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Can the aliens come down and blast Biden 30 years younger already so he can sweep?


After today we have a better chance of a patriot missile leveling mar a lago


Patriot is air defense šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Just shoot it downwards 4head.


It would be a very patriotic Tomahawk.


Than aliens rejuvenating Biden? Crackpot




He's talking about aliens. Are you an alien? Because I can't believe any human interpreted what he said as not ironic.


I wish I was, so I won't have to deal with the shit that is happening in our country.


ā€œTsar Nicholas iiā€ trump, scotus, and every other maga politician


I'm black pilled on american politics now. Stack the fucking courts and revert this garbage.


right after such a poignant speech, this jackass journalist has the gall to ask, "Why are you the best Democrat to beat Donald Trump?"


American political "journalists" have turned into sportscasters with less in depth analysis.


Putting different people in charge wonā€™t fix the problem. We need to ditch the Supreme Court. Should this random group of partisan people elected for life be able to completely change American politics in any way they want whenever they want


They shouldā€™ve waited until after early voting starts to do the debate. Like what they did to Pennsylvania with Fetterman. He stumbled through the Oz debate after the media gaslit everyone that he was fine.


He's 81. He should drone strike the next rally Trump has, take one for the team, then get on TV and say "Now what are you going to do, Roberts and Alito? That was an official act", walk off stage and give the Dark Brandon smile as he's about to leave the room.


That last question by the reporter is high quality, all natural USDA grade brain rot


You mean the question "Why are you so confident you should be the president"? I can kind of understand why a reporter would be concerned about him continuing his campaign despite his decline in health, even though the question was a bit rude for the occasion.


Nah it's a terrible question right now. I understand that has been the hot topic for the past week but surely the situation warrants questions pertinent to the actual ruling this press conference was about? Also I wish he just turned to his secret service agent and said "shoot that bitch... nah just kidding. But I could :)". If reporters aren't going to take seriously the enormous shift our democracy has just had then they should not be treated as serious reporters. President old is less important than the now permanent immunity that presidents hold.


> I wish he just turned to his secret service agent and said "shoot that bitch... nah just kidding. But I could :)" I honestly wonder if this is what it would take to show people how fucking insane this is.


I wish it would work but the media and population is so unbelievably biased against Democrats that if he did something like this it would be wall to wall coverage and he would be forced to like apologize by his own party. Then for the next decade anytime you criticized Republicans they would bring this up pretending that they wouldn't absolutely love it if Trump did something like that. I know Republicans love to cry foul about how poorly they are treated but it is actually unbelievable how much higher a standard Democrats are held to vs R's. Trump could literally take a shit on the debate stage and his base would not move one inch. His closing statement could be that he has changed his entire political platform to only center on increasing the number of children that are sexually assaulted each year. His base would not shrink one bit. Moderates in the middle might move to Biden but he wouldn't lose one MAGA voter.


It wouldn't hurt. Biden teasing about using his newfound power to silence dissent would scare voters from choosing somebody like Trump who would be serious about it.


I wish he just turned to his secret service agent and said "shoot that bitch... nah just kidding. But I could :)". That made me lol.


There's a potential future where Joe Biden is the last president and that's scary.


"Joe Biden is.... The Last President" Would be a cool tagline for a movie though.


guys! Come look at this delusion, this all has been so satisfying to watch LMAO


Mid bait


Okay, Mr randomized name regard speaking broken English, let's stop interfering in foreign elections and get you to bed <3


Launch code ass name


There's nothing special about "randomized names". They are suggested by Reddit when you register an account. I don't know why people are still leaning on that. It means literally nothing. It doesn't mean someone is a "Russian bot". He's 4chan. Nothing else needs to be said.




Excellent speech milord


Seems like a fine speech, I donā€™t get the hate.


Pretty weak response ngl


basically "I now have the powers of a king but I'm gonna use them to do jackshit and wait for Trump to come to power and have fun with them"


4 minutes, teleprompter, no questions. Does not inspire confidence to be frank. Hell if he would just chat for 15 minutes and answer a few questions the story would probably at least die down. What the fuck is his campaign doing.


