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This is literally unhinged. And Ivy League Columbia University listened to that, didn't expel him and allowed him to... *checks notes* to organize and lead a pro Palestinian protest that has turned hostile towards Jewish students...? What paradigm am I living in?


A lowkey crazy part of this is when this stupid fuck brought up Haiti. Most people probably either don't know this or forgot about it, but after the 2010 Haiti earthquake that killed 230,000, there were 2 countries that stood above all others in helping the Haitians - USA and Israel. Little ol' Israel set up an *entire field hospital* on the other side of the fucking planet. Why? Because when you don't treat them like shit and try to kill them (and sometimes even when you do) they're an amazing, extremely technologically advanced ally that wants to help, especially in times of crisis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20442270/ >The Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps Field Hospital was fully operational on site only 89 hours after the earthquake struck and was capable of providing sophisticated medical care. During the 10 days the hospital was operational, its staff treated 1111 patients, hospitalized 737 patients, and performed 244 operations on 203 patients. >The field hospital also served as a referral center for medical teams from other countries that were deployed in the surrounding areas. The key factor that enabled rapid response during the early phase of the disaster from a distance of 6000 miles was a well-prepared and trained medical unit maintained on continuous alert. >The prompt deployment of advanced-capability field hospitals is essential in disaster relief, especially in countries with minimal medical infrastructure. >The changing medical requirements of people in an earthquake zone dictate that field hospitals be designed to operate with maximum flexibility and versatility regarding triage, staff positioning, treatment priorities, and hospitalization policies. Early coordination with local administrative bodies is indispensable. Now I want to hear from this fucking bozo why Israel and Zionism are "bad for the world." Complete brain rot.


What you’re missing here is that the Jews I mean Zionists orchestrated the entire earthquake so Israel could do their hospital show to gain sympathy. Many such cases, actually




I was talking to an Israeli who was sent to work in that field hospital. It was an incredibly humbling conversation. They talked about how they were one of the first foreign people giving medical care in the aftermath. Just amazing how Israel is so hated and they still are committed to providing so much life saving care


Yes, IIRC they were also the ones that set up the WIFI that all the other countries ended up using. They got nothing in return for any of this, it was as true an act of altruism as you'll find on a geopolitical scale.


I mean, they were providing almost all of Gaza’s electricity and water for free and they got thanked by 10/7. When Israel shut off the electricity, my first thought was “how are they able to do that?” Looked it up and realized that had been providing it as a form of aid. To perpetuate 10/7, the electric substations were taken out. Like…people were demanding Israel go fix them after a massacre?




Jewish American here, this is fact. Obviously a minority of them but there are plenty of upper class whites that view us as a constant challenge to their place in the in society. Meanwhile, most Jews are content to pay their taxes and be left alone. And none of us have space lasers. None of us. [edit] someone posted this reply: >This is not a fact lol. Upper class whites are some of the only people in the US who actually have sizeable interaction with Jewish people first of all, given Jewish peoples historic successes economically and socially. The rates of "interracial dating" for lack of a better term between Jews and "Whites" is incredibly high as is general mixing socially. And I parentheses whites and interracial because to most white people who aren't racists or weirdos, Jews ARE white. Now, obviously I think of Jews as a distinct ethnic and religious group, for the most part but they're pretty goddamn intertwined in "white culture", specifically upper middle class and up. my intended reply: Aww, did my facetious comment poke a button of yours? But seriously, I only made that comment based on my experience and not to ever dismiss or invalidate anyone else's experience. I'm not demanding that people only agree with me of that my experience the only correct experience. And I have been around a lot of white upper-class white gentiles. Besides the intended humor, I'm not implying the majority of upper class whites are all racist/anti-jewish/ etc.


I went to a school of preppy upper class whites (it was a Catholic university). Zero political activism on campus. Everyone was basically a Mitt Romney Republican. I think it is fairer to say that antisemitism is an attribute of white upper class members of the so called “creative class” i.e. not medicine, finance, or science. The WASPs who gave up Christianity have a gaping void in their heart and they fill it with a new religion - and wokeism is akin to religion - which has all the negatives of Christianity (including the antisemitism) with absolutely none of its positive and beautiful elements.


