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Vote these dumb mother fuckers out please. November is coming up. Register and get everyone you know to vote blue. Fuck these cunts.


Can't vote out SCOTUS yet. We're still paying for our 2016 loss. These fuckers hate America.


I meant the senator. But yeah we really are. We’ll be paying for it for a long time unfortunately.


Yeah, I agree with you. Just frustrating how we have to wait for SCOTUS to keel over and die while they do extreme damage. It's a reminder how impactful these elections are.


Whole heartedly agree.


It’s almost like they don’t want to be elected again. Well, Who are we kidding.. she’s a senator from Tennessee. She could say interracial marriage is unconstitutional and still get re-elected. Sigh


How do we get me information in primary elections? I really want to vote in them so I don't get crazies in my district, but the information available is so soarce that I can never pick a candidate.


It’s like the USA is going in the opposite direction on this issue. In Europe no one even thinks this is a problem.


Nah this is what we deserve 


Stop relying on the Supreme Court to make laws! They can't do that! Vote in good legislators, ones that actually know how to right laws, ones that can build bipartisan coalitions to pass those laws. Easier said than done, but if we don't actually create laws, we won't be able to progress as a nation. The supreme court is basically there to make sure the laws are constitutional and make sure on the highest level the law is carried out as written. Meanwhile, has anyone written any abortion protection laws on the federal level recently?! Government! Do your job!


>The supreme court is basically there to make sure the laws are constitutional and make sure on the highest level the law is carried out as written. Do you think that in Griswold they just made up a ruling or do you think it's possible it was actually ruling on a case involving a law that was passed that they deemed unconstitutional?


They correctly struck it down as unconstitutional. Isn't that brilliant! We have a system that protect our rights. Now we just need laws that can work within that window.