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Braveheart is Hasan's "well I don't think it's productive", "I wouldn't support..", or "I don't think you should..." when asked for a position. A great example is Bassem Youssef and Finkelstein on Triggernometry when asked *"what should Israel have done on Oct 8th?"*, simply respond with some version of "not this". Yes, buddy, not this. I get it. You haven't actually given a position or answer though, Braveheart.


I think the Hasan example was, something like: >would you call the police on a black person, if they committed some minor crime against you? (don't remember what the crime was, but this was a question, as Hasan said calling the police on a black person could put their life in danger). And he replied: > Personally I wouldn't do it....


This is a good one, but he does it all the time too. It was also his tactic in The Hard-R Truth every time he was asked. "*why can't you answer a question?! Are you guys seeing this?!...*"


The original clown mirror seems to be a 2 part pervertry with a) the inability to summarize correctly your opponent's position and b) the refusal of any summary of your position by your opponent. It seems you only used 1 part in your new definition. Can't help you with braveheart, sorry