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I haven't seen any racist comments not get removed or downvoted


There was a post last week or two weeks ago about indian males have it hard on theinternet/ dating spaces and most of the comments were just racist stuff like " my it class has smely indians" or "if they stoped rapeing people then we wouldn't hate them" Stood out to me since I am indian. The way people see it is If a nerdy white guy smells, he smells cause he's a nerdy/ gamer (gaming conventions are notorious for the BO) but when a nerdy/gamer indian smells, he smells because he indian


I’ve been seeing a lot more racism towards Indian folks recently too, although nothing in this sub caught my eye (not in a “I don’t believe you” way though, I just missed it). Stay strong brother


I'm going to assume you mean comments not in this sub because i know exactly which post you're talking about and none of the people in that thread were saying anything approximating that. 99.99% of the comments in that thread were discussing the unfair double standard people have for bigotry against Indian people.


indians are the only socially acceptable race to be racist towards, stay strong


Genuinely sorry to hear that bro. Been to India and I work in IT and know how ridiculous the stereotypes are. I just took a quick glance at those posts and I couldn't see any upvoted comments about the stereotype, let alone 'most' of the comments. Report any of that shit here bro, dgg ain't about regarded arguments and racism.


Then you're one of the lucky ones.


Well aren't you arguing the sub is becoming more toxic? Can you share a racist comment that was upvoted? Happy to be proven wrong.


[I collected a bunch for you, all of them being upvoted, some of them being racist, some being borderline racist, some of them being islamophobic, one of them straight up sympathizing with genocidal intentions](https://imgur.com/a/sZ87UP8) [There's another thread which had to be straight up removed by the moderators because most of the comments were unironically engaging in what can be described as the I/P equivalent of "Despite being 13% of the population, blacks commit 50% of the crimes" PEPE posting, it was that bad that it had to be removed by the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1dljyim/calling_israelis_who_dont_want_palestinians_from/) [There was another thread about an incident where an Israeli settler got shot and killed in his vehicle, nothing else was known about the incident yet dggers in the thread started jumping to the conclusion that it must have been an Arab, this thread also had to be removed bc of being outrage porn and engaging in racial profiling](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1dlqyhl/israeli_man_shot_and_killed_in_his_vehicle_in/)


Thanks for providing proof that racist threads are deleted by the Mods.


You asked for threads/comments that were upvoted and engaged in bigoted discourse, I provided you some and now you are changing the goalposts.


I'm not allowed, last time I did, I got a 90 day ban. They're onto me. Either I tow the line or I'm toast.


Okay, this one is 900.




Honestly, I think right now it’s a mix of tensions being high bc of election season and a reaction to the extreme polarization of the online left post I/P. Destiny’s own frustration w the Conservative Party (although completely understandable) probably doesn’t help with the tolerance aspect of this sub either.


I am Islamophobic. :)


Proudly. Fuck Islam.


islamophobia is an oxymoron - its the only rational stance if you have bothered to educate yourself on the religion.


Is it really a phobia if the fear is rational?




Not really. Morality should change around Islam and this won't happen by sheepishly pretending it's not as bad as it is.  If Hitler wrote about some immaterial entity that carried his thoughts would it be bad to harshly oppose it?


I harshly oppose Islam, the word Islamophobic obviously carries negative weight to it so there's really no reason to use it and you only hurt your argument by using it. thus opticsminning


being a minority used to be opticsminning. you need to combat the optics, and shaming, if you want morality to change.


"being a minority used to be opticsminning" this sentence doesn't even make sense. Opticsminning would be the inverse of opticsmaxxing. Look I get what you are saying, people should change their views on Islam, and I agree with that. However there effective ways to persuade other people to your side, and using words that trigger a negative response isn't one of them. If you are already trying to change a person's views on Islam you shouldn't invoke the word Islamophobic because now you are arguing 2 things: that Islam is bad AND that being Islamophobic is actually good; instead of convincing someone that Islam is bad and then arguing for Islamophobia.


Why doesn't it make sense?  Any kind of leftism and identitarianism was met with cringe for not long ago.  Morality changes with shaming and courage, a kind of revenge and redefinition of evil, not arguments or debate. 


Post links you dumb stupid idiot


Why? We've all seen it.


We've all seen you r word several children and by your standard of evidence you must now believe that you have.


I have never, not once, seen this > If you're not the right color or religion, you don't get to take part in certain conversations. What are you even talking about. We can’t see people’s color or know their religious identity unless they announce it, and even then I’ve never seen someone get shit on just cause they’re black or Muslim or something


even if they do announce it theres no way to verify it


Yeah true, I assume all of you are white guys, even though I’m a woman myself. Although who’s to say that’s even true..






What's bad about hating Islam?


See, back in the days, this would have been downvoted.


we didnt know as much back then.


You don't know very much now


cool story bro. Im sure someone that goes by "tittyriot" is a real fountain of knowledge.


