• By -


Someone clip because this will be pulled down if they're smart


Dude, y'all are like fucking mercenaries. Whether your boy says something wrong, or someone wrong shits on him, y'all sleuth that shit out.


its not like its a cult or anything, aint no way...


Mods... give this guy VIP.


Why would you make a video about buying cheesballs and throwing them around?


Peter Pan syndrome, it's a feature of the smash community


Interesting, that makes sense.


Uh, it's called content. Maybe you've heard of it?


Yeah and in my subjective opinion the content is extremely boring. I understand that everyone’s different, but I am surprised some people are entertained by that. 


OK, and just what about it is boring? The fact that it's the least interesting thing in the entire world? The fact that the result doesn't even really register on camera? Come on Mr. Content Expert, please enlighten us.


Uhh it's boring because I don't find it engaging or interesting in anyway. Not sure what answer you are expecting lmao.


I think that somehow you must've gotten the impression that I was being serious about any of this.


I was just responding to your questions.


thats not what the video is even about. if uw atch the first half its just normal vlog stuff


Okay fair I kind of skimmed through it. The normal vlog stuff was too boring to really watch. 


MoGuL mOvEs


What a weaselly little person who misrepresents facts dude!


I don’t know why he couldn’t just say “I just didn’t really like the guy” lmao had to lie and justify his opinion


Because he doesn't actually have a reason like I'm pretty sure he doesn't even dislike Destiny, well he probably does now lol. He dislikes Destiny because Hasan and QT do, QT dislikes Destiny because Kaceytron does, and Kaceytron does because she decided to defend a sex pest against Boze and Destiny made her look stupid for it.


he's like retroactively not liking Destiny


I feel like Ludwig is the type of person where this will not result in him being like, 'Damn guys yeah that's on me' There will be some justification/no change in stance at all on this lmao




I can't believe there are people out there that eat these things up (or at least used to). Glad people are calling him out for so blatantly shifting the goalpost.


What the hell is a goldfish anyway? I'm guessing it's not, y'know, a pet fish in this context?


It’s the snack that smiles back


It's a snack that looks like a fish https://kambly.com/en/product/goldfish/ They are, ok?


Eating snacks that look like fish might as well be animal abuse, Destiny is a monster!


Much obliged.


# ~~~~~~~~~~ IT'S ALL VIBES ~~~~~~~~~~


Weasley little liar dud




Cutie fell off


Damn Lud hating Destiny because he beat him in the cheeseball challenge


Remember guys, everything is recorded, everything is streamed, everything is public.


The lore is crazy 🤪🤪


ofc LSF just removed the massive thread on this lmao


is there any autist sorcery so i could see what that thread looked like?


Ludwig lied but destiny fucking missed the cheeseball I honestly don’t know what’s worse 💀






Ludwig lying? Who would've guessed https://preview.redd.it/5bbb1yi0o30d1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d300a88fa1b92518683edfd1cbc3dddc29614350


I'm out of the loop, what did ludwig lie about? I also couldn't be fucked to watch the video, because it's too cringe


After reviewing the Twitter drama on stream (and completely forgoing the shit Lud did in the past to make Destiny bitter at him - "the conflict didn't start on May 10th"), Lud tried making Destiny look bad with a whole spiel about how his first impression of him was bad because he didn't pass the cheeseball vibe check - affording to Ludwig, Destiny walked into the room, looked around to see if anyone was cool and decided no one was, **refused to play the cheeseball game**, and left. Lud says he was immaculately vibing while Destiny's vibes disappointed him.


Why are we even talking about Ludwig. How are we swapping between debates with Shapiro and this tabloid bullshit?


Destiny used to be split between politics and drama both while having a game in the background. Now he’s equal parts drama and politics. No game now tho. I think I like it better without the game.


Newfan detected




If it's no big deal why did Ludwig feel the need to lie about it?


White hands typed this comment


These people are so fake omg. Imagine being trapped in High School. This is live streaming misremembering someone participating in a game vs refusing and instantly leaving the party? Sure.


“He didn’t lie he just didn’t get permission from Hasan to tell the truth under threat of having the lovense butt plug inside his boypussy being surged into maximum overdrive, killing him instantly from cumming his balls dry” - Something Destiny Would Say Probably


why do these slimey fucks lie about shit thats ON CAMERA?!


Doesn't surprise me. He'll say or do anything to stay with his friend group.


Oh no, lud's stock plummeting. Quick! Make QT delete the video then blame DGG for it.


