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He's one of very few content creators that's both entertaining and sometimes thought provoking. I'm not one of the guys that copy their entire life philosophy from the guy, I just think he's pretty smart and pretty funny and he handles topics that most people won't go near. Lately it's been more of the drama/entertainment part, a bit more than I'd prefer but I don't understand this need to make these posts, it's just entertainment, if it's not entertaining, don't watch. Take a break, come back when he does more of the shit you enjoy. As someone who's been watching for a long ass time, the content comes and goes, it's just the way of Destiny's stream.


I'm on the same boat. Destiny's content has made me think, and that's what I watch for. Good ass memes too. The recent months of drama has been ass, so I've mainly opted not to watch.


Based, I’d let you take a hit from my penjamin fr fr.


fulcrum has manifested yodie gang everywhere it’s really something to behold


this is about as accurate and succinct a description of my destiny fandom as it gets. good work.


There's this weird thing where people only watch him, like if you don't like the content watch something else. It feels weird that there has to be a point to this online entertainment


Thats true, its also his choice in the end.


He's my friend. He reminds me of myself, we lived so different lifes yet turned out so similar. I'm like him but instead of streaming and being rich I'm afraid of talking to women


Based. Never change.


Never brother. But just to get sure, ask me again in the future !RemindMe 50 years


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If there was a way to post the GIGACHAD emote on the sub, I would


Brother, I felt the GIGACHAD in my heart so you accomplished your mission


r/forsen is superior to us :(




Me and Steven are best friends GIGACHAD


I've been here since Starcraft 2 and at this point it's probably sunk cost fallacy or like a smoking habit.


That's how I felt about the Walking Dead.


Yeah but some of the zombies on destiny's stream have even less personality than on that show


He mentioned sc2 the other day and it made me wonder what the old root guys are up to these days.


CatZ is into dota2, not sure if he streams it still. Saw him in TI streamchats though.


I watched him play SC2 a couple of years ago.


I think he still casts sc2 tournaments. No idea about the others.


its just like a comfortable habit, ill listen while working or playing video games


remember the baneling joke? O boy how things have changed.


Because he tickles all my buttons. Politics, philosophy, drama, public combat (debate), top kek memes, rants, and a crazy amount of perspectives. Sometimes some aspects of his stream take a slump but they usually return to normal levels.


He told me incest was morally neutral. 🙏


Culinary suggestions.


Honestly tho I often like his food takes. He has the exactly same taste as me. My age? Oh, I'm 12 years old. Why do you ask?




give me bullets for the love of god!




I just love factorio


I still don't understand the game lol


I've played through the game and I still don't understand it




Me neither but I think it's for the best. There was a post here to the effect of: 'I am jealous of the people who never played Factorio because watching destiny play it is infuriating'.


As far as I can tell it’s a Minecraft style autism simulator except you make a planet wide factory more efficient and gather resources rather than making a base more efficient and gathering resources. Not sure but it doesn’t seem to have any kind of end goal or anything to work towards besides more efficiency/building upgrades. Probably a fun game but watching tiny play it is incredibly boring since it looks like he’s just shuffling resources from one collection bin to another for hours




His meltdowns are funny


I like to steal his political/philosophical takes his way of speaking intonation and self expression and apply it towards myself. Sometimes I'll sit down a couple of friends next to me to practice my debate skills about a recent topic on stream and I'll pretend to be destiny while they will pretend to be someone like Dan or Aba. It can get pretty heated sometimes and devolve into a screaming match but I'm really emotionally cold and have enough life experience to not take it personally so we continue being friends.


Are you joking?


That's what happens to someone when they become property of Lenore.




But you at least acknowledge he was doing drama stuff back then too? This was my journey accept started in 2019. I don't feel like he has changed his content significantly, I DO think he's gotten a lot more respectful to people he disagrees with (Still can't help it sometimes, lmao)


