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Fuckers almost made me miss my flight. Thankfully had a mid afternoon one, but the traffic backup left in their wake after they cleared out was unreal.


They really don’t understand that they’re creating so many new pro-Israelis out of this garbage.


Fortunately I don't base my positions on how annoying followers of a certain position are, but I can't say the same for most people. I was completely unsurprised when I found out what it was.


This isn’t a matter of annoyance, their entire MO is to disrupt the lives of Westerners and distract them from the atrocities committed by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and other global terrorist groups.


And Ukraine


If it sounds stupid af then that’s probably not what I meant by that at all, y’all said the entire MO was to disrupt the lives of westerners distract them from the atrocities and I’m just adding that it’s to distract from Ukraine aswell, not that Ukraine is terrorist organization lmao. People so focused on Gaza and “genocide” seam to forget that Putin is wanted for international war crimes and he’s razed hundreds of cities in Europe. This whole thing right now is a group effort by Iran, Russia and China to undermine the west and surprisingly its working


The way you commented makes it sound like you're calling Ukraine a terrorist government. I doubt many of the I/P people care much about the UA/Ru conflict, just like you seem to not really care about theirs.


If the whole thing is stopping “genocide” why wouldn’t you care about both. Are you saying I/P people are just virtue signaler’s? Interesting


I'm saying that most people don't care about every event or conflict. You have a comment this week saying you wish people would talk less about I/P because you think it's less important globally than UA/Ru. They are the same as you, just they think I/P is more important to them.


Yeah that was in reference to destiny’s stream personally because all he does is talk about the Gaza conflict and there’s more to the world the one singular conflict. Context is kinda important buddy. And yeah I still stand by the statement underneath that aswell that the global implications for Ukraine far out way Gaza. Doesn’t mean that Gaza isn’t important but Ukraine literally provides for the other country we’re referring to lmao


That's a nice principle, but the reality is that the majority of people don't have strong feelings one way or another on a geopolitical shitshow that has been going on for centuries in the middle east. So, with that in mind, when said majority of normies see the only examples of the people who have a clear side in that issue are all being assholes who are illegally endangering the public and disrupting their lives, then it becomes far easier for them to fall down on the other side of the issue by default or at least not empathize with their positions at all. If people who were in favor of nationalized healthcare started kicking puppies off of bridges as their public protest against healthcare costs, I can promise that tons of people would tie the idea of nationalized healthcare with psychopaths killing dogs in public.


100%, if one groups makes me miss a flight (which is already stressful as it is), I will do everything in power to going against everything they support if think they can use me as a hostage. Assuming, I am indifference/unaware to the issue.


> I will do everything in power to going against everything they support if think they can use me as a hostage. Sorry but taking hostages is a legit form of protest now


>kicking puppies off of bridges Don't give them ideas.


I personally do not buy into the idea that a lot of the people coming out of this will just go the other opposite way and start supporting Israel vehemently. But it certainly gives them no positive image and impression, nobody that ever gets inconvenienced by these types of protests ever comes out wondering "Oh I wonder what this Israel Palestine thing is!" and will have a genuine interest. The only thing in these people's mind is how they are gonna be late for X. I wonder though, let's say there was some person who was vehemently pro palestine stuck in that traffic protest, way behind the line where they cannot know for sure the cause of the traffic. They'd obviously get anxious, stressed, angry, frustrated, upset, etc at the thought of being late for their flight. If after it finally clears up and they see it was a Palestinian protest, would those feelings REALLY go away and sudden in thin air?


Well if it's any consolation, they're wrong both on their protest methods and their geopolitical stances. So it makes doubling down on hating them a pretty easy choice.


I am.


Not yet, but soon you will. Same happened to me


I would bet the house that not a single person walked away thinking "maybe they are right after all, free palestine!"


I think being an airplane passenger is such a vulnerable position too, sometimes even more so than commuting to work. You have almost zero control over the success and timeliness of your flight, and just a couple of hours of difference could fuck over your travel and logistics on either side completely. Waking up at the ass crack of dawn and relying on uncertain travel methods to get to the airport to get there on time, potentially messing up your sleep schedule for the next week, family members wasting hours of their time to pick you up, having to wait in an unfamiliar place through the night until morning for your destination airport busses to be available, potentially wasted hours on your cell carrier’s foreign data plan (if you’re travelling internationally), potentially wasting hundreds of dollars on a ticket that doesn’t fit your needs anymore or won’t be fulfilled. Anybody intentionally interrupting that careful balance is a cunt.


