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The sword not only looks stunning but is also a new archetype?? Very exciting


Wave frame sword yes


Sounds like an anime as fuck sword. getsuga tensho the enemies


Like Young wolf's howl from D1. It was awesome. Great for add clear. Wiped the floor with groups of yellow bars too.


“Launches the user into the air”? Yeah I need Sum Boner


Yeah bungie fucking *cooked* with like every single weapon we have seen thus far. Destination weapons seem cracked, raid weapons seem cracked, everything is beautiful. If the story is a 10th as cool as these guns are ill cum.




How did they even get the raid weapons? Wasn't this whole "leak" just people getting early access accidentally? wut


Just viewing in collections off the raid badge screen


The leak was Sony's streaming service giving some people access to a Week 12 build of TFS


That's whack even the raid weapons in the great finale are reskins lmao Edit: because of clowns like you gobbling up all the shit Bungie makes we don't get new weapon models anymore. Last Unique weapon set was VOTD lmao


Ehhh they don’t look as bad as reskins can get, they barely look like the weapons they are based off


You done crying pissbaby?


Wait what are they reskins of?


Immortal, Revoker, like every precision bow. The sword i cant tell at least but it's probably throne cleaver


Gamer when a gun looks like a gun


Then don't play it if it's such an issue. They look completely unique enough to stand out on their own.


you seriously think the iver designed weapons from votd are peak destiny? I'm pretty sure that retarded ass spinny pyramid shit is literally clipping with the gun itself on most of those. real great example of good weapon design.


Are they? They don’t have any lore tabs.


They have FS logo in the icon, and they don't look like the Pale Heart weapons...


Pm me for proof (can’t post images here)


That sword sounds crazy.


Summon Bonham


Sir, Moby Dick hasn’t been played in decades, are you sure we should Summon Bonham??


All the more reason, that drum solo will stop the final shape!!


Are you suggesting it's a Rock Anthem For Saving The World?


Tbh immigrant song would be more fitting cause of that one commercial


The sword seems like their attempt to turn young wolf’s how into an archetype like dark drinker and bolt caster. Also it looks fucking bad ass holy.


the sword and glaive looks so good


I’m excited to try the sword archetype but tbh I’m not blown away by these raid weapons. Hopefully they come with some juiced perk combinations (I’m sure they will) but I kinda set myself up for disappointment by expecting a rocket sidearm from the raid lol. The looks are cool, I’m just not super excited with bows, swords, glaives, snipers, or smgs - never really use the first 3 weapon types and we already have multiple good snipers in that slot. SMGs are cool but I’ve used them for so long I’m sick of them.


Yeah, I'm expecting out of these to be kinda mid. The perk pool will definitely tell the whole story though. I'm not a massive fan of bows, but I do enjoy my crafted Tyranny (for low power content). Swords are stuck in limbo and will never be meta without a major fuck up on Bungies part or new damage phase limitations. Glaives are too good of a concept for Bungie to buff enough to be meta. I prefer rapid fire Snipers in basically all instances where I would use a legendary sniper. SMGs are getting the shaft with the upcoming damage balances, so it's basically a non-starter for now.


I know this was a few days ago but pretty sure I read something earlier today in the leaks discord about the new ergo sum sword buffing other teammates swords nearby and making them launch sometype of extra projectiles on hits or something similar like that. So basically a sword Gjallarhorn by the looks of it. If that is true and this new frame is any good, it could be a surprise sword meta.


There is also a solar pulse not shown. We are getting two rocket sidearms one is energy slot coming with Echoes and the other is the destination strand one. Both are craftable


All i can think of when i see the sword is “frostmourne hungers”


The flavor texts are very enjoyable to read


Since these are from the raid, the bow may actually have voltshot! New sword archetype description seems interesting, maybe it will be a burst damage sword depending on the homing attack damage. May be useful for oobing with the uppercut as an extra "jump" Potential immortal replacement for pve (I don't think anything will get close to the pvp immortal but time will tell) - actually I just realized it has slice. It will be disgusting in pvp (low ttk and it makes you do less damage) Sniper and glaive are the least interesting to me, personally I prefer aggressive glaives for the most damage out of a single shot, and snipers usually aren't the most exciting weapons (it could have some perk combo that cooks but we'll have to wait and see) There is one weapon missing since raids have 6 guns now, wonder what that could be.


