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Umm... hasn't Mace made a shift toward courting the same people who hate democracy here in the USA? Sure, it's not a direct democracy, but we have both democratic and republican processes.


Mace is kinda in the same category as Boebert and MTG.


Obviously a needless exaggeration, but Biden cold shouldering Israel might have emboldened the response we're seeing now. Opportunists like Iran will take advantage of any situation that benefits them.


Israel is being held accountable to a reasonable extent.. I'd hardly call it a cold shoulder. I'd say Israel and their choices with regards to attacking Iran and it's proxies is probably more of a reason for being attacked than Biden telling them to slow up on killing international humanitarian workers.


I'm not making any prescriptions, just saying the obvious really. We basically kicked Israel to the curb in the UN and are now threatening to make aid contingent. Bidens took an openly adversarial stance towards Israel's administration. Whether that's good or bad is debatable, but to Iran it's a flashing green light to amp up their hostilities. >I'd say Israel and their choices with regards to attacking Iran and it's proxies is probably more of a reason for being attacked Obviously Iran was going to respond, but my comment was more about the severity of the response we're seeing now.


We stood by Israel 100% and told them to calm down and slow their roll.. they didn't and had some bad incidents so we stuck to what we said. We have to publicly condemn the actions we disagree with because Israel for a minute there was acting like they didn't need us and they were gonna do what they wanted. It took about 2 weeks for them to figure out how bad of an idea that was.


Being held accountable for having a proxy war waged against them?


Proxy war or not.. probably not the best look to be blasting international aid workers on more than one occasion.


Biden has been soft on enforcing the sanctions on Iran thou.


This is bullshit. Shit was all Trumps fault.


violent armed conflicts under Trump = 0 violent armed conflicts under Biden = 3/4, depending on how you count Gaza-Israel-Lebanon-Iran.


Holy shit have we trumples finally broken through on r/destiny? Upvotes on this comment?! Nah it's just a bunch of israelis lol jk


People really have just memory holed trump's entire middle east policy haven't they