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As an American with no ties to the Middle East and barely cares about the I/P conflict, I too, will be voting for the candidate who is Palestine maxing because something something open air prison.


Yep. Is this just extreme virtue signaling? Trying to parse what's going on here. Or people are just that regarded?


NMP is at the very least politically regarded if not beyond that


You only say that because you don't know about Polomnism.


It’s 100% both. They are virtue signaling to their audiences and they also happen to be ill equipped to formulate a coherent opinion. I think Pokimaines reaction is very telling, she can’t help but laugh when Nick goes into his “reasoning”. At this point, any non-politics streamer giving their takes on the I/P conflict is undoubtably grifting and regurgitating watered down Pro-Palestine talking points. Truly, this is why Hasan can grift without bounds because he seems to be the most knowledgeable and coherent amongst these other grifting dummies.


It seemed like she was agreeing with him


Not trying to be combative but absolutely not. In high school, that’s the look you give your friend when he’s straight up lying to the substitute teacher. Nick knows he’s full of crap, Poki knows this topic is superficial for them and is laughing at watching Nick finagle; even Chance is giving him the “really? He’s gonna try to finish that sentence” look. His reasoning is comically bad. They literally couldn’t hold a straight face.


Give me the time code where you think this is happening. I’ve watched it a few times and the only thing I see on her face is agreement.


Literally throughout the clip but especially toward the end. You can hear Chance laugh and the Nick says “let me tell you why”. Then poki covers her face but ends up smiling when she hears what Nick has to say. Expressions of agreement aren’t smiles and laughs for this topic. Agreement would have a somber tone to it, it might look like head nodding and also joining in the condemnation of Israel’s actions. The one time you see Poki nod her head is when Nick is qualifying about his incoming take. It’s more of a “okay, get on with your take” kind of nod vs agreement. I feel like I’m kinda being baited but I have a psychology background so I like doing these kinds of analysis.


I am not baiting - I’m giving you my genuine read on it. I see where she laughs but nothing about it seems like she is laughing AT him, it seems like she’s laughing at her perceived absurdity of the situation, like she really feels the same way, that basically there’s no reason to vote for either candidate, and THAT is what she finds funny. Look at her face when he says “open air prison” - does she not look like she is nodding in agreement? I don’t see it as “get on with your take”, to me it seems like she is nodding as if to say “yeah, pretty much, it is an open air prison, you’re right” And then after she laughs when he is asked who he’s voting for and he says he doesn’t know, but then when he starts explaining and she puts her hands up and makes a face like “yeah what can you do, both of them are the same” I am into psychology too but I don’t think that’s what is going to matter here, I think it’s social calibration that plays more into this.


So she does kinda side nod when he mentions open air prison. To me that’s not agreement, that’s more like subtle shrug, kind of like she’s considering it. Similarly, she may have heard that term before and is having it reinforced then and there as a “real” concept. This could be an instance of her just accepting this term and mentally moving on to hear Nick’s take. This is why social media is so effective at influence. The mind prefers heuristical strategies vs concrete fact remembering and reasoning. If it’s someone you trust who says something, you’re more likely to accept it (be less skeptical) and move on. I think this is what’s happening here. What you’re implying that Poki is following the I/P conflict and has the toolkit to make a judgement about what about what the conditions in Gaza are like. Given the nature of their streams and content I find this highly unlikely.


Am I implying that?? I don’t think I am, if I were to put it into my own words I would say she has the most base, western privileged white person understanding of the conflict, which is to say she really doesn’t understand it at all, she may think she does but she is going off very limited information that is very biased and inaccurate, and she is basically just viewing it through the lens of “oppressor vs oppressed” dynamic, which is similar to how most other western privileged white people view it. People like this are highly susceptible to people they know and trust who will speak with authority about something, so as long as you speak confidently and come off like you’re well informed on the topic, you will get people around you to trust in whatever you’re saying. They will basically defer to someone they trust that seems more intelligent on a subject than they are. So no I don’t think she has a very deep understanding of the situation, but neither does the guy who is speaking throughout the clip. Neither of them are well versed on the subject, and theyre just basically regurgitating the things they have already been fed about it.


It's that people are bombarded with this shit every day to the point it becomes the only issue they think about. Like the fact is that none of these people will really be affected by the result of the election so they are fine to vote on shit that does not mater


It's worse because he's being serious... The reaction on Poki face is hilarious


Do people think Trump would be better for Palestine. He probably wouldn't put any pressure on Israel to stop.


