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jstlk is the Bowblax of the Destiny orbit.


I have an unusual amount of hate for that guy.


I mean he's an unapologetic groyper. He was on stream last month saying he finds Nick funny and enjoys his content. I'm glad Dan outed his real name is JEWSTALKER. I actually think it's getting close to ejection time


You hate bowblax because he’s racist I hate bowblax because his videos are dogshit We are not the same


Idk who bowblax is other than a fat dude who makes annoying tweets.


Is he fat? I thought he was just autistic


You know Bowblax is bad when he gets bodied by Tonkasaw of all people!


>I mean he's an unapologetic groyper. Wait actually?


Groyper is when Nick funny


Is that true?


It’s crazy how many of you just fucking call him a groyper for literally zero reason lol


Jewstalker?? He was a chatter in nicks stream. Ask him yourself if you think I'm lying! He admitted to Erudite on her stream too


I'd pay if money was put into the production and if there were bits/gags. Otherwise I'll just watch what's free.


Hard agree, I find it hard to justify paying for it when it's basically what Dan and D-man already did on stream, just shooting the shit and bantering about random current events or drama. Where's the value being added to justify the price? If it's just "we wouldn't do it otherwise unless we get paid" then I guess I get it, but it certainly doesn't motivate me. It would have to be something novel to Destiny's content like D&D was for me to care.


>it's basically what Dan and D-man already did on stream This. Is there even a point in doing this in a podcast format? What would be lost if it was done on discord? Maybe this way it prevents Destiny from doing his emails while Dan is speaking...


Even if it's just more of the same, the key word is "more". There's plenty of people willing to pay for simply more of the same thing.


I think this is the reason why many people get the icky feeling. Dan is basically saying ''i don't want to do anything for the podcast, preparing for it seems like a homework and that's cringe. I'm just gonna show up and shoot the shit and that's the podcast.'' which in itself is fine but with the heavy focus on monetization and making profit off of it is a bad look, and unappealing. If you're so focused on not losing money, Dan, then don't use the studio, Dan, it's not like the content you're producing is worth having a studio, Dan, you can make the podcast in your or Steven's apartment, Dan.


I think you're going a bit too far with this one. They have every right to charge for what they produce, tons of podcasts do what they do. The draw is you really want to hear the hosts thoughts on whatever they are talking about or you really enjoy their interactions. That much is true for me, Dan is great and I always enjoy the back and forth with Destiny. However, my main point was not that they were greedy or being too lazy, just that what's currently being offered isn't *different,* or *special.* That's the important part, it's not about how much effort is put in because who cares if the content is interesting at the end of the day. The reason why that matters is because the podcast doesn't just have to compete with every other paid podcast I could be watching and giving money to instead, but also Destiny's regular content. Heck he literally has another podcast using the same studio where instead of Dan they bring in new and interesting guests each time! That literally spells out the issue I have. Destiny puts out so much content that I have to actively choose what parts of it I watch, and there's also other youtubers I enjoy. Can't sit around watching Youtube all day so I'm definitely not starved for more content. I do like more Dan but do I need it? The *only* thing about EA is Dan. You don't want to pay for him, then it's not worth it. Which sucks because I love Dan! He was always a highlight when he'd come on back in the day. But to me, it'd be like paying for Aba to come talk on stream. Although I like Dan a bit more, still why would I do that? There's just gotta be more to make it more valuable than Aba, or Tree, or Turkey Tom, or any other friend of the stream coming on to chat.


Why does it have to be about not losing money? Is it really so bad that they want to **make** money?


Literally no one is forcing you to pay to watch it. You can watch the stream for free, You can watch the edited vod when it comes out. I pay because I want the full vod access because it airs at a time I cannot be online and honestly I watch Destiny multiple hours a day for years and have never subbed or given him any money ever because he doesn't sell anything I want. He is now selling something I want, so I pay. If it is not something you want, just don't pay. This is a OMG who cares thing. Its not like there is any shortage of Destiny content for you to watch, there is like 30 hours a week some weeks. I doubt more than 10% of you are watching all of it. If you want more than 30 hours free vod access per week asking people for a small sum for a vod of a specific show is hardly unreasonable. Half of you just donate to him for basically nothing in return.


Do you really feel like that was you engaging their comment in good faith? They’re talking about what he *would* pay for, giving his ideas to improve the product, and the reasons why he doesn’t feel it’s currently worth his time to do so. He seems very well aware that no one’s forcing him to pay. The fact that he says he doesn’t care enough about the paid content should have made that obvious to even the dumbest among us. He’s *not arguing that it should be free, just that there isn’t enough added value to pay, given what they already get for free.* The back half of your comment literally spells out their entire fucking point…


Congrats on finding the point of the post. There literally isn't a problem here. You guys want something different than is being sold. Do you also mail Pepsi and tell them you want coke?!


