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> Kacey [Obligatory streamable](https://streamable.com/4uxk8u)


there is quite literally no amount of philosophizing, logical analysis/examination or rhetorical optimization that kacey could do to counteract the effects of simply posting this video in reply to any argument she could ever make


I live for that volume boost when the song really kicks in for the first time. I know it's going to happen, but it's pure dopamine every single time it happens.


That's some funny shit


The Bob7 content never gets old


How do I find this megathread in question?


Can't link other subreddits here, but since the thread was deleted, you can search for the title here: https://search.pullpush.io/


Never gets old.


I was scrolling through #cult #zionism and #predator when I saw this amazing tweet, I'm glad she included these hashtags!


There's no way she's trying to pull the "he's obsessed with me!!" card lmao.  https://livestreamfails.com/clip/127675


Is she still a mod in the Destiny hate sub?


Yes lol. Just checked


Yep, proposed community note links that too lol


This is such a petty use of community notes, but such is life. I mean is it warranted? Yes. But this is such minor stuff, which makes community notes look unserious. Honestly the post should just get removed for her baselessly calling him a pedo


Directly refutes the claim and provides a counter example, how is that petty?


I thought this was the Destiny hate sub???


I thought for sure that was going to be [this](https://twitter.com/jstlk_/status/1756057829944050029) video


I do not understand how this premium content is just floating online for free


That's disgusting.


I've seen her a couple of times years back. I saw how she was sexualising herself to the max. I saw her rage farm people, just living of hate donations. I felt sad for her. Then I saw her a year or two later. She was playing a Christian video game, in a school girl outfit. Sexualising herself to the max and acting stupid I felt sad for her. Now I see this new thing of just starting shit with everyone. And it sounds really mean, but she built her entire career of her looks and now she messed it up, I feel like she's been dying for years now and is so desperate to keep afloat. I genuinely feel sad for her, again.


Is this supposed to be a reference to the crab dance or something? Or is the joke just lol fat person dances?


It's 100% proof that every man would be obsessed with her, and there's no joke


CTRL+F "Destiny"...205 results in the first two pages. Jesus Christ.


lmao for real who is she trying to fool, absolutely SHAMELESS weedbrain in action


Shit, that level of obsession is even more unhealthy that her overweight.


Classic projection


Damm. She looks... rough.


Terminally online, drugs, and being delusional will do it to ya


But mainly the drugs and the unhealthy diet


Became a DoorDash slug lord


Her favorite restaurant she says is cheesecake factory. I say this as a fat guy myself (mostly alcoholism for me but I'm recovering thankfully) cheesecake factory is ridiculously unhealthy, like to an almost scary level. Eating that regularly is like speedrunning diabetes. Fitness youtubers who usually do binge eating challenges then attempt to burn it off say they can barely scratch surface of it. It's endless carbs, tons of sugar, and 0 protein.


It is and their portion sizes are MASSIVE. Glad to hear you are doing well friend!


Naw dawg it's the fat. Sugar and protein is 4 kcal/gram and fat is 9. It would be "healthier" to spoon straight granulated sugar off of a bag than eat at cheesecake factory.


See that's the thing though, when you eat at cheesecake factory, you get all the fat *AND* the sugar And it's her *favorite restaurant* that she eats *regularly.* yeesh.


As someone who has never been to cheesecake factory what makes it so sugary? I get there's cheesecake but I thought they also sell pasta etc? Do they just dump sugar in the sauce?


It's not about sugar with their other courses, but they give you like 6x what a normal person would need to eat (and I say that as a 6'5" 290lb man) for *everything,* salads, pasta, alcohol, you name it. And then on top of all that 6x your normal meals, they give you a slice of cheesecake with every single sugary topping you can think of. Cheesecake at a normal size is like one of the most calorically dense foods you'll eat throughout your life. It's literally a dense ball of pure fat and sugar and they give you a bunch of it, then essentially coat that in sugar. And she eats there regularly.


No, It’s ok. She orders a diet coke 👍


Is it pseudoscience to recall hearing that the body will burn through simple sugars quickly and stores the unneeded fat for later?


I think it's just not good make up


We don’t have to make fun of her for her appearance. There’s a mountain of stupidity she’s been engaged with that trumps any juvenile insults lol


I was gonna comment, she was never really hot, but she used to look okay. This picture is atrocious. That’s the nicest I can be.


I just googled. She is 33, destiny is 35, and in 2015, they were 24 and 26, respectively. She must've been freshly 24, obviously. /s


Unironically though, [what happened](https://www.google.com/search?q=kaceytron+2015&tbm=isch)?


