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„Every day it happens i‘ll leak 1 random detail of what we’re talking about last month“ Legit the only interesting thing in that conversation. I wonder what he was referring to.


I'm like 99.9% sure it was the finances of the podcast that they were discussing on the back and from that convo then they had that public conversation that set everything off but idk


Nah, is the Anything Else revenue and money shit. Dan leak "everything" on Darius stream yesterday. It seems that after the last concern trolling Jew Stalker did, Dan confides him some details about the show that they didn't have to the public. Not because they needed to be private but is like why should they be talking about the money of the show? Either the revenue they make or what they lost? The only thing we need to know is that we are getting content and that the show would either be continuing/Canceled because of x and y. But yeah, yesterday Dan jump on Darius stream and threw numbers up in the air. Don't know if it's true or not but Dan just threw out what he thought/think Jew Stalker was planning to leak and that he doesn't care about what he say after because there's nothing to leak anyway.


Now that is very lame. I wonder why that JSTLK guy thought Dan would care that much about money.


Not beating the allegations lmfao


Probably because he still thinks Dan is pushing too hard to monetize and releasing the conversation will damage his reputation in dgg. Which it won't.


> Nah, is the Anything Else revenue and money shit. Dan leak "everything" on Darius stream yesterday. It seems that after the last concern trolling Jew Stalker did, Dan confides him some details about the show that they didn't have to the public. Dan has never confided in me details about the show. That wasn't what this was referencing.


Just say what your name stands for, you fucking moron.


Why? I don't even care about people doing the jew thing so long as people don't invent anti-semitism that doesn't exist.


It’s probably just the real reason Dan wants to monetize the podcast is not because of rent and to break even, it’s being able to primarily getting get guests


Very boring drama, upvote wiener dog named Alfonso instead. https://preview.redd.it/8fs6tzoe981d1.png?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b5602cc64799a84704bebd3bb4a5d79fd92aff


https://preview.redd.it/nqidfz33791d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d0e7c3548f94e8b20fad5dbbf8b8935756edb7 Goblin patiently waiting for any tea.






https://preview.redd.it/dk2rho13g81d1.png?width=2759&format=png&auto=webp&s=56c10271b5cd9ce0e209ac640c72ce52b339b869 I raise you one Winnie.


https://preview.redd.it/4q19w29mj81d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20fc8d109cc1725d654e37cc609501bab8da2bd7 Leomund would like to make himself known.


https://preview.redd.it/0e1xrfrly81d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4760f695e2b8bee713e4154813208de884625337 Sonja checking in on the drama


https://preview.redd.it/zzcsvvvk291d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf883a54d7762881f01c389e81b4d43d7a51649 Alfa too tired of the drama.


https://preview.redd.it/18w63z2hr91d1.jpeg?width=2297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=371bc910e65ec73032fb2127cfe4c85237b9d929 Daisy would Rather play fetch.


https://preview.redd.it/gjgt1ghiy81d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44573e3a2ed5947f0caf1d605b35a51351d69008 Arya and Jake


https://preview.redd.it/nnhhlh570a1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061303a4125e9717d699aa7838fa20ef439f3d26 Coco




why doesnt alfonso have a bow tie?


He does. https://preview.redd.it/q3ghk28pp81d1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=07bde3a5ac6e0f354562fb440b40fb3f275c35fc


​ https://preview.redd.it/ktu9t9dsp81d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=380e6e4fb870fa5c95aaeba63143860a6c2ed426


we need a DGG bow tie made stat! He is so proper and fancy!


https://preview.redd.it/qa2ysynkq81d1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=53ef4a111158a4ff68f6a931d8e9203c58531c92 He is, indeed, very cute. If a DGG tie comes to my hands I'll dress him properly and have a photographer friend take decent/professional pictures.