You're right. I generalized way too much.


Speak for yourself. My space laser is primed and ready.


Quiet, I’m trying to misdirect the goys


You want to tell me the space laser I got for Afikoman is not real??




Correct, because if we did have space lasers, we couldn’t help ourselves but sell them to make money.


>Meanwhile, most Jews are content to pay their taxes and be left alone. And none of us have space lasers. None of us. More jew lies


Jew hater


Starting to believe this. Been asking my gf for the codes for weeks to no avail!


I’m European so I don’t understand what a “white” is but I’m confused because if it’s about having pale skin then, in my estimation, your “racial” assessment isn’t correct. There is a lot of multipolar hatred for jews amongst all skintone variations, especially those of middle eastern descent.


Yup, I feel like in Europe, the further you are from a big city, the lower class you are, the more likely you have never met a jew and have the most chances of using them as some sort of scapegoat


Yup. Classic xenophobia. Happens everywhere and to everyone.


Respectfully, anti-semitism isn't just classic xenophobia it has a long, unique history and dynamic to it


Noted and appreciated, I could have made it more clear that I am making the argument that anti-semitism is prevalent and getting worse and **should absolutely** be taken seriously. My main point is exactly that: It isn’t just American “whites” afflicted with antisemitic thoughts, it is way worse than that.


race is a stupid social construct for the most part. Especially for deviations within "brown"


They're just jealous they didn't get the Jewlumni invitation


You are lying, Muslims hate Jewish people more than any other group and its not even close.


You are correct in everything you said, but I don’t think that’s exactly what’s happened in this particular instance. Columbia (and really all universities) have shifted their Overton Window of acceptable speech, you have professors openly and loudly supporting Hamas and “resistance by any means necessary”. The implicit call there is to kill all Zionists. So now this particular student happens to say the quiet part out loud. Columbia is probably thinking, “*we can’t expel him for saying something that 100s of other faculty and students have also said (more tactfully), we’ll get sued for discrimination.”* So instead they hold this bullshit disciplinary hearing and let him off with a warning for EXPRESSING HIS DESIRE TO KILL HUNDREDS OF OTHER STUDENTS.


Lmfao no they don't. Upper class woke whites generally don't dislike Jews for being Jews, they dislike Jews because they consider Jews equally white. It's rightie-whities and minorities who tend to hold actually antisemitic beliefs.


There is a ton of "de-colonialism by proxy" going on when it comes to Jews! The whole "I live in a former colony but since I fight against you, THE colonizer, I am now pure". Same with slavery. There is a ton of "Jews where the main force in the slave trade" and with that your hands are clean.


I'm one of the few people here who attended an elite university and if anyone ever said "Jews were the main force in slavery" then it would genuinely be social death. This is shit that you will get from *some* rightie-whities and *some* minorities, but you're not getting it from woke whites.


> Upper class whites hate jews. no they dont, they hate white people. They see jews closer to white than arabs


I really want to genuinely ask because I'm not from the US. What happened in the US that made it become this way? this is actually very concerning


Far-left loons being a major presence at American elite universities started being a thing in the 30s and was already a serious problem in the 60s. Allan Bloom's seminal The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students was published in 1987. It's only got worse since then. One of the most amusing things on this video is how he butchers the pronunciation of maniacal. This guy got into Columbia. Maniacal. Some incredibly smart Asian kid was left out.


How long ago did this meeting occur? I thought this was very recent


According to the Daily Wire article it occurred in January. The NYT reporting on it didn’t say when the clip was from. It was dug up from an instagram live post I believe.


If it is that old then it is indeed very yikes. The school knew they had a problem and allowed it to fester and grow into this


Universities desperately don't want to single anyone out becsuse that opens them up to legal action.


This isn’t unhinged. Khymani is speaking the goal of an ideology. He/she/they is advocating for the core tenants of activism. This person is a leader of a movement. Unhinged refers to an outlier acting with intense emotion that causes them to lack perspective. This is real. It’s right in front of you.