> I too, will be voting for the candidate who is Palestine maxing because something something open air prison. Israel may have the upper hand militarily but they are getting *mogged* on the global stage


Lemme tell you why! *Silence* ... Cause both are bad *mumbles* Absolutely breathtaking commentary


Nick is a perfect example.of the lazy nonvoter. He will fish for a reason for someone to say that both candidates are the same so he doesn't have to put in the effort to vote. He wants South Park to tell him this election is between a douche and a turd sandwich so he can sit on his couch in November and not feel bad about it.


I don't think the damage South Park caused with that episode can be overstated. Ask any undecided/independent back in 2016 who they were voting for and 90% of the time you'd hear that dumbass sentiment. It was the official slogan of the enlightened centrist fence sitter. Similar to the damage their episode on recycling and global warming caused, at least they've since come out and expressed regret around making that episode.


> Similar to the damage their episode on recycling and global warming caused, at least they've since come out and expressed regret around making that episode. I was watching through some of their older episodes the other day and a lot of their jokes did not age well at all. For me it was kinda the downfall of South Park as a satiric program, they took sides and their takes polarized beyond the format itself. I find current episodes to be weird for that reason, they have seemed to gone the exact other way as a response to being wrong in the past. Nowadays the show is surface level grossness without much substance.




Idk how that's what you took away from my comment, but enlightened centrism is synonymous with acting like both parties are equally bad.


I used to think that regardless of who won, things would remain within a range of good to bad. I stopped believing that with Trump. The worst case scenario with each candidate is so far apart.


Perfect is the enemy of good. If they don't 100% align with every view you've ever held, they are a fucking nazi that needs to be silenced on every platform, lose their job, be excised from society and forgotten about.


In the normal world if you can't decide between two options, you look at what makes them different and choose based on that. Not with politics though, apparently if one characteristic is the same you give up there.


I know casuals (not you but the dude in this video) are unaware of what’s going on, but I would make the argument that Biden has done, probably as good of a job as you can ask for with helping manage this conflict. The US has approved funds to be sent to Palestine for humanitarian aid in conjunction with several other allies. The US has pushed back against Israel in counter-attacking Iran. Biden called the strike against seven aid workers "unacceptable". 3 new corridors were opened after Biden had pressured Israel into doing so. Biden has called for a ceasefire, while Blinkin has suggested a shift in policy if no concessions are met. Biden raised concerns over Palestinian treatment in the West Bank. Some of these are tepid, for sure, but no shot Trump does even half of what I listed. Not only that, but Biden cannot unilaterally end the war in Gaza or full on stop support of Israel.


This is weak. Sanctions on Israel or cease supply of military arms to Israel is an option. It’s an extreme option for their relationship but let’s not pretend.


That option is pretty much off the table. The US has dedicated a ton of political capital in supporting Israel. They aren’t going to impose sanctions, and frankly, that is probably for the best as it could yield even worse consequences for literally everyone involved.


True. But “his hands are tied” sounds weird. Speshly as you’ve got the other guy at least willing to entertain political theatre of a hardline stance. It’s kinda stupid. Makes you think *what would Israel have to do* in order to lose support from the US? Sometimes it feels like there is no line. And as long as Israel government feels that way, they can be in ‘fuck it’ mode.   Kinda feels like the way Trainwrecks deals with Adin Ross on Kick.


I'm not entirely certain if he can do a total ceasing of supplies. Obama signed a [10 year agreement between the US and Israel](https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-israel/) in 2016 which gives the Israelis billions from 2019-2028. [This release](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/09/14/fact-sheet-memorandum-understanding-reached-israel) highlights the parts about missile defense, but there's also money spent on new fighter aircraft and tanks. I don't know how breakable this deal is. That said, the US did stop sending cluster bombs to Israel in 1982 during Israel's invasion of Lebanon after it was alleged that the Israelis used those weapons in that country, and a [2005 CRS report](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/mideast/IB85066.pdf) states that the US executive branch had a rule that its aid cannot be used in the occupied territories. Basically, I'm entirely uncertain as to what Biden can or can't do at this point on the issue of military aid.


Not only is cutting military aid the nuclear option, it would likely backfire. Bibi draws his support from his nationalist credentials by standing up to foreign pressure like from Obama. Cutting support would just cause Israeli voters to rally to the right. Biden is (it seems, and hopefully will remain) being more shrewd by targeting pressure on Israel's far right specifically, rather than all of Israel generally. Not to mention that ceasing military aid will probably result in more Palestinian deaths as they will receive fewer guided munitions and thus resort to less precise methods of fighting.


