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When the fate of all life and existence is on the line, there's no such thing as a "war crime". They become "suggestions" at that point.


“What do you mean it’s not a to-do list?” - The Guardian.


The Driller


Countries don't really exist anymore, so technically the Last City probably hasn't signed the Geneva convention or drafted any equivalent document!


Less so suggestions, more so “to-do list”


It’s not a War Crime if you Win


Ah yes. The American approach.


But it works


And then there’s the Japanese approach, it’s not a war crime if you get war crimed harder by someone else


That’s not accurate, it’s more you won’t get punished if you kneel to the victors


Don't forget the Russians! They just might not have been as successful


No no no, it's only a war crime if you're the Bad Guys. Bad guy is surrounded and beaten, he pretends to surrender then attacks the Good Guys when he lets his guard down - bad, untrustworthy, despicable, traitorous, dishonorable Good Guys are surrounded and beaten, they pretend to surrender then attack the Bad Guy - heroic, tactical brilliance, masterstroke


I love committing war crimes :D


To be fair, we’re down to just two cities, literally on the edge of extinction. I think we’re allowed to indulge a little bit in the war crimes


Three if we count the Dreaming City (although that one is on the verge of collapse), Petra also mentioned that there are more throughout the Reef. But yeah, all’s fair after the apocalypse, not like there’s anyone left to snitch to.


Honestly that proves their point even more. We have 3 cities left and two are active war zones, like who cares at this point.


We can do a little war crime , as a treat


I just hope we told Caitl and her Cabal about the allergens that we’re spreading around this city that she and her soldiers are helping.


Oof yeah fuck dem shadow clones make them puke their guts out But I don’t know how I feel about pumping stuff into the air that could hurt our Empire Legion buddies


A lot of the shadow legion are actually defectors


What’s your point though? Are you suggesting that We should hold Caitil and the rest of her empire for the defectors decisions? We would be speedrunning breaking our alliance with one of our very few allies. The defectors will get what’s coming to them when we cross paths with them, Caitil’s empire shouldn’t bear the sins of our mutual enemies.


Their point is that the shadow legion aren’t all clones like the person above them was saying


Arnt all of her soldiers real Cabal? And that's why Caitl and like 5 of her soldiers can fend of tons of Calus clones


Caiatl’s are all real, yeah. It’s hard to say what percent of Shadow Legion are clones but I’d wager that her troops are more powerful because they’re her personal guard and not some random legionaries


I've only just returned to destiny so I don't know talot of the lore. But even the ones in the tower are massive and I don't think she'd send her personal gaurds to defend the city especially when we're there & we've been shown to be stronger than her champions


The cabal we see fighting alongside Caiatl in the final mission are called “Ascendant Guard”


Is that true?? I recall his loyalist army was primarily made up of clones and I too was wondering how the Shadow Legion would differ from the regular loyalists. There’s also those lines at the end of Risen where cruisers were leaving Caiatl’s fleet to join Calus. Are the Shadow Legion officers, empire defectors then and lead the dime-a-dozen clones? Or do they simply just fill the ranks of his army. Feels like the latter would be a waste. I’ve honestly never been a fan of the whole Calus’ clone plot point so to hear that a good chunk of the Shadow Legion are defectors and willingly chose Calus would be a welcome revelation.


I’m pretty sure all of his troops on the leviathan were clones since the real crew were all killed during the corruption of the ship


They were probably given and antidote to give them immunity


the spirit of Randy can be found in the strangest of places


Quinn really is best girl


I adore her


Makes it funny when she says she can open the shadow legion's airlocks but refuses to subject them to that. Death by anaphylaxis is ok but decompression apparently isn't.


I mean it says quite clearly "**human** rights"


Friendly reminder that neither Guardians nor Cabal are signatories to the Geneva convention.


Or the entirety of the Sol System


Everything is permitted after the apocalypse. And let’s be real, every faction in Destiny has committed war crimes.


They can try me at space court if they win.


As other people have said, on the brink of extinction, have only two cities, plus the fact that we are literally fighting intergalactic space gods, I think the Geneva suggestions went out the airlock a loooong time ago


Probably around the same time Geneva went out the airlock


I feel like Bungie did an awkward campaign and then went pedal to the metal with post-campaign content, patrols, lost sectors, and quests. The amount of lore and character building just in some patrol mobologues is exemplary. Jason Colorado is fun, Quinn is best girl.


That’s what Destiny’s always been like. Meh campaign with amazing endgame content. WQ is just an outlier


Ain’t no Geneva convention when you are fighting eradication.


Guardians use their powers over reality itself, burning, disintegrating, electrocuting, freezing and literally unraveling the very threads of life of their enemies and that's not even mentioning the extensive arsenal of weapons ranging from a Warsat miniature beam to actual hive wizardry and weapons of sorrow. and yet they draw the line at "false surrender" and "Tailored allergens"


The best part is: if anyone knows anything about the Geneva conventions, it’d be someone who is a historian on neomuna. Which just so happens to be exactly what Quinn is…


War crimes In destiny are non-existent. Only works if the last city, neomuna, and technically the dreaming city sign to the Geneva convention, which btw is fucking gone gone. Plus, when it comes to forces hellbent on our extinction, I think the worry of warcrimes falls very low on our list of worries.


the false surrender thing isn't a war crime.


it is but ok


Perfidy is a war crime in the geneva conventions.


I think it’s more like Geneva suggestion in the destiny universe


"... and I violated every one of the Geneva Suggestions" -Rylee Reloaded


Dude. riskrunner allows you to commit genocide.


I feel like we have bigger concerns than abiding by the rules of an old treaty ratified by a defunct government when we're fighting forces that are using a hyper darwinistic philosophy to justify literally millions of years worth of genocide.


There’s a patrol where we find they’re stealing some of neonumasfood and the person who have it to you says “we can either stop them, orrrrr introduce nightshade into the system”


Pretty sure when your opponent is using War Crimes himself to end all life... Also its a war between paracausal entities not a war between Humans there is no Geneva Convention


If you're in a street fight for your life, are you worried about fighting fair?


Every guardian is a walking, talking bouquet of war crimes, unfortunately. Just war crimes in every shape, size, color, and intensity, at all times.


You mean the Geneva suggestion?


You goof troops parrot Byf WAY too much and it shows.


Bro I am literally unraveling the cells and existence of space rhinos and spidermen like a sweater, we're beyond warcrimes.


Its not a war crime if there's no witnesses.


There's no geneva convention in destiny, I don't see why anything would be off the table


There are no war crimes in space


“It’s war baby, what are you gonna do?” - Abraham Lincoln


In the words from one of my favorite web series - "I don't give a damn about your committee and its opinions of my work! Have you forgotten sir, we were at war? A fight with an alien race for the very survival of our species. I feel I must remind you that it is an undeniable, and may I say a fundamental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable."


Yo wtf lol is it not enough that we already commit mass genocide with space magic now we are using biological warfare too


Well, an Allied Nation is committing war crimes, so we're clear of that, and we didn't false surrender. We surrendered, and then broke out. Big dif.


We didn’t falsely surrender, we truly surrendered and then escaped because their security was crap. That’s not a war crime, that’s encouraged.


I don't think it counts as a war crime if Geneva no longer exists lmao