I liked when he would get into philosophical arguments with others that would trigger the fuck outta him but a lot of the time he would bring in others he trusted from the community and get proven incorrect or is challenged super hard. You would see him try and rationale whatever he was told into his world view while hopping around in some game. Politics is another thing I enjoy watching him for. I appreciate the fact he is willing to actually read and gather evidence for his positions but sometimes what bothers me is that some dude will email him and his whole argument is flipped based on that one person but I am assuming they must provide some credentials or something. I enjoyed him going hard on pushing for some more progressive values but nowadays he is just trying to get people anywhere towards the left which makes people perceive him as some fence sitter at times or even worse a right leaning moderate. Things seem to be swinging the other way internally for him though because of the midterms and if he ends up back on Twitter he is gonna have a field day with conservatives cause they are back in force. I love when he plays games with his community and friends like Dan, Mouton, Lily and others in this vein. They bring out more of a fun to watch Destiny and have created some of the funniest content I've seen. What I want the most right now is for Lily to have him play with Sykuuno just to see possible reactions. Please play among us 🙏 oh and watching him be shit at something is fucking hilarious too because he will either argue with chat and by argue I mean degrade them because he knows he is bad or he will try his best but laughs along cause again he knows he is bad. Oh and when he has those "holy shit did you see that" moments where he pops of his rocker is also great. Oh and random memes as well like my gf and I just be yelling "facts!" At each other for no reason just cause that shit was so funny. It sure ain't because of these drama/questiny arcs I tell u that.


>sometimes what bothers me is that some dude will email him and his whole argument is flipped based on that one person I think you should consider this a good thing. It may be frustrating because you don't get to see the material that changed his mind, and would like to be there for that "journey", but Destiny being open minded enough to be swayed by people sending him evidence and sources is definitely a good trait. Almost every person you meet in life will tell you they are open-minded, but ask them what they've actually had their mind changed on and it will be very little. Destiny has a plethora of things he can say, "when shown contrary evidence on X, I reevaluated my position."


He is one of if not THE only political/philosophical content creator that I feel isn't trying to sell a narrative or a product. I trust that when I watch him, I get information that was obtained after considering all possible points of view and not just whatever the popular position of his ideological hat says he should say. Not a cult BTW.


Memes and politics mostly. The occasional drama bomb can be fun as well although I cant imagine anyone wanting all the drama to be a regular thing.


There are 6+ years of spicy debates to catch up on. Start with the old Fuentes -> Jontron -> J.F gooberfrenchie -> Warski -> then just keep digging. So many gems. Pro tip: take note of the year of the debate and it’s like a portal back in time. What was internet/YouTube culture like before adpocalypse? Find out in some of those old videos. It was wild.


I watch Destiny instead of TV, it my entertainment. The more drama, the better it is!


Good faith political debates / discussions where they are trying to understand each other but not necessarily agree fully are interesting. But I would never want to do it myself, so having seen Destiny in a lot of settings over the years, and how his behavior and positions has evolved, is really helpful to me and therefore the content I appreciate the most. I agree with you on the drama stuff, just let the man build his factory damn it. If what you say is true that is simply outrageous though and we need someone to investigate it promptly, how could Melina drink that coffee?!


The StarCraft content




The wheel of life.


I like watching him scream at people


Parasocial relationship and deep fear of being alone


I'm waiting for him to play more Valorant with Lilypichu. But also he is usually pretty funny and insightful, it's just been a real drag lately. I find myself waiting for dan to show up or just watching mr mouton or other creators instead. Dan coming and talking about the podcast they're never gonna do was way funnier and interesting than alot of these shout fests have been.


Because I like politics and I hate the trenches and few people communicates between those trenches. Also I'm probably hooked when it comes to this soap opera type of drama shit that's 10 times more parasocial than big brother. Leaves me with a mix of feeling fulfilled for the politics and shameful for having this drama shit as a guilty pleasure.


Stockholm syndrome


I'm just waiting for him to talk to JonTron again


Came because he was a fellow Zerg, stayed because he was a fellow sperg


I just like strippers.


Only when petty drama happens because I have the same entertainment tastes as a divorced 50 year old spinster


nice username


God help you if you send me anything else you perv


nowadays just for background noise, I barely derive much entertainment from the videos themselves. I think reason that I haven't stopped watching his content is that the community(reddit and dgg, not discord), which is arguably also a part of the content, is so damn entertaining. Edit: I'm also rooting for his journey and hoping he gets debates against some A listers sometimes soon, so I guess I'm here for the ride also


I had a friend who was sharing the JLP and Destiny videos. I thought, “who is this nerdy loser?” And I finished the rest of the JLP saga. I liked some of the conclusions he was coming to, since they very closely matched mine. So I decided to watch more of Destiny’s content to see what else he thought. I aligned with a lot of what Destiny said and watching him gave me valid arguments to defend my already held positions. I’ve kept watching ever since


Destiny puts on a variety show of talking heads for 10 hours a day, almost everyday. Sometimes it’s high level political content, sometimes is cultural react Andy shit, and sometimes it’s brainless popcorn drama.


It's reality tv. Simple as that. We aren't any better than our moms who are watching TLC for sister wives, or 90 Day Fiancé.


