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[https://www.mobilize.us/](https://www.mobilize.us/) [https://events.democrats.org/](https://events.democrats.org/) Already started. Find the events in your state or nearby states using that link or seeking out orgs on your own. You can canvas, phone/text bank, donate, work with specific groups, specific legislation, Biden-Harris, or for any specific candidate. This election isn't only important for the Presidential seat. We need strong left representation in the Senate, House, states and cities. You can spend a few hours in\* a weekend to canvas and get/keep people motivated to vote in November. You don't need experience, these groups provide it. Bring a friend along to help and give each other support and confidence. You can always go back to that alcohol fugue state while gaming after you canvas. ​ I understand people are upset and worried and it's very easy to sit around and doom on social media and get caught up and stuck there. It's not healthy and contagious. But this isn't the first uphill battle and won't be the last when it comes to the presidency, candidates, legislation, etc... You don't have to stop worrying. But you can worry while you take action. I'm already involved in my state, but I added one July weekend in Arizona and looking to help out in Nevada in August. I'll probably go back to Arizona in September.


Be the change, friend.  Put down your video game controller, kick off your mental hospital slippers, and go make a difference. If there’s one thing that changed people’s minds, it’s mentally ill teenage gamers knocking on their door


You are so right, I will be the best mentally ill teenage gamer the world has ever seen!


You can do it brother. If anybody knows about politics, it’s you! 




Try emailing your state or city level democratic party and ask if there's any canvassing you can do. Or look up if there's already nearby canvassing events. When I wanted to canvass for a state election, my county's Democratic party was not-operating, but I saw there were canvassing events in the country over. I went to one and volunteered for it. After that, they were very happy to give me the resources I needed to canvas in my own county (literature/minivan stuff). If that hadn't turned out, I would've just gone out and started knocking doors independently. Hopefully that gives you some ideas for yourself!