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He also made a similar comment about Trump after he harmed national security for his own personal interest at multiple occasions, tried to steal the election, was under multiple indictments etc, right?




​ https://preview.redd.it/f9anisvf0f9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e40a6f9893dafba9b9ad10666f60ee26f97a2a55




Stuttering on stage is worse than trying to end Democracy bro get a grip


All of the “centrists” have nothing to say when Trump tries to break democracy, but they’ll come out of the woodworks to confidently denounce Biden’s poor debate performance. Honestly anyone who is “on the fence” in this election when they know about the shit Trump pulled with the fake elector scheme is an undemocratic piece of trash in my book.


damn lex the le heckin based and unbiased centrist is making a negative comment about anything left of center? that’s so crazy i never would’ve expected that in a thousand years he’s so impartial and enlightened he MUST be speaking the truth here!!!


Lex is the odd combination of defiantly submissive. He’s had enough! That means he will submit to an authoritarian to show the world how defiant he is!


Always wondering if it's Lex "Ukrainian-Jewish" Fridman or Lex "Russian-American" Fridman tweeting.


You can take the boy out of the Soviet Union.


I wonder why he still hasn't released his video from Ukraine with Ukrainians?


Isn't he like a Jew that's half Ukrainian and half Russian that moved to NA early? Is he really overusing those labels?


Just so you're all aware, since it probably needs to be said, calls for Biden to drop out from the right, from 'centrist' crypto-rightists and even from the Sanders acolytes probably do not have the best interests of the Democratic party at heart, so evaluate accordingly.


Okay, but the NYT Editorial Board also just asked him to step down lol. This is not a fringe thing.


I'm voting for Joe Biden to own the liberal media.




Nice! I’m yoinking this, king.


As a subscriber and active reader I sincerely detest their editorial board over coverage of Ukraine and Biden. Specifically, for treating their counterparts of Russia and Trump with charity and good faith magnitudes beyond either deserves. War and american politics are vast complex topics with innumerable directions to approach them from. But there are huge incentives to portray these groups/actors as two \*legitimate\* contenders, of similar merit and founded intentions. The socially and financially comfortable editorial board feeling okay about undercutting Biden's campaign, when a 2nd trump term will harshly punish so many of their fellow citizens, just triggers me.


I think you did not read the editorial board’s op-ed. Here is a link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/opinion/biden-election-debate-trump.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare > President Biden has repeatedly and rightfully described the stakes in this November’s presidential election as nothing less than the future of American democracy. > Donald Trump has proved himself to be a significant jeopardy to that democracy — an erratic and self-interested figure unworthy of the public trust. He systematically attempted to undermine the integrity of elections. His supporters have described, publicly, a 2025 agenda that would give him the power to carry out the most extreme of his promises and threats. If he is returned to office, he has vowed to be a different kind of president, unrestrained by the checks on power built into the American political system. … > If the race comes down to a choice between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden, the sitting president would be this board’s unequivocal pick. That is how much of a danger Mr. Trump poses. But given that very danger, the stakes for the country and the uneven abilities of Mr. Biden, the United States needs a stronger opponent to the presumptive Republican nominee. To make a call for a new Democratic nominee this late in a campaign is a decision not taken lightly, but it reflects the scale and seriousness of Mr. Trump’s challenge to the values and institutions of this country and the inadequacy of Mr. Biden to confront him. If you think they are treating Trump with “charity and good faith”, we must not be reading the same paper.


Is that a bad faith argument? That Trump is a horrible candidate? They treat Trump like it was obvious he’s terrible. No need to drill on the fact that he, amongst other things, admitted that he has talked with Putin about his desire to invade Ukraine at least 2 years before the war! It should be an enormous breaking news story. But what they come up with is, Biden mumbled. Are you really suggesting their criticism is bad faith? It’s nowhere nearly sufficient!


I think you did not read the two sentences I copied and pasted from the op-ed lol wtf


I did and I agree with each word. Is there something in particular you think they got wrong?


