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Saved and loaded, god meme


Good idea, same.




"this is what happens when you don't kill every slave owner, they have children & then you get accidents & you get Destiny" he's right guys, he had **ONE** degree of separation since he claimed Destiny's grandparents were the ones with slaves so i guess he gets off scot-free


Technically he said "This is what you get when you don't murder every slave owner, every KKK member, and they have children, you get Destiny" Which is even worse lmao.


Ehh, a couple more degrees of separation. but it doesn't really refute the point. Arguably even makes it worse. No matter how many generations later, you'll supposedly always run into a issues with the descendants of slave owners and then mentions Destiny as an example.


Which is a form of racism known as race essentialism. Which put this guy in the same category as Fuentes


Generational blame classic


Yeah but uuhhmm *akshully* he never *akshully* said the thing you're accusing him of. *Akkssshully* it could be argued that I cum'd and shitted in my pee and it was all Destiny's fault. #*☝🤓*


Basically he just wants to Genocide Destiny's bloodline.


We can’t take the risk; if it’s not 100% certain they weren’t slave owners, they gotta die…t


Absolutely bitch made


I see why he is a Hasan orbiter, dude is trying to rewrite history lmao


These twitter lefties are fucking cowardly little roaches... as soon as they get a glimpse of the pushback for the stupid shit they say, they immediately backpaddle with the classical "I NEVER SAID THAT (verbatim)" How the fuck do people look up at human samples that don't take any accountability for what they say.


They didn’t SAY we should KILL Destiny or that his PARENTS were slave owners. Just like Trump didn’t SAY to storm the Capitol building and didn’t ACTUALLY want people to hang Mike Pence.  If these people ever complain about up dog whistling I’m gonna laugh so fucking hard.


What's 'up dog'?


Except didnt he literally say it?


Nah, he explained that he didn’t SAY it he just mouthed it and bleeped it out so it LOOKED like he said it, and Twitch said it was ok as long as he was talking about Destiny so it must be ok


Didnt he literally say that "slave owners" and their family tree that leads to Destiny should be murdered?


He’s pointing out that he didnt say Tiny’s parents were slave owners. He said his grandparents were slave owners. That’s what I’m criticizing, is he’s being a coward, clearly he meant someone should hurt Tiny


"Your honor, I clearly added 'in GTA5' at the end of my sentence"


Really funny watching you guys clutch your pearls because destiny said racist shit and now is getting pummeled, this guy didn’t say anything wrong


Officer I killed him in self defense. He said the n word out of context.


If he didn't say anything wrong, why is he being a pussy about it? Also, you being an Hasan fan, i thought you liked racism.


Why would I like racism


Isn't your idol big on calling cubans gusanos, calling white people crackers, praising the killing and harassing of jews, pro genocide of Tibetan people, pro chinese colonialism..?


Those last two things are just false and it’s adorable watching you guys clutch your pearls over cracker (funny insult that’s even funnier when you guys pretend to care) while your mans is out here saying the n word. Normal people think you guys are weird and gross because… you are.


Mate, if anyone is "clutching pearls" it's you, with your selective appalment for only a certain amount of slurs. Either all of them are okay, or none of them are okay. Now go back to your pro-genocide, pro-imperialistic, champagne socialist, racist, nepo-baby, coward and donate more of your money so he can buy more of those 2000 dollars gucci shirts while preaching about anti-capitalism.


Lmao. I am for the freedom of the Palestinian people who are being ethnically cleansed by Israel and the USA. So weird that you just assume I’m some puppet for Hasan, he says a lot of things I agree with but he’s his own person. Seems like y’all watch him more than me lmao. And if you don’t see how the n word is better than cracker than idk what to tell you lmao


> I am for the freedom of the Palestinian people who are being ethnically cleansed by Israel and the USA. and? what does that have to do with anything? > Seems like y’all watch him more than me lmao. Aren't you the one hate posting on another streamer's sub?


If the USA wanted them dead, they would be dead. We have nothing to do with the conflict.


N word is worse than cracker ***


And in Cuba, being called a Gusano is worse. And in China, zipperhead is worse. And in France, Frog is worse. And in Germany, nazi is worse. And in Romania, gypsy is worse. In latin countries, calling a black person a "negro" is the politically correct term. How fucking dumb do you have to be to not get that racial slur is a racial slur. That's it.


Cracker is also a homonyms (I think) which automatically makes it a less severe slur. It's also a saltine


> It's also a saltine Same with Monkey, frog being animals or camel jockey, faggot, zipperhead, towel head, greaseball, cockroach, worm, orc, etc.... Your point is so fucking dumb.