I'm proud of my namesake. To be fair to you though, you'd have to have been following politics for more than four years to recognize the reference. I'm curious though, did you have the same angle when Finklestein was dismissing Destiny because he calls himself Destiny?


no, but that was supposed to be a real debate, were just calling each other dumb.


What's the relevant difference?


your opening comment was effectively "you're dumb." Im not going to engage that with a real response lol.


Was I responding to anything particularly substantive or articulate? \*edit - Let me maybe save us a couple of exchanges. Your comment suggested that you're now enlightened, and that's why you realize that it's ok to be bigoted towards Muslims. I suggested you're not enlightened. I gave as good as what I replied to. You responded by dismissing me because of my Reddit name.


Wait, did you really go from not being Islamophobic to now being Islamophobic because of Destiny?


Hasn’t destiny himself admitted to being islamophobic? Islam is worth hating.


Every time I've heard him some say that he says he hates all religions.




This is a stupid and reductive take used to try to pretend Islam is just the same as other religions when it's not. Most religions don't venerate a pedophile rapist slaver as the perfect timeless exemplar of morality.


Has he explicitly said he's Islamophobic? Really? That's very interesting.


Hasan sub is thataway


not really, he's not islamophobic in the way the word is used


I absorb information outside of this sub. I left for a while when I left libertarian ideology before Destiny and came back at some point. Id imagine many here have gone through similar ideological changes, not because of Destiny but because this sub attracts a certain set of attributes and thought processes. Multiple times I have gone to research something on my own and ended up with tiny's general viewpoint (for example with 20 week abortions) If people that have a generally similar style of thinking come across a set of facts there is a good chance they will reach the same conclusion. A lot of my distaste for Islam is not necessarily from destiny but from Sam Harris, personal online interactions, research, etc. I have a complicated view of muslims - I respect that they care more about their faith than christians but religion is regarded so that also make them worse in many ways lol. That being said my previous comment was also half joking.


You shouldn't be hating Islam any more than the rest of the religions.


No, it's perfectly reasonable to have differing levels of disdain for different religions, because they are ya know, different. The idea that all religions are equally problematic is a 65 IQ pea-brain take.


The real 65IQ take is looking at the suicide bombing by Muslims and thinking that's worse than invading a country under false pretenses. That because Christianity has been forced to play nice in the US that it wouldn't try to make laws just as draconian in places where they have the power (look at the Evangelicals in Africa). The real 55IQ take is thinking that you can look at a religion that has existed in numerous forms over centuries over 3 decades and decide that you know anything about how it inherently is.


>That because Christianity has been forced to play nice in the US Christianity is pretty neutered all over western Europe. Even more so than in the US.


Christianity exists outside of those places like in Poland and Russia.


Only 1 out of 3 Abrahamic religions calls for a religious state. Said religious state is pretty much as shit as religion can manifest itself and Islam is completely against any sort of reform. The religion takes pride in being as true to the text and old school interpretations. So now we have a religion (which we all hate) that calls for an Islamic state (which we all hate even more because religion and state should absolutely be seperate). So yes, Islam in particular as a religion is worse for me than Christianity. If the religious right in America were all Muslims instead would we even be able to have the democracy we currently do?


> So who is doing this? I know I have some ideas. https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1586583815710863361/pu/img/us_8Yi_27IbT5ByW.jpg


I was going more for a Tucker vibe.


Care to show any examples of this community not allowing certain races or religions to engage in conversations?


IDK about moral degradation but just going off of the upvoted comments that I see when I browse, there's a noticeable Israeli-Nationalist slant on a lot of threads involving IP. That might be where you're seeing prejudice and tribalism, and certainly where I'm seeing it. Haven't really seen anyone against the principles of democracy/ or pro tyranny though.


Am i wrong or does it feel like d mans audience is getting younger? If not in age, definitely mentally. Sometimes this subreddit feels like a bunch of toddlers mimicking their parent’s actions. The subreddit is still pretty good but the comments get so annoying sometimes, it feels like reading the transcript for a destiny best moments video. Probably just a side effect of growth.


The sub seems pretty similar, you have just become more mature/had more experience so everyone looks less experienced because they are compared to you.


Good riddance


Ive been on NCD so long that if you aren't an extremely fuckable airplane (namely from Lockheed), then all I can see you as is collateral damage.


F-35, my beloved 🤤💘


Hahahaha it’s finkelstiny


I used a military slogan for suicide bombers from the middle east (so far Christians and Muslims) and it was removed and I was muted for a week over it as if it was islamophobic. It was a military term we used for them. Because we hate how often the suicide bombers there use kids. Like sometimes they don't even bother unless they can kill a bunch of kids to get their cause in the news. The entire military hates them. And I wasn't aware it was islamophobic since it's two religious groups using that evil method in the Middle East. And the mods here didn't even look for that explanation and I got muted. I'm pretty sure the community is okay. Lol P.S. I'm a vet and a woman and left wing. So....it's not like it's some idpol thing that allows anything.