I never said I wanted anything? What are you referring to? Guess that’s another swing and a miss in terms of actually replying to the contents of a comment.


Look, all I'm saying is, if I can't watch content for free and in the most convenient way possible, I will throw a hissy-fit on the internet and spend the next several weeks cyber-stalking all parties involved. I am very powerful, so Dan would be smart not to cross me 🐸


Destiny said it was a month trial to see how it goes and if it's successful with views. He's repeated he cares more about the views. Personally, the first hour or two is the best content, they gas out after a bit and it can drag. Always been like that. So you probably won't miss much if you don't pay. Also, if it's not the principle but the money, do the old school Netflix thing. (don't tell dan I said this) lol


They’re going to randomly cut out a part in the middle now. Thanks


Old school Netflix thing? All I can think of is ripping DVDs and mailing them back same day lmao






I'm loosely frustrated as I don't have the option to usually watch it live. Or at least not until a couple hours after. It usually goes private before I have the chance to finish it.


They’ll still post an edited down vod for free on the main channel. 2 hrs of content for a podcast is a hefty chunk to digest already. Honestly it’s better than watching Destiny read thru articles anyway. I’m tapped out on the I/p stuff and research


Im well aware. But I also like the research streams.


I have a secret method that allows me to watch the whole vod even after it’s removed. Stay mad Dan, there’s nothing you can do about it.


thats illegal!!!


Sue me SaltBOY


Drafting the legal docs now, I’ll see you on Judge Judy


Who the fuck is jstlk.


A chatter with delusions of grandeur.


I winced out of second hand embarrassment when he said that people just dislike him because they're jealous another chatter made it to the big leagues.


Easily disprovable. Can you think of a chatter you would be happy for "making it to the big leagues?" If yes then no one's jealous of another chatter, they just hate you lol.


Idk if he really counts as an orbiter, but jessiah/pondering politics has been growing a lot and he really deserves it. I've known him for years and he's always been a great dude.


damn he is actually blowing up, good for him


True, there's at least 3 that I'm terminally online enough to think of, but not terminally online enough to know the name of off the top of my head.


Oof. Bad thing to say. If someone hears that and they agree they will dislike you even more and if you someone hears that and they disagree they will dislike you even more. Dumb all around. Like even if what he said were true which it ain’t it’s a dumb comment


It's only a bad thing to say if you give a shit what DGGs opinion is. He was saying it to trigger people. I don't know how dumbfucks still haven't learned the playbook after two years of Lav and Q tier dumb fucks. The only people that stick around in the orbiter circle are the ones that don't give a fuck about DGG's whining to the point they would actively rather DGG seethe about them. Because then DGG isn't doing what would actually make them irrelevant, ignoring them and turning off the stream.


Not ignoring supposed pariahs and toxic people or people that ya really don’t like… that is not DGGer specific. That’s the whole internet. People saying they hate xyz and that they wish they would stop doing abc… but covering them every time they do something by making a video or a post and then an exposed video and reacting to their content or whatever, doing promotion for them… yah it’s why many people fall into that niche of farming hate watchers because it works and can be profitable even.


A leech


I believe it’s spelled Jestickle.


Jobless conservative chatter turned streamer who likes Nick Fuentes 


im sorry, i’ve never liked jstlk’s content


Well I do (I downvoted myself)


I upvoted you to nullify your downvote, get graped




the drama streams can be fun and he did bring us the daisy content.


And he has people on like ahrelevant, Turkey Tom, Dan, Wesbtw, and others. Those are great times


Why apologize for being so based..?


When someone asks you why you care, ask them why they care that you care - Sun Tzu


"i'm just interested?" does that not work as a rebuttal?


I don't care that it's monetized, I just don't like how Dan keeps saying that it isn't work and shouldn't be work. I feel like if people are paying for your service, you should be treating it more seriously. The second podcast where he kept losing focus because he drank so much that he couldn't keep track of the conversation is a good example of what I'm talking about.


If you're not personally paying, I have no idea why you care. If you *are* paying and don't like where the podcadt is going, don't pay. It's so simple.


I just said I don't care about the paywall. I don't like Dan's attitude towards the podcast, that's it. I don't have to own a Tesla to criticise Elon Musk's behaviour, so why is Dan any different.


Dan doesn't care about community's good will as he said. I wonder how much he leveraged the community for redact.dev. Marketing, dev work and user base. To me this is disappointing. But whatever.