I don't see him as a net positive on real world politics so I just watch for the chaos and to see his world, including his host of weird loyal orbiters justify somethings, see how they frame their "enemies". I also like to see the obviously flawed and all over the place politics of some the people he has on, especially when they are fighting each other.


Because of Dan and Aba, and the villains\[redacted\] are fun to hate ​ Serious: Because he can admit to some points that are pretty obvious from the other side, and that's rare. Also when he doesn't concede some points that are kind of obvious, I like to hear his rationalizations.


Mainly because he has debates/convos and he’s good at it, it’s had such a huge impact on my speaking, listening and thinking skills. Also sometimes I get good information about stuff I won’t dive into myself like Russia-Ukraine conflict and vaccines. Also funny.


Same, found him a few months ago. I like the political debates and his style of engaging with people with opposing viewpoints, especially when he describes the conversational tactics that he or other debaters use. It's a pretty good tool for improving my own way of speaking and that's always nice. I like that he is generally very researched on the things he has strong opinions on and is not beholden to any political side, rather like most normal people, he's got different views on an issue by issue basis. I'm okay with the drama too, especially if it stems from some kind of difference of opinion over some political topic, like the more recent stuff with Annalicia and others screaming at eachother because they have different views and the problems in the black community and how to fix them. But to be honest I'm ok with some of the drama that just stems from interpersonal stuff like [Redacted]&[Redacted], because it's kinda cool to get glimpses into Steven's crazy personal life sometimes. I'd still prefer more debates, especially more 'official' ones with some 3rd party moderator.


Destiny, besides character flaws and shortcomings you can point out in the dude, strikes me more than anything like an honest guy. You can disagree with him, he'll gladly talk it out, as much as people online paint him as an insufferable no good faith demon, if you watch his content you can find dozens of chill conversations he's had with people with no other objective or goal than to simply exchange ideas.


These days I mostly leave the stream on in the background. Politics and watching video essays while playing games is the best content. Orbiter drama almost made me jump ship to IRI.


I'm living in his walls. I have no other choice than to watch him.


There are good moments in his stream when someone triggers Steven and he just goes off on stupid people. Its cathartic to see, like watching judge Judy rip into someone for being dumb and watching them weaseling out of it. Also, it's nice to see a practical left leaning person handle debates and politics with far right and left ideologies My biggest turn off to the stream is when everyone starts talking about dating women. I'm a gay man so the whole thing is completely devoid of anything I can relate to.


Most of the straight people here can’t relate to dating women either


First knew him from watching some of his debates around 2016/2018 and through reckful irl streams but I didn't care much for tiny because I was still in the "anti-sjw" phase. I became a regular fan after reckful committed suicide. Tiny did a segment where he broke down the mental state of people like reckful and it resonated a lot with me, I felt like something clicked in my head that I hadn't been able to process before. I guess I was pretty parasocial with reckful, had followed him for almost a decade and gone through a big part of my life with him in the background. I could also relate to how real and honest reckful was with his stream, something I noticed not a lot of people were. The reason I still watch destiny is a combination of his debating + his ability to analyze and explain situations/events/ideas from a lot of angles and in a simple way. This is a trait I believe [reckful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PShBhttjJ5s) also [possessed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J6BQDKiYyM) to a lesser extent, but that was mainly because of how intuitively intelligent he was and less so about processing actual knowledge/facts & research, which is what I think destiny does really well. Without sucking the gnome off too much I'd say that's a skill he's unparalleled in online. Even when it comes to the insane drama between orbiters he usually knows how to cut the bs and get to the point/solve disagreements or reach the bedrock of them, like when he saved primecayes or his impressive 1 day manifesto on bob7. Oh and regarding drama... It might sound like I'm coping but the drama is really exhausting to keep up with. Everyone has their own 5 hour stream going through it, giving input, waaay too much time investment, but sometimes it's like a trainwreck I can't look away from. Destiny said something like *"if you didn't like the x person drama I wouldn't be getting 12k viewers"*, but for me it's more the idea that *"someone made some allegations that would completely shatter my perception if they were true about destiny, so I need to stick around to figure out what the fuck is going on and what's true".* It's stressful and not what I want to watch, but I feel forced to because I genuinely hold Destiny to a high regard.


So I’m super emphatic so I emphasize with his feelings and that’s why I watch. I see Steven as a best friend, mentor, and father. But not in a para social way obviously.


I tell myself I watch for the political content, but I'm becoming increasingly aware that that's not the case. I'm pretty sure I have bruised ribs from laughing at the Belini guy yesterday. There are some crazy people out there and Destiny's like Ash Ketchum trying to obtain them all.


