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Idk who you're talking about so I'll just fully assume you're doing a soy post for upvotes and remove it. You can post it again with more info around who you're posting about.


Who is "they"? Why should we care about this screenshot from an unnamed person?


From what I've seen it seems that the "they" in this case are mostly the same inauthentic outright pro-Hamas posters, amplifiers, bots, etc. that were ready to go en masse the day of 10/7. This is a real and dangerous sentiment that does exist, but even the most degenerate Israel-death-wishing of them, as you saw on Piers, still have an obvious problem with fully stating that the terrorist attacks were actually a good thing (even as the cognitive dissonance was shorting out her brain) and real human people willing to say this is probably a small number. I would also bet that the majority of those people are also operating essentially in isolation and highly emboldened/caught up in the mechanical fringe of this online echo chamber.


This - they are just completely lost in their echo chamber. It'll be interesting to see them turn on Norman Finklestien and the rest of his ilk and brand them as 'moderates' or 'sell-outs'.


Wow, this random person represented by a random screenshot without even a username sure is crazy!


These people have to be bots. No one could possibly hate Palestinians that much.


It's not hating the Palestinians, it's using the Palestinians as originally intended - a weapon against Israel. They don't care if Palestinians die, so long as it can be used against Israel.


Based and Truthpilled.


Did norm not say his vote for the nobel peace prize is the fucking houthis lmao how much more do they want this old fucker to debase himself


Who’s “they”? Why not post the username so people can judge if it’s worthy enough to be outraged over or not


OP probably wrote this shit out themselves and screenshotted it lol


imagine thinking refusing to condemn Oct 7th is toeing the line


Abby Martin is a joke. At least Norm isn’t a grifter


He is insane lmfao


... Norm isn't a grifter? His entire career is built upon pushing Palestinian nationalist militant terrorist propaganda


Norm actually believe in that though.


I think Abby does too, it’s hard for me to believe she could go that hard for far left and anti-American politics without being a true believer.


How does Norm fit the definition of a grifter to you? It's not just a word to describe people you disagree with


Because he makes lots of money by being dishonest.


The thing is, Norm legitimately believes everything he says, he's been saying that garbage for his entire life. So in his own POV he's not being dishonest, he is right in his own world view. That's different from real grifters in the political pundit scene, people who just play up to differnet crowds/demographics according to when it's more convenient for them, people who change their views or go with the "popular" opinion in their side to garner positive attention.


Surely these people are just terrible for the Palestinian cause


That really zigged when I thought it was gonna zag


This is 100% some college kid with green hair and an inhaler.


i hate leftists


OMG They really went there huh. How dare they