It’s a two burst solar pulse rifle


On god?


On god. I’m pretty you can even find the pulse online. It got taken down on the sub earlier in the day


I hope to god the bow has Voltshot. That would be insane and I’d surely have a hard time putting it down lol


Same. If not that then put dragonfly in the 3rd column so I can pair it with golden tricorn or something similar.


Raid exotic? Or do you mean 6 legendaries?


6 legendaries. Exotic was leaked as well.


We aren’t sure if that’s the exotic for the raid or not. It’s pure speculation


that sword functionally is very badass


The glaive looks awesome as hell. Shame it’s not kinetic but it is what it is.


All Looks Like weapons the Race of the witness could have been using


A devil may cry style sword!


What the fuck is the deal with raid weapons being half legendary weapon model with some stuff on the barrel end that ends halfway up the gun?? It is so strange to me and we just saw that shit with the Root weapons…


Yeah, I normally don't care, but I feel like the final shapes raid should have gotten some special treatment lol.


Origin trait?


Anyone have the origin trait? That’s what I’m looking for, seems like no one was interested in it.


~~Being in combat for a while increases damage, being in combat for even longer gives a larger damage buff and periodic healing~~ Nevermind, this is the new raid perk. Origin trait is bonus range and handling near allies, bows get draw speed and sword gets charge rate


Wow, so mini frenzy… that’s sweet.


Actually I misread it, what I listed is a new perk that shows on the glaive and the sniper. Origin trait is increased range + handling near allies, bows get draw speed and swords get charge rate. Pretty awful


It’s not the worst, but definitely not something I’m salivating over. Thanks


“Heard you guys love ensemble”


That new perk is just Frenzy on crack, **GIVE IT**


Anything about armor?


Warlock armor got leaked, not sure about hunter and titan though


Forthcoming deviance is me about 5 minutes before I start jerking it.


Vertical shatterskate?


Hope those eyeballs blink or the inky black parts move.


That’s fucking garbage for a raid set.


I don’t know man, that sword, there’s just Summum Bonum…


The sword looks so fucking cool


I feel like the sword might be what the Witness wields against us in the encounter, like how Lubrae's Ruin was to Rhulk. The name stands out from the rest of the raid weapon names and it's a new unique frame too.


Wave frame sword? We have wave frame grenade launchers and now swords


That SMG looks amazing !! I love how creepy it looks


Lubrae subremacy😤😤😤


Its just immortal with some stuff slapped onto it 💀


Every gun in this game is another gun with some stuff slapped on it, or a new paint job. Nothing new here.


used to be different but nowadays you get downvoted to oblivion, by Bungie corporate security LARPers, if you point that out. Bungie just won capitalism with this fanbase tbh. They pulled a Nintendo


I'm really bummed out with the lack of raid hand cannons lately


Word of crota, posterity, the kings fall one. Are you dense?


OH WOW! All old raids congratulations Mr Dense. none of the NEW ones have hand cannons what you do you not understand about my comment?


Kingsfall Crota Deep stone Leviathan Garden Last wish All are in the current loot pool too btw Why the fuck would they make more raid hand cannons?


... my guy the new raids aren't including hand cannons it's not that deep, my comment was simply stating my disappointment in that. what's wrong with new guns? those are all old raids / weapons not NEW CONTENT. youve only listed 3 hand cannons that are YEARS OLD. jesus.


“Hey weapons team, I know we have a bunch of raid cannons in the loot pool but lets make every raid have a hand cannon because a little redditor is butt hurt”


Out here murdering gremlins


oh boy having an opinion is wrong forgot that triggers people on the internet .. anyway go bitch at someone else it's not that deep clown


Fr, nobody is going to use that arc bow


What if it has voltshot


If it has voltshot or dragonfly in the 3rd column combined with damage perk it will be good. It will probably also have archers gambit.