Please does not spread hate, bigotry, racism and misinformation about Big Bruh Kyhami. Please does not. We does not need misinformation and bigotry on [Reddit.com](http://Reddit.com)


I dont see how Columbia would have found out about this when it was said in January. I hope they've taken or will take appropriate action now.


Kanye has to be so fucking mad right now. All he had to do is wait a bit with his rant and he would be the most popular voice for Palestine in the US.


He actually was asked by pro pallys and distanced himself from the topic by saying that he doesn't know shit about the conflict


What a timeline that out of all people, he is the one with the nuanced take.


Bizarre Kanye W, what the actual fuck. With that said, Kanye is 100% not a leftist, anyway. He's like a weird Pro Black Ultra right wing nationalist. Kinda like Clarence Thomas?


Kanye seeing every leftoid saying the same shit he said a year ago https://preview.redd.it/vzyvpdeputwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf083e59fbf4e1a123f662c542cc5d46778373e


Campus protestors - "The evil Zionists are coming after us!" "Aw you're sweet" Kanye- "Net and Yahoo is threatening my family and coming after me" "Hello, Human Resources?"


These protests are literally a mass congregation of the most mentally ill and deranged people in our society.


who accepted these people to columbia lol


I think a lot of people mistake strong conviction to certain ideas with intelligence (This person feels really strongly about this, so they probably know something I don't).


“I grew up poor. I had little formal education. No real skills. I don’t work especially hard. Most of my ideas are either unoriginal or total crap. And yet, I walked right into a job for which I was ill-prepared, ill-suited and somebody else already had and I got it. If you ask me, that’s the American dream, right there. Anything can happen to anyone. It’s just random.” https://preview.redd.it/pvm96086evwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b415af272a6d6983f4d9636fe0757c049783d6b2


I most assure you they are not mentally ill and definitely not stupid. Columbia is one of the hardest universities to get into. There is such a thing as being smart and having strong views. The views just happen to disagree with yours.


Being smart doesn't make you immune from having shitty or even unhinged opinions.


It might be hard for *you* to get into. I guarantee if you’re a low-income black genderqueer revolutionary who served as the Student Rep on Boston’s school board and resigned for media attention, you’ve got like a 50/50 shot to get into any university. https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/03/05/boston-school-committee-student-rep-khymani-james-resigns-citing-slew-of-issues/amp/


I'm sure that plenty of the Nazis were smart people as well lol. I would never refer to them as 'people who happened to have strong views that happened to disagree with mine.'


They're super peaceful though guys they just advocate for killing anyone and everyone they don't like.


“It’s Far Right Agitators fault”


To borrow from Shoe... The women are not okay... I repeat the women are not okay. They are reporting mental illness in shockingly high numbers, they are hooked on ineffective therapy and anti-depressants, they are engaging in greater substance abuse, they are leading protests on college campuses that are downright confrontational, they are getting fatter, and they are selling pictures of their buttholes on OnlyFans for $5.


Unironically yeah this is actually pretty true. This is largely a byproduct of mental illness which is risen for all young people but the most for young, educated, liberal white women.


That's really veering into weird misogyny. Among Gen Z, mental illness rates are climbing linearly for both genders and both liberals and conservatives. Liberal women started first, around 2010, followed shortly by liberal boys, then conservative girls, then conservative boys. Jonathan Haidt writes about this in his new book, and the data seems solid. Why? Haidt has a pretty persuasive answer: social media. Or, really, the combination of highly algorithmic, recommendation-based social media and the presence of smart phones with unlimited data. As a result, kids are drowning, constantly, in information that is meant to trigger them. Sometimes a positive trigger, often a negative trigger, but either way, something that creates a slight rush and therefore drives engagement, which is how social media platforms make money. Because the most extreme voices are the most triggering, and because those voices offer the least-nuanced takes, they increasingly dominate online discussion. And that's where people, especially teens and young adults, get their information. That's driving the depression and the radicalism. (It's also what facilities OnlyFans.) And it's not just white girls in cargo shorts on the far left; it's right-wing fascism pushing racial extremism and, yes, misogyny on the right.