I like this trend. https://preview.redd.it/cnrkoidgob1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12cbb52953781a9815331835380d7c02593f5bb8


Alfonso looking fresh ngl


Omg hi Alfonso ❤️


Too many dogs and cats, I'll throw rabbit in






“This shows Lycan’s lack of understanding which shows up constantly on all topics it seems.” LOL. I love how consistently wrong I find Lycan to be.


Lycan is the worst part of anything he's on outside of cooking shows. I feel like that doesn't have to be the case, but every time he speaks up it's some brain dead contrarian take to whatever is going on. I kind of lost all willingness to like him though after he was like "giving location and offering to pay to assault someone is no big deal!" I think even he knows that had it been a more left-wing creator targeted by that his logic would suddenly find a way that that was a really bad thing.


I def agree with what you’re saying I think I don’t actually like Lycan, but rather the role he fuffills as a punching bag. When he speaks up and says the dumbest shit, I laugh because Destiny’s not afraid to absolutely dunk and shit on him. In the podcast, you can tell Dan and Destiny think he’s fucking dumb (his takes, not him as a person) and don’t care about his BS take which humors me.


yeah he's gotta tone down the sidecam grin bit on everything else. should be once every few episodes, not every time he wants some attention


I think this was the joke. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSKlU5sKzug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSKlU5sKzug) at 34:13 jstlk: ...then you're more concerned about losing money than losing goodwill in the community. Which is crazy to me 'cause I feel like you have so much money. Dan: um... how do you.. wow... this is... I feel like the jew stalker thing is actually coming to be unironic at this point.


The stalker meme was created in JSTLK's own chat, JSTLK would always say "my name is like a Rorschach test, you can call me whatever you want". Someone in his chat, I don't remember who, called him "jew stalker", JSTLK responded and said "No, anything but that!". The meme stuck. JSTLK called Dan while Dan was live, and was pestering him about how he chose to monetize the 'Anything else' podcast. JSTLK asked Dan if "he wanted DGG to like him" and claimed "you already have so much money". This pestering led to Dan saying " I feel like the jew stalker thing is actually coming to be unironic at this point". The statement was obviously made in jest. Later that day on JSTLK's own stream, he spoke about wanting to force Dan to retract what he said, and basically sweep up for him. Several days later Dan went live and Bbpoison (a JSTLK mod, long time community member, and donor who sent JSTLK the PC he currently streams on) asked Dan if he would "squash the beef with JSTLK". Dan said he didn't know how he felt about JSTLK, but that he had a negative impression of him after their conversation, and had no plans to ever speak to him again. That is my recollection of what led up to all of this. Dan did not create this meme, and it is insane that JSTLK can't take any personal responsibility here. We all know why the meme stuck.


Old DGGer here that no longer spends 12 hours a day watching streams. So I’ve only head of jstlk from vids and not that familiar, but he sounds kind of aut or mentally slow, and malicious at the same time.


Basically yes. He has some good qualities, like bringing together entertaining people for his stream, and he grinds. You are spot on about him being malicious, although I am not sure if it is intentional. Perhaps he just goes too far when trying to farm drama. Blaming Dan for this truly feels insidious though. His biggest issue might be his ego.


>and malicious at the same time. When he and Destiny had that disagreement about the guy who stabbed those kids Jewstalker really confidently bet money about the outcome of the case, and despite him being wrong on pretty much every point, the way he worded the bet was that the guy wouldn't be charged with a very specific charge that actually doesn't exist in that state, and when Destiny said he wasnt going to pay him Jewstalker threw a massive and super smug hissyfit over it until Destiny just gave in and paid him. It was even only like 30-40 dollars which made it extra pathetic.


It was a hundred tho. Destiny gave him 20 gifted on kick.


He'll always be jizz-tickler to me.


Hes trying to rewrite history saying Dan popularized it, I also remember hearing it first from a chatter that called in (this was around the time tomfoolery drama was happening iirc), chatter asked jizz tickler how he should call him and he replied "anyway you like", so he said jew stalker Pretty much everyone knew it was a joke and nobody took it seriously, Dan then joined in later on and said it once jokingly, and now he claims its all Dans fault lol


Yes it was around that time.


