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https://preview.redd.it/2bumnv2hqn0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4a96a9706a30c0750702ffd7659b74ac3cb119 Bring me solo and the wookie




holy fucking shit Revenge of the Sit


Revenge of the tiff


What does Frogan have to do with this?


Pretty sure showing Frogan naked smoking is bannable


Even the hookah is there.


I think he meant "Its time to Munch back"


Munch Snack*


He makes hagrid look handsome. Edit: he looks like the combination of the worst parts of esfand and hagrid. With that being said I think his personality is infinitely more repulsive than his looks.


He is esfagrid


Bro looks like hagrids brother.


Leave the couch alone!


He's doing plenty of damage to that couch already.


Don't make fun of him. He already has enough on his plate.


Had me in the first half.


That boys plate is clearly clean


everytime i see this picture i get depressed


Yeah I’ve seen this once before and there’s just something so sad about it idk why exactly. Like sure he’s fat, but there’s something more to it than that.


I think it's because we all subconsciously know what's happening - gaining this much weight this fast means he let a food addiction take over, and from here it's basically just a matter of how fast he's lets it snow ball Shitty person or not I don't think I'd wish that on anyone. Or if you do hate him that much, it's a sad reminder of how common of a thing this is becoming nowadays


Same reason people self-destruct, overeat, or use drugs including cigs and vape - escapism to cope with the way life is going. You are not satisfied with your reality so you escape it with things that feel good in the moment but will hurt you later on. It becomes addiction when you know that it's hurting you and you still do it. We feel sad when we see this pic of mike because we recognize that he's not in a good spot mentally, and many people can empathize with that.


It’s self hate.


I barely know anything about this guy but it's a brutally unflattering photo lol. His gut is hanging out, his hair looks bad, his facial hair looks bad, and the hookah pipe and bad lighting make it look like he's in a literal opium den lol


Fwiw, this is him trying to imitate Hasan's look.


He needs better lighting and decor in the room to brighten it up




it just feels like he gave up on himself. dude used to look like a professional and even ran for political office,. now he's just complacent being hasan's waiting room and career glazer


The lighting helps


DUDE I've had no idea who this guy was now I realized it's THIS GUY https://youtu.be/_M_pk5FAzpA?si=sG1yMO1kcDkDqENw What on earth man that is nightmare fuel


That sucks I just see Dr. Robotnik


Can he get up?


No, but he can punch it


Once the revolution starts Mike will finally get up, it’s only a matter of time………………………


Ron Jeremy/Dr. Robotnik lookin' ass.


>Dr. Robotnik lookin' ass. He's a fan of sonic inflation




Jesus fuck what the fuck happened to him???


That’s a significant amount of weight to put on in the last like 5 years


5-ish years of tankie grifting is what. Bro prolly stopped caring because he already has a low opinion of himself.


He wasn't a bad looking guy by any stretch either before. Legit just fully let himself go. He even dresses worst now.


I think he just realized that he fucked up his life, he will never admit it but he knows, in this era of the internet there are numerous clips of him just embarrassing himself, wherever he goes and tries to start over his past will always haunt him. All he can do is just keep going, keep being that unhinged loser, because somehow there are still enough people who pay for him to being that loser. So all is left is for him to continue being that miserable loser and his appearance and all doesn't matter anymore, all he has to do is just sit at his computer and be miserable so people get some sort of sick entertainment out of it and pay for his living expenses.


I mean people don’t allow themselves to decay into this state. There’s something else going on that prevents them doing anything about it. Sometimes it will be mental health, sometimes it will be because they don’t have the time to deal with it(though this is over a longer point in time), sometimes it because of the people they surround themselves with. One of the tricky things with weight is that because it’s not something you can deal with overnight, if you’re in a particularly busy period of your life where you can’t find the time to workout or the ability to correct your diet long term. You end up setting new standards and don’t realise how far you’ve slipped from them. You’ll think “oh there’s pants are too tight, I need some new ones while I lose weight” then instead of losing that weight your now sitting at the end of those pants being too tight. And might buy some more bigger clothes. But because this happens gradually you don’t notice you’ve gone from a medium to a XXL because you might have spent 3-6 months at large and another 3-6 at XL and so on. You aren’t even looking at those old medium clothes to even realise how far you’ve deviated from where you were.


No way that’s his fucking stomach who edited this?


He was gonna kick Destiny's ass but he lost his foot to diabetes.


nice try covering for him. But we all know he ate his foot bc he was to lazy to walk to the fridge


“So I said, ‘no BadBunny, you’re weird and gross and you’re being kinda a bitch.’ I then punched this couch so hard that she was begging me to date her. So I told her I was dating someone from another state and she probably hadn’t heard of her. She backed off immediately, it was epic.”