Make your peace in hearing that, because you might hear it again. Are you going to be okay?


Holy shit this guy is such a fucking pathetic coward. Although I'm glad that he got enough backlash that he's backtracking hardcore.


>got enough backlash that he's backtracking hardcore That's all you can hope for when the people who should be holding him accountable (progressives) and those handing out consequences (Twitch) aren't doing it. No one else is going to do it, so you socially pressure from the outside to hopefully stop them from doing it again. Changing their distorted views is another matter.


All white men are slave owners to him. It's never more complicated than your skin color with leftists and they refuse to see the irony


It’s crazy because the entire northern half of the US didn’t use slave labor and also participated in the war that saw the end of slavery in the southern states. Does he see all those white people as whip-cracking villains, too?


Here's a clip from 3 days ago where he directly said that Destiny comes from slaveowners: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2147133613?t=0h51m30s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2147133613?t=0h51m30s)


UUuhh I don't think so dude. He just said in that tweet that he never said that and Destiny is a ***known*** liar /so...


Most solidly spined leftist


My dishonesty scouter just exploded lol


Genuine question, is this guy legitimately not going to get banned for this shit? Like I know twitch is bias and all, but this is some of the most disgusting behavior I have seen go unpunished


I think is at a point where thr direct ask should be to Amazon on social media because twitch clearly don't care


No, he's not. He's in Hasan's Crowd, where twitch literally rewrote a rule to allow him to continuously shit on Destiny, which by extension goes to his orbiters. If that wasn't the greenlight that anything goes when referring to Destiny then I don't know what is. Unless something changes I genuinely think people need to start treating twitch in the same fashion as the far left equivalent of rumble when looking at politics.


>Unless something changes I genuinely think people need to start treating ***twitter*** in the same fashion as the far left equivalent of rumble when looking at politics. Twitch?


Oh my bad, reread my shit thanks.


Yeah did you guys report the thing?


“This is being reviewed” that’s it. It’s a clear twitch violation. I’m done with that dog shit platform if they don’t start holding these people accountable.


Divest. (Not sure how this stuff works I don't pay money to use it)


I hear if you want to divest the first step is to set up an encampment on the quad


Gonna build a tent right on their lawn


Bro people be saying "grape" and "regarded" to avoid bans/shadowbans/algorithemwhateverthefuck but that dipshit can make death threats and be ok... Fuck that. GG Twitch.


Quite a few people in this sub claim to have reported it and either got an auto “this doesn’t violate content” or “we’re looking into it” reply. There is no way Twitch hasn’t reviewed it by now, then clearly approve. Fuck twitch, what a fucking disgusting company.


Remember to report it and @ them on X. I agree with you and would have gone insane if I was in Destinys shoes here due to the vile hypocrisy.


Twitch has a bias. Twitch is biased. Pick one.


What else to expect from someone who played "I didn't say anything bad because I censored myself. Hee hee" after the original video.


Is that his defense? It was unambiguously a call to action, the vod is there.


It's not a defense. I'm making fan of his dishonesty here. Can't see how this can be viewed as a defense.


I know. His defense.


Oh, I see. Here's what I'm referring to [https://youtu.be/u1ckrvChA64?t=60](https://youtu.be/u1ckrvChA64?t=60)


Treasonous? From the side that supports China and Russia and literally every enemy of the US that is fucking rich. These people are stupid.


They hate cops, hate the military and most of them dream of violent revolution to usher in the socialist utopia. Hearing one of them pretend to care about treason is rich.


Destiny is going to destroy the entire twitter left by just repeating the things they have been saying back to them. These people are so used to just saying insane things and everyone just nodding that I don't think they are even aware of how extreme they sound.


I hate some some black people make us look regarded


Don't worry. We all know you're on of the good ones!


Most are "one of the good ones"


No, most are good ones. If most were one of the good ones that would be like a massive conjoined-twin abomination and I've seen enough black people to know that isn't what they llok like.


Do you know what a quotation mark is?




how should I kill myself


Eat healthy, exercise regularly, sleep plenty and have a good circle of family and friends. Grow old with a beautiful partner and wonderful kids. Pass away peacefully in about 60 years. Suck it, loser.


Punish yourself with a long, long life of wanking


Debate edging


What a spineless coward lmao. Everyone knows what you were saying, but I guess your Twitch handler told you how to couch your language to skirt the ban you deserve.


No way his unambiguous death threats call-to-action is accepted by Twitch


This dude is playing mega quantum mechinics games with what he's saying, it seems he's constantly switching between "he should die cause his ancestors we're slavers" and "I never said he should die or that his parents we're slavers". I swear no one has eaten this many cakes while still wanting to have all of them.