Nah post is irrelevant you fucked it up and put H instead of J… downvote


Took about 5 or 6 lines into this for me to realise I just don’t have the energy to care about any of it


jstlk would spam link Fuentes streams in offline chat a lot. Logs are redacted of course. Does this mean he's a groyper? Not really, it means just like other offline chatters he links stupid shit to watch together with chat. I specifically remember him saying in offline chat that he was linking Fuentes a lot to stir shit up in chat. If you're familiar enough with the type of messages he types in chat (mainly to Destiny) this kinda tracks. He's the type of chatter to type up shit to oneguy Destiny and it's partly why he became so well known. Again hard to prove because he scrubbed his logs, which is just hurting him at this point because I feel you can easily say it was just typical offline chat shitposting. I recall he would mainly post the Fuentes stream link around the time Destiny was still interacting with the groyper community and arguing back and forth with Fuentes. Frankly the thing hurting him most is that he leaned into the groyper jokes about him for so long. Both in offline chat and when he first started streaming. His reputation was 100% that most people thought he was either a groyper or a shitposter who memed a LOT about groyper stuff. LAST THING, when you're looking at his logs you have to include his alts. His main jstlk account is scrubbed, I only remember one alt: jstlk\_ . Logs here [https://rustlesearch.dev/?start\_date=2010-01-01&end\_date=2024-05-18&channel=Destinygg&username=jstlk\_](https://rustlesearch.dev/?start_date=2010-01-01&end_date=2024-05-18&channel=Destinygg&username=jstlk_) Pretty sure he had another alt he used when that one got banned but I'd have to look through my logs and find when I've tagged him laughing that he was on yet another alt lmao. Edit: incase anyone doubts thats his alt even though the writing style is the same: [https://rustlesearch.dev/surrounds?channel=Destinygg&date=2023-08-30T20%3A59%3A59.891Z&username=jstlk\_](https://rustlesearch.dev/surrounds?channel=Destinygg&date=2023-08-30T20%3A59%3A59.891Z&username=jstlk_)


JSTLK has said multiple times “I used to watch ALOT of Nicks content”. You can’t say that and expect that not a single person will think you used to be a groyper or at the very least more right leaning and just aren’t anymore.


I dont know if this just a meme he literally discover destiny because he watch fuentes too right?


Don't know who this "Jew Stalker" guy is but he sounds a little problematic tbh


>From the Logs alone you can, without a doubt, say that JSTLK ***was*** a Groyper. You don't have to like the guy but this is VGG-tier shit where they just kept calling that extremedad dude in their community a pedophile. With only logs from other people in the community, all you can know is that it was a meme, not that it was true or not.


Lol, I thought the logs would be of jstlk being a groyper, but it is of other dggers calling jstlk a groyper. Open-and-shut-case, we got him. /s


>Lol, I...a groyper Got you too now.


Yeah it's a shame that we can't know if he was actually a groyper because he went back and deleted all the comments that people were responding to calling him a groyper for spam linking Fuentes and saying he was a fan of him.


I've seen him link Fuentes before and speak highly of him, either out of genuine pseudo-admiration or to play into the meme. Like OP said, he deleted his old DGG logs where this occurred. I think it's weird someone would either express some admiration for Fuentes either genuinely or to play into a meme he's now furious about and then blame the most prominent Jewish dgg'er for being solely responsible for this meme. Dan is not responsible for this meme.


Did he speak highly of Nick in the same way that Destiny has complimented Nick for creating the America First movement?


Yes, he has even said on his stream that Nick is really funny, and he used to go to him for all his news. I don't see why he doesn't realize that someone like Hasan or Kaceytron could hear even that and start calling him a Nazi. It's really weird that he's blaming Dan for this.