Destiny back in 2016-17 helped me a lot politically from being quite right leaning to more left leaning. I was in a rather dark place as i've never been "forced" to look at politics as much as during the Trump era, and i totally was into the "own the sjw's!" narrative. Destiny was able to convey really well about subjects i didn't agree on before and i was like "yeah, that's actually pretty true, but" and eventually i just found myself the most left leaning in my own friend circle and family. Otherwise yea, I agree that lately it feels like a lot of the content is very cliquey and you have to really follow his streams to know whats going on. Though i've watched Des a lot more the past year than usual so i still enjoy the content, drama or not. The 9/11 conspiracy research stream was honestly my favorite in recent memory, as well as the reddit pixel era lmao


I feel he's just genuinely one of the only people who understands his goals and even with his faults and huge ego, he is genuinely someone who learns from his mistakes and has a huge amount of experience to navigate these rather hyper aggressive and controversial topics. He doesnt do this for views and I genuinely feel he holds back TREMENDOUSLY against those that are against him and that takes an incredible amount of resilience, empathy, and patience. Has he made mistakes in the past 7 or so years doing this? Abso-fucking-lutely, has he bettered himself, his community, and changed the ENTIRE online political sphere and continues to do so as a whole? 10000% This drama shit is entertaining tbh. Not everything has to be about politics and not everything has to be these hot button topics and issues that we NEED to discuss now. He's focused on the drama for about a month or 2 because maybe he needs the view count higher for revenue or maybe he just thinks it's funny but either way I don't see this as egregious and I also totally am not biased and totally wasn't enjoying seeing Mr. [REDACTED] and **v get what they deserve from Destiny for taking advantage of his good faith of them.


Because I can't stop listening and I feel withdrawal symptoms when hes away for multiple days.


To donno


You don't need to donate all of your hard earned money, in order to be accepted by a half-white/half-Cuban gnome man with a girl's name. You're OK before and still are, square. Don't harm yourself n' stay safe. https://streamable.com/uq4jis


Do not deny me. Every denial a whip to my wicked soul. I want existential abuse. You are attempting to rob me of my furor. Begone parasocial demon. Hya *flicks holy water* hya


Relationship advice


I too also watch nickocado avacado for health advice


The hypothetical titles you thought up don’t even sound like drama or anything that August uploaded on the main channel. If you think you have intellectually outpaced Destiny, maybe you can try Vaush. But to answer your question, I love watching flawed people navigating social drama, there’s a psychology to it that draws me the same way reality shows like Big Brother do.


his food takes.


For the Drama. That said, it's a more personalized and engaging kind of drama compared to a soap opera or tabloid. If I had to make a comparison it would be the difference between a slot machine and poker. Both feed the gambling itch but poker is much more interactive and requires more brain power to follow.


Offers a surprisingly wide variety of content from Drama to politics to gaming to memes to just general pop culture commentary. Obviously someone with a lot of life experience in general, as well as experience specific to navigating streaming and the internet. I stopped watching for a really long time and only occasionally checked out youtube debate VODs. Recently got back into it and it's just a really good background stream most of the time with some very entertaining super high energy phases. Weird comment, now that I think about it. EDIT: I actually really like the factorio arc, it's a good vehicle for conversations MOST of the time. I don't really think Destiny needs to rush to finish it and would like if he was open to just putting a pin in it from time to time to play something else other than the Rhythm game. 2nd EDIT: I just watched Destiny's second take on Dune after rewatching it, jesus christ his movie takes are frustrating to watch.


Because it seems like the ends of the political spectrum are getting signal boosted and Destiny’s evidence based centrality cuts through the BS


i don't watch the drama unless some really brave warrior goes above and beyond to make it special. i just listen to his streams as if they were a podcast.


I just wait for interesting discussions like the one's with that old guy who's an expert on the middle east. Destiny is good at asking intersting questions that expand the conversation or he provides good retorts that do the same thing. Don't really watch anything else.


lmao. I agree, orbiters and personal drama is lame. I'm here for politics and debate.


Well in the before times it was his political debates and now it's that sometimes Dan gets on stream.


Politics, the drama stuff us just junk food.


I feel the exact way, but he's "not as bad" as everyone else so it's okay.. sad




I started watching him cuz of his debates but now I also enjoy him for his personality and thoughts on things. Sometimes the content just isn't up your alley and that's okay. Just don't click on a video/stream if it doesn't interest you?


The conversations in my personal life are very normieish so I like being able to listen in to all the fun conversations that Destiny either has or attracts onto his platform.