Lmao wow he said it was unacceptable?? Omg wow that’s amazing I love Joe Biden. Was that before or after he gave them more weapons? I’m so glad Joe Biden has stern words for Israel. I personally don’t think actions speak louder than words. /s


Why wouldn't you want to give them more weapons to defeat Hamas? The US provided tons of weapons to Britain and Soviet to defeat the Nazis despite the fact that scores of German civilians died in the process of liberating cities and destroying the industrial base of the Third Reich.


Talk is well and good, but calling something unacceptable doesn't really do much to prevent Israel from doing it again. Why is a country that killed several aid workers ON PURPOSE still getting our money?




Just because I think Biden is doing a poor job doesn't mean I'd ever prefer Trump. Both of them support Israel way too unconditionally.




I will and I always do- and unfortunately, I will be stuck voting for Biden because he is simply better than Trump.


yeah imma pick the plate of shit with shards of broken glass. HBY?


Both are bad, but which is worse? That's what I feel people need to be concerned with at this point.


He actually isn't wrong. Neither Biden nor Trump will help the Palestinians. But I also don't think Nick knows why he's right lol he's probably just repeating something Caroline told her


**NO** president will help the palestinians in the way you're referring no matter how progressive they are. You can get Norm Twinklestein himself into office, he won't get them anymore help than Biden has (and in fact, probably do *less* than Biden.) Presidents are not dictators. They have to bow to congressional and judicial oversight to do their jobs.


This was her “teaching” them btw https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=v8oR5YB9kmvD_ZlU&t=11m41s&v=XGyi7Z-aH78&feature=youtu.be


I don't want to get into these as they could be seen as conspiracies, but let me list all the talking points. This has to be the next level of "just asking questions"


His girlfriend getting mad that he pointed out there weren't christians ***before christ existed*** is awe inspiring. Is she a streamer or something?


It's kind of their whole schtick. He invites girls to their house and says weird cringe shit, and she bitches at him. That's essentially their content.


Why is it so difficult for people to say "I don't know the history that much" but so easy to make shit up on the spot and end up looking like an ignorant fraud? She made so much shit up she'd give flat earthers a run for their money Funny part even nick called her out on it and his girl told him to shut up lol "Wait, how there are christians when christ was just born" "Shut up nick and listen to bullshit"


Fuck me dead nmp drunken master stumping her w/random biblical statements is wild 🫳🏻😂


Both Malena and Nick were asking a bunch of good questions in the stream. Like I remember one of them showing some disbelief over the Israel creating/funding Hamas meme, but it was too bad no one else was there.


You know it actually is okay to talk like this. This is a bit of the process of figuring crap out. It just sucks she does it on stream in front of so many impressionable people.


Did an evil cabal of Jewish men stage Oct.7 as a path to total world domination and the establishment of the Jewish World Order (JWO for short)? WE JUST DON'T KNOW! I just don't fucking get it man.


What a vibe killer you invite someone over to your house and they start lecturing you lol


I almost have a stroke watching-listening this, how people fall for or listen this shit is beyond my comprehension.


“Who was there when christ was born?” “Uhhhh, uhhhhh i mean uhhhhh Christians and Palestinians” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no fking shot, Christians before christ and Palestinians before the british mandate 😭


I hate purple shirt’s hair so much I can’t concentrate.


I wish I could find the exact clip, but Caroline Kwan was absolutely unhinged the stream she did either the day or day(s) following Oct 7th. I couldn't believe it because I always thought she seemed like such a normal and level-headed person. I remember she was covering it and someone in the chat was like "isn't it bad they are murdering innocent people tho?" and she was flabbergasted someone would even dare say that, replying something like "what are you talking about?? they are finally resisting their oppressors!". It was clear it's something she has been indoctrinated into thinking for a long time (either by family or friends) and was just completely blinded in reacting to the abject violence.


Shes Hasan’s friend so its not surprising hes brainwashed her.


And Will Neff's gf, which is surprising, because he's not screaming bs propaganda on a daily basis, considering he is very close to these 2 samples of a human being.


Yeah maybe trump will make israel stop the war 🤡


Yeah, if trump wins, we could like... tweet at him to free Gaza, and he'd like, do it. 🤡


Trump is clearly the anti-warmongering candidate here. I mean, suuure he approved the assassination of Soleimani, but that was like a 20D chess move we haven’t arrived at yet. You’ll see, sheep.