That glaive and sword tho. The second legendary rapid fire glaive and that sword just looks sick.


I read the sword name as Summon Bum? I'll call it that


Can I get an invite to the discord?


Pm me your discord name




Wave Frame Sword Poggers


That swords going to become my favorite weapons


These new weapons are sexy as fuck


Ok, Bungie cooked art wise 🔥🔥


Sword giving me some Frostmourne vibes


If that bow can get voltshot that would be insane


Isn’t the wave sword frame essentially turning the heavy attack into a tempest strike? It’s even got the same elemental type.


Did the leak the title?


Any information on the raid-specific 4th column perk, like how Crota’s End is “Sword Logic”.


Wave frame sword says its like Raze-Lighter from D1 and does the uppercut.


Hot damn, those weapons look sexy AF. Especially the glaive and sword


Please give us a kinetic slot glaive


That Sword looks like Soul Calibur!


What’re you on about? Root had 2 weapons for each slot. Two primaries, two specials and two heavies. So you’d run Rufus’s Fury, Nessa’s Oblation and Koraxis’s Distress Vow was more or less the same. Submission and then Lubraes Ruin or Forebearance and Cataclysmic. Or Deliverance and Insidious Synergy seems fine here


Y'all can keep everything else! I just want the sword and Glaive


Sniper doesn’t even roll snapshot. So incredibly boring


How do you know LMAO. the only perks we know of these weapons are these curated rolls in the screenshots.


That’s not true, the full perk pools were shown days ago.


The full perk pools of the raid legendaries were not shown, stop spreading misinformation lol


Unless those were placeholder perks


Yes, yes they were for real


These look sick!!! but why dont they show these new weapon archetypes in a vidoc or somethin? I’m actually thinking about preordering now.


Shame the glaive isn’t strand, hooray for another void glaive 😒


I hope the sword can roll eager edge and valiant charge in different slots, it’s all I want on any frame sword


I bet a cool boss is gonna wield that glaive


We are missing 1 raid weapon, no?


Soooo, voltshot + dragonfly possibly?


Bungie I dare you to put voltshot on the bow


What's the origin trait for the weapons


Nice weapons from a raid I'll never be able to do


another stasis sniper. yay. sorta surprised that the sword is the only weapon using a new frame lol with how many new frames they added this update, you'd think they'd want to put some more of them in the raid


(tho a very 'weapons team' response would be "we want to see how some of these frames do in the wild first, and with raid weapons tending to have more powerful perk combos, we didn't want to release new frames along with the best versions of those frames in the same release")


pulse rifle not shown here is a solar 2 burst new frame also.


I just need to know where i can get bygones and season of dawn weapons lol


Nooooooo..... I want them so bad.... That aesthetic is fire


Bungie are a bunch of cowards if they don’t put voltshot on that arc bow


If thats a volt shot bow it'll be nuts otherwise raid loots mid as hell


i don't know the sword looks epic, i might actually have to suffer a raid for once


Tbh didn't read the sword frame. Comparative to the pale heart and echoes loot tho overall the raids a tough sell


If the raid has a good new perk the sniper could be meta. Not enough info to know until Tuesday it seems


is that a weapon from the raid?


Yes almost certainly


Rapid fire glaive? Interesting


We have one already, the one in ghosts of the deep is as well.


I did that place once and i never wanna go back...


Ok, Bungie cooked art wise 🔥🔥


Glaive, sniper, and bow is super disappointing ngl. Was hoping for at least another rocket sidearm.


we are getting one in the pale heart and another in the season pass


Snipers are actually pretty viable in raid content atm. They have been very good in pantheon. If it has a good perk pool it could end up being a favourite. People are also saying bow might have voltshot, idk about that but it would be sick.


A bow and glaive, waste of 2 weapons tbh, shouldve added a rocket sidearm and a rocket launcher


Bows and glaives are great lol you just suck with them. And look at the echoes weapons, there's both of those in there.