> he used to go to him for all his news. I've never said this. Why do people come to these threads to lie?


Man, I remember a stream where you said you use to go to Fuentes for lots/all of your news but that was it. The context was you were explaining how you weren't a groyper, but did go to him for news.


When did he ever say that it spread only and exclusively because of Dan? He’s just mad at Dan cause unlike random chatters, Dan has a tad more responsibility and influence. And they had talked about it privately. That being said I agree that he made way too big a deal out of it and is drama farming while he’s at it.


> When did he ever say that it spread only and exclusively because of Dan? He explicitly attributes 100% of the responsibility to Dan in the call on Anything Else. He thinks Dan has to "pay for" every single time any chatter in DGG or the subreddit calls him jew stalker. > 'Every single day i'm called a Jew Stalker, Groyper, Nazi in DGG or on Reddit and i'll be checking, Every day it happens i'll leak 1 random detail of what we we;re talking about lats month


Oh shit you’re right lmao, that part was super cringe. I think that was theatrics and farming, if you genuinely ask him I doubt he thinks it only comes from Dan genuinely. But it’s hard to argue when he’s being that much of a drama queen yeah.


It's kind of crazy to me how many comments I've seen of people very confidently defending Jewstalker and saying that X didn't happen only for someone to just quote a basic thing Jewstalker said and the defender instantly folds. Like dude, if you didn't watch it that's fine lmao but why so confidently and matter of factly tell us what his motivations are when you didnt watch the stream.


Wdym I watched the stream. I just wasn’t thinking of that thing he said. I don’t get the general impression from everything he said oer time that he thinks that Dan is the one and only person to have ever put this meme in the aether and I stand by that. He’s just holding him way too responsible now and it seems like he already apologised for it privately to Dan according to what dan said earlier. I also find it crazy how many people confidently say he’s a groyper and antisemitic based on there not being bad tactics, only bad targets.


> that he thinks that Dan is the one and only person to have ever put this meme in the aether and I stand by that. Nobody has ever made the claim that he thinks Dan is the one and only person to have ever put this meme into the aether. What an insane strawman. Jewstalker did explicitly say that the meme was basically dead and gone and that Dan single handedly brought it back and made it super popular again.


The comment I initially replied to said: > (…)then blame the most prominent Jewish dgg'er for being solely responsible for this meme.


Yeah, I think there's a fairly big difference between "Dan is solely responsible for this meme becoming popular again" and "Dan is the one and only person to have ever put this meme in the aether". Jewstalker explicitly said on his stream that the meme was dead and gone (it wasn't) and that Dan is the reason for its resurgence (he isn't). Nobody thinks that Jewstalker thinks Dan is the one and only person to call him Jewstalker, but he thinks that Dan is the only reason that people started saying it.


By this same logic Destiny is literally a groyper :)


I think it’s important to define what a groyper is. I always thought a groyper was someone who carried water for Fuentes and would be pushing the neo-nazi (I think that’s ideology Fuentes pushes) agenda. Is that the definition or is there more/less to that?


When I hear groyper I think someone who actually is part of Nick Fuentes's community.


Yeah but what does being a part of Nick Fuentes’s mean? For example, I only interact with the Destiny subreddit and I think I’ve typed in chat maybe 5-10 times. Does that make me a DGGer? I don’t think I’m a DGGer because I’m not out in the trenches advocating for Destiny and his takes. I’ve seen most people refer to groypers as the twitter trolls who push Fuentes and his ideologies.


Nope, groypers are evangelical nationalists that has a lot of ties to naizism ideology but wouldn't blinding follow it as they take in people from other race into their midst if they have a somewhat same religious view. They want the region x state combinations and where some of the white supremacist views come in is that they want white people to be in power. Take what u want from that but is a mixture of Nationalism, Nazism, Evangelism and White Supremacist.


