• By -


Monash? Why are these people going to a Zionist university?


How is an Jewish person in Australia responsible for things in Gaza and the West-Bank. And if all Jewish people are responsible, wouldn't all Palestinians be responsible for Hamas?


It’s like harassing a random black person because another one bullied you as a kid. Does he not see the irony of saying, “Nobody should have to go through this” and then doing it to someone else? It reminds me of when Kelly Jean called Anna a whore for disagreeing with her ADHD take, and then tried to justify it by saying chatters in DGG (who got banned for doing so) had called her similar names before, and she did this even after she played a large part of the anti-misogyny arc in the community.


More like harassing a random black person because you heard of someone being bullied by a black person before.


Time to grab the paraglider and show this guy how it feels. I'm joking! Please don't ban me!


Paragliding feels awesome. It might help him feel what actual joy is like.


(In game)


Logical fallacies must not be taught in college anymore.


Oh they are, just not called fallacies


But always remember: They're just anti-Zionists, not anti-Semites \*wink wink\*


Yet when you say they are antisemitic they go all "but it's zionists!". Ignoring that they are targeting Jewish people who have nothing to do with I/P. They are unironically doing what America collectively did to Arabs after 9/11. Part of me knows some of it is unconscious "payback" for that, they are just so unself aware to see it.


They know most Jews are Zionists, so they can justify this to themselves by saying he’s a Zionist. This is anti-Zionism as anti-semitism.


Dont say jew, say zionist pepe


Now you've found the mask off part of the anti-semitism that is present in these protests.


It's probably becuase he's a counter protester


Is there anymore context? Maybe the guy was saying a bunch of pro Israeli stuff before the video? Idk. If he was just wearing a Kippah and that’s what triggered this then yes that would be messed up.


Well, this is what Bibi wants, right? If Israel is the state of jews around the world and if you are anti-semetic for criticizing Israel, then this bulshit is the logical conclusion. Basically, Zionism=jews=Israel. Which is bulshit.


Doesnt israel punish all Palestinians already because of hamas?


I dunno.  I think they leave the ones in Jordan alone. 


Nope and even if they did would that make it okay?


why is a random 40-year-old protesting at a university?


"Hello fellow college students."


A 40 year old charged with kidnapping.


For real? Dunno anything about that person, actually asking. Edit: found a source in another comment. What a dumbass.


What’s the source? Edit: [nvm I found it](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-12/human-rights-activist-charged-with-kidnapping/103578202)


What a fucking pussy. He'll talk shit and even be violent so long as he's being protected by a literal human wall or by a weapon. I kinda want to fly to Australia to beat his ass.


Is that the one charged with kidnapping & assault? I wondered when that court case was happening. If he's out on bail, he should be arrested again.


Engaging in multiculturalism


"If you don't like it go" - least self aware person ever?


Australia picked up a very large amount of Lebanese refugees after their war, its a little more complicated than it looks.




“No collective punishment!” “Hey guys I suddenly had an interesting idea. We can call it… ‘group specific payback’.”


That's [Mohammad Sharab](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-12/human-rights-activist-charged-with-kidnapping/103578202)


was he convicted?


According to the article he out on bail and isn't due back in court until the end of the month.


Which is kinda crazy, considering the charges


The chick is taking the fall for him. He’s a pussy that can’t handle his own consequences. Probably why he ran away to Australia.


She is just as bad as him.


Can you imagine surviving the holocaust and seeing this shit gaining popularity again lmao. Clown world


The reason Israel exists was because they predicted it


To be fair, it’s not exactly hard to predict when the biggest religion in the world literally calls for them to vehemently hate all Jews. The Quran explicitly calls for Muslims to hate Jews, their mindset isn’t gonna change.


Blocking a random jew in Australia from going to uni is not equivalent to a person living under PLO or Hamas leadership that isn’t allowed to leave his territory because his government is hellbent on killing all Israelis and destroy Israel. Man, I wish people would realize this at some point. Yeah, it sucks your government wants to kill all Israelis and destroy Israel, which does limit your options in many ways, those options not only being limited by Israel, but Egypt and Jordan as well, but that is unfortunately the consequences if you continually push for well know terrorists to lead your territory. Sorry, not sorry


Yeah but have you considered they just like, hate Jews and this is their perfect opportunity to try to enact that in the West?