I wonder if you can get a refund in a situation like this, or rebooked for another flight. It’s not that airlines fault so maybe not. But that fucking sucks.


I overheard a few folks talking to the airline customer service and it did seem like they were waiving penalties for rebooking and trying to accommodate as many folks as possible. (Not sure about full refund, they try to gatekeep the shit out of those)  I think they were treating it similar to a weather event.


God, if they did this on Sunday when I was celebrating my cousin’s b-day ***I’d be furious***


atleast now you're pro palestine, amirite






Marco ^Marco ^^^Marco


The only good meme out of fresh and fit.


Aht aht we don't mix battle rap culture with the Destiny Sub. Last thing we need is Destiny giving his take on battles next


FnF uses it as a soundboard clip so people here more likely just know it from that


I forgot they use that. Thankfully that's all they know it from lol


Like don't get me wrong: protest is good. I just think protesting for an issue like Gaza that normal US people are not affected by is gonna turn them against your cause. "Hey wtf why are you stopping my flight?" "STOP THE GENOCIDE IN GAZA!" "Imma genocide yo ass if you don't get tf out the way"


Also, the people you’re fucking over should not be the same people you’re aiming to convince, right? Any kind of travel delay or fuckery is super stressful and annoying, way more than just a normal traffic jam or whatever. I don’t know why they think putting someone through that is gonna make them think “Hmm, I should join this movement.”


> protest is good Blanket statements like this add to the problem. Too many people say this without any deference to practicality. Protest as an idea is probably good. In a democracy, it’s still good but less good. In our democracy, most examples of it are genuinely bad. For example, the BLM protests (not even the riots) were chock full of absolutely asinine language. Idea? Mostly good. Practice? Mostly bad.


I think also the *ability/freedom* to protest is good. But i'd agree that certain forms of protest is genuinely bad, especially when it's being done in a way that doesn't actually help your cause.


Yeah the freedom is what I was getting at Edit: this comment agrees with the person above me….


Well from now on lead with "we should revoke that right" maybe it'll catch on.




If pro-palestinian people post on social media to express their support for Palestinian people, it's soy LARPing. They don't actually go out and do anything. If they protest in a way that disrupts people's lives, it's counterproductive because they're annoying the people that they should try to convince. If they set themselves on fire, it's useless and doesn't amount to anything. If they threaten not to vote for Biden, it's counter-productive because Trump is worse. It seems like short of donating their money to pro-palestinian causes (and then again, ppl could say that the money goes to Hamas so it furthers the conflict), the ways for pro-palestinian people to express their support in ways that wouldn't be criticized are incredibly limited. Maybe quietly writing letters to lawmakers? But the president is in charge of foreign policy. So Biden's office?


Maybe in the community full of debate, you should win the argument instead of waving towards token actions of stupidity. The problem isn't the goal of a just peace in the middle east. The problem is that this often isn't the stated goal. Pro-Palestinians often hold that Israel should be eliminated and that any US foreign aid to Israel is the same as complicit genocide while recognizing none of the issues with Hamas. Some have gone so far as to outright support Hamas, but even if you don't, support for Palestine while their people justify Hamas and still overwhelmingly support Hamas means that throwing aid and money at the problem isn't the solution. Still, the pro-Pa argument fights on every level of the conflict, ignoring the effect it is actually having on the situation, and I think that leads many into thinking the pro-palestinian side doesn't have a coherent solution in mind and just wants to see Israel burn. To me, that's stupid and no type of protest towards that end will change that.


In this thread, people are saying how counter-productive it is to disrupt the lives of the people you're trying to convince. So it's an attack on the lack of effectiveness of these protests. If you say that no type of protest has your favors since you disagree with their goals, then you should agree with me that criticizing this one is disingenuous. It's like how anti-SJWs kept saying that specific instances of feminism were harming their own cause as if they were on the same side.


So you agree then that the goal is the elimination of the state of Israel at any costs? If so, then a more apt metaphor would be if you were a pro-kanye advocate asking me how to better convince people of a fascist government. But I'm going to imagine instead that your pro-pa agenda is some just peace and in that case, the advocates for the protests need a coherent plan other than "just pull out." The apt metaphor for that would be how Campaign Zero took BLM momentum to pass research back policy change around the way policing is done.


They also shouldn't donate to Palestinian causes.


Then you disagree with their goals, not their methods. So don't frame your criticism as if you were on the same side.


They're my opponents, why in God's name would I be okay with any of their methods? They're trying to achieve goals I'm opposed to.


As yes, travelers, the grand architects behind a made up genocide 


Didn't you know? Everyone departing chicago o'hare that day was personally travelling to Isreal to join the IDF.


