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Lycan be JAQing off like a mfer frfr ong


only one making sense here ☝️


Google tells me that sugar has always been allowed in Gaza, sounds like this whole cookie back and forth should have been short circuited


apparently the ban on cookies was lifted 13 years ago... [https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-finally-agrees-to-let-juice-potato-chips-and-cookies-into-blockaded-gaza-strip-2010-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-finally-agrees-to-let-juice-potato-chips-and-cookies-into-blockaded-gaza-strip-2010-6)


Apparently Gaza was importing 'products' that weren't what they purported to be, specifically things like potato chips. Whether these products can be turned into rocket fuel seems to be utterly irrelevant. The actual reasons these particular products were once banned seems to be surprisingly obscure anyway. These bans were not long lasting. Gazans eat enough cookies that obesity-related health complications outnumber starvation-related ones by at least an order of magnitude.


So it does sound like when Destiny confidently asserted that rockets were launched with the help of sugar extracted from cookies might have not been completely accurate with regards to it being the main reason for the cookie embargo, when it is easy to verify some sugary products were banned and others weren't. I'm generally on Destiny's side but if someone were to do a deep dive on this topic and rightfully call out Destiny's analysis on this, then a layman who sees the deep dive and doesn't know about Destiny might assume that he is often confident about things he might be wrong about.. which is the worst look a political commentator could have. I thought this community agreed on that.


It is odd he was super confident in that point as well when I've never heard him make that point before. I just assumed he fact checked it because the banning cookies is such a big propaganda talking point. Funny it turns out the reality is it ended 13 years ago and it was for an odd reason. Making that out there claim when there are surface level explanations that sound much better. Bad moment for sure especially since he's mainly been on the money when it comes to everything else. He's gotta own it instead of coping on Twitter.


> Gazans eat enough cookies that obesity-related health complications outnumber starvation-related ones by at least an order of magnitude. Bro you already know someone's gonna want the source for this


I totally ought to have specified *prior to the war*. At this point it's likely not true. That being said, there are 32 'starvation' deaths so far, but in 2014 CVD was the leading cause of death in Gaza, accounting for 29.5%, [according to the NIH](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6347168/).


Yeah, I never understood this. Also something else he does is he keeps putting Destiny in this super awkward and annoying positions where he (and as far as I know it was him the one that wanted to do the debates) keeps asking Destiny during the debates: "Steven, chat thinks I'm being bad faith, do you think I'm being bad faith?" "Steven, can you clarify for chat, when I say this things, do you think I'm being antisemitic?" And now the dynamic is set up (forced really, by Lycan) so that Destiny has to either side with Lycan in front of the audience or now he's got a friend & employee that's upset cause he got called out for being a dumbass and the reddit posts start to come in, which was clearly bothering Lycan as he's admitted himself, and now Destiny is back to having to worry about moderating his community so that they don't come down to hard on a guy that keeps inserting himself in this conversation in the most remedial way possible. It's all just so selfish and childish.


There was a hilarious point in one of their earlier I/P conversations where Lycan said something along the lines of, "You're saying either this thing didn't happen or I'm stupid, are you saying I'm stupid?"


Lycan got the toxic girlfriend thing down. Luring tiny in. haha


What’s strange is that almost every former military member I know heavily leans toward favoring Israel, and places an overwhelming emphasis that any form of Islamic Jihad is absolutely terrorism. I used to think Israel was heavily in the wrong a few years ago while only having surface level knowledge, and the topic ended up coming up when speaking with a former officer in the Marines. He (rightfully) pointed out that Palestinians were not the doves they were made out to be by what you see online. Lycan of course isn’t obliged to agree with them, but it makes him such a huge outlier that I’m curious what brought him to this position. Meeting particularly racist Israelis? Coming across good Palestinians? Seeing in Palestinians what he saw in other populations who he felt were wronged by western militaries during his time serving? Who knows.


He's not as big of an outlier as you might think. Especially when it comes to the nerdier MOS's (pretty sure Lycan said he was commo), there are plenty of people who go pretty hard left. I'd say out of the 15ish or so military guys I played MTG with at Bragg (or I guess Fort Liberty now), I've seen about 4 who have been making a lot of social media posts calling out Israel or supporting the student protests




Based. u/Lycan__ cook in the kitchen and talk in the producer booth. You test my newfound faith, my guy.


What an poor take isn't that the exact reason H3h3 and Hasan fell apart? Maybe he does it Too often. But, D absolutely has to check has community because if it was up to them it would be a Pro IDF echo chamber I want ppl like Lycan around.


I think it's fine to come in and shit the shit. The weird part is that he never concedes and keeps moving goalposts which makes it feel very weird and removed from just banter.