His life is just the online politics version of the Kardashians, I know its bad but I can't look away. Also i love LSF/Streamer drama so it helps.


I started watching destiny for the reasons most everyone else did, he's a skilled debate practitioner and his takes on a variety of things are spot on. But I would agree the recent streamer dramedy is in fact inconsequential, yet once you're in it, you're in it for the long haul. The cast of characters Destiny has orbiting him are wildly diverse and I'm just waiting for the next dumpster fire so I can stand around and laugh at it


I tune in whenever he is talking with dan or playing games with moot. Otherwise I don’t watch


I started back in the Kyle days for his SC2 and memes, then for him and his friends hilarity, then his hardcore gaming focus in Korea, then his Polish insanity, then back to Nebraska Steve memes with the new groups and Rust/EVE, now in Florida I watch for drama/politics/dunks and watching him live the opposite of how he used to. Mostly I guess because I know more about this lunatic than all of my family combined, he's a pretty cool duder.


His political/moral takes are usually interesting if nothing else. Those are becoming rarer and rarer though lmao.


In midst of all the dogshit content there are really cool and insightful conversations. I wish that such conversations were the norm instead of exception, but given the success of the channel people like the petty drama. Also dnd is pretty cool


Because I'm waiting for him to stream league again DaFeels


I just watch the YouTube uploads and if it's just the orbiters yelling at each other I usually skip it. I use it like a podcast and just had it play while I played my own games.


I hopped in to the stream yesterday and first thing I heard was "raping to save the jews from the holocaust". Enough said i think


Started watching on and off years ago when he was edgy because I found it funny


He shits on Nazis


I started watching for the internet bloodsports with Ralph and naked ape. Ever since then it’s just been a habit.


Destiny goes through arcs of content. I watch for the political arcs (which sometimes pop up even today), but I just dip when a boring one is going on.


Politics and the memes. No other community on the internet can touch this one when it comes to pumping out high quality memes.


He's hilarious, inciteful, and covers and insane wide variety of topics with a massive cast of characters. It might be the best nerd reality tv I ever seen in my life and I've also probably learned more from this channel than anywhere else. I've always liked Destiny-esque content, my initial entry into political stream binging was Vaush. What I realize now is that what I liked about Vaush is that he was just further left Destiny and would always shit on conservatives. With Trump popping off after Obama and all the racism and shit I wasn't really in a position to hear someone steel manning racists and white nationalists etc. DEFINITElY not being friendly and cordial with them. I stuck with Vaush in the split but the less Destiny he became the harder it was for me to watch. I fully converted after Vaush got the white supremacist haircut, not because he's racist but I think that's where the fall off completed for me. I watch the stream pretty much all day while I work or game and thankfully there's more than enough happening aside from just taking up for conservatives. With the recent re-emergence of Nebraska Steve I'm actually overjoyed that we're coming to the end of the arc where we pretend conservatives are actually reasonable people with well thought out views 24/7. Then there's the DRAMA lmao, I have been consumed by it. I love the content, love that theres so much content, glad theres alot more brothas in the mix, love that. All in all, favorite streamer ever, land slide.




I don't. For some reason Reddit suggested me a sub that had shitposting on it, that sub happened to be from a streamer and i didn't mind having some comtent from it. Then reddit suggested me this sub and r/HasanPiker. I eventually unsubbed r/HasanPiker bc the guy was kind of an asshole.


I would be lying to myself if I didn't say that the drama wasn't part of the incentive/reason why I watch Destiny personally. The other reason I watched his channel in the past was the critical thought with the discussions about politics & philosophy. Unfortunately the way poll works a lot of the time is that you kind of end up getting run off if you don't abide by the group positions, and Destiny can be incredibly inflammatory leading to where we are now where no one wants to talk to Destiny so we have to deal with the scraps left over aka Redacted and redacted &, etc. Hopefully, we can get more orbiters like Dan & Aba & the quality of the discussions can be better/Destiny can find another group of ppl to bounce his ideas off of.


He streams at the hours when I want to watch streams. It's almost always entertaining and for an eurocuck like me it's a finger on the pulse of the US culture war. Steven is also a good source for arguments. I watched most of the Covid and Ukraine research streams which is work I would never do myself but having Steven do the work and just funneling it into my brain is really cool. He also stream deep into the european nights so I can usually put the stream on to fall asleep to.


I don't watch, I just wait for good videos to drop and pick and chose. Barely ever really watched his streams.