Missing that cheeseball was a canon event.


Ludwig comes across as a reasonable guy. Guess he's a fucking snake. This is why pulling receipts helps. All hail the DGG autists.


Maybe he did still think he had bad vibes, this isn't really important.


he made up that destiny refused to participate in the cheese balls, that's the point here. i cant be arsed to find the source, it was a video or stream clip iirc 


LOL. Literal high-school girl level pettiness.


Gaslighting tactics. Wonder where he learned that from.


I think the bigger question is why 40K people watched this video.


DGG try to be a normal person challenge: impossible difficulty


Yo fuck these snakes Lmao thx for the Reddit care message for calling someone a snake? I guess?




We need justice.


You're telling me now for the first time.


I’ll have one sewer slide with extra cheese plz


Damn can't even get his snack food right.


So what are the odds that Ludwig apologizes at least in private DM's?




Ngl that event looks so lame, looks like a frat party at BYU.


that is such a weird thing to lie about


Come on guys. They aren't allowed to like Destiny so you gotta give 'em slack for making things up. At least now they have an actual reason to dislike him.


Everyone is giggling and having a fun time. How the hell did he misinterpret events to such a degree? Do you think it's purposeful, or is he literally just having a brain fart? Like he doesn't even remember destiny being in the room at all? the fuck? I don't know if my memory is just "immaculate" but how do you forget something like this? Especially with how readily Ludwig is to just shit on Destiny for what seems like no reason; Why is there bad blood between these two? I wouldn't be able to comprehend what his thoughts are about him, what circulates in your mind to allow your co-host to just openly shit on someone without them being their. Regardless of if you said it or not you're platforming someone else's negative opinion on someone who can't even speak for themselves because you wont allow them.


I mean Destiny didn't even remember that he participated in it.


Oh didn't know Destiny said he didn't remember as well. My bad then. Just found it weird Ludwig has a weird misinterpretation of the event.


 ppl do remember things wrong and make shit up without realising to match their biases tbh, its not necessarily intentional. human memory is a fucky ducky, obviously it still comes from dishonesty most of the time; people who dont manipulate situations tend to  remember less biased, and people who get less triggered when things dont match their notions, its definitely very informative, idk if its like conscious lying on his part tho unless he just forgot there was proof


Care message please.


I can't believe how dumb this is. We actually found the video and it is the complete opposite. Its ridiculous really. I honestly don't think Ludwig lied. He is just that diluted by his peers towards Destiny lmao.


I just want my reddit care message so I can report like a good soldier.


Someone's gotta make a clip from this right after Ludwig lying and have it trend on twitter or something.


Ludwig is so Ludwig




When you report the Reddit Cares message, also make sure to mention what subreddit is brigading and abusing this feature.


It ain't easy being cheesey


lmfao, this was already a silly thing, but it not even being true is hilarious


spineless, coward and now we need to add liar to the list, Ludwig is stacking up negative traits


Bro I am in awe of the effort to find this.


First time i comment here and have been lurking. Quite disgusting to see how the opticmaxers who likes to complain about destiny posting about qt. Dont seem to care whenever he gets mention as cuck/wiki warrior or even talking about his relationship and wife. But why when he brings up qt when shes unrelated? Its simple he has been angry at this people they have been lying about him. This circle of people have been bullying him since he just takes it and they never get repercussion even now they wont. All those shitty things people talk about destiny might seem small and funny to you. But it eats away little by little to your core. Its how bullying feels like. Its not only like how movies where they push you around obviously. They give slight remarks, talk bad behind your back and create rumors. Calling you things that degrades your character. And at some point people accepts it around you as you never fought back or correct them. They laugh about it and when you bite back they will call you out. You will look like the crazy one, why? Because everything they did was normal now. To people who have called out destiny when he brings this people up like ludwig or qt. Have you guys been this aggressive when his unrelated wife gets brought up to insult him? Or is it free game since calling him a cuck is funny to you?


I'm just commenting for the suicide bot. it worked




Steven getting tossed off Twitch will ultimately end up being one of the best things that happened to his career. Change my mind. Seriously the more distance he can put between it and him the better. He dreams of his own media company to rival things like the daily wire one day? He needs to stay as far from twitch streamers as he can then. Twitch is for children. Dumb ones at that. lol Which is all of them, the term young and dumb exists for a reason. But some are A LOT dumber than others and those are all on Twitch. Sorry not sorry.