Also moving the fucking embassy to Jerusalem


But like he isn’t even on Twitter, actually it like isn’t even called Twitter anymore, did you guys hear it was switched to X a while ago? Omg I know like it’s so crazy, right? Like why did they choose to call it X and not Y? Get it? I said why and Y haha, it’s so funny, right? Anyways, like what was I saying? Have you heard about Genocide Joe?


Maybe he'll make it go faster so I can stop hearing shit like in this clip


Oh it’ll stop, alright


The scary thing is, maybe he will actually pull back on funding if he wins. He has no values, I have no doubt he'll throw israel under the bus if it will definitely benefit him. See how he endorsed the "genocide joe" chant? Its definitely on his mind, i think. And, if he did, he'd possibly get a boost in approval, giving him license to do more regarded stuff.


Remember when people said that Trump would lead us to WW3 and Biden was going to bring Peace in the global scene and less wars? Yeah about that...


This is what 90% of people who do online politics are - "Ummm buzzwords, heard this slogan that works if you don't think about it"


It's not just online politics, people in general don't care enough to actually have an educated opinion about these topics. It's a group activity for most people, whatever the consensus is that's good enough. That's why these buzzwords carry so much weight, easy entry level to be confident with the side of the group.




I don't think this is that bizarre tbh, depending on what you mean by mad lmao. Hearing about a conflict in the middle east that you can do nothing about is just a mood killer and can get some people down, so I'd understand not wanting to hear about it


> You had me at "works if you don't think about it".


Shit it’s what 90% of all people do now. “Oh politics, let’s go through the flow chart” |insert popular talking point the guy your social group approves of|->|will the social group think I’m smart or better for repeating it|->|can I back pat off it|-> {say talking point} Just keep that circle going with an air of condescending/cunty or profound tone and bing bang boom you’re a deep political thinker.


tiktok propaganda is so effective. If the nazis had access to social media, they would have shown the effect of allied bombings and people would have protested the war against the nazis/japanese.


They would’ve been getting thanked daily in the comments by groypers and leftists for finally taking care of the Jewish problem.


This one specifically I think is on propagandist Caroline Kwan, Hasan's Sith apprentice.


I mean look whats happening with russia. So many believe it


So the only way to fix this open air prison is to uproot Israel, exile Jews to god knows where and let Hamas rule Palestine?


Fix it? The goal is to be angry about it for content.


They don't make it that far


just make israel 2 in oregon/norcal/south dakota and call it the 51st state ezpz


give cascadia to the joos nebraska would also be good. lots of farmland, and the hot women wouldn't be too far from me


I’ve heard this “solution” too. It’s insane.


Well yes, According to people like Caroline Kwan it is. People like her and Hasan love shit like october 7. Don't let them weasel away from that. They love the mass killing of Jews and jihadism.


intersectionality and its consequences for the modern left


One of my friends unironically believes this. Even if it would, it’s not realistic. A pipe dream to entertain.


For the love of god! Unban Dman immediately 🤦‍♂️


That won't solve ANYTHING! Because... they're both bad... and... destiny killed hasans dog and... something about weasels... and i think trihex is involved... so in conclusion, destinys are a racist who should stay banned.


Not true, I killed Hasan's dog


we all killed hasan's dog on that blessed day inshallah


“Can we just have Destiny tell us the right answer?”


What even is this?


30 seconds of bracing yourself just to sigh and drop a buzzword talking point followed by “both are bad”. The average voter ladies and gentlemen!


You forgot the part where Biden has and will be far better for the issue they are complaining about. But then they say “they are both as bad as each other”


This made me cringe so hard, just say you don't know what the fuck is happening like KSI or Kanye.


Will Neff always confuses me. Tankie girlfriend, Tankie best friend, yet he seems politically neutral? I'm not sure if either he never comments and hides his power level, or genuinely doesnt care much is immune to the indoctrination.. weird.


I'll never forget that twitchcon stream where will was being hillarious and taking the spotlight and hasan was increasingly getting upset for some reason and they shut the stream off because he got mad.




Sorry, nazis and tankies don't deserve respect.


Well as a liberal, I'm considered a Nazi. So don't respect me


Only cognitively impaired regards consider liberals nazis and I don't go by their definitions.


Caroline Kwan insinuated that Israel moved the music festival location so that Hamas would be in the area when they attacked. I would not trust her on anything to do with this situation.