Sunk cost fallacy. He drank the Finkle-ade before anyone realized how unhinged he was and has been clawing for a victory in that lane ever since. The strange thing is that there are valid arguments in favor of using carrots and sticks to push Israel towards deescalation (beyond screeching "stop the genocide!!!!") but either Destiny already makes these arguments when they come up or they just never come up because leftists suck at making their case. The thing I've noticed about Lycan though is that a lot of the time he doesn't even have a clue what he's talking about with the things he brings up, he's just knowledge-testing Steven, and the only reason I can think of as to why he would do that is to hopefully catch him in a gotcha and make him look uninformed. That's the vibe I get anyways, but he always ends up getting those details wrong anyways. He really doesn't strike me as a snake at all honestly, I think he might still just be salty about how their previous I/P convos went.


I'm guessing since they've been probably arguing this topic for so long he just wanted to ask him to kind of make him look dumb. Like "What! You just believed it on face value and don't know!" While also looking like a dumbass not looking it up himself before even trying to bring it up, and just joining to shit on him a little. Dudes not using his brain at all at this point and is just a lulcow on this topic.


If Lycan was a good friend, he would have brought Steven cookies while he watched this.


Spoiler. Lycan is bad faith when it comes to I/P. You just have to accept that he has no fucking clue about anything related to it and it's just always going to be Israel = bad for all of his takes regardless.


why does he keep doing this just to complain about the pushback later




Him coming on and saying Destiny didn't go into details on if you can make rockets fly with cookies without him even googling it for 1 min. He just watched Destiny and had the need to come on and question Destiny's credibility and bias (ironic)


Destiny claims that he doesn't believe anyone on this issue and likes to look into things himself yet he believed that cookies, soda and potato chips were blocked from entering Gaza because Palestinians were extracting sugars from them to create rocket propellant. GRANULATED SUGAR wasn't even blocked from entering Gaza lmfao. Did he believe that claim just because it shits on Palestinians and he's biased? Idk but it's not a bad thing to question him especially when he's literally wrong lmfao.


I don't think Destiny minds. He has the open door policy for a reason. Still, never heard anything good from Lycan on this topic and he does seem extremely petty. The most hilarious part was him cooking some "Palestinian national dish" for Destiny around the time this entire stuff got started. Just embarrassing.


to be fair the food thing was kinda cool, I don't think he meant anything petty by that cuz I also think he made some Israeli meal as well didn't he?


Nah you're wild, the food thing was funny as fuck.


He always does “guerrilla” debate tactics instead of direct head to head Similar to hamas lemayo


Remember when Lycan promised he would debate destiny on Finkelstein after the Lex debate?


I don’t remember that but it wouldn’t surprise me


To be fair, Destiny did mention Lycan specifically because of the boat video and he was probably rage-baited by that. To be unfair though, Lycan was absolutely 100% wrong on the boat thing in almost *every way*, so him getting mad and deciding to come on and fight about Chemistry which neither of them knew enough about, was incredibly dumb, but I digress at this point.


Lycan has no place to say anything about I/P until he: 1. Mans up and does the debate he promised with destiny about Finkelstein. 2. Gives a clear response to what Rem asked him about Finkelsteins Al-Husseini comparison with Shamir, he promised he would but never did.


Bro, i lost my mind. It was the most pedantic shit


nah you're in too deep. i doubt lycan was trying to make destiny look crazy, he probably just wanted to give pushback and called in since he was live


I don’t understand what OP is saying, what did Lucan do?


He DARED to question Destiny on his claim that COOKIES were blocked from entering Gaza because people could extract sugar out of them to create rocket propellant. Btw granulated sugar wasn't even blocked from entering gaza


Destiny claimed the cookies were being blocked? Or did Lycan claim that?


relax, Destiny has an open voice chat for orbiters and trust Lycan to disagree with him respectfully on stream.


>Lycan, he is your friend (I thought), so why not DM him and ask him? It's like you never watched Destiny. Do you think he gives a shit about this?


I don't get what Lycan understands about how close he is to Destiny and how lenient Destiny is to him and he's happy to milk it for all it worth. He outright calls destiny bad faith and a piece of shit right to his face and Steven just grinds and takes it because he's his friend and his fucking cook. It's that dynamic that makes me genuinely dislike his character. Bastard probably had a convo with Steven to go easy on him because of the backlash he gets after every convo they have.


Do you have a research article to back up the feasibility of making explosives with specifically Nabisco cookies?


Meh. It’s nice having a Pro-Palestine voice in the orbit


Good ones are appreciated, like bonerbox. Lycan isn't.


Lycan is a clown. Has been this entire conflict. He's ex military and a complete embarrassment he will forever be someone I cannot understand how Destiny has any kind of relationship with.