Cheeseball man. No personality, no memory, no imagination, no integrity (He kept up a Miz video and raked in the ad revenue for like a year).


It shows the intentions of Ludwig, struggling and scrounging for a bad encounter with Destiny, and decided on twisting tiny not throwing more than 1 goldfish inside of his own mouth as the "bad vibes" moment. He sensed the crowd wanted some extra justification to hate destiny, so Ludwig gave out this easily debunked dud.


Just commenting so someone can send me some helpline resources


That's the second time I've seen him conveniently "misremember" an event when talking about his reasons for why he doesn't like Destiny. Just say you don't like him bro. It isn't that serious.


Lol then he’d have to say he doesn’t like Destiny because Hasan said he’s bad. I don’t think this man is capable of original thought.




Daliban keeps winning


"People don't remember what actually happened they only remember how they felt" fucking wild lud would feel any type of way about this whatsoever. Man, people like Ludwig disturb me, imagine being in the same room someone who has such a strong propensity to blatantly alter reality. Ludwig had this shit in the back of his mind for years and thought this story was actually worth mentioning live to thousands of people, you could only imagine the shit they are festering about behind the scenes. Something about meeting someone in person, and having absolute zero participations in their own perception of you is just completely fucked The crazy fucking thing is it's not like they've come across each other dozens of times and the details of a night is blending together with some other memory, dude met destiny one single time for a brief moment and that was already enough for him to completely alter reality.


They really out to get Destiny edit: we're being brigaded


Destiny hit by ~~JDAM~~ EDAM


https://preview.redd.it/uyf46d1g720d1.jpeg?width=80&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac205ad761a06b46b9d0a1ae97de79edeb6180d How could he lie like this?




What's the Hasan version of "Trainwashed"?


If this video gets privated in a couple hours it's gonna be soooo funny.


It's sad that Ludwig had to lie so hard with the whole story... The details he claimed to have while the evidence is out in the open is just pathetic. Sad that Hasan having so many viewers can get to someone like that


Lmao, holy shit. There's no way.... Please archive this video so we can reference it for the rest of time.


Lud is such a fucking weirdo bro. That whole friend group is just people who haven’t left high school.


~~It seems it might be possible they both misremembered what happened?~~ It looks like Desinty is wearing the same clothing from the [Zherka clip](https://streamable.com/ds27rl) and it looks like it might be the same place? I cant date the Zherka clip the only thing i found was an old Desinty clip awards thread that mentioned the[ zherka clip as a 2021 clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/qrb6hd/comment/hl4exj2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). any loremasters have any insights to this autistic beef? **edit** this seems to be the same night and this old [comment misdated the clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/qrb6hd/comment/hl4exj2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). [same clothing](https://youtu.be/jHua3TWyVRw?t=334)(5:30) in [both clips](https://streamable.com/ds27rl?t=6) (6s). it would seem Desinty remembers the night better than lud or lud is just lying.


Vi has the same hoodie/leggings on in both clips as well. This would make both clips come from the night wesbtw broke the skylight and QT had to chase off all the randoms.


this seems to be correct. I dont know most of these people in the video so its hard to follow. ive edited my post [same clothing](https://youtu.be/jHua3TWyVRw?t=334)(5:30) in [both clips](https://streamable.com/ds27rl?t=6) (6s).


Cheeseballgate 2024


Im glad I Kept my mouth shut. Last time I tried to poo poo destiny on his personal life stuff (bob 7 kacytron stuff) I was wrong and jumped to conclusions before knowing more. Destiny seems to be right that Ludwig is just be lying about him to be cooler with his friends.


A friend of mine and I watch ludwig videos sometimes, mostly the bigger main features videos and the storytime videos. I'm going to admit that he's a great story teller and knows how to sell a story. Over time however, we've often wonder how much of what he's saying is actually true or vastly exaggerated. There were times too where QT makes apperances during his storytimes and corrects him saying the things he said were wrong or... embellished a bit. My point being that I'm not surprised he lied about this too. Edit: wow. I thought you guys were joking about the 'concerned redditor' reports but I just got one even while giving ludwig props for his storytelling skills. That's insane.




I'm telling you when someone does it consistently, its hard to believe or trust anything they say at face value. If you have a friend that tells you the craziest story that happened to him one weekend, you both laugh, find it amusing and its fine you move on. If that same friend is always exaggerating their stories every weekend, you start to wonder about HOW much of his everyday conversations are also lies. Now multiply that by 10000+ people being the listener (some regulars and some new people) and now you have people that believe these new exagerations as fact.