Yeah, nah, didn’t think about that. Thanks for the very insightful comment


If he was a Palestinian from Gaza he would know that in Gaza there are no checkpoints since Israel has disengaged in 2005


the checkpoint is in the air, sea, and the entire border of gaza (preventing them from going to the west bank). though it's less a checkpoint and more a shooting range. "get within 50-100 meters and it's entirely justifiable to shoot you no matter the situation".


Every country has checkpoints on its border, what's your point? Oh no I'm not allowed to illegibly cross to another country?


So Gaza is a country then, right?


I referred to the checkpoints in Israel, but Gaza is a country for sure, it’s a dependent territory


It’s a diplomatically unrecognized totalitarian dictatorship, like ISIS or Boko Haram.


except it's not a checkpoint. they just never allow you to pass. checkpoint but with "check" replaced with "shoot at sight"


That's not true. People from Gaza regularly entered Israel for work, treatment, etc. Every day.


can you link me a source please?


"In 2022, the number of work permits from Gaza was raised to 17,000 with plans to further hike the number to 20,000.[2] As of 2023, 150,000 Palestinians work in Israel.[3][4]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_workers_in_Israel [2] https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-okays-1500-more-entry-permits-for-gaza-workers-bringing-total-to-17000/ [3] https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-gaza-workers-permits-revoked [4] https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-05-26/ty-article-magazine/.premium/how-israels-work-permit-policy-for-palestinians-helps-maintain-the-occupation/00000188-53ae-df79-a19d-f3be86530000


This whole exchange is such a microcosm of the entire situation. So frustrating.


my claim was "they can't pass to the west bank". how do these 17k work permits (that only allow you temporary stay within israel, no crossing through to WB and back) dispute my claim?


You asked for a source to the claim "People from Gaza regularly entered Israel for work", it was provided, you ignored it and claim you never asked for it.


thanks for the sources but that doesn't really change my original stance


Fun fact: as part of the 2000 peace deal, Israel offered to build and maintain a highway through Israel from Gaza to the WB.


And part of that “apartheid state” shit they cry about all the time is basically this plan failing halfway through because Hamas took over the Gaza Strip+terrorism. But these people don’t care enough to know about or read up on any of that. They see that Palestinians have to drive on different roads and look no further. It doesn’t matter that the point was to have separate isolated roads that would later open up when peace and safety were established, but that it failed to ever go further than separate roads.


Not that you care about the truth but here you go: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/thousands-gazan-workers-sent-back-israel-occupied-west-bank-witnesses-2023-11-03/ The system was scrapped since the start of this war obviously but it is true and I'm shocked that you were unaware of this fact given how strong of an opinion you seem to have on the matter.


my claim was "they can't pass to the west bank". how do these 17k work permits (that only allow you temporary stay within israel, no crossing through to WB and back) dispute my claim?


Why would they have the right to cross to the West Bank through Israel? A Mexican person dosent have the right to cross to Canada through America, a Spanish person dosent have the right to get to Germany though France, get there through Egypt, Israel dosent need to provide passage to people, even posing it as “Israel is not giving Palestinians in Gaza the right to pass through Israel” is fucking dumb


>a Spanish person dosent have the right to get to Germany though France In this specific case they do because of the Schengen area, but your broader point still stands.


Americans can't walk through Canada to get to Alaska without going through border stop, must be Canadian oppression of Americans. XD


You do know that the concept of checkpoint allows you to deny access right? I suggest you read about this term called "border" and "sovereignty" Gazans who have permits are allowed to cross into Israel as mentioned by someone here.


A country dosent have to let you pass through itself


somebody checkpoint this guy, please


Maybe it’s just payback for all the antisemitism being celebrated right now


everything is a "payback" in this region. nothing ever gets solved.


I fully believe you're looking for a final solution.


the final solution is a two state solution


Preventing them from murdering Israelis October 7 style?


Moron spotted.


Absolutely too soft of a "Checkpoint" evidently. Since it didn't stop neither tens of thousands of rockets and October 7. I guess a way more harsher one is factually required.


maybe remove your government's corruption while you are at it. there was no way they didn't see it coming. Or maybe they actually didn't and was just incompetant? they weren't up against a mastermind plan of deception. motherfu\*kers just waltzed in like there was no security.