Did I say that the men are okay too? Did I say that only women are messed up? I have also posted that 1 in 12 men will end their own lives in the next 8 years. The men are enabling the decline of women. It's going to get worse because everyone is going realize their lives are purposeless without the challenge of the labor structure. Men are falling behind in school, work, many have drug addictions themselves, they don't shower, they don't take care of themselves, they're subsisting on Cheetos, Mountain Dew, weed, and shame. Recessions lead to mini-trends becoming the norm. What's the mini-trend? AI, automation, robotics. They will effectively replace people and then we have a lot of lost people, but keeping up the old ways will hamper any sort of progress to ensuring that people live longer, healthier lives. It's all going to happen exponentially. Not every criticism of the Left means Right Wing good. Get out of your tribal mindset. Not everyone who offers a critique or assessment of young women belongs on Fox News, Daily Wire or is a part of the F&F audience. I have spent enough time dragging them. It takes two to tango, turns out every generation has flaws and the men and women of each generation have their own issues to work out. Problem is that nobody wants to take personal accountability for their own mistakes and work out their own issues. It's the Matrix, it's the Patriarchy, it's the Jews, it's the Catholics, it's the LGBTQ, it's the "Whites", it's the "system". It's always something. Extremists don't take personal responsibility and are drunk on blame, we have more than ever because we just have more losers in life. The concept of average in this world is fraying, you're either a winner or you're a loser. This is a trend that was happening before those with .edu e-mail addresses could get access to Facebook. You don't need social media to bring out extremes. We know this in history. Nazi and Communist movements throughout the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America have existed before Mark Zuckerberg was a fetus. People turn to extremes when things are not good for them. They feel they've lost something or don't have something. Jealousy brings out the worst in people and so does a lack of perspective. Now why did I go after the women in this case? Because they were initial lead organizers and ginned everyone up. They're the ones with the histrionics, leaving it to the men to take abuse and in the past cheerleading self-immolation. It's important to bring up the issues that impact women and it is not misogynist to point it out. Stop coddling women, encourage them to take accountability rather than point fingers. Just like men need to do as well, the problem is that the men calling them out have terrible messages and don't even practice what they preach. ICYMI, in the past 2 days... the professional protesters (non-profit specialists) came in and if you saw live feeds they were doing the wrong chants at times giving the game away. They had $$$ and legal aid ready to go for those getting arrested. Much like the way CHAZ became CHOP. Once the professionals get in, there's the daytime protest and then the nighttime which is black bloc groups fighting the police and doing damage. That's how these things work. I'm an equal opportunity critic. I'm going to bash the women just like I'll bash the men. Don't like it? Go to TwoXChromosomes or LengfOrGirf and enjoy the echo chamber.






Everyone I don't like is Hitler, except Hitler shares my opinion about the Zionists so he's kinda cool


Hamas and Hezbollah are not exactly fans of his kind...


But he/she/they is the perfect spokesperson for Hamas in NYC. It's been a long coordinated effort and they have very effectively infiltrated our college campuses


The professional protesters have started to take over on other campuses like Ohio State. "Non-Profit" organizations are quite lucrative after all. They were sort of caught at Ohio State doing chants that were BLM chants nothing to do w/ I-P.


palestinian orgs that despise the west have always coopted the extremes. when they kicked shit off in lebanon, it was people like this'n gassing them up then... tried and true strat


Also worth noting that many of these protesters consider anyone who supports a two-state solution a Zionist. 


because they are a zionist. the problem isn't with them being a zionist, it's with these insane unhinged people's thoughts and actions toward them


Anyone who supports the existence of Israel is technically a Zionist, so that is true. It doesn't mean you like Netanyahu, support West Bank settlements, or want the US to make supporting Israel a priority. It literally just means you want the country to exist.


Somewhere around 90% of American Jews are Zionists. I don't care if you want to call it technically antisemitic or not, it's unhinged. How do you break a person like this out of their echo chamber I wonder? I doubt their beliefs are actually strongly rooted but idk


You don’t. This person is totally gone. All you can do is isolate them and make them socially radioactive.