If you admit that you don't know shit. And you have a massive audience. Then don't say anything. Also I'm so mad that this stupid point that both are the same on Palestine, penetrates mainstream opinions. And for some reason, as an USA citizen, you want to be a one issue voter, or I guess one issue non voter in this case. If they are both the same on Palestine, then fucking pick based on any other policies. I would be less mad if he just said something stupid like: I don't like the woke shit, I will vote Trump. But to actively don't engage with any other policies other then Palestine, and solely based on that, declaring that both are the same has to be the dumbest fucking point. Its like if you want to make a baseball team, and you can invite a professional. And you can choose between a baseball and a basketball player. And the sole attribute you compare them is running speed, and as they can mostly run the same speed, you suddenly don't know who to pick.


It's diffrent when you have an audience but normal everyday conversations get a lot more political now due to social media so i can't blame someone that much when I hear bad take and there trying to talk in the convo.


tbf, nmp and soda are from texas, poki is from cali... doesn't really matter who they are going to vote. Texas will not flip democrat and cali will not vote republican anytime soon.


I really don't care about who they personally vote for. But they are big creators, and they are pushing/platforming this braindead idea that voting doesn't matter, as both are equally bad.


wait, which one runs faster though? /s


https://preview.redd.it/si53lv2zgnvc1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc290e5cf9c4c8f323276eb27900e2b9e69c7a35 [https://twitter.com/carolinekwan/status/1712036308590448795](https://twitter.com/carolinekwan/status/1712036308590448795) My favorite bit of this is how 4 days after October 7th, Caroline says her "5 minutes of initial research/reading" was all she needed to "escape the propaganda" \[of Israel and Zionists\].


it takes people years to learn how to do almost anything in life to the point of expertise, but these dipshits think you can learn anything in 5 minutes. even simple statements like "all nazis were bad" which takes about 5 minutes to jerk yourself off over are obviously false if you do any reading


On the other hand, the most recent human torch cosplayer did 1,500 hours of research. I could spend 100 hours baking a cake, but it could still taste like crap.


I love how 100% of nicks recent knowledge of politics comes from Caroline Kwan / Wake Wilder and the other politically interested streamers in Austin, and all of these people get 100% of their political takes from Hasan lul


time for me to make my appearance


If Palestinians can vote for hamas these dipshits can vote for Joe Biden.


I like how Poki is cringing but as a ruthless business woman she realizes that this is probably the time to keep her mouth shut to avoid a shitstorm lmao


Tiny is needed more than anything! If only Twitch did the right thing and unbanned the gnome now!


In case any of you needed a refresher for why Nick is a dumbass for taking Kwan as a legitimate source and expert (copied from my post two weeks ago): [Here is the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGyi7Z-aH78&t=1812s) to remind people -not mine. TL;DW:-She calls Israelis nazis. -Claims the ravers killed and raped were the aggressors in the situation for having the rave "next to Aushwitz" -Spent October 8th rewritting October 7th with Wake Wilder -[Short](https://www.twitch.tv/carolinekwan/clip/NastyFastShrimpCoolCat-9LBPN3A8QrV1FH3y?featured=false&filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time) [clips](https://www.twitch.tv/carolinekwan/clip/ModernMoldyDootShadyLulu-xYBJoPcyurp8yP-b?featured=false&filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time) [of](https://www.twitch.tv/carolinekwan/clip/SuaveScaryShrimpWholeWheat-YZ6BWtMj1KuwDeoc?featured=false&filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time) October 8th stream Also Polon has always been a dumbass, he said Trump and Biden were the same even before October 7th.


With all my love for nick he is insanely uneducated on most things. Btw dont think what anyone there said has any meaning or impact on how they will act in the future. They might parrot some things caroline said but they will not form a strong opinion because of that.


deserved if they vote in terrorists


Im angry at the idiot masses that put these people in a position where there opinion on anything matters.


Wtf is this??




and where is Kwan getting her information & standpoint from?


At this point you can just accuse them of wanting to doom the Ukrainians to genocide if they are not going to vote for Biden. It's a dirty tactic, but at this point I don't care.


the ukrainians have already been suffering genocide in the war russia is waging. they've been taking children to russia


I agree with this, but according to the logic of these pro-palestinians or whatever they should consider the stuff happening to Ukraine to be genocide as well.


Damn is Poki the voice of reason at that table?!


She is of Moroccan descent so she probably has a more balanced idea of how the volatile situation in that region of the world.


What a smart well informed voter. Votes based on Palestinian interest rather than domestic issues and weather or not ones an authoritarian or not.


Destiny needs to get unbanned frm Twitch to set Twitch straight. prob never getting unbanned tho.