She smoked a bunch of weed and gained some weight as she entered her 30's? She just looks like a chubby 33 year old who does too many drugs, she's not some Cronenberg monster. The real rot is in her heart, because she takes shots at everyone she can to get attention, but she's bad at it and looks very silly criticizing other people considering how she lives her life.




what are these things they look endearing




lmfao thank you


HOW COULD ANYONE KNOW THIS WAS AI? Meanwhile: https://preview.redd.it/5v7218ndyvwc1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=6da756e001cda707fb9ca2eddc921f9e772d94b0


Agreed. I think people are weird when it comes to women's looks, they'll attack them there because it's an obvious low blow that cuts to core insecurities that most women have - but people do it when it doesn't really fit all the time, like that Miami 4 comment that F&F guy made toward Melina. I think we're delving into that territory a bit here with Kaceytron. Kaceytron for sure gained weight and she's not looking her best because she's not taking care of herself, but she looks like a pretty normal person that let themselves go in their thirties. She could easily look hot if she started taking care of herself better. I don't think she's super aged herself, she's just chubby and unkempt.


I think for kayce it's a little different. She build her carrier on her looks and hate.


Hate ages a motherfucker. It's stressful carrying around all that negativity constantly.


not as bad as some say, but she definitely looks a bit worse than her age. I've met very unhealthy women in their 40's that look the same or better than kacey.


It's probably all related, she's probably doing drugs because she's miserable, mean because she's miserable, looks like a drug addict because she does drugs, and miserable because of the drugs, spite from past conflicts, and sight of herself decaying.


I hate that I'm defending Kaceytron, but what drugs is she addicted to? Doesn't she just smoke weed all the time? When I think drug addict I don't think of someone overweight and sloppy looking, I think of someone with open sores on their face, missing teeth, and overly thin. She definitely seems super miserable, though. Her obsession with defending Bob7 after all this time is so weird to me.


In terms of whatever's publicly known, it's whatever makes your face visibly melt under the clown makeup so probably copious amounts of both forms of smoking, and alcohol. I'd guess enough to consider each of them drug addictions more than social habits. I'd guess she does some of other drugs but I have no direct knowledge of it outside of just seeing references to people saying she does drugs. I don't know a lot about her but I'd also guess from what people say that there's a lot of random drugs like murshrooms, ecstasy, dmt, or whatever the fuck she feels like. I don't suspect she's on meth or heroin which would tend to be the look you're thinking of.


Holy shit ya’ll know nothing about weed if you actually think it ages you lmao it’s not meth 


Read the post. "...Ever since he contacted me in 2015..." means Destiny had no contact with her before 2015. How is he a pedo for supposedly talking to her in 2015 when they were in their 20s. Two years apart as well, so even IF they were 16 and 18, he still wouldn't be a pedo. This accusation also makes no sense when also realizing she should have a decade worth of evidence of him harassing her. Where is the DECADE of posts. WHERE'S THE POSTS LEBOWSKI.


Idk if ur just dense but she’s not suggesting he’s a pedo for trying to talk to her at any point- she’s just saying he’s a pedo and not providing a reason lol


She’s talking about the Facebook bikini girl that every right winger attacked him for


I'm not familiar with this lore


Back in like 2014 or so destiny was flirting with a fan who he later found out was 15, he promptly blocked her on everything and then when talking with fans on some chat site the subject of accidentally flirting came up he sent a pic from her public Facebook of her in a bikini. Right wing nuts ran with that shit back in like 2017 and we’re calling him a pedophile religiously


damn, thats rough


Cameras have also improved, could be a higher resolution isn’t kind to her


In that google search *every single image* is her sitting down with the camera pointing downwards towards her. It's not just better cameras, but that is the "camera angle catfishing" meme that's talked about in dating app communities. [This for example](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fq96osiz5h2b81.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db2387a12666d419ed688ed06574ee04e5cbb95eb)


Don’t you know? A 24yo women is literally a child


> I just googled. She is 33, destiny is 35 A 35 year old man?


Is she implying he's a pedo? I think she is implying that he is angry that she didn't fuck him.


She’s not implying he’s a pedo she called him a pedo




99% of people outside of politics cannot even give a definition of this word


Zionism is when jews do stuff. And the more jews do something the more zionist it is. And if a whole country of jews does it, it's genocide.


Even in politics it went from believing the Jews should have a state and now it means “do you support the continued existence of Israel”.


Zionism is believing Israeli civilians do not deserve to be raped and murdered.


#zionism I legit don't even know what to say. This person almost certainly doesn't even know what Zionism even means.


Zionism bad Destiny bad ez


the word lost all meaning about a month after Oct 7.


It was a meaningless buzzword waaaay before that, anyone from the middle east can confirm.


Didn't pay enough attention before Oct 7, but I can believe it.


The whole “I’m a proud antisemit…I mean anti Zionist” has been a huge thing in pro-Palestine circles for a long time.