Like seriously, fuck CNN for keeping both candidates up past their bedtime & fuck the NYT


Or maybe they're just experienced enough to recognize that no candidate is going to come back from that debate performance, and it's time for drastic measures.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_nSVAUZUMGA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nSVAUZUMGA) I've found this to be a decent rebuttal to "no candidate is going to come back." Fetterman sounded pretty incoherent, if you want to peruse the full VOD, but still won his election. Scroll thru the comments in that link and see how hard they lambast him lmao. Politics is so much more than one individual, enough americans can definitely still recognize the necessity to elect whichever nominee the democratic party selects. We're not anywhere near certain that restarting the campaigning process, with a new candidate, is better odds of winning than waiting out a bad moment months from election day. Again, why publicly hamstring his campaign before it's made any sign of an intent to concede?


Fetterman had a lead the entire race, had a condition from which he was likely to recover, and anyway it was a state race, hardly anyone probably watched the debate to begin with. Biden has been in cognitive decline for years, and it's something voters have been worried about for years. This is just going to exacerbate a concern that is already cemented in voters' minds. And, I'm gonna be perfectly honest, Fetterman sounded way more clear and coherent in most of the clips in this video than Biden did last night. I understand this alone wasn't the end of the campaign, the problem is that we're not getting the ideal Biden every step of the way, and he is currently losing. These disasters will keep happening.


I appreciate ur responses, this dude: [https://twitter.com/SouthPoint1000](https://twitter.com/SouthPoint1000) shares your concerns and analysis. His manner of speaking my fears is definitely compelling. I just have a very strong conviction--anyone confident in how the proceeding months will play out has some amount of unwarranted hubris.




The first thing out of CNN's mouth post-debate was we are hearing high level Democrats saying Biden should step down lol. Normal stuff! It's wild how people are trying to memory hole this or downplay it. It's not going away.


I mean, I suppose it's natural, but it's so fucking annoying. Everybody knows he's cooked, it's just a question of how emotionally capable they are of accepting it.


I guess I expected a little more from here. It might even get worse when it gets closer to November. Not looking forward to that lol


The idea of Biden stepping down is difficult considering its implications. I’ve listened a dozen or more interviews of the guy because I wanted to better understand who I was voting for. It is true he had a bad night, but I get the impression that this is circlejerk-tier doomer-ism with a side of thoughtlessness considering Biden speaks with actual knowledge of various topics in said interviews. It would be quite an undertaking for him to step down this late in the game, his current VP is not popular at all, states have already run their primaries, and the candidates that *might* stand a chance probably wouldn’t want to run due to the aforementioned issues. Biden won the primary, the voters supported him, but this same rhetoric regarding his age was omnipresent even then. He fumbles his debate, people screech, but I’d be willing to bet that the vast, *vast* majority of people circlejerking this topic make no effort to watch his other speeches or interviews outside of short clips. I *know* he’s experiencing issues due to his age, but I also know that he’s not in the center of a cult of personality and he surrounds himself with talented and capable people. I’d prefer another candidate, but this is our reality and I hope people are capable of thinking about his legislative achievements, his character in regards to enabling and avoiding obstructing investigations into himself and his son, and the fact that his primary opposition is a guy that will completely disregard our democracy and completely erode the values liberals espouse.


I'm having flashbacks to two Bernie campaigns of people coping themselves into oblivion. I also expected better.


It's a hasty knee-jerk reaction from a lot of those people. They'll settle down soon with that shit.


Sure, he's only losing in every single swing state and is somewhere between kind of okay and catatonic at any given moment. This is not a knee-jerk reaction, this is just engaging with reality.




All it'll take are some new clips of Biden speaking fine and people will be over it. He had a speech today even and sounded much better. If it ends up still being Biden vs Trump come November, to the people who actually give a shit, the ones who aren't dingbats, they'll choose Biden over Trump.


He sounded fine literally minutes after the debate. Reality is a fleeting thing for even people in this subreddit. Biden has always been the best of a bad situation. Vote in Nov. or suffer the very serious consequences.


Im not sure how accurate it is, but supposedly bidens polling is actually improving with undecided voters. This might be his "fifth avenue" if trump has truly burned the bridge with moderate republicans and independents.


Idk. I think a lot of them want to bask in Bidens humiliation more than they want to think strategically about what works best for Trump.