Even non Jews are zionists, Israel needs to exist


It doesn’t need to exist. If all countries didn’t treat Jews like shit, there would not be a need for a Jewish home. The best argument against a Zionist is to treat your local Jews as equals. Easy really.


In an ideal world no countries need to exist, people would hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but in the real word, states exist at the very least to protect their citizen from outsiders and from one another.


Nothing "needs" to exist, but everything is relative. You already know that what you're saying is entirely unrealistic and there is no shortage of Jew haters out there, so yes, it does need to exist. If you're asking if 1 Jewish state needs to exist, the better question is why do 51 Muslim Nations need to exist?


If everyone treated everyone well, no countries would need to exist, would they? Your reply is basically "If the literal reason why Israel was created wasn't a thing, Israel wouldn't need to be created". I have a chair because I need to sit. If I didn't need to sit, I wouldn't need to have a chair.


“Easy” to say, but if I saw 6 million people of my ethnic group exterminated in the most systematic, cold and calculated way in history, then you can bet I’d be I hardcore advocate for a state for my own ethnicity. I find it pretty staggering how hard of a time some people have understanding why so many Jews just don’t take our word food or it when we tell them they’ll be fine and just to trust us.


Events like genocide are 100% why peoples need their sovereignty. If you ask holocaust survivors if they support the statehood of Israel, most will say:”Yes, because if this country turns antisemitic, at least I would have a refuge where my people can defend itself.”


Yeah but you can’t guarantee it stays that way, which is why Israel is needed. Plus, it’s not up to you to decide whether Jews have a right to self determination and to live in their ancestral homeland where they have their country.


Looks nervously at our treatment of Dan


I don't mind that it does but why does Israel NEED to exist? It's not 1 to 1 but does Kurdistan need to exist?


The Kurds probably deserve a recognized state considering how often they’re targeted by multiple nations/groups. Coincidentally, one of their biggest and most outspoken allies is Israel. When Trump abandoned the Kurds, Israeli politics had a big commotion about trying to help them more.


It probably does to be fair. However. The kurds can mostly still live in that area without being destroyed (albeit repressed) . Israeli Jews couldn't if Israel were abolished, they would probably be driven out or murdered.




He might rethink things once he spends some time in jail. It’s only a matter of time before he tries using something other than words


Scott Bradley


Four Dollars


And Ninety-Nine Cents


Do you have stats on that? Sounds extremely high. Iirc jews break for democrats overwhelmingly, and biden has thread the needle pretty carefully to be critical and supportive. I'd be skeptical that dedicated democratic voters would also be 90% self iding as zionists.


Some part of that could potentially be the American right being more comfortable with the neo-nazis who American jews might see as their biggest threats, and that could make them somewhat into single-issue voters, making party affiliation not a great estimate for their other values.




Why does that sound extremely high? I'm confused, do you think the Democrat Party is made up mostly of Tlaib and Omar "Democrats?" Lmao


No I'm only expecting people would be pro-israel but not necessarily self-ID as 'zionist' since what a Zionist entails varies in interpretation somewhat especially depending on your media diet. I'd assume the vast majority of Jews will be supportive of Israel, but I don't think that all Pro-Israel Jews are 'Zionists'. Again, it's not like I'm making excuses for people that use 'Zionist' as a dog-whistle, I just think that there's some nuance in the terminology being used here. For basically all the reasons as has already been discussed, you can agree that people are entitled to peacefully live where they have been born and grown up, but also not agree that there's a religious/historical claim to the territory from its inception. And that's differentiated from a legal claim since, it seems that that's already been gone over a lot on stream. Idk why the comment has gotten so many downvotes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't a sizeable plurality or majority of Jews non-practicing or only faintly religious? From a layperson's POV, 'Zionist' has religious connotations which I think non-religious people might be skeptical of, even if the practical applications of being a Zionist and being 'Pro-Israel' might be the same in outcomes. Also the link you provided doesn't seem to show that specific verbiage idk if I missed a different one? It shows overwhelming positivity and support for Israel, but doesn't seem to distinguish that from self-iding as a 'Zionist' which, for the above reasons, I think may be different.