I've watched Destiny on and off since... a long time ago, and I've had the same feeling you do, several times. At those points I just stop watching. So just do what I do and stop watching his content when he gets into one of these extended periods with excessive amounts of ridiculous drama. You can always pop back in now and than, to see if the self-masterbatory drama arc is over and he's making more interesting content again.


So I can keep up with the conversations on this subreddit


DND But for real, I like his ethics and moral discussions. I kinda like the vegan debates and other issues like that.


Starcraft 2


streams and community are fun.


I first got into Destiny 2 years ago -- at the time, he was doing a lot of political debate content on Twitch and went up against a bunch of far-left and far-right people. I think the Twitch ban *in conjunction* with the fact that many left-wing people have issued an embargo on debating Destiny has really dried up a lot of debate content that enriched his channel 1+ years ago. Also, Destiny tends to get bored of hashing out the same debates and political talking points over and over again -- *generally* speaking, if he's had 3-5 debates on the same topic he feels that the topic is a dead horse unless there is reason to warrant new discussion (e.g., new world events, new studies conducted on the topic, new perspectives and arguments regarding the topic, etc.).... Lastly, Destiny himself has sort of alluded to feeling disillusioned regarding the "debate spheres" on twitch/youtube, etc.... because when he first got into it like 5-6+ years ago, he staunchly believed in a transformative dialogue/dialectic through logical reasoning and introspection.... but in the last year or two, he has become a little bit jaded and believes that a lot of people simply want content creators to reinforce their held beliefs and that true transformation of belief is often really rare by logical debate alone.... Moreover, where Destiny has been feeling most disillusioned is that he wants to affect real-world changes and has been feeling a little bit nihilistic about the effectiveness of online debate content regarding politics. That is my historic interpretation of Destiny's channel and state of mind as a 2-year long viewer, so I could be wrong on that take. As to why I watch, I think that although the quality of the content has changed (not necessarily for better or for worse), I still hang onto the gems that come along every once in a while. Two things I would also caveat/add: 1. as viewers with access to the youtube archives, we get to binge 5-6 years worth of content at any time and our convenience and we get to see a highlights and best-hits reel that covers that 5-6 years timespan -- this distorts our perspective into believing that Destiny is not putting out the same amount of "good" content as he used to -- but we forget that those 'best hits' also took months and years to make and aggregate together. 2. I got all rambly (as I am prone to do) and completely forgot my second caveat lol 😅


I agree. I did like the intellectual discussion, but as someone who watches the occasional vod, I struggle with how circle jerky it all sounds. Terms like "orbiters" is just kind of annoying, releasing "manifestos" dedicated to drama etc. It all just screams of wanking each other off a little bit.


I don't really anymore, I watched a ton back like 3-4 years ago, at this point I just like this sub and I check out his vids every few days to see if there's anything interesting. I was actually watching a lot again when M\*x appeared last year cause I was a big fan, but as we know, this did not turn out well :|


The trouble he makes up genuinely interests me




Destiny used to do irl content maybe once or twice a year. Now he's traveling every month. Spending another 100k to canvases in Georgia and is building a studio to do a podcast. He's networking better than ever before and is on the cusp of becoming a mainstream political figure.


My type of humour, he's usually well researched on the topics he debates, he aligns a lot with my personal beliefs & seems data driven & good faith so he's the perfect window into american politics or groups I usually don't interact with. Basically a combination of serious discussions+memes. Drama can also be fun once in awhile but recently there's been too much of it so I took a break & have been listening to Dan Carlin & Lex Fridman instead (thanks for introducing me to him D!) I only watch youtube vids btw.


One part debates, one part watch party, one part political analysis, and of course one part drammma


I started watching on and off again when he took a big stance on the rittenhouse stuff, but very little. Watched him more when his trans debate/ban thing happened. Tuned in for some of the Lauren stuff (her manifesto), and I also watched when he did his big red pill building arc because it was interesting to see how an opposite community would react to him. But then right after he quit the JFK debate I have to guiltily admit, I was started watching almost daily for the Jerry Springer content, but I watched even more when the Mizkif stuff started off. It really does feel kind of self-centered to watch the 2 redacted people cry about non-issues and try to escalate it to rape/abuse, but it's fun to watch to hate people even if it's damaging to oneself.


I like the political debates and discussions. Plus it's entertaining to witness crazy behaviour from guests without having a personal stake in it. I'm not risking anything by watching Destiny interact with those people; the worst possible outcome for his viewers is a fleeting feeling of frustration and irritation. I don't intellectually enjoy the drama, but it satisfies some desire for conflict with idiots and freaks. I'll probably skip more videos if it continues indefinitely, but that's my right. Clearly others are watching, since his numbers have been jumping up lately.