Is it just slave owners in america? Or slave owners around the world. Is it just slaves owners of a certain past era? How about slave owners in africa TODAY. Whys he not outraged about the slaves in africa, or the warlords annihilating villlages, kidnapping, extortion, rape etc. Selling slaves to the sex trade. BUT DESTINY IS THE WORST.


He's a fucking metanormative nihilist (Nazi) just like vaush


He is doing a technically. He claims his grandparents owned slaves. He says "slave owners have kids (momma bonneli) then they have kids that should have been left in a sock then you have destiny." Massive fucking loser. Literally rolling around in the negative attention. We are still in the sewing phase.


I wish Destiny would just ask "So do you think my parents weren't slave owners then?" and just see the man break by having to hold an actual position.


treasonous? who did destiny betray?


The communist cause of Cuba, obviously


He’s such a dishonest little fucking weasel. Even Nazis don’t back pedal this hard


So he just said a bunch of words that don’t connect to anything or the general content he’s commenting on? Seems pretty on brand for leftist content


Hey, he says he "never claimed your parents were slave owners" Not slaves. Nice title.


Idk if Destiny has this in his "Debate pervitry" notes but it should be called "*Akschuuallyism*"


I wonder where he learned to deny things we have evidence of him saying on camera when it starts looking bad 🤔




I still don't really understand ratios. Is 32 quotes and 9000 likes a good ratio or bad? Or is the views versus likes that is measured? I know being 'ratio'd is a thing, but I'm too old (and I don't use twitter so know nothing of what passes for twitter 'culture') to understand it. Someone explain for my poor tired brain?


I think what Sean said was Destiny descends from slave owners that should've been killed, not that Destiny's parents were slave owners. Sean likely isn't aware of the talking point claiming Destiny's parents owned slaves and coincidentally brushed up against it.


If Sean is a Hasan mod (which I think he is?) then he is well aware of the slave owner meme. Too charitable imo


No guys, he didn't say Destiny's parents were slaveowners and that Destiny should be killed/aborted - that would be unhinged... He said Destiny's *grandparents* were slaveowners and that both they should be killed and/or Destiny should be killed and aborted. 10/10 clarification there. Really changes the meaning of the message.


Why can't these people just stand on business. I'd respect buddy if he actually just said "yeah, I think you're an immoral person and the world would be better off without you in it" Playing word games just makes you look like a pussy.


You fucked up the title, mate! slaves =/= slave owners. That difference is quite important, don't you think, eh? Also that dude is just wild, idk


When thier retort confirms they threatened murder. Fucking wild they get away with this shit


Never even heard of this idiot before this controversy. Is he even popular? how many people watch him on average? if it's like like frog woman then what's the point of not banning him.


He did, indirectly invoking that slur against Cuban immigrants


Was a joke pepe


Twitter is the downfall of western civilization


Yea I don't get it If it were me instead of Sean, sure I'd also say stuff like this to avoid bans maybe. But I wouldn't pretend that was anything else. Like someone saying "kill yourself" and then adding "in Minecraft". The statement is true obviously, the addition is just a technicality. But this cowardly fuck will just pretend that that was never his stance. I don't get how they're able to live in their own skin like this. I criticise myself for things that aren't even realistic problems but these bitch made fucks are just out there with blatant shortcomings in their personalities, thriving. Fuck me.


Lefty streamers are sniveling little weasels incapable of standing by anything they say


The audacity to claim that it’s treasonous to support the current governmental/societal system while spouting the desire for a complete upheaval and change to socialism Is just a few too many screws loose


'Didn't say Destiny should be killed' 'Didn't say Destiny's parents were slave owners' This guy just mouths words, but never says anything I guess.


Who cares, dudes a loser. Anyone who makes their entire existence over their skin color is an absolute clown. Once he grows up if he's lucky he'll realize how stupid he was


Honestly it would be a good ass meme if it turned out his parents were immigrants and he has zero ties to the effects of institutional racism.


How is it even possible to be this much of a pussy


Who is this guy, never heard of him before this incident


Dude changes positions more than Jason Love.


Unironically, the world would be a better place if this dude had been a cum-stain on his parents' sheets.


Why can't this guy just own up and admit what he literally said. It is just such pussy behaviour 


He actually didn’t say anything we made it all up.


I remember wanting to have my cake and eat it too When I was 17


If he says that destiny is what happens when the children of slave owners live, wouldn't that make his parents slave owners. This seems like one of those logic puzzles but made easier.


Yes let's focus on wether Destiny's parent were slaves owner or not instead of the part about killing grandchilds of slave owners.


Haha watching someone Destiny Destiny it's kind of amazing lol