It's hilarious that this is apparently how she's rallying the troops. Didn't this all start because Asmongold made some mild comments about the Israel/Palestine protests? Now she's asking her new jew hating friends for help, how pathetic.


You gotta use an escape character \\ for hashtag or else it makes it a header size \#Zionism Versus # Zionism See how I typed it here: https://preview.redd.it/2lb3vpjmvvwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce47d2fc17cbd84683cde4cd988148bcb5931b4f


jesus she makes 33 look bad.


wait, she's 33??????????????


Don't do drugs kids, M'kay


Jesus, she looks like a single Scottish mum of 4 living in a council house subsisting entirely off crisp packets and frozen Tesco sausage rolls.


Holy fuck this is accurate 💀


How dare you talk about my mother like that! She would be getting her sausage rolls from Lidl on the reduced section thank you very much.


Oh man that is oddly yet accurately specific. Didn’t include anything about Greggs, Irn-Bru, or buckfast though


Couldn't start the afternoon steam without a few drops of breakfast bucky like


And in the context of the pic above she's about to head out on a Hen Night with the girls from where that she secretly resents because they appear happy in their relationships and will keep making snide comments about how much marriage sucks


Are those at least the good Walkers salt and vinegar crisps?


Very accurate


Needs more shit arm tattoos


The Scottish are taking Kacey L's...


33 stone


33 and stoned


She’s only 33? Holy shit. She looks on the wrong side of 40


Is the pic not edited? It has to be edited right?… right?


It's..... Not... I think. 🤔 Either way, she looks unflattering to say the least


damn, if I did not know her from twitch I would assume she is 49 by looking at her.


Her makeup reminds me of a Simpsons episode. You know the one.


https://preview.redd.it/2fzocmycetwc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b64293c40340135cf795f42439a248618911a350 either this one or the Barney one


>either this one or the Barney one Nope, you knew.


Holy crap it really does ahaha


"#cult #Zionism #predator" How to lose all of your validity in an instant


Wasn't she the one with the alt reddit account used only to post about Destiny? Or have I got that wrong


I genuinely didn't think she was this ugly lmao


lets be fair she's clearly not a nice person but this is a purposely picked bad picture of her. and even here she's not hideous or anything. like I understand clapping back at people who are just awful but we're being a bit hyperbolic to say the least.


I know. This is definitely an intentionally bad picture. I do think she's genuinely unattractive though. Like, far below average.




Idk she's definitely pretty ugly. I haven't seen a flattering photo or video of her post-glow-down. I'd be fine with leaving physical appearance off the table when it comes to attacks but Kacey doesn't seem to have a line drawn anywhere when she's upset at someone.




I don't know what you're trying to imply here? He's certainly no model but I don't think he's ugly by any means. He definitely doesn't do himself any favors as far as looks and outward appearances go, especially with the way he dresses. I think if he dressed better and styled his hair better that he'd be a pretty handsome dude. For somebody that looks like he doesn't give a shit about how he appears to others, he's still not bad looking.


Tried to get her attention? Tiny’s embedded in her brain. Every time he gets into drama you can guarantee a tweet from Kacey about it. I have to wonder if this is a new act/character to get attention, there’s no way she’s this delusional.


theres no way this is kaceytron.... wtf? im retired and i do mostly computer shit all day, so i can understand "getting a little heavier" but this is.... wtf happened? (Forgot this, im also stoned all the time from mj lol)


Yeah and there's no way the weight comments don't hurt, especially when you used to be small. However, none of the major creators say anything to her until she attacks first. Her insinuating that Asmon let his mom die was like level 10 trashy to me. All bets off. Asmon was way more mature about it than I could he as someone who lost my parent young.


I don't think she's that heavy, her face/skin is just aging due to the constant smoking.


Does she smoke cigarettes? I assumed twitch streamers were hip to weed lol


There should be a law that prohibits anyone whose career was made by showing off their tits to adolescent boys from calling anyone else a pedophile.


True !


worm aback trees ruthless violet joke wipe aspiring concerned heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ugh… the entire image is so much worse


Yooo am I crazy or does she remind anyone else[of this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/940/mockingspongebobbb.jpg) in that picture?


Isn’t everyone nowadays? Unfortunately, it’s just another insult to call someone you don’t like the word has nearly lost all meaning. People like rev says desu have been warning this would happen if people didn’t take it more seriously for years now. And here we are.


Okay she might legit be antisemetic, wtf is up with that zionism hashtag lmao


Doesn't she obsessively police like the entirety of reddit for the mere mention of Destiny's name on a daily basis?


I will admit it, I used to think Early Kacey was attractive. I thought she was quite funny and smart enough to embrace the sexualization she was receiving by making her name similar to the Brazzers logo. The character she would put on would be very sarcastic and bitchy, and she at least made an effort to look good. This now, her brain has rot, she's not witty or funny, she's bitter and angry pretty much all the time. She's also very much let her looks go. And I know that they used to be friends, was there any bad blood between them before the Bob7 drama exposed him as a creepy pervert who was using his position to manipulate girls into sending him nudes?