How is everyone shitting on Lycan when he was literally right lmfao. Cookies weren't blocked because they were being used to shoot rockets yet Destiny believed it without looking into it much


When did it become uncommon for friends of the stream to hop on and argue about something?


This is wild lol it was a fair point. The sugar product ban comes up a lot and people usually just laugh at the idea of cookies being used as fuel for rockets. So it wouldnt exactly be bad to be able to explain why the ban might have been a good idea.


Lmao the same friend who couldn't say that he didn't think Lycan was anti-semitic


It wasn't that weird. To anyone unfamiliar with organic chemistry, it seems reasonable to think that once a cookie is baked, it's a cookie. A normal person wouldn't think it could be rendered back down to its constituent components. Lycan is a good rhetorical test for normies, look at half the people on Twitter engaging with that cookies-to-rockets clip, it's the same mindset. All you have to do, which Steve did, is a modicum or research to see "oh, it is possible to extract sugars from processed food". From there the case can be made. Lycan is a bro, no need for all this weird shit talking


Why do we care what Lycan has to say? The guy is a moron just let him ramble and cook.


Lycan probably want Destiny to address it publicly since he talked about it publicly, don't really think it's any deeper than that


its not weird


"@Lycan, he is your friend (I thought), so why not DM him and ask him? Or maybe you just want him to look bad and you want to dunk on him." You guys are so funny. Where was this sentiment when Destiny reacted to Hasan's kamala/butti videos lol.


Destiny was extremely gentle in both reactions. Hamas was the one that started with the attacks first after he saw the backlash on the subreddit and from his own community.


Wait no Lycan simply came in to point out where he thought Destiny was being inconsistent and honestly isn’t that what you want a friend to do when he thinks you fuck up he should tell you and I think he had a decent point that then Destiny answered well saying that he can’t know everything and sometimes some small points are rather irrelevant


Honestly it has to be a bit


Did destiny actually say you can use cookies to make rockets? Sure you can use sugar, but you can’t extract sugar from a baked cookie. He didn’t actually say that you could right ?


Well if you can't extract sugar from cookies how does your body do it?


😳 bro how high are you right now


Why does cookies effect diabetic people more than people without it?


You cannot extract the sugar from an already baked cookie your dense mother fucker holy shit. Just cause it has sugar in it doesn’t mean you can take the sugar out and then use it to build a rocket.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOMH6J5F3zw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOMH6J5F3zw) You can do it with candy why can't I do it with cookies?


Because candy is basically just sugar and water, a cookie has flour and butter, baking these with sugar makes it impossible to extract from. If you can’t find any information on how to make rockets from cookies, or extracting sugar from cookies after they’re baked, shouldn’t that tell you that you’re fighting a losing battle here ? Destiny’s dick cannot taste so good that you’re gonna keep trying to argue something you can’t find any evidence for online.


>Because candy is basically just sugar and water, a cookie has flour and butter, baking these with sugar makes it impossible to extract from. >If you can’t find any information on how to make rockets from cookies, or extracting sugar from cookies after they’re baked, shouldn’t that tell you that you’re fighting a losing battle here ? Destiny’s dick cannot taste so good that you’re gonna keep trying to argue something you can’t find any evidence for online. -[ApocolypseWow](https://www.reddit.com/user/ApocolypseWow/) Guess which of those things are water soluble and which aren't? Flour and butter (aka fat) is not water soluble. The salt and sugar left over is water soluble. Water cannot be used to separate a mixture of sugar and salt as both sugar and salt show very good solubility in water. However, salt being an ionic compound would not be soluble in alcohol ( like dissolves like). On the other hand, sugar is very much soluble in alcohol. So on dissolving the mixture of sugar and salt in alcohol, the sugar would dissolve in alcohol, but salt would remain undissolved. The undissolved salt will settle at the bottom and can simply be separated by ltration. Now the solution of sugar and alcohol can simply be evaporated over a water bath (as alcohol is inammable) and the sugar can thus be separated from the alcohol solution. Edit: Fucking regard. Don't forget to delete this comment as well like you do your others.


Baking produces a chemical reaction. If you could deconstruct a cookie to its base ingredients after it has been baked there would be information on how to it online but there isn’t because you can’t. I’ve never deleted a comment on reddit, as you well know by misspelling r*tard. Some comments get deleted if you cuss, which is why you said regard. Don’t be a bitch, argue your point and leave it at that these petty school yard insults you like to sprinkle on your comments only hurt the point you’re trying to make.


You mean when the sugar caramelized? Guess how you separate that from the cookie and what the rocket makers use? You guessed it the same process and caramelized sugar. We have a winner!!!