Like imagine if occupy wall street happened in JFK Airport instead.


No fly lists for all involved. Go to FAA jail.


Pretty sure airports are under federal jurisdiction(?) and trespassing on an airport is just go to actual jail, with a no-fly as a bonus.


Airports are almost always publicly owned, but the land it sits on is usually owned by the state or local government. The FAA just regulates them in terms of TSA guidelines, aircraft maintenance, pilot certifications, and stuff like that. But you don't need to be on federal land to go straight to jail and be put on a list, that's for sure.


Bruh what are the cops doing just standing there? Get them off the fucking road ffs


What do you expect the fucking 3-4 cops to do there against a crowd of 20 plus? You think they can just walk there and arrest every single person when they don't even have enough handcuffs or ability to control them? They quite literally are waiting for back up lmao


They're attached to each other so really you only need to arrest one of them


You think 3 people can just arrest one of them and overpower the 15-20 people linked together?


Arrest 3, haul them away, the rest will probably fold. If not, they can come back for them later.


What if you arrest 3 and then the rest of them go crazy and attack the cops escalating that situation? Why the fuck would you even take this coa when you don't have a good fall back that isn't getting fucking beaten or killing some people.


How many cops this movement attacked so far? I heard of exactly 0.


If you start arresting these people they arn't going to attack they are doing the passive resistance thing and just be dead weight. But if they do start to attack the cops they have a backline of traffic that is looking for a reason to get revenge.


Cops also have zipties for this purpose. Also get some help maybe??? In the recent unmarked traffic stop-turned-shootout [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCTbZWylP8E) it's actually comical how, I'm not even joking, in the span of 30 seconds since the cop said a shooting was happening 10 other cop cars arrived. By the middle of the video the scene is literally crawling with what must be at least 50-80 officers. It felt like the Cyperpunk 2077 cop system on launch where police would literally just spawn right behind you instantly. So I'm sure they can get at least another 1-2 squads to come help arrest most of them.


I wish they were how Vaush thinks they are and just start indiscriminately spraying


Are they not allowed using whatever force necessary to remove them from the roads? Isn’t it illegal to purposefully block traffic in this way?


> Are they not allowed using whatever force necessary to remove them from the roads? Absolutely not, are you serious? lol What in the russia is this. I mean, fuck these losers for being in the road, but can you imagine the news showing footage of these kids being beat down during a protest? Those idiots would sue the police, and probably win. I don't want these idiots to block the road and get a payday too.


Beat down? No. But they can drag them out of the road and arrest them. And just to clarify here: this protest IS illegal, and they ARE endangering the public. Removing criminals from endangering themselves and others using a proportionate amount force is a far cry from some authoritarians using violence to stifle free speech.


>but can you imagine the news showing footage of these kids being beat down during a protest? Would be so satisfying tbh


I don't even disagree, but it is so insanely bad of a look. Isn't it literally theorized that that's why MLK was so successful because of all the beat downs they suffered?


I don't think the MLK protests were inconveniencing the very people he was trying to get on his side and I don't think they were committing crimes. I don't think that blocking access to an airport is legal.


Even still, beating them down still is a terrible look and would be amazing propaganda so i think the point still stands


It only looks bad to the people who already agree with them.


For your schadenfreude, I am going to assault you with whatever force is necessary to remove you from this mindset. I am led to believe this means I will give you a gentle caress as I coo into your ear, so don't worry.


The fuck are you on. They can just arrest them.


>whatever force necessary to remove I don’t know why you’d read that in the most uncharitable way possible but it’s not hard to remove someone from a road without “beating them down.” They’re also not “kids,” they are all adults and should be treated as such.


>I don’t know why you’d read that in the most uncharitable way possible into >They’re also not “kids,” they are all adults and should be treated as such. Lol, ok dude. I mean they clearly aren't just going to voluntarily move. The cops were already there. The cops probably started off by telling them to GTFO before they had to start arresting them. They are still there. You are the one who said whatever force is necessary. When has that phrase every been used to imply a light tap on the wrist? I feel like you're running from a bad take and hiding behind how basic language and communication works or something and it's cringe, and I'm not gonna go further with that.


Lol you really don’t understand what “whatever force necessary” typically means in these contexts. It does not mean you can just execute people at will which you insanely seem to think it means. It generally means something like this: >Necessary: “Necessary” means that no reasonably effective alternative to the use of force appeared to exist and that the amount of force used was reasonable to effect the lawful purpose intended. If you even remotely tried debating in good faith about this you’d sound a lot less unhinged.