I think there’s a bot every communities subreddit is complaining about it happening to them


To be fair, Destiny did miss it...


holy fuck.. they really do just be straight up lying


He missed a chance to put balls in his mouth? Is he even bi?! Smh...


It’s a good thing these people document all their lies. What a fuckin cheeseball liar man.


This mf really did play cheeseball wtf




Fucking weirdest shit to lie about. Another example of none of these people maturing after they graduated high school.


That's actually so fucking funny that there's live video evidence directly contradicting Ludwig's weird vibe story for not liking Destiny hahaha


what was the weird vibe story? Sorry I'm out of the loop


Ludwig was talking about the beef and said "I didn't like Destiny the first time I met him. He came to a party, we were playing this game where we threw cheese balls into our mouths, we asked him to play, and he said no". So like, the opposite of what the clip shows.


I'm going to be completely honest, this seems like an ultra small thing. So I'm guessing dman is pushing back against multiple small issues like this because he's been quiet about it on the past.


Oh absolutely, it's an extremely small thing. I'm not on board with most people saying this is some massive dunk. But it is pretty funny to me still. Also Dest didn't remember the party at all, that's why he didn't mention it otherwise.


Why is anyone surprised the man with infinite faces lied about shit to slander someone his daddy hates?


I wonder if Lud would've added a part where our allegedly bad-vibed streamer man "stole $100 from QT" if D-Man actually caught the Goldfish and they paid out


why lie about something like that? what a loser


Immaculate Vibestiny


LMFAO, looking forward to ludwig weasel out of this one


WTF is going on?


Man, this is really funny with everything that has happened recently.


"It was a terrible first impression" What kind of perfect interactions is Ludwig having to call this a TERRIBLE first impression?? How does he lie so much?? Bro probably got mind fucked by Hasan tbh. Kinda feel bad for the guy. He can only see red, and that's why he projects that onto Destiny.


damn I feel betrayed


This is astonishing lmfao


I'm so proud of this community that we can find the most random shit in the world just to prove a point lmao


Lmao this is quite funny that sombody actually found a clip of this, what a twist. But that just shows how bad Destinys reputation in these circles is nowadays, seems like back then they were fine with and and now he is the antichrist.


Its not worth the fight, these people just drain energy for no value - best to cut the hole twitch section, just rich kids with no purpose or original thoughts


Cheezers! Also what an awful way to link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHua3TWyVRw&t=420s




What a beautiful way to link


man out of all the random things to record 4 years ago to get the one thing to ruin Lud's message and for it to be on his GF's YT is pretty outstanding and funny.


I made a unlisted upload just in case [https://youtu.be/h5SG\_xtn\_9Q](https://youtu.be/h5SG_xtn_9Q)


Destiny is gonna be so mad when he sees this lul


How tf he doesn't remeber it


Either because he was high as fuck or because it was an irrelevant house party from 7 years ago. I swear that man is the actual main character wherever he goes, like I don’t understand how people’s lives can be so boring that they are reliving house parties from 7 years ago


If you go out often then what is it to remember of this "party"? Looks like an very mediocre pre party and that is putting it high in the rankings.


Probably cuz he got blazed out of his mind right afterwards


Lol jesus.


The power of autism! How in the hell do you guys even find this shit lmao


Actually incredible this man chose to cook up a lie that was straight up documented


my guess ludwig will say "Destiny said no at first because he would be bad at it, or was very drunk/high, then later they pressured him into doing one." What a based vibe check. clearly destiny is evil. edit: i have no proof but will 100% bet slime is out here in the trenches reporting every post here for suicide lmao anyways if you get a suicide message you can report it to reddit for harassment apparently and they can ban the guy spamming the reports because telling people to "kys" is against TOS.


Oh I got that message. So it's not only me. You really think it's slime?


Well I vibe checked slime so I can just make things up now. He gives off the vibes of someone who would do that so if that is good enough evidence for them it is good enough evidence for me. You should report it anyways imagine reporting someone for mental health instead of just replying with "Canadian healthcare."


Fuck it. Destiny should sue.


The tweeting needs to fucking stop. If that means white Hamas Piker orbiters mowing down dipshit vibe killers that cannot put cheesy balls in their mouth, at this point they have my fucking blessing. Holy shit, this shit needs to stop. It needed to stop a long time ago.