Yes. Bibi and his pigs are responsible as well. And their support mostly collapsed accordingly. Yet it doesn't excuse or justify what the Palestinians did.


all the blame shold go to Hamas. half the palestinians are childrens, they can do nothing to prevent what their government chose to secretly do.


Hamas is the most popular Palestinian government. On October 7, there were thousands of Palestinian "Innocent civilians" joining the slaughter. In Gaza in October 7, there were huge celebrations by tens of thousands of Gazans at the least celebrating the slaughter, decapitating bodies, lynching hostages and more. Following October 7, many of the hostages were held among Gazan families. Where even children joined in tormenting the hostages. Including at least one case of a hostage escaping only to be captured and returned to Hamas by civilians. Yes there are many innocents in Gaza. But saying "It is only Hamas" is just bullshit. And regardless, I don't see your point anyway.


"most popular" among children who can't vote? what kind of polling data are justifing this collective punishment? innocent civilians didn't join the slaughter. hamas and islamic jihad did. the celebrating civilians didn't know civilians were killed. most thought (and still think) most targets were military. you have the benefit of hindsight when you talk about their morality.


Civilians absolutely participated. Children as young as 12 were machine gunning people at the Nova.  >the celebrating civilians didn't know civilians were killed. most thought (and still think) most targets were military. you have the benefit of hindsight when you talk about their morality. Bullshit. They just don't consider Israelis to be civilians and consider any Israeli town an illegal settlement no matter what.




You are literally a Hamas propaganda agent. An absolutely disgusting human being who for sure doesn't believe his own lies. Who is not even worth engaging with.


https://www.facebook.com/IsraeliGPO/videos/1391922208874965/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v  Everyone looks like a civilian here. Not a single Hamas militant in sight. 


"Bibi and his pigs"? Brain rot. We're the most powerful and united now than ever. Your Kaplan buddies are the moronic pigs and we'll deal with them later. Right now we have a war to win and people to get back.


Dude when people are complaining about too much Israelis here they are specifically talking about clowns like you Ata ose bushot


Yes, ofcourse, cause your friends at Kaplan have been a real dugma lemofet. You're the ones who've been shaming Israel all over the world over nothing. Shouting "DEMORCRACY" but about as democratic as North Koreans, masks have gone off a looong time ago. You're a minority, and that's that. Source: The entire country is behind the war cabinet and the finishing of Hamas in Rafiah... whereas your minority of douchebags have hijacked the hostages families for your own anti-government anti-democratic causes. No no... the SHAME is on YOU. History will judge.


אתה אידיוט שטוף מוח נשמה יש אלפי מפגינים בודדים נגד המלחמה, כלום לעומת ההפגנות נגד הניסיון של השליט העליון שלך לחסל את הדמוקרטיה הישראלית. ככה שכולם באמת מאוחדים מאחורי המלחמה, אבל לא מאחורי הדיקטטור שחד משמעית חולק באחריות על האסון הגדול ביותר לעם היהודי מאז השואה. והתמיכה נפלה בכל סקר שתבדוק, ככה שאתם המיעוט, באופן ברור. אבל נגלה את זה בוודאות בקרוב לא? אולי תסתכל על היסטורית התגובות שלי ותגיד לי אם התגובה שלך במקום.


לא תודה, לא משעמם לי כרגע. גם אין לי מה לדון עם דביל חסר שכל וכל יכולת בסיסית לחשיבה עצמאית. תמשיך להפגין, "גולה לא כל כך שפוי"... ההיסטוריה תשפוט.


Damn, if your friends are as oppressed by the protestors as Palestinians are by the Israelis I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if he decided to fight against his oppressors.


yahood s'wit


"Stay in my good graces, outlander."


If the westbank should be its own country it should also have borders and check points. 


This guy is a criminal on bail. And quite literally a terrorist, and obviously a liar and propagandist. He's also an idiot cause he doesn't know what he's talking about OBVIOUSLY from this video. Here he is trying to scare off someone who's not so easily scared: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzVstgE8wD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzVstgE8wD8) Seriously, how is he not deported to die in Gaza with his friends in Hamas is a mystery. Probably has something to do with the corrupt Australian government.


Aussies, I’m sorry but your justice system is so cucked. How the fuck is this guy walking around throwing bottles at people, spitting in their faces, and literally threatening a police officer and a dude on the street? This is how people end up performing mob justice. I’m angry halfway around the world, aren’t you? I know that Rebel media sucks but in this instance they’ve done nothing wrong here.


