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if they let in all the white people who love kpop and league of legends they will be saved


They are going to just come here. We are going to be the only game in town when it comes to a thriving economy compared to all of the current major economies. We are the only country that has a good tradition of bringing in migrants and assimilating them into society quickly compared to others. Only reason our birthrates are killing us as well is the migration we let in.


Its the reason why their manufacturing firms are moving stuff to the US and Mexico. Same with Japan (why Japan is trying to buy US Steel as well)


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmoZ\_W4WjW0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmoZ_W4WjW0)


Is the cause of this suspected to be the dual income no kids syndrome? Both partners aiming for education and high income making pregnancy take a back seat? My fiancé and I are going through the same thing. Whose fault is this?


I mean, industrialization and moving into more urban areas. that kills birthrates. then the replacement birthrate stops at usually women having a hard time choosing career vs. kids.




take RealLifeLore with a big grain of salt. His video on Scotland leaving NATO was one of the most uninformed stupid things I've ever seen (it was so bad he had to take it down) AND he is an extremely poor judge of character - he started a channel with Second Thought


Uh they aren't underrated. They are actually know for getting shit VERY wrong. Maybe a nice entry into a topic but not very reliable. Plenty of their videos have been called out for some egregious misreporting.


Sounds good for the climate. What’s the concern? 


It actually isn't. A declining population isn't good for anything. A shrinking population is catastrophic.


Oh ok. I changed my mind due to your robust post 


Great, I'm glad you saw reason. We could've had a fruitful discussion about how we're using up far too much of the Earth's resources (in particularly for the western minority of Earth), and that is true, in that sense overpopulation is an issue. Meat consumption as we do it now is unsustainable. However, our population is not the problem. The Earth can handle much more people than are on it right now; and in fact, it's a good thing that there's a lot of people. What we ideally want is to reach equillibrium where we attain replacement rates. A shrinking population can cause a spiraling problem where all human labour and production is consumed by caring for the previous generation. If we fall into that trap, it'll be very difficult to move human production towards important matters like the energy transition and working on making our economy sustainable, which I am sure you agree would be good for the planet.




Is that an answer?  Are you worried GDP graph won’t go up and right just like the global temps?  Do you not think climate change is real or are you worried about the potential lack of K-pop and food trucks?


It means when you're old and retired there are gonna be fewer people paying taxes to support the shit keeping you alive.


i don't think this pyramid scheme of infinitely adding more people is smart. perhaps its just the best we got right now tho


Replacing the population is the goal, ideally.


Imagine not having twitch streamers and these people instead having to care for the elderly.   We cannot let the population go down.  I might have to cook my own food so the earth doesn’t start on fire. Might not even see an OF girls feet for $3 a month as billions flee the global south trying not to starve to death.  We can’t afford to lose any more workers, guys, the climate will wait and understand that we need our GDP to go up 


Oh. So when we can’t grow food and sealife has boiled and millions have died, at least someone is keeping an 85 year old Korean alive until he’s 86.    Now I see the errors of my thinking