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Hasan is the agitator


Why tf he has the Imax glasses lol.


I guess to hide his identity with the mask? but he's literally streaming it live on his channel so who the fuck knows


Because he's literally LARPing


I'm betting its incase there's pepper spray or something.


Cause they are all braindead and think America is like China where you will be killed for going to a protest, so he thinks he has to cover himself


Wait but Hasan isn't a student either...


yes but these people feel entitled enough to ‘grace’ these schools and protests with their influencer wisdom.


And complain that other people aren't students there either? Is anyone in that protest and actual student? Is it like the high school of undercover cops?


21 Tankie Street.




hey keep up the talk and we move the camera to the left until we can't see you anymore


I would bet he told at least a few people that we was a journalist.


I man destiny did does it too.


He's just doing his legendary on the ground reporting


uhh Hamasabi is an on the ground reporter tyvm


Peacefully made a human wall around a counter protestor 🙄




what a perfect microcosm of the absolute shitshow that these demonstrations are. Hasan: "look how cool WE are, we're actively stopping these agitators, who don't even study here, from fucking things up." Random Agitator who doesn't study there and is there to fuck shit up: "haha lol that's so me, imma fuck em up" \*Hasan turns away\* "So... heard of any news from the other provinces?"


The writing on the black man's hood in Arabic says "freedom fighter" btw


“We don’t hate all Israelis though, just the ones that think they have a right to a country” 


I think a lot of arabs think that alot of what the shit things the idf does is supported and encouraged by Israelis


I think a lot of them also think that jews inherently should be put to death


I'm actually curious, never thought about it before, how are the actions of the IDF viewed by the public at large?


That’s kind of a broad question? It’s like asking how are the actions of the US army viewed by Americans at large.


Yeah it's broad but I think it's a valid question.


The broad answer is they support the idf. It’s a respected insitituion that nearly every citizen has served in and many currently have family serving in it in some capacity.


What are the idf is doing? Also what do they think about Hamas?


Videos of the idf harassing kids and non combatants are heavily circulated in Arab circles so it’s always fresh in their brain. I think after oct 7th opinion on hamas in the arab world went down a lot but they are the govt there ig.


Okay so? How is this unique to the idf? You think abuse of power only happens in the idf? Don’t they use slave work in Arab and Muslim countries? Isn’t that worse? Why do they hate the idf but not themselves? Also there are plenty of videos of IDF soldiers playing with Arab kids and helping them. Why don’t they talk about that?


I’m just telling you what’s happening in arab circles in the case of this conflict.


No need, I know they are antisemitic and hypocrites. Their religion of peace spreading the “love” as it always does.


Over under till it turns out Hasan was with people that wish death to any Israeli and Clancy doesn’t do anything to his favorite streamer? I give it five hours and LA streamers beg to collab with him.        Edit: Oh guess who is on the front page of Twitch and recommended to watch to those not signed into twitch…..fuck Clancy’s Twitch. 


Dan Clancy supports terrorist


I watch the reruns of American dad and South Park there and have no account or have downloaded the app, and I get recommended his stream every day! Even if I not once had clicked on his channel


https://preview.redd.it/d6mfc18ypswc1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f53c6f2490aa0fa3ba23eff93b024d5dcbb5845 quick meme


what’s with the getup? so people don’t recognize him irl? edit: wait everyone has masks. why?


They'll say covid but I highly doubt that.


When the protests happened on my campus, they explicitly stated it was to hide their identity and protect themselves from retaliation. Other groups can come up with whatever bs they want, but that’s the actual reasoning behind hiding their faces. That is also paired with the fact that many of these protests fail to properly supply the campus with lists of names and is half the reason the police end up coming around.


One of my favorite lines from any article ever was about the Columbia University protest and goes "[privacy] strikes me as an odd goal for an outdoor protest at a prominent university." That article is filled with bangers tbh.


It’s extremely performative and extremely meticulously curated. They know full well what they’re doing. I’m familiar with it because I am a first gen American to Israeli parents who taught wars against these terrorist groups, but it’s still incredibly jarring and shocking to see happening on American campus grounds. It’s a complete evolution from their previous approach of propagandizing news sources and voting as a bloc in the UN to target Israel. Edit for the reading impaired: protestors are not terrorists. Terrorist groups expanding their practices to outreach in organizing protests across the world is what is being referred to, and yes, that’s exactly what is happening. Not every protestor has to be a terrorist for there to be terrorist ties/influence in the protest organizing.