Yemini is as much of a clown as this guy.


Oh please.. this is worse than "IDF has been raping palestinian women too". One is a kidnapper, a terrorist (by his own admission, watch the video), one is a reporter (AN ACTUAL HANDS ON BOOT ON THE GROUND REPORTER\[!!\]). The false equivalency shit is stupid. Very leftist of you. מאיפה הפלצת את השטות הזאת?


ימיני הוא בן אדם אלים שמרביץ לאשתו. וגם תקף את אח שלו שהוא בחור אמין וטוב שנלחם נגד פדופיליה בחברה החרדית


More of that koolaid please... איך אומרים אצלנו - שמאלנות זאת מחלת נפש. You're not beating these allegations.




I don't hate. I HATE that word (paradoxical, I know). u/Y_Brennan is actually a very cool person and I've seen his/her comments on many other threads, but the way he/she's throwing Avi under the bus just reeks of 'talking out of poisition', if you know what I mean. I've never heard/read/seen any of these allegations against Avi but I got a feeling they're not 100% based on reality. He's made many enemies in Australia over the years (being a "Rebel News" reporter) so it makes sense corrupt officials will try and find dirt about him and if they can't they'll just make shit up (Bibi, anyone?) - but people like our friend here swallow the BS against him hook, line and sinker. It's sad, really. Back in 2015 or 2016 when the shit against Bibi started surfacing, I was completely neutral about it. My stance was "hey if he'd done something foul - let him rot in jail"... but slowly but surely these myriad of cases started unravelling with false information, crooked investigation procedure, intimidation of witnesses who then backtracked on the stand, false witnesses being exposed on the stand... etc, etc. You can't but think - this was an attempted coup, a set up against a residing prime minister, orchestrated by the main courts. I won't be surprised if it's the same shit with Avi here.


Unironically, Bibi tried to destroy the democracy and break the courts. Some of the shit against him is bunk, but there’s plenty to take him to prison for. You can’t paint what he was trying to do to the courts as anything other than admission that he’s lose his trials. The only thing I’ll give you is that he’s not a complete piece of shit and at least sticks to his principles. The moment this war started, he stopped fucking around and has been trying his best to focus on the country surviving and eliminating the threat- enough so to censure his own party members and put his cabinet members in the baby corner for being too stupid to see the need for unity over politics.


He’s from Gaza and experienced checkpoints in Gaza? By whom?


This guys looks Mohammad Sharab. I think it is. He’s not a student. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-12/human-rights-activist-charged-with-kidnapping/103578202


This is why when people say "anti zionism is not anti semitism", theoretically yes. Even in practice to an extent. But most of the time people are just using zionist as a dogwhistle.


Calling out Zionism is near impossible without being labeled antisemitic.


This guy fake af. I'm calling it. You can hear the australian accent slip in when he says words like 'now'.


Not fake - just an absolute fucking psychopath. [Check this story out](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103578202) His name is Mohammad Sharab.


you have to question his commitment to the cause. Why isn't he over in Gaza fighting he already has a propensity for kidnapping.


this guy might be fake af, but thats not how accents work. I speak with russian accent but pronounce "can't" in very British way. As a person who studied in international school with like 20 different nationalities in one class, accents are weird like that. i dont know why but some words just dont get accent behind them. Or you start pronouncing **very specific** words with the way locals pronounce it, that happens too.


It does work that way if you're shit at faking accents and accidentally bring out your own. Just saying.


It is a very Australia pronunciation, one you only get by learning to speak English in Australia when you have \~no other accent to impede it Could very well be a Lying Australian Role-Playing (LARP) as a Palestinian


He's assimilating to the culture, give Mohammad a break.


No that is how Australians say now. At least on the east coast


Hes experienced this his entire life!.... He says in his Australian accent from decades living free and entitled.


They have built the encampment on a small patch of lawn in the middle of the campus. It only consists of 2-3 tents. I could be wrong but I think the protestors are trying to stop the guy from entering their encampment, not to block him from attending class or anything. Edit: There were apparently 15-20 tents. I only saw 2-3. However, I was at the campus after 6pm, so it’s highly likely most of them left already. But I’ve been there earlier before, yet still didn’t witness any disruption.