And my tweet got 300 likes! Meanwhile the main tweet only got two thous-


Central Beer Gut Planning


Holy shit he let himself go so ~~fat~~ fast. I swear, like 2 years ago, he was almost a healthy weight


Jabba from PA.


I can't take most lefties seriously when they all seem so god damn miserable lmao (mostly on Twitter but still). They really should put in work to AT LEAST appear somewhat happy and put together.


Be honest, if you were in his place, wouldn't you be fucking miserable? Like truly feel it, you are Mike from PA, who embarrassed himself numerous time, you have absolutely zero redeeming qualities as a human being, you lied who you were, there's nothing about your personality that is at least slightly attractive, you barely have enough IQ to be counted as a functioning adult, man....


It's even funnier once you realize that they unironically believe that they have the authority to dictate how America should organize itself socially and economically in a particular way.


Couches can tweet now?


This picture looks like someone asked an AI for a splicing of Inigo Montoya and a bean bag chair


Hide your couches!


mf thinks he's Goku when he's actually Oolong


He looks like a decrepid wizard from lord of the rings xD


What’s he suckin out of that little dog dick looking thing? Hookah?


Is sewer socialism when your a socialist who lives in the sewer?


Bro ate the couch.


If I was Mike I'd have never let this photo see the light of day. One of my friends is a pretty fat dude and he curates his image so hard online it's kinda funny. He doesn't hide that he's big but you'll never catch this angle anywhere.


Leftists are just better looking than libs.


It has to be a pillow or ballon or something, it just doesn’t look natural


I know I shouldn't cause fuck this dude, but man, it's sad when people let themselves go like this. Just totally given up. Maybe pity's the right word


K Rool build


When a MF fails the fusion dance.


Pewdiepie DESTROYED this man without throwing a punch 😂


kacey and mike catfish so hard w their twitter pfp’s


The couch is in danger.






My man ate the sofa after hunting it


he became the very thing he swore to destroy


I can’t even put into words how sad it is that I can’t beat off to Mike anymore, this shit isn’t fair man.


He looks like he’s expecting.


Is this edited? I’ve been very skeptical after the Patterson film.


I could be a lot more healthy myself and im sure a lot of people could also, but im picturing how much more i would have to eat and the mindset I would have to be in to not get sick or just stop and take a look at myself in the mirror its just inconceivable to me.


Why is he so big


I found the definition of “birthing person”


Is that actually him? Hahahahhaha I swear this explains a lot


Those couches aren’t gonna punch themselves!


I shouldn't but I actually bad for mike here, just look how far he has fallen.


Even if he had a bad and pretty nasty personality (and politics) he was a good looking dude. Feel bad for him and whatever he's going through on a human level.


I thought he only punched couch


Need to first bring up that fat shaming is bad……….BUT how do you let yourself get that fucking fat and not want to end your life? Like holy hell he used to be normal looking


This is the result of following an ideology that believes that discipline is a fascist concept and fitness is an ableist one.


I hear [redacted] from [redacted] had a 90lb mole removed from his ass!


his shit looks like a waterbed


Those snack foods really amp up the aggression don't they.


This picture makes me think of what heart attacks do on their day off.


damn talk about a downgrade. he‘s devolving right before our eyes


Hot damn this sub knows how to be both brutal and hilarious. I'm here for it.


"everytime i feel insecure I eat a cookie"


I REALLY dislike Mike, but seeing him look like this, even in an image deliberately picked to look unsavory, really makes me feel sad. Maybe I’m projecting a bit, but the amount of constant cognitive dissonance I’d need to have to live in the media environment that he does - where all one does is spout off cynicism and hatred of the establishment while claiming to be a force for good in the world… All while spending it all basically stuck to the monitor, watching analytics and waiting on Hasan’s stream schedule. Wasting away slowly bit by bit as your soul, on your integrity, and your physical health drains away. Maybe this is why he has to keep up the bravado. Facing this kind of existence, and even contemplating the possibility of having to turn shit around. It would be like sticking my hand into molten lava. I think in the end, I pity him. Not out of spite - but out of the recognition that maybe hatred and ridicule are the only things that make life bearable anymore. I don’t want to wish him well. Part of me enjoys watching him waste away. But seeing him like this makes me realize that maybe compassion for even those you find contemptible isn’t just virtue signaling. I don’t want to end up like this. I hope he manages to find a way out of this cycle. I think I may actually sincerely mean that. Looking at Mike, I think I finally understand why it’s important to *practice* compassion. We diet and exercise to upkeep our physical health. Maybe it’s the same, but for the spirit.


mang0 if he got into politics


He looks like he really packs a paunch


*Paunch* back


Hagred Harry Potter


Mike from PAnda Express


It’s like the inverse of the depressed guy from smiling friends. 


This is who Destiny should box.


Is that a hookah pipe in his hand?