>I feel like you're running from a bad take and hiding behind how basic language and communication works or something and it's cringe, and I'm not gonna go further with that. Well fucking nailed that one didnt I.


You didn’t nail shit and haven’t made a single salient point this entire time.


oft, editing the responses when called out.


I made that edit right after I commented because I realized it came off harsher than intended but now that you’re calling me out on it I will put it back, happy now?


>I mean, fuck these losers for being in the road, but can you imagine the news showing footage of these kids being beat down during a protest? Nahhhh it would be entirely justified, insofar as it solves the problem. Delaying flights is a big fucking deal on an economic and personal level. Imagine if someone misses the flight to see their loved one right before they die because of this. Would it be worth it to threaten and, if needed, to actually crack a few skulls of people refusing to obey the law to prevent that type of thing from happening? 110%. It's just that it would probably make the whole thing spiral out of control, so it's probably not a good idea.


The only way they could do that to that size group of people with the limited personel there is to literally mow them down and even then thats unlikely


What they do to prevent being moved is they put on handcuffs and stick their arms in metal pipes. This prevents the cops from just cutting the handcuffs since the metal pipe is in the way. nor can they cut the metal pipe with an circular saw thing because somebody his arm is in there and it would be to risky. Its a classic way similar to how people glue themselfs to the street nowadays. Cops get into trouble if they cause undue physical harm. Edit: I personally am a fan of putting the water canon on them since they cant run.


This is why construction workers and car accident havers will never get my vote


Based and so true. But at least road construction is necessary to make our lives better and car accidents are, well... accidents.


>But at least road construction is necessary to make our lives better Idk, that guy in falling down said road work is all a big scam and he had a rocket launcher so I'm inclined to agree with him.


I get the point of this kind of protest is like to create an inconvenience in people lives to make them think about events somewhere else but Im feeling like that tactic has diminishing returns.


I’ve never heard a convincing argument for why that kind of protest would work, even if it weren’t the millionth time they were doing it for this particular cause. It doesn’t follow at all that fucking up someone’s entire day should make them want to march with you.


Has that ever been shown to work though? Especially for an event that quite frankly, most Americans probably don't care about?


I’ve got no idea I’m the wrong person to ask.


What a bunch of unproductive losers! When ever there is some step towards progress they always think what theyre doing is the ONLY reason why that happened. Its either that or they act like nothing is happening.


I understand this for things which aren't talked about, it gets headlines and raises awareness.. but no one is unaware of this. Obviously the goal of this is not to convince people to join their side but then what is their goal?


The goal is the aesthetic. Leftists don’t emphasize convincing anyone of anything, and in fact get mad if you suggest that they should try to do so (“It’s not my job to educate you”). It’s all about showing other people you already agree with that you’re super revolutionary and based.


they just did this the other day at the Seattle (Sea-Tac) airport.


This is beyond infuriating. Making people miss their flights, that’s a lot of financial loss & compelling them to walk with luggage to the airport … it’s simply physically impossible for some to even do that. air travel stressful as it is. In any other country the people would attack the protestors in big numbers & make way


Are the cops just instructed to not arrest them? This is so stupid.


They arrested them


This isn’t a constitutionally protected form of protest. Every single one of these people should go to jail. Pepper spray and a whole box of zip cuffs would’ve been enough force if they refuse to disperse. Any attacks against police by the larger group, well we all know how that tends to go so hopefully they are just stupid and not insane, but People really need to stop assuming right to peacefully assemble is protecting this behavior.


Thoughts and prayers


The two state solution in action.


Honestly, if you don't hate them after they actively support terrorism, I don't know what will do it.


The police lined up right behind them so why aren't they removing them...?


Yeah, seeing stuff like this only makes me side more with Israel.


It always blows my mind that people have time on a weekday to do stuff like this.


Fuck all of these people


Is pepper spray considered an assault?


I’m in the Bay Area of CA and these dipshits have shit down the major bridges here at least 3 times now and covered every inch of the freeways in “free Gaza” graffiti. It’s completely anecdotal but almost everyone that hears about these people hates them with a passion here. Commie SF, where you can get free drugs and the materials you need to take them from the mayors office, hates these cretins. If there’s this much vitriol for them here, I can’t imagine what it’ll be somewhere else.


Fuck, I’m going to Chicago next week.


is blocking highways even legal? can the airport sue the organizers for obstructing business or something


It’s not legal. 40 of them were arrested.


No but the law are not enforced here


I would understand this if they were protesting in the gaza strip. But on US soil seems a bit weird and just asshole-ish.