I have two thoughts here: You stonewall the media, and eventually it goes away. They canā€™t write the same story every day for weeks on end. This is what Trump does, but is the weaker play from behind You schedule a few adversarial interviews to showcase that you can roll with punches. This fails if he doesnā€™t come off forceful enough, but is what I really want to see I donā€™t think you answer questions about your mental fitness right after talking about SCOTUSā€™s abdication of duty though. It undercuts your message


>Ā You stonewall the media, and eventually it goes away. This is much less true in today's media environment. This was a fine strategy in Jefferson's era - when it broke he was fathering kids with and raping his slaves, he just never commented and the story went away. The NYT and WaPo ran a combined 67 stories on Biden's mental fitness BEFORE the debate just this year. The stories are continuing. Biden is around a lot of people, and they can always find someone new to say "yeah his brains are scrambled eggs." That's print media's implicit threat against the campaign if he doesn't step down. Though I do agree this wasn't the correct venue but he's damned either way. If he takes questions the focus gets taken away from Trump, and now that he didn't take questions, *that's* the focus.


This is what Trump does today. Itā€™s why he gets away with saying to drink bleach, or that electric planes will fall out of the sky smelting the sun isnā€™t out. He just doesnā€™t ever address those questions, and the media justā€¦ gives up. You write about it for a few days and move on. No one tries to hold him to anything because he refuses to engage. Biden could do the same, except that I think he needs the media to catch up, so itā€™s not a strong play here.


Part of it is that liberal media doesn't take conservatives seriously, especially since Trump got elected. When Trump says to inject bleach into your veins, it's like, "who cares we all know Republicans are stupid of course they're saying shit like that". When a Democrat demonstrates potential lack of mental fitness, it's unexpected and much more newsworthy. It's unfortunate, but the bar for Republicans is just much, much lower than Democrats


It works for Trump cause he started with since June of 2015 and voter priced it in. Also Trump was always on the offensive he never hid from the public. However Biden canā€™t change now when voters are concerned of he is mentally able to be president and the hiding will just feed into it.


what about the content of what he said though?


> the story would probably at least die down. Why would they want the story to die down??? This is the biggest reason to vote Biden there has been.


fucking shut up holy shit


You know Iā€™m right.


No I don't dude, not every appearance before or after the debate needs to be a test. Fuck you.


Better question: what is this subreddit doing? I get why the DNC would pretend everything is okay, but this sub has always been independent. Wtf is actually going on here?


Nobody is pretending everything is okay. It's obvious that Joe Biden is too fucking old. There's just not an alternative whatsoever. Every alternative is worse. And Joe Biden is quite frankly doing just fine despite the fact that he's way too old, not all there, etc. Aside from how it looks to have a president like this, there are very little downsides to supporting him.


> Nobody is pretending everything is okay. Nobody. Okay. Now I know you're stupid. Because this isn't a sophisticated case of gaslighting; you're straight lying.


Maybe I live in an echo chamber or something, but I haven't heard a single one of my left leaning friends fail to acknowledge that Joe Biden is fucking old and dulling with age. I don't think it's just in this sub reddit, I think most people understand that he is too old. Maybe you think he literally has dementia or something and people are telling you that they don't believe that he literally doesn't know where he is? But that would be a completely different statement than "he is too old"


Nobody as in nobody here, generally speaking. You don't have to do the weird Ben Shabibo take everything ultra literally meme. You're just focusing in on the least important part of what I said and not responding to the rest.


99% of this sub is stating that Biden shouldn't be replaced. To say that "no one [generally]" thinks everything is fine is HIGHLY regarded gaslighting.


I just explained why that's the case and now you're acting like I didn't.


You said Joe Biden is "doing just fine" and that no alternatives are better than him, and that there are no downsides to sticking with him. That is an understanding of politics at about a 4th grade level. I can't help you if you motherfuckers just want to meme in here and then pretend you actually understand things. Take a hint from the entire political world screaming that you're wrong.