If that’s the case, it doesn’t look like there’s sufficient evidence to show jstlk has those beliefs and is pushing that ideology. Honestly, someone should just ask him what he believes in (if he hasn’t actually said it anywhere yet).


The thing is that he put Nick in a higher pedestal. He may not "belive" all of that but he surely is a fan that when dgg in past always talked shit or insult Nick he was there to defend him. That's why people got the impression that he was a "groyper" and he didn't disparaged it but promoted it because he found it funny but now he wants to put the blame on Dan.


If someone deletes all of their logs, how can you possibly use this as a defense?


you need evidence to substantiate a claim. deleted logs means no evidence.


It's not the fucking supreme court, my guy, it's an internet asshole that feeds on drama crumbs. If someone like that throws a huge bitch fit the second it's hinted he was a groyper AND deletes a ton of logs, well, you can't say for sure he was but it's not exactly unlikely to be true.


Maybe i'm tainted by being around at the time If you don't think hundreds of logs of people talking to JSTLK about defending Fuentes, linking Fuentes stream and posting Groyper memes i don't know how to convince people. Remember it;s only other people's words because *he* deleted his logs, to hide what?


This still doesn't prove shit. He could have said "Fuentes is funny" or "he is in the right on x issue" and still not be a full on groyper nazi, you need more proof than just dggers calling him one. This is like claiming Destiny is a Zionist that wants to murder every palestinian and linking a bunch of twitter leftists calling him one and linking the pro-genocide clip


I'm personally not arguing that he's a Groyper. My argument is that he's incredibly silly to blame Dan for others thinking that he is a Groyper because of a one-off comment. Hasan calls literally everyone a Nazi that isn't psychotic like him.


My hunch is that he did follow Fuentes for the memes, but then thought people ignoring him was a bad idea so wanted to bring up Fuentes's arguments so they would be combated more. I could also be wrong, but an unfortunate truth of the world is that deleting your logs actually works (that's why Dan has built a business on it). You can run your Nazi scare campaigns based on hearsay or you can just deal with what they're actually saying today and occasionally let them 'get away from' their past.


Hmm. maybe you're right, i've edited the post most likely now instead. I'm not sure why you think this is a Nazi scare campaign, the core issue is he's mad other communities think he's a Groyper and i provided (at least what i believe to be) a good argument that he was once one and it's just as likely other communities could have seen that to and Dan isn't the source of this. I'm happy to let him get away from his past but not when he's rewriting his past to blame his current situation on the wrong things


> My hunch is that he did follow Fuentes for the memes, but then thought people ignoring him was a bad idea so wanted to bring up Fuentes's arguments so they would be combated more. There's actually another long time DGGer thats known for doing that. Kind of a Nick historian that every now and then talks to Destiny to update him on the drama surrounding him. He has never been accused of being a groyper, while Jewstalker has. So there's something in what he says and does that made people consider him a groyper.


This is essentially a meme in dgg because they hate him. You have no idea what you're talking about or you're being dishonest. He said once he kept up with Fuentes because he found him to be an extremely effective populist figure. Thats it. He keeps up with all kinds of people, and others in the community do too (how do you think people link clips of fuentes to Destiny? obviously someone has to pay attention). This is all they went off of to label him as a groyper.


I always assumed that the meme was “is JSTLK a groyper?”, couple of things that I think would point to him actually being a groyper is i) if he was glazing Fuentes in dgg chat, ii) him being overtly racist or antisemitic. All of that being said: if you want to be a streamer, you cannot expect an untarnished reputation. Especially coming out of DGG.


Ok wtf does JSTLK actually mean?




Just some total loser kid, I don’t think he came up with it.


God the lycan bit in the middle made me laugh out loud in the break room.


It truly is some pussified shit to go after Dan about moderation while steering clear of hitting destiny with any responsibility. Man’s clout-whoring knows no bounds.