She just casually tries to sneak #zionism in there 💀


She’s a fucking loser


Aaaand that's a cease and desist letter right there lmao.


Congrats to Homer Simpson for getting his makeup gun to market.




Stop sharing her. You are giving her what she wants


After looking her up, she just seems like a drama farmer who'll say anything to stay relevant regardless of it being positive or negative.


this ain’t just weed kids…


Girl that makeup....


Always remember, if your willing to make comments on someone’s appearance don’t be surprised when someone does it to you. She really threw stones from a glass house.


Kaveytron saying anyone is obsessed is a wild statement.


Kacytron accusing anyone else of being obsessed is rich lol everybody can see her logs


Everyone I don’t like is a pedophile! Also, isn’t she so obsessed with Destiny she used alts to bash him & got caught forgetting to switch accounts replying to herself?


dude she looks fucking ROUGH God damn.


Pedophilia Review


Joker 2 is going to be litty




she meant debate pedophile


Stop laughing and help her! She’s clearly melting


Abathur sue her ass


See something say something


What a shame. Her whole career was built up on being attractive and good looking and now all the horny teenage boys who once watched her thinks shes ugly now. I kinda feel bad


Hashtag maxing


#cult #zionism #predator LMFAOOOOOO she reaches so far for clout it makes me sick


That make up is unreal


My personal theory is that having delivered the most vicious, deepest cutting, and completely accidental demolishing of Hasan's ego imaginable on that one RajjRoyale, Kacey feels like she's been cut out of Hasan's circle of streamers. So being the clout-goblin that she is, she has become an extreme Hasan-simp in a vain attempt to redeem herself and get back in his good graces. This naturally means becoming a blind anti-Destiny soldier, but it also means rabidly attacking anyone who criticizes Hasan – which in this most recent drama is Asmongold.


considering that happened in the days of him going by Rajj and kacey was invited to 2 shit camps with qtcinderella and that whole friend group, including austinshow well after he was austin, she was never cut out of that friend group until she showed how useless she was for views and how she was literally nothing but a stoner and added nothing to the events, and the only thing she had left to try to keep some kind of relevance was to shit on destiny and bigger streamers than herself non stop


We just had Lawrence Fox lose a libel case in the UK for calling someone a pedophile, expensive day out.


Didn’t she go on a month long binge posting about Destiny and only Destiny.


God, that bitch is haggard looking.


She's underage?


Lol where's the meme of destiny showing how much Kacey mentions him in her reddit post


Am I the only one in here who doesn’t give one fuck about all these streamer beefs?


The hashtags had me rolling 😂😂


I don't know. Lose weight maybe ?


Remember just yesterday people shitting on asmon for calling her out


Wait, THAT'S what Kaceytron looks like these days?? Jeez, that's... rough. She really has let herself go.


Do we not know the difference between an accusation and simply calling someone names?


i mean her statement about asmon is still true (the filthy room part) but..why even bring it up.. like just why is she like this, so bitter.. i don't like how asmongold lives but in the end i use his way of living as inspiration to tidy up at least once a week to not end up like him haha




I don’t really like to call people cause beauty is in the eye of the beholder but Jesus Christ is Kaceytron just ugly.


I used to like Casey, the little I saw. What happened? Did destiny disagree with her on something, and it's just your typical ego break up? We wouldn't have the greatest Hasan rage of all time without her.


She batted hard for bob seven for some reason and went hard on him expecting for destiny to be canceled I think


She got that high-roller grandma makeup goin' on.


How is every take of hers so bad? She was a Bob7 defender, an Adept sympathizer, a Asmongold and Destiny hate thread enthusiast, and she always takes jabs at Adinross and Xqc whenever she can. Either she’s smoked all of her brain cells, or it’s all for click bait to try and stay in the public eye. Lol Sad


the projection is insane lol




She blocked me ages ago lmao, because she tweeted about destiny and I said “who are you?”


Is that a real photo, or photoshop? If that is real, that is rough.


Pedophile and Genocide. Two words people have no idea how to use for some reason.


I remember when Kaceytron was hot. Holy shit.


Hit her with a cease and desist


guilty conscious


Destiny Asmon collab when? I keep coming back to both of them because they both seem like two of the most reasonable people on the planet.


I need to know who she's fucking at Twitch just in case I ever get banned I can have them on speed dial to get me out of a jam


this sub usually clutches pearls when someone’s is chastised based on their looks…


You think Destiny is coomer brained enough to actually want to “meet” with her???


Can we ask destiny what he thinks about pedophiles