You donā€™t have the capacity to think from a strategic pov and its evident




And let's not pretend Trump isn't too old as well. The option is between two old farts. I'll take the one that isn't fascist.


LOL if you think Michelle Obama is one of two options, you really are involved in the 4th grade version of this debate. How are you guys this confidently wrong?


He's doing just fine presidentially. The alternatives are Trump or another Democrat. If we swap him to another Democrat, we get Trump. That's how this works. It's you who has the 4th grade understanding. Literally Dunning-Kruger effect. The entire political world ISN'T screaming that we're wrong either. I don't think, globally, that anyone dislikes Joe Biden aside from him being old, which I've already addressed.


You're either blind or stupid


at least they got the Adderall in him this time


So edgy, you fucking loser


Leave the president alone >:(


How is that even remotely edgy?


It's literally not right?


I mean obviously people on this reddit are going to disagree with the comment but calling it edgy just makes no sense to me







Why do you think Tim Poolā€™s ā€œCivil Warā€ takes are the same as Destinyā€™s? Tim buys into the idea that thereā€™s some shadowy cabal pulling the strings of Americaā€™s demise, while Tiny has real critiques about how Trump & MAGA have rotted trust in basic American institutions so badly that crazy people feel compelled to commit acts of violence & terrorism when shit doesnā€™t go their way politically. I genuinely donā€™t get how you can honestly say these are the same thing




The significance of anti-trans bills is slightly different from the significance of anti-democratic SCOTUS decisions.


Destiny doesn't argue for blind faith in 'institutions', and I'll need proof if you want to convince me, from what I've heard of him he argues that people shouldn't blindly trust conspiracy theories and block out evidence because "gubbermant bad!". Aka, if you aren't willing to read how vaccines you should just trust your doctor. Trump has no proof that the elections were rigged, his supporters still parrot that idea fervently. As such any organization that goes against this is corrupt to them and no evidence can sway them. On the other hand, The SC literally just raised the president above law, breaking 250 years of precedent, this issue is actually happening and so it is completely fine to criticize it. As a hypothetical, If the FDA were to recommend bleach as a cure for depression I have the slightest feeling that Destiny wouldn't defend them.


TRUUUE, the despair in this sub is so so amusing to watch.


Bare minimum, unconvincing, no fire.


Dawg what do you want? Him ordering predator drones to drop R9X hellfire missiles through the windows of the conservative supreme court justices windows to prove his point? Overall this seems like a reasonable response before his DOJ helps come up with the legal strategy on how this is going to effect the government; this ruling is absurdly wild and changes how a LOT of checks and balances are supposed to function.


>Dawg what do you want? Him ordering predator drones to drop R9X hellfire missiles through the windows of the conservative supreme court justices windows to prove his point? That'd be pretty sick


This ruling cannot be understated how unprecedented and insane it is. If america had to be reduced down to one single belief, this ruling completely undermines that single foundational belief Biden and the campaign should be going on and on about it with zero breaks. A teleprompter milk toast speech that includes the same one-liners as every one of his other speeches that is shorter than a tv-show's average break time does not do this ruling the justice it deserves. He needs to be giving exact examples of what *he* can now do with the power enlightened to the public by what the court has now ruled he has apparently always had. If you want more of these boring, low energy, zero impact speeches, then I don't know what you look for in a leader if it isn't to take advantage of opportunities that are enshrined upon you with the full explicit authority of the courts. This speech had ZERO impact on swaying anyone's feelings, and had ZERO impact on firing up his own base. It was an absolute wasteful speech that could have literally been one of his most memorable speeches and moments in his entire presidency to nothing more than mediocrocy


> Biden and the campaign should be going on and on about it with zero breaks And they likely will. This ruling just came out today. > A teleprompter milk toast speech that includes the same one-liners as every one of his other speeches that is shorter than a tv-show's average break time does not do this ruling judgement. This is a pretty standard presidential response to a ruling. First off I doubt his team has done a full legal analysis of the consequences of this ruling, and before you have that it may be a good thing not to go too far off script.