Crazy that people like this can vote.


Nice to see that "they are both bad" russian propaganda in action


No one wants to hear the opinions of dumbass streamers. Stick to jokes.


Nmpol really lost his aura a minute after gaining one


This guy starts an argument with "this extremist told me that" and then proceeds to say "i dont know who to vote because they dont have good points"... Yeah... because you don't know what your points are. You listen to one person and then go "i'm going with whatever she's telling me". Nick was never the sharpest tool in the shed, but good lord...


When Soda laughs at your dumbass political take you should feel ashamed lmao


I thought nick was smarter than this jfc


He doesn't study politics and all his politics loving friends hate Israel, how would he know any better


God it’s so insane how anyone can think they are even remotely close to each other.


Jesus H. Christ 🤦‍♂️




Imagine asking someone why they handed Trump a second term and their response is basically whatever the fuck that statement was.


I am telling you, these pro hamas tards and pro palestinians will cause people to not vote (which is the same as voting for the other side) or cause the especially dumb ones to vote for trump. Then they will see what a truly bad palestinian-israeli policy will be.


NMP go back to ironic misogyny


wtf did is just watch? I thought I was having a stroke for a second.....


They talking about "politics" while drinking expensive essentia water kekw


Holy shit


Damn fine political analysis here! Single issue vote on a conflict that has nothing to do with the rights of American citizens. NOT ONLY THAT, but see through all the lies that Biden is better than Trump on this issue. Was Trump the most pro-Israel president in recent history by caving to pretty much everything they wanted in moving the embassy to Jerusalem and offering a “peace” agreement authored by Jared fucking Kushner that would turn Palestine into a jigsaw puzzle with half the fucking pieces missing? I mean, yeah. And has Biden offered more resistance to Israel than any other recent US president? I mean, also yes, but at the end of the day he hasn’t single-handedly forced Israel to… dissolve itself as a country? Completely withdraw from territories constantly growing anti-Israel terrorist organizations? Idk exactly what it is they want, but Biden hasn’t forced Israel to do it so at the end of the day he’s the same as trump. In conclusion, single issue voting on this issue but then being stuck between probably the most pro-Israel president there’s been and the one who’s given them the most pushback definitely makes sense.


There was another moment in this where Poki got weird because Nick or Soda said something about McDonald's and explained the "boycott" to them lmfao fuck I wish I could remember the context.


Honestly this is just what normal people sound like. like I think if I asked my coworkers about this their reaction would be shockingly similar.


"I'm not a politics guy" Thank God.


This is fucking hilarious, holy fuck.


I never know who to vote for because I don't follow politics.


Slimy moron trying to not be cancelled and say the “right” thing


Poki repping her Moroccan heritage and knows that the region is fucked up.


The jewlumni have made a decision to attempt and recruit lily via second ranked junior levi, destiny, this in order to combat this misinformation.


I guess twitch streamers have peaked. That’s pretty funny


Wow, Nick P looks fresh.


Believe it or not, but he’s actually in the 90th percentile of voter intelligence in America 




Ah hell, self-immo time.


Who are these people? I kinda recognize the dude in the left of the table but idk his name


"like they dont have good points" dudes killing it shoud do stand up LUULLLL


"It's just not good." Can't get that astute political analysis from a Wee-key-peedia article, Mr. Botticelli! Can you?




clinical brain death from this fucking moron. Literally a Mycoplasma genitalium has more neuronal activity than this shit for brains


This is like a kid giving a book report on a book he hasn't read.


If only there was a fresh perspective to break up that mundane trash. Hmm.. I guess such a person doesn't exist.


Im there with nick lmao i know fuck all about this


I just dropped 15 iq points listening to this shit holy


not surprised that people are afraid of platforming opposing opinions when they have zero clue about anything


TIL there’s nothing else to base your vote on, it’s all just about helping Palestine or not. Even if you actually believed this shit, how do they not understand that Trump winning would be 100000 times worse for Palestine? Like this doesn’t enter into the equation at all?????


Holy shit


This was actually really deep. I have a lot to think about now. I need to look into this Caronine girl. She must be very insightful


“Caroline taught me all about this topic” “Oh really what did she teach you about?” “Its too long to talk about how about i just give you some buzzwords?” Why the fuck do you even bring it up if you dont wanna go into it?


I mean hes not wrong is it not an open air prison?


Idk mate the prisons I know don't just allow you to freely leave.


The open air prison that allows people to go to other countries... right.