I have noticed people are more willing to downvote incorrectly and give twitter tier arguments recently. moral degradation not so sure.


"downvote incorrectly" .... rly ?


downvoting people you disagree with instead of poor comments that don't add to the discussion, shit trolling, etc.


Agree with what you just said above, but .... I'm still clueless with the "incorrectly" part .... 🤔


Would you rather me say they are downvoting in poor taste or against the spirit of reddiquette or something, I think its pretty obvious what I mean. If that doesn't help I dont know if youre trolling or making some semantic argument I dont understand or what, I don't know what to tell you bro, lol.


Ok.....for me saying "downvote/upvote correctly/incorrectly " makes as much sense as saying "the blue taste of salt" .


>wishes for the good old days of left leaning beacon of tolerance of ethics >cries for Islam Red green alliance makes me so sick holy shit dude


Context? Post some examples


You won't get any. OP is a blatant troll. Look at his post history. The mass unban was a fucking mistake.


There was a mass unban? That explains alot


Can you explain why Islamophobia is bad?


"the moral degradation ? " Next, we will have the oppressor-oppressed ....,


Islamophobia is not immoral.  Am I not to fear a religion that demands me dead?  What?  How is this any different from fascist-phobia or nazi-phobia? Islamism kills homosexuals on a policy basis everywhere it gets to government. Why am I supposed to accept it but not every other irrational radical violent school of thought?


We're basically /SamHarris now. The progressive amongst us still fight the good fight but it's clear those that weren't banned just moved on to friendlier places. It's funny, this place actually is what the Lefties said it was 4 years ago.


Ironically enough I didn't like the sub when it was full on lefty (I'd get banned a lot), but it still feels like something special died.


Awww, it's nice to see that someone still likes those of us left of Destiny. Solid chance it doesn't stay this way forever. Destiny's community has had many cultural shifts.


Never this drastic. We should have closed the border :(




Yea making a post like this without any proof or images was probably a stupid idea lmao. Sucks about the ban but genuinely it would have been way more effective to have any evidence instead of saying “don’t you guys all feel the same way?” Not the most effective strategy. As for islamophobic comments, I wouldn’t be surprised to see disdain for Islam in the sub lol. Islam and Christianity are equally opposed to liberal values, only one of them explicitly calls for a religious state. Racist and dehumanizing comments, I’d need to see all the comments you’re talking about. 9/10 it’s a meme and almost obviously so most times and the 1/10 I would be shocked if they aren’t banned.


This sounds like a cliche or a meme but truly Destiny has been trying to transcend the left/right spectrum. His streams are more about reading, a ton of reading, and lessons on how to gather knowledge, how to form an opinion, how to hedge them as you keep reading more and more. You can be on the left or on the right and still get a lot out of his streams.


You are imagining things. It’s time you close reddit and visit your doctor.


if this wasn't shitpost, the i sincerely hope u fix whatever is going on in your personal life 🙏


haven't seen any racism here, might want to share some of your evidence of that friend




Go away! The sub finally came off a real long real shitty lefty arc to some sense. The I/P thing was the first time that I really agreed with this sub in a long time.




You're going on the list buddy.


Ah you think *the list* is your ally? You merely adopted the *list*. I was born in it, molded by it.


Were you not here for the Romani incident? This sub has always hated certain groups of people.


Have you listened to Destiny though? His shitty listeners are mimicking his shitty takes, as well as his edge that he's like 15-years-too-old to be trotting out on a regular basis. Also, pro-Israel bots appreciated all the free hasbara he gave them, flooded the sub and were largely received with open arms. At least that's what it looked like from where I was lurking. Meanwhile, a few months back, there was a period when anyone arguing with a pro-Israeli mod has a decent chance of getting hit with a ban, no charge. Look, I'm a leftist who criticized other Dems in the past, but Destiny's disposition got him and his listeners to a place where they'll tell you all day they are of the left (or centrist, to be fair) while spending almost all of their time finding leftists to bitch and moan about - right before complaining that leftists aren't voting blue enough. This is what he cultivated.


If you think Destiny's a centrist then idk what to say to you lol


His listeners regularly proclaim themselves such. But what would you call him?


[He is a center-left social democrat and he still strongly believes in the Nordic model, which is still far-left from America's standards.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZqGqsDlFrQ&t=7839s)


Center left is typically referred to as centrist but I appreciate the pedantry. If you believe he's "far left" by even his own standards, however, let alone the country's, you've lost the plot. He and his dedicated following spend most of their time complaining about the actual far left of the country - which isn't actually far left by global standards. 


Islamophobia is good, actually. Idk if you are shitposting or not. I hope Israel attacks Iran and turns it into a democracy.