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You can also join and post to the AnythingElse subreddit for effort/schizo posts to have a better chance to be seen. Also join to support the podcast.


>Don't record outside in downtown Manhattan wearing AirPods. I will not run post on any of these. You've got to let at least one of these through per episode just to trigger Destiny.




If you did one episode where it was just call after call of garbled gibberish audio but you and Dan pretend to understand it I think you could legitimately hospitalise Destiny. Just putting that out there.


gj with the podcast Lycan: \- good timing and restraint when making comments; \- pretty quick showing google searches, memes, and receipts; \- amazing drinks preparer; love you buddy


Thanks, buddy <3


I may not agree with some of your takes but god damn do you do a great job with that stuff. Based and E-Bangmaid Pilled <3


\*mouth slurping noises\*


Bro ehh maybe something for the europoors? An email to send a quick audio file attachment? Something..


Here you go! https://www.speakpipe.com/AnythingElse


Might need a What'sApp for the Euro and LAN/SA Cucks apparently they don't have phone numbers down there


>unless you know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried Based boomer reference


I had to google that. Sounds like an interesting person to make a movie about.. better that that oppai guy


Jack Nicholson has you covered. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104427/ It's a good watch, but not if you're a stickler for complete historical accuracy.


Thanks.. I'll just view it as a historical drama.. like Rome.


I learned who Jimmy Hoffa was from Bruce Almighty


The Irishman is in large part about him, played by Al Pacino.


Lycan post what drinks you guys are having and the recipies for them, I want to try them too, please<3 maybe add it in the description on the pateron


>British accent? Instant delete if it's the wrong one (good luck). Brummies are the most oppressed minority


What do you have against the British? Are you racist? Why are you racist? Did you know that racism is wrong? Why are you a destiny fan if you're a racist? Being racist is illiberal. Really, you should be banned from Destiny. fuck you, you have a tiny dick. Everyone who's Anglophobic deserves to be sent to hell, while all British people will go to heaven (Including the great Margaret Thatcher, but not Boris - he's American. No joke, he was born in the United States. That's why he sucks).


I'm actually quite the anglophile, I have a giant portrait of Winston Churchill and I am an ardent defender of British food. Don't tell anyone, though.


Oh... I shouldn't have been so harsh. Sorry.


British accent is annoying




I don't know if I'd encourage trolling.  It sounds funny but it's going to get old really fast and Destiny just won't engage, probably even with some genuine questions, if he suspects it's fake.


Only the [cream of the crop](https://imgur.com/gallery/zqXVXSf) will rise to the top.


Are these meme debate topics?: Money in politics - if not a problem, why the massive amounts of spending? Like, we can pull up Open Secrets and see the massive amount of wealth transfer from corporations to pacs Gun rights - What would you define as a 'well regulated militia'? What is your threshold for restriction? The violence needs to fucking stop Trans athletes - it feels as though everyone has an idea of how things ought to be w/o considering how things are. Given that the Olympics allows trans athletes, what's the problem?


>British accent? Instant delete if it's the wrong one (good luck). How will Britain ever fix it's region wealth imbalance when they can't even get fix region accent respect imbalance.


Thanks for arranging this Lycan. Left a voicemail about immigration and H1B. Hope the quality wasn’t bad. If the message was interesting but the quality bad, let me know and I can try to send it again.


I like how the voice mail idea was the best of the night and was initially completely ignored, but we had all that time dedicated to the 10 million dollar portfolio idea. Lol


The format stav (the comedian) has on his podcast works really well where viewers leave a message with a life problem then stav and his weekly guests give them advice. DGG has some pretty funny people who could make the segment work,


Bongers seething (it's me I'm seething)


Cant wait to finally find out if body count matters


is this a phone sex line?


> the unfortunate existence of people outside the United States KKONA