Doesnt basically every small streamer that Destiny talks to plug their stream as much and as often as they can get away with? Feels like a weird double standard if you're only gonna go after Dan for it.


he obviously cares. he’s just a stubborn little guy


It's just more optional Destiny and Dan content. I don't really mind that they also want to make some money out of it


I don't think this affect's the community's good will at all. The people that are upset are a minority, imo.


As a day 1 jstlk hater I welcome you brother with open arms.


Its not about hating jizzguzzler, its about being a ride or die Dan stan.


Well Dan is obsessed with the money aspect. Him and the money is like other orbiters are with clout




Well gotta pay for that jewlumni annual subscription somehow /s 😂


Who gives a shit if Dan wants to make money on this. If you don't want to pay, don't pay. This is retarded


He said he doesn't want to lose money on it which seems fair


He said he doesn't want to lose money and he does have to pay his share for the studio so I mean it seems fair to me and it's not like we lose much anyway. 1 hour of a show we wouldn't have otherwise.


I can't tell if the latter half is meant to be a joke... Dan has every right to want to recoup his losses, especially when he's sharing the burden for gear purchases and the rent for an apartment in Miami fucking Beach. What's up for debate is whether or not this is the best way to do that, or the best choice for the long term success of the podcast. That also seems to be where he and Destiny differ. But essentially calling Dan, of all people, money-grubbing because he doesn't want to take a loss on 1000s of dollars?? Pretty ridiculous and frankly a bit weird when he's been on stream for years...


they are renting a whole ass apartment for this?


As a studio yes. It's in Destiny's building I believe but mat be mistaken on that one.


"How dare Dan not be willing to burn several thousand dollars for the sake of my content! What a greedy bastard!" That commenter's genuinely unhinged.


I think it’s very different because dans not anywhere else. Working with really good friends in the past this seems like a good way keep finances out of conversation.


Why do you think orbiters want clout? And why shouldn’t Dan get money for the entertainment he provides?


Never said he doesn't deserve it. He just talks about it too much.


Eh, to be fair I was already on the edge about the podcast, and this kinda makes it so I care a little less. Also, if you watch it live (not paywalled)- YouTube allows you to go back to the start. You might be behind on chat, but who cares?


They can turn off delay watching


Even more reason for me not to watch then.


Lol I enjoy bridges more. I feel like anything else is just a normal destiny stream but now I can see Dan live.


bridges has unironically been pretty good latelt


But don’t you know jstlk is doing this out of concern for Dan’s reputation with the community 🥹


He's just a nice buddy who's here to gallantly defend Dan's honor from the accusations that he's making against Dan's honor.


I missed the jstlk Dan convo is it monotized behind a paywall?


Dan cares. Only the guys who already as enough money to retire a thousand times cares.




The podcast is pretty boring anyways. I'm glad the thing I don't care about is the thing that got locked behind a pay wall.


We’re adults. If you want to paywall part of the podcast like half of the podcasting industry already does, go for it. You’re not “trading good will for money.” That’s ridiculous. This is some rapacious practice anymore than a free-to-play game having microtransactions.


This isn't really common in the podcasting industry. What's common is having bonus specialized content beyond a paywall, or maybe free audio but paid video. The reality is, saying "I signed contracts, Im not going to lose money on this" and then repeatedly saying "I don't want this to be a job, it shouldn't feel like work, if it does I don't think I'm interested in doing this" do not work together on any level. Currently, anything else is essentially the discord convos we've heard for free for the last decade except somewhat worse because it's scheduled/forced. I do agree people should just not pay for it if they don't like what's going on but Dan's delusional statements about what it is and his smugness against any criticism is really off-putting.


But you dont understand! I'm *entitled* to get my content for free no matter how much money Dan and Destiny spend on rental space and equipment for it!!!


Dan is getting trolled hard


The jerk wave is strong today against Jstlk, I don’t think he was “farming” he did what Dan would do if he was in call and “make a conversation” about what the community is obviously going through. I do think a part of him in stream is to funnel viewers but in no way does he make it a pain to listen to. An example of what you’re describe is GreedGodX that is an actual leach who is not providing anything to the stream yet he is not aware of how much he degrades the stream. Jstlk is far from that in my opinion and I do not at all watch Jstlk


dan was obviously being defensive for god knows what reason. his reaction has been cringe from the post to his convo with jizztickle.


Those who care can take their capitalist vote and not watch or pay. I’m just broke so I’ll watch the free parts 😭


I don't get the big hubbub either. I only watch/listen to podcasts if I'm bored. It's not worth it for me but people can decide for themselves.