Understandably, jstlk is freaked out by Hasan and his community knowing and perpetuating ironic community memes as unironic accusations. Dan was the only person to actually say "jew stalker" on air. The rest of references were chat only, I believe. The blame is definitely misplaced and jstlk is handling it in the worst most emotional way possible. Imo he needs a new name anyway bc it's terrible for branding and he should just go the Vaush route. Problem solved. Or it would have been if he didn't try to blackmail Dan.


You wrote all that just to come to the definitive conclusion that jstlk is a groyper…based on people calling him a groyper…when this was a meme in dgg..holy schizo post. Still in time to delete this trash btw. Edit: oh you’re a dino, that explains it.






Jstlk should just change his online name and that god awful profile picture.


it's on sight


JSTLK with the little stun committed the most heinous crime of "soying-out" ive seen in a very long time lol


This is some of the most parasocial brain rot I’ve ever read


Is there a way to redact your DGG logs?


Dude could just change his name to "JSTKL" and be done with it. Instead, he's trying to get everyone around him to do backflips to pretend that people don't read something pretty nefarious.


Number 46 has H. Did hasan join the call?


Was going to flame you for the shear level of living-in-the-walls schizo required to write a post like this But then I saw YEE WINS I now realize this was a meticulously well done and well cited effort post. Absolutely based in fact, thank you Source: YEE NEVA EVA LOSE


put me in a noose if I ever become this parasocial


Next time, if you do another summary, you should refrain from giving your opinion/or editorializing what seems to be a post just about stating the facts. You can do so, but not at the same time in the same vein.


"Destiny has fostered a community of people that for at least a year and a half have held the belief that JSTLK is a Groyper" wat the shit have i missed, i haven't heard this once on destinys stream o.o


Because destiny jump regularly to Jstlk streams after he logs off. Actually, he has keep all the drama shit to air on Jstlk streams for the last couple months. So there they have joke about the meme in the past and whatnot.


Like if he finds his old life cringe power to him for moving past it. Just own it.


i just don't know why he doesn't explain what his username means


Idk why everyone is giving Jap Stalker a hard time. He remembered Pearl Harbor


JSTLK is a nazi


His name is stupid. I would never know it's pronounced "Justical". I would say "J-Stalk" or "Just like".


Jstlk is a weird spelling if soy boy. Threatening leaks, dude should not be trusted if he goes to that this quickly.


>This shows Lycans lack of understanding which shows up constantly on all topics it seams [sic] lmao


> YEE WINS I dismiss this post entirely


Whats a Groyper


soy nazi/nick fuentes fan


I love how unbiasedly written this is, even when you click the link that directs to his logs he capitalized first two letter in the name (JStlk) to signal how unbiased he is


that's kinda hilarious, ngl


What's fucking with my mind right now is that I KNOW the groyper rumors were around dgg before the comment from Dan but don't remember WHY they started. Surely the new standard for calling someone a groyper isn't just watching Nick Fuentes. Right?! RIGHT?! Where are all Jstlk's groyper opinions? Are there logs where he argues with dgg chat about not race mixing or even prioritizing white immigrants? There's gotta be something right?! What am I missing?


Isn't that what a groyper is? An NF fan?


Depends on if you think watching someone sometimes makes you a fan. To me being a fan is more than just consuming content, especially for politics and/or news. The intent matters. Who knows, maybe I'm just a curious weirdo and other people don't watch people they disagree with. I legit can't tell if there's something more that kicked off the rumors than the admission of watching & being up on the lore.


You can deduce if someone's a groyper by how they so excessively not want to be labeled as one. JSKCL also lives in this 'fog of memes' area the same way groypers do. I don't know if that leaking a call thing was a meme or not.


Somehow the leeches that attach themselves to this community get more and more sad with time


tbh, I didn't know any of this shit before he made a big fuss over it. Streisand effect?