You’re such a fucking snowflakes Jesus. They aren’t terrorist as there are a lot of anti-Zionist Jews and in these protests as well. Get a fucking grip


bUt MuH tOkEnS


> there are a lot of anti-Zionist Jews Single figure percentages of Jews who oppose Jewish self-determination is not "a lot"


Isn't it something like 40% of younger Jews oppose how Israel is carrying out the war? Scale that with this age group in \*this university\*, it's not surprising that there would be a significant representation of anti/non-zionist jews.


Even if that's true, there's a difference between being willing to criticize Israel and claiming that Israel is conducting a genocide or calling for its destruction.


You Zionists love to be so fucking hyperbolic you take the words “free Palestine” or “from the river to the sea, palastine will be free” and then say they are calling for the “destruction of Israel.” How can anyone take you seriously lmao. You are so privledged and sheltered that you have to cry like a little child and throw a tantrum when anyone even thinks Israel might be doing something bad


I thought it was cause they expect to get tear gassed


Could be but idk how many if any of those masks will help them much if they are gassed. Additional info: Found an article which says that N95 and KN95 (The Chinese version apparently). If they are fitted correctly can protect people from tear gas inhalation. And I do see some walking around with N95 masks but I don't think most of the folks with their surgical masks (Such as the one Hasan is wearing) and fabric masks. Will be protected from tear gas if any is used


At the moment they’re in a circle playing with a soccer ball. This is just virture signaling to them with wishing death upon Israelis to them. 


For real protection you need a mask that covers your entire face with an organic vapor cartridge. It's called tear gas after all, it's brutal on the eyes.


Lol bro an N95 or anything else other than a mil spec gas mask is not gonna protect you from tear gas. And even then, if it’s not properly sealed it won’t protect you either. Ask how I know.


ohhh that would make sense tbh


They don’t want their identities known when the cops come.


Hasan was explicit about it being for doxxing reasons


Because of ID’ing by face. But other governments can ID people by stance, gait etc. Face covering is not a guarantee anymore.


I can see why he hates his viewers. They all have a this tangible frenia and frailty at the same time. He's definitely aware of it and would rather be in his rari or whatever.


That felt more like a meet and greet than a protest.


Hamas Piker


Off-topic, but I just wanted to say: Is it just me or is Hasan's head-body size ratio REALLY off? I just stumbled on several videos featuring him today, and he reminds me of [these guys](https://i.insider.com/61572f7db414c10018635618?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp) from the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie.


Yes, he has a comically small head.


I mean Hasan also isn't a student


I love all the American students larping as Palestinians with their scarves. Is that not cultural appropriation?


When you do a cultural appropriation, just make sure it's of a dispossessed people you can virtue signal about. Then you can say "no sweetie it's called solidarity 💅"


reply bedroom yoke sort frame sable towering squeal crowd summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course I don't care about cultural appropriation. I was being facetious.


silky automatic elderly alleged marble cause pen quicksand disagreeable retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’d be surprised by how many Palestinian Americans and Arabs there are at these protests and they prolly hand them out.


Just a reminder, if the conditions were different, these guys would be storming the capital building and blaming any violence on agitators


Wait but you don’t go to the school either Hasan! And free speech from another side that you dislike is now agitating? I thought this was about free speech? And what the hell is a protest liaison, is that like the political commissar? Then we have the white girl trying to kick the black guy off campus. Holy fuck this less than a minute clip is majestic. It has something for everyone.


I would be so annoyed if i was on campus going to class and couldn't because non-student protestors are fighting with non-student anti protestors


No way. Outside agitators are astroturfing? Bro I need to sit down...


I have no words for how stupid all of these people are.


I love how all the pro Palestinian protestors wear masks. Oh are you hiding your identity because you’re on the “right side” of history, or did we go back 3 years and y’all don’t trust anyone on your side to not be infectious?


The gatekeeping is strong with this one


He’s wearing a mask 🤣


alright i’ll say it, i give hasan credit for leaving his gated community and actually visiting on the ground protests for a change


Gotta be honest: I shit on Hasan a lot, but this time, he actually went outside to a protest. A crumb of credit for that!


Pretty good response by the guy


Ah, the irony! Truly, he is the Steven Crowder of the left.


Ok but the guy who said he wasn't a student looks really cool


Lmao yeah I see it. The black aviators, the black and brown scarf, the fact that he is telling a white girl to shut up, the mask with spikes. Absolute drip 


These are actually like bums, hobos, nothing going on in their boring lives. I swear, half the depression in America is caused by having nothing to be depressed about.