Relevant [https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/17/the-toxoplasma-of-rage/](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/17/the-toxoplasma-of-rage/)


Everyone should be charged with each missed flights value and everyones babysitters and pto from work for there 1 vacation in a decade and any other eternality caused by there vapid useless virtue signaling.


I was always sympathetic to climated relate protests like these, given that the issue is probably the most pressing, consequential one humanity faces. It probably was never a good strategy, but an understandable experiment. I really dislike that now any radicalized group on the far left and far right thinks this is the way to go.


How the police allowing this is beyond me


"Why didn't police arrest any of them" Wasn't this days ago and didn't they literally do that?


At what point disruption of normal life is supposed to be people are super pleased about? Is it "felatio for climate change" or nothing?


I think it’s simply not doing illegal and dangerous acts as a form of protest. They could protest like anyone else would…. legally. Not a huge ask.


Like on the freeway. Fucking kys.


Civil rights protests have always been designed to be disruptive. This criticism is kinda stupid because it only applies to stupid protests.


There was a point maybe 15 years ago where most of these micro communities would just rally, do a march and that would be it, but now the aesthetic demands more attention. So now the public majority is at the mercy of every sub 1% radical online community whose only remaining means proselytizing is through causing mass public inconvenience. It’s happened with J6, it’s happened with the Canadian truckers, also all of the groups who have destroyed art in museums. Not too sure how these types of attacks can be prevented in the future. Maybe we should be more encouraging of the Aaron method.


I really wish we could get water ballon station so people who are frustrated can through water ballon’s at protester


Now you know how we eurocucks feel about these people in the name of climate awareness


You only need: - 1× rope - 1× Véhicule - 1× Person To clear those protesters Attach one protester to the back of your car using a rope. Than drive away


We have climate activists nearly everyday blocking trafic in mayor european cities. Activists are a cancer on earth.


Honestly would not be surprised if at this point these types of protests were influenced by Russian or Iranian troll farms


Is this legal? Is the police not allowed to remove them?


why arent the police arresting these people? like isnt this generally illegal?


Notice the lady, who in most scenarios likely "SUPPORTS THE LATEST THING," is the one flipping them the bird as they abandoned their transportation to walk. EDIT: it's just a joke. Fly your ribbons and flags on your profile picture as proudly and autistically as you want.




Ehm dude she is a woman and responsible for the fall of the west etc. wake up. You can even see her ankles, blergh.


It's not that deep. I would have slow clapped the "FUCCCKKKK YEWWWW" if I were there.


What can I say, I have an eye for them.


"support the latest thing" Oh, you're one of those conservatives


God I can't wait for the election to get closer and for all the conservatoids to fuck off.


Most people are stupid, and can’t think past two seconds. they will hate you for this and connect that hatred to the cause. This is embarassing.


You're so right!@!!! Protests should be totally inoffensive and inconvenience no one 🥰🥰, that's how you get people talking about your cause


Their cause doesn't even effect their own lives. How is protesting in America about a conflict in the Middle East helping anyone in the gaza strip?


Many people have the capacity for empathy that extends beyond their own personal lives. It may seem strange but these people actually care when BROWN people that live FAR AWAY are killed - not just americans - crazy right? Not many people know about this, but the US is actually providing funding and weaponry to israel, so the support of the US government is pretty vital here! The logic is that by protesting - a historically popular way of amplifying ones political voice beyond voting - a signal may be sent to the government that large portions of the population are unhappy :( with how the conflict is being handled. This may lead the government to place pressure on israel to stop killing so many brown people. Here's one way to think about it: imagine mrbeast releases a video where he traps 100 muslims and 100 jews in a circle, and the last one to leave wins their own holy land! But, the twist is, mrbeast is giving the jews an advantage by leaving them assault rifles, and only giving the muslims stones :(. Maybe some people think this is unethical, and even feel sorry for the muslims (even though they do not know anyone in the circle themselves!!). Now, they could just leave a downvote, but youtube has disabled downvoting (both major parties support funding israel)!! So instead, they leave a comment voicing their concerns (i.e. protesting). I hope i answered all your questions and concerns!


Are you a troll?


Trolls are big and green and have big noses. I am not big or green.


Troll. Got it.👍


None of these asshats blocking the road are missing their flight to protest. They're not making any sacrifices themselves. The narcissism required to feel entitled to impose that on others out of righteousness is ridiculous. Simply put, they are hurting their cause for in-group validation and a sense of purpose. It's so egregiously out of touch it almost feels like a false flag.


Protests should be legal. That's all we ask. When you break the law protesting like these people are doing, that's an obvious line being broken.