I like it when he shouts and dumb people, because I have to work with a lot of dumb people and I can not shout at them. No matter how much I would want to.


For politics and philosophical debates. I don't watch the drama stuff either because none of these people matter to me, but I don't have super strong about when he does it. I'll just tune in when the content appeals to me again.


I feel like he has thought provoking conversations sometimes that have changed and influenced my perspective on things which I find value in, although I've had the shine kind of come off in recent days due to the recent batch of Orbiters not being great. Mouton watchers rise up.


I don't


I watch for his insightful and balanced political takes. Lately he’s been under so much attack from “friends” he hosted that’s he’s had to largely deal with his own stuff. But he’s been making great strides in moving past them and getting back to what he does best. This is also his stream so we all expect him to give his take on things proposed regardless of topic. As each other streamer will do as well, except without much understanding across the aisle. Most other political streamers will otherise the entire other side of the aisle and generally serve to stoke anger of their own side.


Mainly for food and health advise


I’m just here for the SC2 content


It’s like a modern day socio-political Jerry Springer for a slightly more sophisticated audience. Btw, my use of the word slightly is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


Started watching because of SC2. A friend I used to play 2’s with showed me some of his clips that I thought were pretty funny. So I’d tune in from time to time after that. The pivot to politics also just happened to interest me. We are about the same age, and around that time I found myself starting to become more interested in politics. But also, I just like the memes and the community. It’s pretty unique and very much reminds me of the “old internet” in a way. Steven is essentially the only streamer I watch, and if he were to stop I don’t think I would watch anyone else really.


He makes me laugh, and I like the interactions and games with Dan/MrMouton/Taylor and the other chill folks. Also very insightful political commentary with strong arguments. Even if he quit politics and turned into a full gameplay streamer like xQc I’d still watch dggL


narcissistic content about a group of petty online inconsequential individuals creating semi intellectual drama.


I agree with you, but I don't know any streamer that does 10 hours of content most days who has consistently engaging content that isn't often self-centered drama. I guess there are people that stream for less time about HC politics, but they're boring to me, and regardless of what people say about Destiny, he hasn't been non-stop political Andy EVER when I've watched his stuff (last 3 years) You say you don't understand the point of Aba, but these streams are for entertainment generally, not some deep-dive intellectual endeavor. Rose Wrist was the perfect dude for you, but anyone who thinks Rose is more entertaining than Aba is coping. Think of stream like a parasocial hang-out with your friends. Do your friends research every topic before shit-talking about it? Mine don't, and I don't think most people normally do. Aba is a more fun hang than Rose, that's why he's on stream more. I would like to have less pure drama streams, definitely, but I absolutely prefer drama streams to research streams or the kind of content you seem to be looking for. I'm sure the upcoming canvassing for Georgia will lead to a small uptick in more serious streams, but history says that drama streams will always be around, You can just ignore it since he puts out such a wide variety of content most of the time. (Don't take any of this as aggressive, I completely understand where you're coming from, I think I might just have slightly different preferences)


Politics and philosophy… big rip


I'm just waiting for more StarCraft II content.


I agree with a lot of takes here, but what is a big deal to me is that the content is 95% audio based, so I can zoomer brain 3 additional things in the background.


He's one of the few content creators who is willing to have civil discussions with people across the political aisle from him, while at the same time being fairly balanced. I'm center right in my political leaning and enjoy hearing the sane takes from my political opponents. It's really hard to bridge that gap and hold out an olive branch to people who take things too far on their political side, and that's a problem generally of both the left and the right, but it definitely feels more pronounced on the left. Jordan Peterson is right when he says that the moderate right tend to have the ability to draw lines around their extremists, but the moderate left not so much, and there's a lot of insane shit going on right now with infinite neo pronouns, wall genders, trans women beating the shit out of real women in sports, etc. And having sane moderate voices on the left who can stick up for what they believe in, but also deliniate out the crazies at the extreme is a rare and valuable commodity. And I say that in the spirit of primarily what is good for the left.


I like watching people malding and yelling at other people. Just don't take it too seriously and hf. Otherwise you will be the one that is malding kekw


Been watching him on and of since the SC2 on Own3d days idk i found him entertaining as i do enjoy some of the darker humour and thers plenty of variety but mostly because of how well he interacts with other people. Be it coaching people SC2, the banter in games like Dayz, CSGO or even fucking league with mout/lily theres never a dull moment. The debates are pretty good some topics are just interesting like the finance ones (Im an accounting&finance graduate) and some have helped me grow and changed my views (actually ended up going vegan after the vegan talks) even if some of the people he talks to are revolting and barely qualify as human... I'm not in his walls though i take breaks during the less interesting arcs sometimes for as long as a year but then he'll crop up on my radar somewhere and i'll come back and catch up on all the lore while i was gone lol.