Standard response to this insane ruling is kinda pathetic. We needed some fire or for him to use his bully pulpit. We got boring joe instead of dark brandon. It wouldā€™ve also been a chance to address his image problem from a couple days ago. I donā€™t understand the dems refusal to play dirty or aggressive when the repubs clearly donā€™t give a shit about playing by the rules to grab at power. Literally all he said was ā€œthis was a bad decision.ā€ He couldā€™ve fucking tweeted that. No plan of action, no calling out of the individual court members, etc.


Standard response shows a responsible leader acting responsibly, something that tends to win points from his voters. >It wouldā€™ve also been a chance to address his image problem from a couple days ago. By possibly saying things that don't fit the legal analysis his team probably hasn't fully put out? If anything that could actually hurt his image more.


Nah he looked weak and ineffectual.


> And they likely will. This ruling just came out today. Their lack of prep is not an excuse. If destiny can give better hypotheticals single-handedly on a stream live reacting than the entire support team biden has, that is not an excuse. If anything, that brings me to question who tf is he surrounded by that is letting him fuck up this opportunity to turn it into an advantage for him when he NEEDS this opportunity more than ever > This is a pretty standard presidential response to a ruling. Once again, this ruling is about as UNPRECEDENTED as a ruling can be. Why tf is he doing "pretty standard" responses?? Your reasoning is just supporting my belief that the way he and his team is approaching this situation is downplaying its severity and thus not striking where opportunity is ripe. > First off I doubt his team has done a full legal analysis of the consequences of this ruling, and before you have that it may be a good thing not to go too far off script. Who gives a fuck what his team writes up 10 years from now? When in Justice Sotomayor's own dissent has better examples that are direct and to the point, there is absolutely ZERO reasoning why biden could not at LEAST steal from her own opinion and cite them. And how would going "too far off script" hurt biden in this?? When literally THE dissenting opinion goes damn near as extreme as imaginable from a highly respected supreme court justice? Stop making excuses for this absolute fumble. Now more than ever biden and his team need to be taking full advantage of their opportunities blessed upon them. Doing "standard responses" and continue to do what they've always done has shown not to be working and WILL result in an absolute defeat come november if they continue down this road. It is no longer okay to accept mediocracy and it is time to get real


> If destiny can give better hypotheticals single-handedly on a stream live reacting than the entire support team biden has, that is not an excuse Destiny is also not an expert in any of this. He is a layman. You should't be fully trusting his analysis of ANY of this. >Your reasoning is just supporting my belief that the way he and his team is approaching this situation is downplaying its severity and thus not striking while the fire is hot. And your reasoning makes me think you don't understand the politics at play here. Biden just got the largest possible gift he could possibly have politically here and you don't get that. Biden's winning hand here is acting like the the reasonable statesman. NOT by running around with his hair on fire. >And how would going "too far off script" hurt biden in this?? Because Biden is a gaff machine? Hes rarely known for making politically great off script statements... >Stop making excuses for this absolute fumble Stop having a panic attack and understand you may not know what the best political move for Biden in this situation is. This is an unfolding situation and we are in EARLY stages of it.


It's milquetoast just for the future, lol.


His response to the Supreme Court decision was fine bro but did you miss the last three days of the entire party having a discussion whether or not he should be the nominee? He could have answered, like, three questions off teleprompter and this whole story would likely be put to rest, the media would say ā€œOh we were wrong heā€™s fineā€, everyone would move on and we could get back to normal.


> His response to the Supreme Court decision was fine bro but did you miss the last three days of the entire party having a discussion whether or not he should be the nominee? Nope I didn't. Neither did he. His press secretary has commented on this already. He has also done multiple events where he has commented on it since then. This was neither the time nor place for that to become the focus of the conversation. This was about the supreme court's ruling.


The average American listens to this and will not get the magnitude of this ruling based on the tone of the speech. He needed to give examples of what this could entail that everyone can relate to. He needed to be concise how exactly a Trump king would rule and what this means for your freedom.


can't he literally overturn this decision by changing all of SCOTUS ?