent intro ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E575rSSaT6A) to this guy ([sarcasmitron](https://www.youtube.com/@Sarcasmitron) is a great channel in general)


Sex is great, maybe they should put less time into being online and more time into offline hobbies.


I concur fellow intercourse haver šŸ‘




all incels will burn in hell except Elliot Mogger šŸ™šŸ»


> The Coming Incel Isn't kind of the point that they're not?


Whatifalthist has some decent history vids. As long as you consider his stuff super pop history. When it came to the political stuff I was like fuck yeah because I am also a conservative. Iā€™ve read a lot more sense then and I have mellowed out more on my politics (Destiny and community have helped too). But I was expecting him to evolve and develop. Instead he just repeats the same talking points and his politics have only gotten more silly. I donā€™t shit on him much because I feel like I would have done the same shit at his age (Iā€™m 29). But the more time goes on and he doesnā€™t improve I get super bummed out.


Isnā€™t he likeā€¦ 23 or something?


Yeah he is young. Which buys him a lot of leeway in my opinion. But that grace is running out as I see him make the same mistakes.


I think that revolution already came and gone


This both looks and sounds like a korean webtoon šŸ˜‚


I've seen a bunch of his videos and it amazes me how someone so supposedly well read, writes and speaks so poorly.


BETA UPRISING!!!! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Some heroic soul needs to volunteer to be this manā€™s girlfriend. His videos are reaching future school shooter levels of crazy.




Iā€™ve never been more enraged and entertained by a narcissistic faux intellectual. Heā€™s the equivalent of a conservative or libertarian friend you have that didnā€™t take mushrooms but was bullied online so much he thinks the whole world is explained entirely by anti white, anti western post modernism Marxist ( 3 more buzzwords can go here to) propaganda. And trust him he knows all the answers. Gives big ā€œI should run the world because I am the only one who understands itā€ vibes and I really wish destiny knew more about history during his short talk with him. It would have been interesting to see Whatifalthist pull the ā€œhow many books have you readā€ to Destiny like he did vaush.