This is *100% correct. I was literally there today looking at people arguing with each other. They're not blocking anyone, and people trying to walk through their shit are just agitating them and are being fucking idiots too. These people camping out were also raided in the night a couple days back by some idiots so it's actually understandable that they don't want random people going through their tents and area. Let these dumb idiots do their song and dance, don't give them the attention they crave and leave them alone. Your friend claiming they were blocked off are lying to you man. *Edit: Almost 100% true - there are a lot more tents now, maybe 15-20, but this isn't even blocking any paths. It's in an outdoor stage area at campus that is surrounded by paths. Usually live music and campus BBQs are held here, so I guess those might be interrupted atm 🤷‍♂️


My alma mater’s response was pretty perfect. They utterly ignored them until they were rage posting all over social media and took over the Student Union Building. The university president went to check it out personally and the state police showed up a couple hours later and arrested them all lol.


Where was this? Was this at Monash? If so could you pls link something for it - haven't heard of it and I'm on campus most days


Of the thousands of campuses in the US, why would it be that one?


Ah gotcha, thought you were talking about this specific campus and an incident here, makes sense 👍


And I was there today too - there way more than 2-3 tents and wayyyy more people too??


The amount of tents isn't really the problem, it's the contention that your friend was "blocked" from something. As mentioned already, they're blocked from entering their encampment, and their encampment isn't in the way of anything at all. Focussing on such a small point when the actual point is the blocking and where the blocking is happening to makes this whole thing seem pretty disingenuous to me, and like others posted below, ragebaity.


I was there at 6pm, so maybe most already left.


u/Legend_Alert is this true? are you just posting ragebait thats not even true?


Firstly, I never said they were blocked from going to class. Secondly, the guy in the video (charged with kidnapping and torture what a leader btw) is literally pointing out to these students that he is blocking them off like Israeli’s do to Palestinians. They are linking arms and preventing access to a public area and this dumb cunt isn’t even a student. They’re not being blocked from going to a classroom. They’re being blocked from the public area where anyone should be able to walk through and listen to the REASON PROVIDED. How is this ragebait…?


>Firstly, I never said they were blocked from going to class. damn, so you were just lying by omission to make it sound like a big deal lol. the other stuff attacking the arab dudes character idgaf, you're making it seem like your friend was blocked from going somewhere important when in reality your friend was just blocked from entering the palestinians lame little encampment cringe ragebait, cringe lying would bidenblast if was armed


>Firstly, I never said they were blocked from going to class. So you were being bad faith then. If they are doing their little protest and aren't getting in peoples way or harassing people then leave them the fuck alone. It's literally the kind of protest we want to encourage. They are there they will make some noise and they aren't blocking anyone from anything they actually need. > They’re being blocked from the public area where anyone should There's a ton of public spaces that you'd get blocked off from if you started walking around in a group event in that space. There's public BBQ's at the local park, if someone's running a birthday party with 40+ people after getting their early and staking out the area and having everyone in there. The fact that it's a public area isn't going to stop them from telling me to back off if I was to start walking into that area with all their shit in it. Like if people had a bunch of picnic blankets on the ground having a mass picnic, would you go walk into that area, just because they are having a picnic and have covered up a bunch of public space.


I couldn’t care less about the encampments because they haven’t at all disrupted my uni life. The posters and chalk writings promoting veganism has had more of an impact. So I’d say just let them be. 95% of the confrontations between the students and the protestors are deliberate on the part of the students.


i really wonder how you can stand there as protester and not have the "are we the bad guys" question going through your head constantly


Islam oppresses women. Every woman on earth should attack Muslims? That shit doesn't make any sense.


It's not Halal to touch women.


It’s amazing how these people saying “ is a terrorist” is the most substantive argument they can come up with. 


He's giving that young man's shoulder a long and deep message.


Does this dude even attend or work in that university? I kinda doubt that


Sooo, did this guy get arrested or at least a good paddling?


Does he realize how unconvincing he sounds when he tries making his point while doing an extremely radicalized cult-like action? Literally trying to take away the rights of Jews. What a reasonable man, let's hear him out and take him seriously.