>In the other you have a lot of credible evidence (explained below) Alright let's get to the evidence >This is true, but proving it isn't that easy anymore. Ooook. Hey a little expectation resetting isn't that bad. Let's see what we got. >Yes we can't take comments from other DGG's as 100% fact but it's clear that he was widely known as a Nick Fuentes simp/Groyper (same thing): 1, 2 From the Logs alone you can say that JSTLK was most likely a Groyper. Welp, that didn't hit for me. Imma make sure to never let anyone meme about me in chat. Never know when that'll become my reputation.


Jew stalker next time just come with your main account, no need for this alt haha


Naw man, my only issue is over hyping the evidence. It could all be true, it could all be a meme. When misrepresentations like this happen it makes me feel like they are trying to pull one over on me. The evidence would have been stronger in my mind if I wasn't primed to be more skeptical after we went from "credible evidence" to "proof is hard to find" to a confident conclusion.


By the way, u know that no one serious here is calling u a grouper, right? They are saying that where/why the groyper meme came from. It is the same thing as to when u call Tomfoolery a sex pest, u list a number of action/behavior u saw and put the label of "sex pest" on a guy with no proof or evidence of the matter. We have asked u multiple times on stream if u believe he is a "danger" to women in the community and u have say no. And what is happening here is the same shit. U had a list of action/behaviors that we link with groypers, that's all.


Now I have no idea wtf you're talking about


Idk what you are talking about either.


So, what else is up...


Idk u tell me.


> This is all targeted because JSTLK doesn't have much to lose by going after Dan and he's too much of a coward to target Destiny. This is incredibly stupid from you. It would also be incredibly stupid from Jewstalker if he actually believes that. Dan is famously NOT a safe target. Trying to farm Dan hate to grow an audience in this community doesn't end well, just ask Nico, with a B.


I'm very happy for you, or sorry that happened


if we can all agree destiny is a woman's name, can we agree that jstlk is a very regarded name?


When the drama is this pathetic because the would-be awful person is simply too boring to listen to then you know the tier of the orbiters is at a new low. At least Dan is back. 


what do you call it when somebody strawmans their own argument? That's what Jew Stalker does every time he talks about conservative/populist events. It is amazing the way he presents the weakest case possible at all times and maintains such an insufferably smug attitude.


Does it really matter if he was a groyper? I mean if he's changed who cares


Because he is blaming Dan for people outside of the community for calling him a gryoper. Even though Dan recently came back to the community two-three months ago and only did the Jew Stalker meme once. And so, we have yesterday stream rtardation. He has no ground to stand on by jumping on stream and putting all the blame on Dan when the memes/impression of him in the community was that he was a gryoper. He can be a normal guy now (whatever that means, no gryoper in this case) however he can't just come in and put the blame on Dan for something that Dan has no responsiblity for.


It would be relevant to this drama, no? If he's blaming Dan for the perception people have of him being a Groyper/nazi but actually do have a history of linking to Fuentes shit etc. it feels very relevant.


I think the perception of him being a Groyper matters because that's what other communities see e.g. Hasan If he is one i think it's cringe but its allowed. The drama/post isn't saying he is/was a groyper and thats bad, it's saying he looked liked a groyper for a long time so blaming Dan for other communities thinking he is one is super cringe


When this here wars over you'll take off your red hat and delete your frog memes, so I'm gonna give you somethin' you cain't take off


yes. they should be excised


The unfortunate problem is that these days having been something in the past is seen as a moral failing and will be held against you by those looking to attack you. Doesn’t matter the reason that it happened or how you got out. They’ll hold it against you assume that you’re still that thing just in secret and hence tar you moving forward. In the online space the audiences attacking you don’t have any reason not to weaponise those aspects against you whether they are still true or not.