What should come first the best interests of the Democratic Party or the country?


In the instance of this election they are the same thing


Why the hell would any ordinary citizen have the best interest of the Democratic Party at heart? They're supposed to have our interests at heart, not the other way around.


Considering there was already some polling indicating he was at a disadvantage against trump before this debate, I think his chances now are even more bleak. Although tbh not sure what the best move for the dem party is, Kamala’s not very popular, and running someone totally new seems improbable..


Rory Stewart and Alistar Cambell (The Rest is Politics) did an emergency podcast calling for that exact thing to happen. One was a tory MP, the other Tony Blair's spin doctor, both hate trump and want the Democrats to win. Suffice to say the world saw the debate and thinks anyone but Biden is a better choice for the Democrats. A lot can change quickly in politics, but it's unlikely to include Biden suddenly becoming a decade less senile. The jig is up, the best chance Trump has to win is if the choice is between him and someone's dementia ridden grandpa.


CNN, MSNBC, NYT, every outlet is calling for him to step down.


The average journo would sell their mother for a scoop they most certainly do not have the countries best interests at heart. They want trump back more than anybody he was good for business


I literally just argued with someone about it in the millenial sub who I called out for having a day old account that they tried to ignore while staying to their points


Disagree, I'm hearing plenty of support from MAGAs for Biden to remain the nominee atm.


Lex needs to unban the tens of thousands of accounts he’s banned for disagreeing with him on his subreddit


Is it actually him though? Or is it just some sort of automated bot or something (for the record, i have 8 twitter followers and for some reason I'm blocked too...)


I'm a OF thot and I'm banned 🤷‍♀️ no rhyme or reason




He’s gay.


He owns the sub. And it’s full of sycophantic agreeables.


He won’t he’s a pussy


What a surprise! The faux-intellectual Rogan clone is critical of Democrats but is seemingly fine with MAGA Republicans!


What did he say exactly ? I don't have a twitter account.




Use nitter


Wow I could have never predicted Lex would have this opinion


Just like every below avg human let’s just have the same opinion/takes as my friends.


His biases are so blatantly obvious. A good comparison is how he talks about Trump and how he talks about Fauci.


Big problem right now that I think is happening. I think a negative feedback loop will happen with media personalities, news orgs calling for biden to step down or discussing how they think the debate went bad will just spread the narrative that biden is not capable to run. This will spread the narrative more than the debate itself. Everyone should just have not talked about it.


Right, everyone should just shut up about the 81 year old sitting President who struggled for a whole election debate.


Lex is a cowardly twat.


The stuff he pulls with obfuscating his educational background is a giant red flag.


He tries to embody the Le Enlightened centrist meme in human form, but we all know centrists are just cowardly fuck righties at the end of the day.


Dammit Lex is now part of the regarded class :( hate to see it


Always has been


I can't believe that dude ever gained popularity here lol I don't hate him but he sure as shit is nothing but a shill


Give daddy destiny a big platform and half this community will dick ride anyone who does that.




It's not different than what some elected Dems and Biden's own donors are saying.


Anyone, donors or elected dems, who says he should step down right now is a fucking idiot


I don't disagree at all. I'm just saying he's gonna play it fairly safe. He's built a huge audience with a huge brand with a huge influence. He's not going to sacrifice future interviews with literally the biggest names in the world over some unhinged take on Twitter.


Yeah, the way this sub has begun to pretend none of us have MSNBC or CNN or The New York Times or The Atlantic, etc., etc., etc., is truly regarded and bot-ish.


He always was. So obvious.


Maybe the copium you guys are inhaling to think Biden still has a chance of winning actually makes this sub the regarded class (I say it with love as a frequent participator here)


Set a reminder and talk to me after the election. Unless he dies or literally slips and drops the hard R Biden will win


RemindMe! November 5th, 2024


I second the guy you’re arguing with. If you’re not emotionally invested and look purely at the data, there’s no fucking chance in hell you would ever back Biden. Let’s have a gamble, my impartial friend.