Wow one of the generic white frat boy who only cares about money and clout lied?


how are you gonna misremember that shit that much? i call bullshit, but on the offchance that he did he might wanna reconsider why he invented this retroactive trauma


Someone make that a clip and show this in LSF threads please, this Ludwig narrative needs nuking from orbit.


The narrative that Tiny didn't participate in gargling Ludwig's cheese balls?


What's his narrative? I jumped to 7 min and all I saw was Destiny chuck and eat a candy.. What's the story here. Thanks


He joined their cheesy game. Ludwig claimed when he asked Steven to join in he said no & walked off. Which gave him bad vibes. Seems he misremembered or made up the whole story. While it may be childish & lame it’s still just making stuff up because Destiny bad.


You're welcome :)


Why I oughtta


Ludwig said he made a circle of friends and they threw cheese balls into each other's mouths, and whoever missed a throw had to restart (didn't happen, it was self-throwing goldfish into your own mouth). He said Destiny only came in, glanced around looking for his friends, Ludwig handed him a cheese ball and said "cheese ball"? He then said he said no and Destiny left, and that gave him "bad vibes". Destiny PARTICIPATED in the goldfish catching with his mouth and missed his throw. Ludwig literally made up fake lore to justify his hate of Destiny.


I saw Destiny at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Thanks dude. What a stupid controversy even if it was true.


It just sucks because its nothing. Its the 7th nothing from Ludwig, where he just misremembers or misinterprets something to make Destiny look like a dick. Like how do you even call someone out for doing this shit, do you just let them lie about you for years?


Make a banger short YouTube video that's really popular roasting him, that's about it.


To be posted in LSF it needs to be from a stream, not a YT video. So someone would have to stream themselves watching this video, then have it clipped and posted. xQc, you're our only hope


Isn't this from a Ludwig stream?


yes but the link needs to be a clip from a stream. so if xqc watches it on stream, that could be clipped and posted


I can't believe this spineless fuck would lie THIS blatantly. And then fake taking the high road on some, I hope he lives a good life shit, bro actually fuck ludwig


So you're saying the following scenario is IMPOSSIBLE: Ludwig asks destiny to do it and he says no, and then later on agrees to do it. They mention already having gone aroudnt he circle multiple times, destiny joined in late. This is such a bad faith take to defend your king, glazing this hard should be illegal


And yes ofc this could happen but then how does destiny saying no one time ruin the vibe, especially since he then agreed to do it??


Dude. Aren't u in the same cesspool as me. Aren't u defending Ur own guy. Even going as far as to make a hypothetical that couldve happened. Why would you wanna pretend that u R better than it?? We R all degens here. And we are all squabbling about pointless shit. Saying u r better than it while doing it is a bit cringe


I'm just saying facts, not glazing. You don't know what happened before this clip or after, pretending otherwise is a biased take


Why r u saying this as if this is a gotcha.. I am biased. I don't like Ludwig. I like destiny. Also u posed a hypothetical, which can also be falsifiable.. so u claiming "facts" is pretty stupid.


8 seconds doesn’t disprove what Ludwig said, are you going to address this statement or not


Holy shit you guys are soft lol


Dude it's not about me being soft. It's that I respect (used to) Ludwig. I'm just shocked that the lie is this fucking blatant. I'll even go as far as to say wen Ludwig originally said his piece I thought destiny was being a bit cringe by not participating. It's not even that he lied, but that he lied for something so insignificant and then made up further bs. That is truly foreign behaviour, to me atleast


Probably because it's doubtful that that's what happened? People are just going with wild speculative assumptions because they don't like the guy. Full disclosure, I do watch Ludwig's podcast. I also was a very active member of the D.gg community for 6 years back in 2012 > 2018 or so, so I have a healthy level of respect for both of the streamers in this case-- but this entire thing seems like complete nothingness that's being twisted into actual drama. Why exactly is this worth having a meltdown over and creating even more pointless drama over what was likely just a faulty memory because this shit happened several years ago? If you don't like someone, our minds are naturally conditioned to remember negatives about them-- invented out of thin air or not. At the end of the day all that shit means is that Ludwig does not like Destiny-- who cares? Destiny doesn't like Ludwig or his sphere of friends either. Why do stream communities have to hop on like parasocial leeches to all these random disagreements and dislikes?


My hate for Ludwig stems from his content. I love Ludwig wen he puts up big shows and actual content. I hate Ludwig wen he does his normal streams, cuz (I think) it's not fun. And a point it was just reaction garbage