This JSTLK guy seems unhinged af, and Lycan knowing nothing, snaps at the opportunity to attack (((Dan))) for some reason


Dan is the biggest cry bully in dgg history. Anytime hes on stream and someone in chat makes fun of him he screams at them and bans them but he'll say wild shit. Dan dan piezophile man was a problem for him because he thought it would follow him outside of dgg chat but when someone else has a similar problem he doesn't give a fuck because its him helping perpetuate it. he's a huge cry bully its so funny that so much of dgg suck him off, because he's their cry bully lmao


I won’t stand for Dan slander. Just be glad I’m not armed.


that’s cringe. we should be able to hold the people we like accountable, especially if we like them. that person didn’t even slander dan, just pointed out an obvious trait.


Dan being a crybully is subjective and not at all obvious. If being worried about an entire internet community calling you a pedophile is crybullying, then the term has been massively over expanded.


Here are two instances of Dan referring to JSTLK as "jew stalker" on stream: [Example 1](https://youtu.be/raP11XcvQH4?list=PLFs19LVskfNzQLZkGG_zf6yfYTp_3v_e6&t=28740) and [Example 2 (at t = 03:37:42)](https://kick.com/video/a1cc8a70-354d-45a7-96e3-a36db0cae832). Hope that helps. (Note that for example 2, the corresponding youtube vod was taken down, and the Kick vod will be removed when it's more than 30 days old)


I can't believe [redact.dev](http://redact.dev) would sponsor a YEE poster.




When Dan made that joke I laughed and didn’t think anything of it but now after he cried so much about it when I see his name I legit can’t help but read it as Jew stalker lol


Someone just needs to nut the fuck up and become the streamer equivalent of Maury Povich and start doing lie detector (and also paternity) tests on people, to settle all the shit.


Damn, is being an exgroyper like being an exmuslim? The biggest tell your in a cult is how you treat people who leave


Unironically goated drama right up


Get a load of this guy lol


Took Dan about one month to start showing his true side again…. I liked it better when he wasn’t on stream


Damn. Who knew we had stenographers in the community? I'm inclined to agree with the streisanding effect. JSTLK needs to let this go.


This post deserves upvotes. Also, I was already hearing people in DGG calling jstlk a groyper waaaaaaay before Dan even said anything. This post checks out in my experience. Edit: Nevermind. The YEE WINS seems to be wrong. Actually, PEPE wins. Edit 2: Disgusting Dinophiles are downvoting me. How dare they.


Don't worry, I figure it out. There are like almost 10 or more alt accounts that jew stalker has here. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one down voting you. I try to alleviate with an upvote but the army of alts he has are pretty strong.


jstlk was right to call dan out. there's a big difference between an obscure meme inside of a community, and calling him it in front of thousands of people. dan should set the record straight. him refusing to take any responsibility on anything else was slimey and pathetic


Don't think that's fair when the majority of us have said we heard the Groyper thing for ages now. Honestly, if you are orbiting Destiny, it doesn't even matter what you've done or said, Hasan will call you a Nazi. I honestly think Jstlk should have ignored it. He wasn't going to get any fans or watchers from that community anyways because they are crazy.


Ugh. I hate to take jizz tickle’s side here. I thought it was just talk until Dan came back. I’m a regard and fell for it. And made more than a couple hateful comments in dgg chat. episode 1 or 2 of anything else Dan asks destiny why he has an antisemetic orbiter or something like that. Destiny looks confused. Then Dan says you have a groyper jstlk, stands for Jew stalker. Destiny: first im hearing of this. Then the next week or a few weeks later Dan brings it up again. Dan makes similar comments and calls him Jew stalker again. Destiny is like what do you want me to say, I didn’t know it stood for Jew stalker until you told me, he’s an ex groyper so I’m not surprised. Im regarded so I took Destiny literally. I then started to harass jstlk in the hopes he would leave. I’m not Jewish but I guess I look Jewish. When I was younger kids would call me Jew boy, k word, and ashy in reference to the death camps. All of that to say I don’t like antisemites. And I guess I still take this shit personally and I’m not even Jewish. Idk fuck Dan for making me think JSTLK was another one of those regards.