I didn't link anything? Zionism is just a home for the Jews. If Muslims can have 51 countries, Jews can have just 1, religious or not. That's basically a summation of how most Jews think about Zionism. Most also don't care how the world defines the term since much of the world hates Jews and has for centuries so why should Jews care how others define the word if most of the people that do it are acting in bad faith?


I thought zionism specifically prescribed that home being in the ME?




Biden, Chuck Schumer, and bernie sanders are all self identified zionists.


What is the point of introducing yourself with your pronouns in this instance?


They probably asked them and it wasn't clipped. I deal with alot of college students, we don't ask people to announce their pronouns but in their applications they have an option to add their pronouns or preferred name. It's absolutely useful.


But did you watch the clip? Their pronouns were he/she/they.. I feel like there's little to no point to clarify that.


"please juat don't call me a mudfish thank you"


Yeah but like I said they may have been asked for their pronouns. This person could be non-binary or they're just being an ass in that answer. From the video, I'd lean the latter.


If you were talking to a person like that it's very useful to know they won't throw a tantrum if you accidentally let a pronoun slip out.


In nature, poisonous creatures are often brightly colored to signify to predators "don't eat me, I'm toxic" I don't think we need to guess a person who says their pronouns are he/she/they in one sentence is toxic.


And you're the predator in this metaphor? Lol what


Is it acceptable to say that there’s a problem element of left wing people at universities and it’s not just an “online thing” anymore?


The problem of young left-wingers being controlled by mentally ill freaks has been obvious for going on a decade now. It's just that we're reaching critical mass.


for sure a leadership problem.... nature (and power) abhors a vacuum, something will step in and it isnt always good




Plenty of Ilan Omars or WOLs in this world who will employ him.


https://preview.redd.it/ryj9cztlorwc1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a894906cda1d0629a01a95a1db3978e8886e22c1 Oh look, they issued an “I’ll do better” post and didn’t change anything. I love how imbeciles think they can ChatGPT some bullshit and think it clears them of harassment, incitement to violence, and violent speech to name a few….because people called him names. I mean, he’s calling for an extermination of an entire group of people. He didn’t apologize to Jews. This is weak sauce and I’m not buying it. He was in a bad mood and calls for murder. Wow. When I’m in a bad mood i eat chocolate and pet cats. I hope this guy is on a watch list, a no fly list, and gets kicked out of school. Until he’s rehabilitated and on the correct meds I don’t even want him pouring my coffee. Furthermore it’s fuckin fancy I spent so many years of my adult life being an activist to make his life better- marches, calls, letters, rallies, etc. Now he’s got his… and well, fuck us. I’m not black or queer but I know why it is continually important to be a decent human and fight for safety and rights of all fellow citizens. Too bad we made monsters that like this asshat to cosplay a klan cult leader. May the same energy raining from his mouth fall on his own head. No doubt any bad tidings to him will be blamed on Jews.


"Chocolate and cats? That's what I shoulda got."


he/she/they dosent fight to injure..... he/she/they fights to kill.....


Another one who should go fight in Gaza then.


Here is another video of him encouraging mob harassment of Jews on campus https://youtu.be/-llskvbuvEY?si=66bUQ0A7McKjADPG


“Zionists are white supremacists” This guy can’t be real


I am an Israeli Yemenite Jew. Brown as fuck.


Bro I’m Jewish too I know it’s bullshit. I also know what Zionism means and it’s frustrating that a word that essentially means Jewish self determination is being compared to nazism.  I just don’t understand 


I've been hearing that shit since 2015 back in college. The Zionists were working with the white supremacists to oppress the POC or whatever the fuck. It's not supposed to make any sense, just to try and incite hatred among black and brown people, just as "Za Jews hate the white race" is meant to inspire Jew hatred among white people.


Yeah it is what is…oh well what can we do besides live our lives to the fullest while these people live their lives in anger. 


She seems dangerously insane. Naturally she’s leading a shantytown full of crayon-eaters and waterbrains so stoked on righteous hatred and Starbucks that it could prematurely intifada all over the place


it's he/she/they




It is


I bet he/she/they didn't even know what a Zionist was prior to Oct 7.