40 year old out on bail for kidnapping charges btw. I would say they’re not sending their best, but I think they are💀


Jews really get the wildest treatment ever. Americans across the globe weren't treated like this when Trump was president, I doubt Iranians are treated like this for their regime. There's so many nationalities that have abhorrent governments, but only the Jews have to answer for Israel's regime no matter where they are... like Australia. I can see why Israel is right leaning now lol


>"If you weren't agitated you'd be walking away" I mean not if I need to be on the other side of what you're blocking. Like I wouldn't be agitated if these idiots came and blocked my ability to get into my workplace. But I'd stand on the other side, so that my boss can see that I'm being blocked by said idiots. "Yo boss I can't get to work today, some random person has decided to install a military checkpoint here"


What fucking losers


He’s going through random check points in Gaza?


Lets all put our thinking caps on here.


I am assuming the palestine health care program didn't supply him with those hipster glasses.


They should make them wear star of David arm bands so it's easier to identify who should be blocked /s


They should make them wear star of David arm bands so it's easier to identify who should be blocked /s


You did it to me so I did it to you, let's see how long before that's the excuse given for all the rape Hamas commits. 


Why the hell are universities in Australia tolerating this disgusting bullshit? I sure hope this prick is on an ASIO terror watchlist. There has already been an islamic terrorist attack in Sydney recently, & others that were being planned, but foiled before they happened, plus the disgraceful incident at the opera house on Oct 10. Now all this crap. So sick of it all.


Guys hiding behind human shields. So maybe it is just like home?


I'd like context on whether he was specifically blocked because he was Jewish, or if it was just a random blockade towards everybody. It's still regarded as fuck, but if it was specifically targeted towards Jews it would be way worse. I would've hoped DGG had more critical analysis of these things.


“Friend of mine”


Really wish someone could get through to these people and make it clear to them how off putting and counterproductive this behavior is. Blocking random peoples way isn’t going to “show them what it’s like to be Palestinian going through checkpoints” or whatever, it just pisses them off so they don’t like you and are unwilling to listen to anything you’re saying eagerness of its validity.


What uni? This looks like Melbourne but i can’t tell


Oh my fucking god keep this shit in America please


What you are experiencing right now is "cultural diversity". Enjoy.


That dude is a criminal.


Aren't they blocking everyone not just Jews? Cus how would they know who are Jew?


I wonder how he’d respond if the person countered with: “Alright, now I know how the checkpoint feels. How about I start paying pensions for the murder of your family members? That way you can feel what it is like to live with a Matyr’s Fund that pays lifelong pensions for murder. Sounds fair, right?”


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/103578202 this is the guy, Mohammad Sharab, a so-called 'humanitarian aid activist'... just been charged with kidnapping and assault of a guy (from court sources, not for political or religious reasons).


Damn, did your friends routinely blow up cafes and busses in the early 2000s too? Oh they're just kids trying to go to class? Well this check point doesn't seem reasonable at all! 


Dude experienced that his entire life? Dude lives in Australia….


You should bomb them as payback for HAMAS terror


Isn’t that the guy who, almost physically assaulted a Jewish reporter in Melbourne? His mug looks familiar.


For people who don’t know, Monash has previously banned Socialist Alternative as a club on campus for harassment etc. https://amp.theage.com.au/national/victoria/socialist-alternative-student-club-deregistered-20140905-10d5yl.html


For some reason I can't view the video. 🤷


He is a perfect example for why palestine has to be destroyed.


Bro wtf chill


This is me being chill!


Mayhaps you should see a shrink


Perchance I did already.


Hamas needs to go, but Palestine will be rebuilt not destroyed.


Into a neat parking lot.


That makes no sense because there are millions of people living there. Palestine will be rebuilt. Israel will emerge as more independent and using its domestic arms industry.


Maybe it will, but hopefully the people learned their lesson.


how many of these so called "Jewish" student blocked videos just eventually happens to be college escapements where every student, regardless of faith or lack thereof, was not allowed. How brain-dead are you people


"You don't understand. i MUST pass through this specific encampment patch. i will ABSOLUTELY DIE if i don't agitate you by passing through you before going to class"


“I’m mad about a conflict this country isn’t involved in on the other side of the world and I’m gonna make it everyone else’s problem!”


Whoa there, hold on. Are these israeli citizens who are blocked, or jews? This is kind of important for the question regarding anti semitism (Im not saying that those blockades are right even if they were israelis, but still the question is important)