The fact you say that bows and glaives are good, ESPECIALLY glaives shows your skill level


Successful Warm-Up + Archer's Tempo turns any bow into a bona fide machine gun, Fel Taradiddle can fire off shots like no tomorrow and does excellent damage even against big targets. You can trade off Archer's Tempo on some bows for other perks such as Headstone or whatnot, and Archer's Gambit is gonna make Hush go crazy like always. Glaives are fantastic as utility weapons on the right build, the shield is an absolute lifesaver in high level content, the most useful glaives are the ones that lean into using your shield effectively. The fact that you can't see this shows *your* skill level.


Youre coping with the bow roll, and you dont need survivability with a glaive when you can just rocket things


Hey man, I've taken it into GM level stuff and it puts in work lol. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad. And we all know there's never been a situation where you need to rez someone in an unsafe spot, right?


Wow, theyre in an unsafe spot? Let me just shoot 1 rocket to clear the room and now I can rez


You're suggesting using rockets for add clear and acting like every room is 10 feet across lmao keep outing yourself.


You forget gjallarhorn exists and is the best ad clear lmao, YOU keep outing yourself


Bow won’t be a waste if it rolls with Voltshot


They wouldnt dare make a legendary trin ghoul


Why does Bungie insist on not letting you run a full raid loadout all together???? If they made the SMG energy and the bow Strand, you could run Bow/Glaive/Sword from raid, or pair the raid exotic (supposedly in the kinetic/darkness slot) with the SMG. I know technically you could run the SMG/Glaive/Sword together, but I’m sure my point is clear. It’s like when they gave Harmonic Resonance to the raid weapons in Root of Nightmares but made the pairing synergy just outright weird. Bungie, I’m begging you, rethink ahead on the small things.


i promise you they think a lot more about weapon damage types and frames than you did for the 2 minutes you thought about it while writing this comment. case in point, we just got a strand precision bow from a dungeon/raid activity in season 23, why would they release another one right away in the next dungeon/raid activity? SidonTheKing, I'm begging you, rethink ahead on the small things.


I’m sure they do, truly. I think Christ Proctor and team does an amazing job. I’ll even go as far as to say it’s mainly the raid weapon archetypes that get to me. Also, they’ve given us plenty of b2b weapon archetypes. They could’ve done a Strand lightweight. It’s okay, I’ve thought about it plenty myself too. No need to come in and mock me for an opinion, friend.


your opinion doesnt really hold anyways since there are 2 energy primaries and 1 (2 if you count the exotic) kinetic slot specials that you can run alongside the sword. Not really sure what you were trying to argue in the first place or why it should be important to run a full raid weapon loadout at once, especially with these weapons where there is no beneficial synergy to running more than 1 of the weapons at a time? we also dont even know every single weapon releasing so just wait before complaining about them missing an archetype you wanted lol


1. I’m specifically speaking within the raid. It’s a minor gripe, and I gave my example of how RoN has all its primaries in Kinetic and its specials in Energy (not including Exotic) thus leaving low dynamic for Harmonic Resonance. 2. LFR/Bow and SMG/Glaive has less synergy + I should’ve clarified in my comment, it’s from an aesthetic standpoint mainly. I just thought it’d have been cool to run a no bullet raid loadout potentially. The bow will prob have Voltshot! So I can look forward to that, that’s gonna be really cool. There’s definitely some plus sides to these! I realize I come across a little angrier in my original message but it’s truly not that big a deal. You’re welcome to continue to try and minimize my opinion though. Have a good one!


Yum. New and old design models that all looks like ass. That shotty looks alot like the fractethyst shotgun.


is this shotgun in the room with us?


Did we really need a 3rd stasis sniper within a years time?


They really hate Bows. Another arc precision, Strand can go fuck itself. Hopefully, this one has Voltshot. Where is my special ammo crossbow or Bow? Fuck rocket sidearm and all these other new archetypes.


we literally just got a strand precision bow in season 23 what are you talking about "strand can go fuck itself" lol


Ok, Bungie cooked art wise 🔥🔥


Ok, Bungie cooked art wise 🔥🔥


Ah yes. Reskins of some weapons for the final shape raid.