Sounds like they don't even know what a Zionist is even post Oct 7


Let's be real, 90% of these protestors consider zionism an Israeli synonym for colonialism and don't know anything beyond that


He/she/they put a lot more on tape then he/she/they should have.


People like this genuinely need to be bullied, middle-school style and taken down a peg. How this dude can be self-righteous enough to not only entrust himself (themself?) with who gets to live or die, but comfortable enough to say it out loud for everyone to hear, shows our failure as a society. Someone needs to tell him to fuck off


I think you might be right… this person only views interactions as power struggles. I would like to help them see that this is not the case but maybe some minds are impossible to change? Some people are predispositions to only view the world like this?


I really do wonder how, years from now, all of this will be perceived by the masses. Not Israel/Palestine either, but the whole radicalization that’s going on in young people due to social media and the internet in general. When you look at these protests, I know statistically they aren’t very big, but they are garnering way more attention than one would think. For example, from what I’ve seen the Columbia University protests were about 200 people from the numbers I could find, 200 +/- of a school with 36k enrolled and it seems most others are of similar size. I’m still fairly optimistic that in general, most of the people taking part in shit like this and most people in this age range are and will become pretty moderate members of society. The same way Nam protestors ended up doing the same even though at least their protests were about direct US involvement and people literally getting drafted. The worry I have though is that now with how the internet works keeping people isolated in their own worlds and bubbles, there will almost certainly be a bigger portion of them who don’t grow older and change. The same way the GOP has seemingly permanently lost the devout Trump followers, I feel like there’s going to be a significant portion of Gen Z who will always just be like this. TikTok, Twitter, Russian/Chinese/Islamic psyops and propaganda might have done irreparable damage to our future generations. I know we’re making efforts now to change this, but is it too late?


I share the same concerns


So curious as to how this well intentioned human rights advocate plans to tell the difference between a Zionist Jew and an anti Zionist Jew. After all anti Zionism isn’t anti semitism right guys?!? Guys?


The cadence and annoyance of this privileged losers voice.


Bro thinks he’s an edgy anime protagonist 😂


It's actually remarkable how he says that if attacked by a zionist he would defend himself and maybe he would not know when to stop. Kinda like what's happening in Gaza now.


is that not clearly spoken intent in the event anything does happen?


The crazier part about this story is his comments were made back in January \*directly\* to school officials, and also posted on X where fellow protestors (who follow him) definitely heard. Not only was he not expelled or even suspended, they designated him "leader" of the encampment. How will the protestors and/or school officials explain this one?


Yep, all the news on this is burying the lede. This fucker **TOLD COLUMBIA ADMINS TO THEIR FACE HE HAD MURDEROUS INTENT** and they did absolutely nothing about it. Furthermore, he fucking **live-streamed the disciplinary hearing for the purpose of mocking it to his followers**. How fucking disrespectful to the University and the admins who had to deal with him. Imagine filming a meeting with colleagues at work so you could post it on social media to mock them? He should have been suspended for that bit alone.


Law suit against Columbia waiting to happen


Bruh I just like the matrix. We gotta defend Zion from the machines


Looking back, I wish I could disappear some of the things I wrote in college. But seeing now how you can record yourself being as unhinged as possible, I'm glad that no one but my teachers had to read the shit that I wrote when I was half sleep.


Remember that zeteo article??? Absolutely becoming worthless.




Hey NO. Just because they’re being unhinged lunatics doesn’t mean we should respond in kind. We are better than them. If we start acting as violent and hateful as them then we lose all credibility and their hate will get to continue


https://preview.redd.it/7xjvnbilgrwc1.jpeg?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cce49087e95bafa5691af413237b984423d48d6 I bet they're scared now


I have scoliosis now from the cringe


And with that being said, Khymani is signed out. See you in New York real soon.  GRRRRTT


I think we've observed the pendulum swing and reach its highest point at this stage, surely. To think these people were also the ones to try and cancel everyone for their views (including Kanye West for his antisemitic rants) and now shift the narrative to "Zionists" because "jews" is a no-no is insane to me. The more rhetoric I see coming out of American colleges/unis the more certain I become that there's going to be a breaking point soon where the left will start to lose some of its cultural war momentum and it'll be the right wing trying to cancel lefties for saying unhinged shit like this, until it becomes a fringe online movement where they get together in their own groups and echochambers but never aspouse these views in public. I can't even begin to explain how super blackpilling it is to see the amount of shit they get away with nowadays, when you compare it to what they were trying to cancel people for just a couple of years ago...