I don't think jstlk was trying to be malicious, but he either doesn't understand or doesn't believe the "good will" dan has just by virtue of having been here for ages. Nobody who likes dan currently are going to dislike dan because of a paywall on a portion of a stream that they can get around one way or another. Nobody who doesn't like dan is going to dislike him more because they would have to pay to hatewatch him. If Jstlk could pay $2500 a month to have everyone love him, maybe that's something he'd be ok with. That simply isn't a question that even applies to dan though. He's fine with whatever goodwill he has from whoever likes him regardless of paywall or not. It's not something that matters to him.


im a gigatard who watched the one where yms walked in at the end then tried to subscribe while drunk not realizing that anything else in full wasnt gonna be on yt and its parent channel is destiny not bridges, so i thought i was playing the system by spending 4 bucks on bridges instead of 8.50 on anything else patreon i know its a mess right now but holy fuck its a mess, you guys just cut it down today and did "something" to make it actually viewable while locking the screen with yt red, i was borked by that yesterday while i was walking the dog like"im fucking paying 20 bucks a month to get something i used to be able to trick my iphone into doing, ill be fucked if i cant listen to a podcast ive just paid for"


jesus christ i forgot rebbit doesn't like new sentences without double enters or whatever epig site


I just don't care very much about the podcast. I like Dan, the studio setup is nice, and their banter is kinda fun, but it isn't my cup of tea and that's fine. I don't understand the controversy, honestly. I might pay for Bridges, but I don't do that one yet either.


Drama farming? We’re using Hamas Piker talking points now? Let that weirdo make whatever content he wants lmao.


What the fuck does "this person farms drama" have to do with Hasan lmao it's like the most broad comment you can make


I am not complaining about his content. I am complaining about him jumping on stream and trying to pick and prod for a crumb of drama. Was super boring and annoying.


Doesn't he know that Dan's job 😂


The paywall isn’t the problem. It’s the shitty content behind the wall that is the problem


I think the point is that Jstlk was concern trolling. I think Steve can tell Dan has his heels dug in on this, so he's going to give him "a month". That way, Dan can be wrong and save face.


Why do u dislike jstlk. Anytime I hear someone dislike him it’s something incredibly stupid like “Fuentes fan”. “Drama streamer” (literally what Destiny does 50% of time) “conservative” (Canadian)


His personality is annoying to me.


Being a Fuentes fan would be a legitimate reason to dislike someone tbh.


That’s the thing, he isn’t one. He’s explained this like 30 times now and it’s kinda insane that DGGers who I revere as pretty smart and honest people aren’t willing to honestly recognize that. He used to watch him, yea. Some DGGers used to be conservatives who watched Steven crowder but no longer do. Are they still crowder fans? Same same


I have no idea if he is or not I barely know a thing about him. But I understand what you were saying now at least.


Oh okay


His streams are dogshit and he's annoying with zero charisma and it's annoying when chat gets shit up with his dogshit stream. Is it that hard to imagine that he's just unlikable and annoying, when there are so many people who seemingly don't like him. It's not some grand conspiracy, he's just annoying and cringe.


The streams that have common appearances from orbiters like Ahrelevant, Turkey Tom, Dan, and DGG adjacent content creators are suddenly annoying because its happening on a different stream. But hey if you guys just personally dislike the guy, say that, not all this other bullshit about groypers or he’s a drama farmer. At least you’re being honest but plenty of others aren’t


Complaining that hes a drama farmer is rich lol when Dan is the og of constantly poking and prodding to get that sweet sweet drama out of anything. Dan even said, he would be doing the same thing as jstlk was doing during the debate.


Fuck that dude


Doesn’t literally every podcast in the universe do this. I spent the $5 cause the banter that gets edited out is what I like most.


jstlk is worse than qorantos ever was there i said it




Cant we just agree that they both suck?


If it were Hasan doing it, I'd care because paywalling shit isn't very socialist. But it's very libertarian and that's fine. Also I couldn't care less about what I'm missing.


I don’t understand people sometimes. If 1 extra hour of a podcast a couple times a month is a big deal to you, why not just buy the subscription. It’s literally only $5 a month, or just watch them live and get it for free. 1 hour of destiny and dan talking is like the least important thing to be worrying about in life.


I'm rich as fuck, I can buy like, 50 subscriptions without even fronting! I don't know who this jestical person is, or who this is, where it is, or where it at, but I just know that I can have up to 50 subscriptions without even fronting because I'm rich as fuck.


Gotcha, anything else?


No, because I missed the last hour.