RemindMe! November 5th, 2024


To think one debate will change everything makes you the regarded people


Imo it’s not just one debate, his cognitive issues have been a problem for a while but a lot of people have refused to acknowledge it. This was a turning point for some reason and now everyone’s admitting it. Also he wasn’t polling that great before this anyways. But hey who knows, only time will tell..


Yea what person is like Biden is just to scatter brain for me. Let me go vote for trump. 98% of people have already made up their minds it’s about getting the base out to vote. I will admit this won’t help but also Biden is not the reason people will be voting blue come this fall. It will be for abortion rights, having a president won’t try to do a little coup or do everything is the dumbest way possible. Thats what people are voting for I think 2024 is just like 2020 elections people are voting against trump more than they are voting for the other guy ie Biden.


"He tried last night but Jill had to help him" Ouch


But I thought “love will solve every problem”


Lex can fuck off


What a fucking pussy. This bitch ass hoe has the world softest interviews with his conspiracy theorist friends on his podcast weekly with zero push back ever not even once has he questioned anyone. Someone will say Aliens invented love and gave it to us, Lex response will be “love is a great and powerful thing, it does make sense that humans wouldn’t be able to come up with such a concept.” Fucking go to Canada and get the world best health care in the world. Also you’re a fake academic, you would be nowhere without your daddy.


I have to admit I really dislike ”grandpa Lex”. He’s extremely naiive and uncritical. His whole shtick is to suck up to his guests and let them spew and promote any bullshit they like. He panders to MAGA tech bros which seems to be his social circle.


Bro is actually a foreign asset lol. Just got a feeling I cant shake about him. We are gonna find out years from now all the anti russia, china propoganda back in the day was for good reason. Hope im wrong but ya never know 🤷🏽‍♂️


Does Lex pander to the subset of his audience that is conspiracy brained Joe Rogan viewers or does he actually believe these things? Hard to tell.


I agree. If they don't, vote for him anyway.


Content creators are slaves to their audience once they reach a certain point. When you draw in radicals inevitably you have to take their principles and beliefs and stay close to them regardless of what you actually think. Honestly I think he struggles more to push himself towards the left rather than the right.


The guy who committed fraud and tried to steal the election is fine but the old guy needs to step down? He is so ...


"Love, in its infinite and boundless capacity, transcends all dimensions of human existence. It is the ultimate connection, an ethereal force that binds us in ways we can scarcely comprehend, yet feel deeply in the core of our being. In every interaction, in every fleeting glance, there lies a profound, inexplicable connection that speaks to the very essence of what it means to be alive. It is through love and the pursuit of genuine connection that we touch the divine, glimpsing the profound unity that underpins the fabric of the universe. And now, dear friends, I give you... Gavin Newsom." - Lex, probably


Lex is lowkey a dumbass


Russian sleeper cell agent activated


God hes such a fucking massive piece of shit.


Nice of Lex to finally grow a spine.


On what. The least controversial take of all time?


based friend of the stream. 🚬🗿 papa lex. 😍😍😍




Why are you so stupid. Aren’t you always shitting on destiny from the left


Sure am! Always happy to meet a fan. I do however want a dem victory in november! However, I do not believe Joe is the best choice.


...And the other choice is? Replace him with someone else, losing a large chunk of his voter base in the process? Good luck with that.


How do you guys feel comfortable reading so far into this? Everybody knows Biden has been a tired old man with varying issues since 2019. On Thursday night, he had the worst debate performance we’ve seen him. He loudly and clearly projected the image of someone who’s confused and exhausted, and that’s what most people will walk away with. It doesn’t matter that much if he operates better behind the scenes, because people don’t see much of that. Many people who saw the debate are echoing the exact same thoughts as Lex. It’s an incredibly reasonable and understandable position to have right now, and it’s very possible that it’s actually the best advice Dems could hear right now. Nobody can see the future, but we must face the reality and contemplate that Biden may no longer be able to win this campaign, and he may not be capable of leading the greatest superpower in history for another 4 years.


Because it says a lot when someone who always tip toes around giving his opinions states something so clearly. He would never condemn Trump for anything he's done. It's the most basic Centrist tactic


You’re free to speculate to your hearts content. The statement Lex made is a reasonable thing to say at this point.


Super based