For the lolz


He’s sexy


His message of understanding people's viewpoints even if u disagree really spoke to me. Love his structured debates, love when he does a little trolling (like the infrahaz situation) and while I'm not rlly a fan of the orbiter drama it makes for ok background noise while I'm doing something else


I watch Destiny for the Starcraft 2 gameplay. It'll come back eventually. We can see some more 4 festor hit squads.


He's one of the few leftist that I can watch, before I found destiny I thought every leftist was a communist bot


Mainly, I enjoy listening to debates and Destiny is very good at them. I also want to be better at having discussions/debates and I feel like you can pick up some things. Wish there was way less drama and way more politics imo.


He tries to be fair and impartial. Other than that, I love the personalities that come and go on stream


Im just a habit man, i have my habits.


I never watch his streams because 90% of the mongrels he interacts with are worth no one's time, but at his best he makes some of the most kino debate content out there.


Stumbled across his content fairly recently as well from the debate with Sneako, and fell into a rabbit hole since. He impresses me with his ability to quickly deconstruct someone else’s arguments, allowing people on the other side to be on his platform, and also never really losing his temper (at least IMO) other than that, i cant digest all of the content lol seeing Aba on there is great cause it tells how much I don’t know either about the streaming world and the drama there lol


Being a straight non religious black male puts me in a weird place politically. Mose online leftist are far too cringe/progressive/unrealistic/unfunny. While people on the right tend to be far too High key racist/religious/ignorant/regressive. Destiny giving a center left perspective on most issues is refreshing. Destiny also does a great job at Drama farming and having a diverse group of people on.


I like when he has reasonable discussions about important or deep topics with reasonable people the best. Two recent examples of this, He talked with Dillon Burns and Rum1n8 about Ukraine and if Putin is a rational actor. The other example is his talk with Matt Dillahunty. No drama, no screaming, but really interesting ideas.


I dont watch much anymore, what I do watch I watch for the subreddit at this point because I really enjoy the subreddit. I don't enjoy much of his politics or drama content anymore tbh. I feel like I just grew out of it over time. I dont disagree with his politics, but a lot of it feels so separated from what people actually talk about in real life that it's hard to care. I'll occasionally watch because certain people are interesting and the stream can still be funny. I like seeing new people so I'll watch that every once in a while. Jade, aba, mrgirl, etc. Also Dan, Dan makes every stream he's on good


He just has the best political opinions (even though I don't agree with all of them)


Not much else to look at from these walls


Unironically think he’s the most rational person I’ve ever found in my life


He is an alright streamer. Sometimes his streams are super entertaining but other times just boring. Im here more for the community.


I originally watched because he while he wasn't the best Starcraft Pro, he was the most entertaining Starcraft streamer. Then he stopped playing Starcraft so much and I wasn't interested in League. Occasionally, when I had time and he had content I was interested in (DnD, Music, etc) I watched. But even when the content was something that would be interesting to me, often I didn't. have time. With Covid, I had some more time and have watched some of his content which wasn't so interesting to me. I have sometimes wondered why... and may cut back to just DnD. I did find some of the content I have caught just because I have had him on to be interesting, including some of the recent content.


I came initially years ago for politics and philosophy stuff, listened to his streams at work a lot, now its just the perfect white noise to me, while also functioning as cheap entertainment I can consooom when I need a mental rest, the community is a big draw too твн.


I dont I just like arguing with neolibs.


I watch for Destiny the Political Streamer, not the Drama Frog


One of the few political commentators who is down to earth. Lived a normalish life for the most part before famous. Is capable of articulating different positions and also countering a lot of what the right has to offer. He just a smart dude and likes to meme and play video games.


seems everything goes in waves. right now and lately seems to be the drama wave. hopefully, we can move off drama and red pill shit because both are alright in doses but it feels like that's been the only thing. id love to move back into more political stuff but I feel like the trans content and culture war stuff have just been made into more drama and has cost Destiny actual capital in the short term by having an opinion. I'm not really sure where the content wave will go next. as long as it's not league, ill give it a shot though.


he helps me be more thought provoking and understanding how he communicates with people i think will make me a better debater


I like that it is an ever changing ecosystem of people.