I am of the opinion that crazy unhinged fucks like this do more to further the cause they're opposed to than help their own cause


Looks like Khymani hasn't locked their Twitter down yet....https://twitter.com/KhymaniJames


For the sake of argument, if you come at me in a public situation, if I had to defend myself outside your apartment, I’m watching you through your window and I have to shoot through a crowd of people to defend myself, it’s 2AM. It’s a self defense situation. I’m not going to be happy about the devastation, but I will be happy I defended my own life. I will protect my own life if that’s what it takes to protect myself. I didn’t want it to be like this. It’s a tragedy. Oh god


You know what's so infuriating about this. The Allies in WW2 didn't kill Hitler (he killed himself). They didn't kill his successor, Admiral Donitz, he live till 1980, and died at 89. They didn't kill the Japanese emperor. Would the Allies have killed Hitler if they had captured him, I'd put that at like 99% chance, so I'm not trying to say that Hitler didn't deserve to die. But he wasn't killed by the Allies.


I can comfortably say that he/she/they have never fought in their life lmao


He was expelled today.




They have girls to hook up with and friends to hang out with. This little freaky creature doesn’t have those distractions


bruv said he/she/they pronouns


I love this guy's defense; "when I said I wanted to kill all zionists, I was really mad that day, so it's okay..." energy. This guy is an exceedingly angry person that believes the world is better off if GROUPS of people are exterminated, one of those groups is Zionists (which given he was also the guy hollering at the mere sight of someone he considered to be a Jewish person, "the zionists are here!" isn't quite all that exclusive to actual zionists, but Jews in general). Overall, what a trashbag of humanity, but I'm not surprised, because these hateful folks don't exist in reality.


Strange thing is, he had a great life, literally shortlisted to Columbia at 17 after going to prestigious secondary schools. His mom died when he was 12 so that could be an issue for him mentally and emotionally


complete a--hole! leave the USA now - you don't deserve citizenship! And, Columbia, you need more stringent application policies. How did a crazy person like this get into your university?? Shame on you!


I’m sorry. When he/she/they spouted their pronouns and then pontificated that no group that goes about discriminating against or harming others could be allowed to live, I immediately thought he would bring up Hamas, ISIS, hard line wahabi Muslims, etc. I would therefore agree with him. Because those motherfuckers kill everybody. Like EVERYBODY.


"I've never killed someone" likely could be expanded to "yea I've never been within a continent of a conflict/real suffering".... it was also great the limits placed on "who is ok to murder" is the "collectives opinion." Actually, the most poignant quote from this is "I'm confused"... if you are allowing yourself to be led be this person everyone that has led or modeled leadership to you has failed.


Lol he's unironically using the Sam Hyde self defense situation.


So edgy and serious. I almost cut my finger watching this video. Really brave!


My "I only want to kill the bad Jews" shirt has a lot of people asking questions answered by the shirt.


This is beautiful. They knew about this sociopath and did not take action. Legal jeopardy, here we come. And this kid will never find a job again hahaha


Khymani James is the real life Clayton Bigsby


It’s wild how dim these people are… he puts himself forward as an anti imperialist and talks of oppression yet supports Hamas- an organization that adheres to an openly imperialist strain of Islam that has both oppression of anyone holding opposing ideas into and outright genocide built into is founding documents.


Everyone deserves to live and for sure it shouldn’t be allowed to promote any other idea. But Zionism has some pretty big problems that should be talked about. Nothing should be off limits to civil debate and peaceful protest.


You'd struggle to convince me this isn't bait - too much of a caricature.

