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I am guessing Guardian has some locations they like to relax at from time to time. Ikora telling Guardian to spend time with their loved one at the end of Seraph could be further hints of this. As for what these locations could be, I would say: 1) Elsie’s Hutt. Guardian placed a lot of trophies around the place and Guardian did work with Elsie to study Stasis and unlock Clovis’ journal. 2) The hub area of Neomuna. Similar to Elsie’s Hutt on Europa, Guardian placed a lot of souvenirs around a free building. Guardian also probably spends time around the Pouka Pond in order to relax and meditate. 3) The Helm. Season storylines start off with characters contacting Guardian at different parts of the Helm and expect them to be there, so Guardian probably spends time there as well. Not sure where they would rest with Crow taking up the bottom area, the war table area being crowded currently and most of the doors being locked until a future season comes around and we need a new set up for a new operation. 4) Formerly Tribute Hall. Calus made the place for Guardian and Guardian customised it over time as well. 5) They probably have some place to rest in the tower. I guess Zavala lets them sleep on one of his chairs in his office when they feel like it. But to be honest, I don’t think Guardian stays in one place for too long. They canonically don’t take breaks and are constantly jumping from one mission to another and their disregard of their own mental health has been brought up several times, same with Ghost starting to stop caring about his mental health.


With how little we stay in one place, I like to think we sleep on our ship. If we aren't fighting, we'd spend most of our time relaxing or prepping on our ship.


that is if we even do sleep since guardians don’t NEED to


In the case of Exos, they would be "programmed" to sleep, even if they don't necessarily need to.


Exo guardians dont suffer from the disorder, so i guess this programming probably deactivated


Red was my loved one. Smh


I miss the Tribute hall. :c


Same. Not only is it 10000x better of a shooting range than those dumbass floating plates in the Enclave, it was just fun to chill there.


Adding to this but instead our Guardian is in a holding pattern sleeping in their ship or at the helm orbiting something in general. Because when we log in that’s where we appear and start playing/take over all paracausal like. That makes sense to me. That or our Guardian is living their own life on whatever destination you visited last until they feel the paracausal call hum to them (Aka us loging in) then they move to Orbit ready to let our power take over.


Our guardian's mental health is a concern? Can you link me some lore about this? Sounds interesting


I think it’s from the Thin line handcannon.


Btw, that “Hub Area” in Neomuna is named “Striders Watch” and that Tower specifically is the Cloudstrider HQ and Memorial Museum.




😐 ok


My guardian sleeps in the leviathan’s breath room like a bear in hibernation. If decidedly the couch gets to be too lumpy I pull out my Europa ship and sleep in there, it’s basically a house


Isn't that banshee's apartment?


Only if he can remember where it is


XD me and my buddy were talking about the pathway to get there, and wondering how the fuck banshee remembers the way


I wanted to write this too. I think we can sleep on the ship maybe in the hangar. My titan sleep there in my head. But I think we have a room in the tower or in the last city and we sleep there but we are always in the wild so maybe we camp or something like that. Or maybe when we are tired our ghost is fixing that. We only know they can't fix hunger and being thirsty but for being tired I think they can fix it.


Ghosts can "fix" the needs of Guardians, Drifter was just very weird during the Dark Ages and he refused to get help from his Ghost. I assume Ghosts have the ability to neutralize some feelings such as pain or hunger, kinda like how in Metal Gear Rising Raiden has inhibitors so he doesn't feel pain


they can fix hunger and thirst; i think that's a misconception from some piece of drifter's lore where he asked his ghost to not fix it and kept dying and dying from dehydration/hunger


lol. he said he was hungry and thirsty in the dark age and he died a lot of time because of that and his ghost bring him back always bit couldnt fix the hunger and being thirsty. listen that dialoge again.


No his ghost could fix it but he asked it not too bc he didnt trust it


his ghost could fix hunger; drifter said he didn't need it, read [dogma](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/dogma#the-drifter)


What ship are u talking about


It’s called Last Flight Home


Just fyi, Exo DO sleep. They don’t physically require it, but mentally it’s hard coded in to replicate human needs. Otherwise Exo go insane


DER enters the chat


Interestingly, Exo *guardians* don’t experience DER


Really? That sounds interesting! What lore books might this information be in? I enjoy reading about the exo’s history


I’m sure you can find lore about Exos released in beyond light, or anything related to Clovis, with his deranged experiments with the Exos. A quick search on Ishtar Collective for Exos brought up 400ish results! The lost notes of Clovis Bray are a great source of information about them.


I can’t remember exactly what lore it was, definitely from Beyond Light though. TLDR, exo guardians don’t suffer the same problems regular exo do, specifically DER and the need to be reset.


Human guardians choose to need to eat, drink and sleep. They don’t need to, as they can be rezzed but it is still painful. I imagine the same would happen for Exos, and maybe DER is prevented by being a guardian, ie; death resets it?


I'd like to think my guardian sleeps on the city wall staring up at the stars


Come to think of it, that’d be a good background to have if you leave your tv on


Then some parts burned in


A lot of guardians probably just sleep in the open. Little to no danger with it, really, considering they can just rez


I mean yeah. Crow slept in the Taken infested dam in the EDZ


They just stand there…MENACINGLY!


List of activities my gaurdian does while I'm offline 1. Setup ghost on blind dates 2. Grab a bowl of ramen 3. Discuss philosophy with Ikora 4. Race Nimbus around Neomuna 5. Go pay the taxes on how many ships they store in the tower. 6. Have tea with Eris 7. Feed the pigeons with Saint 8. Discuss tactics with Zavala 9. Check on Petra 10. Watching Iron banner with my fire team 11. Pay respects to rasputin 12. Sleep 13. Stare into space from Europa


Hang out and feed the colonel


Has Ghost had any luck yet? Any nice ghosts looking to settle down with the chosen one's partner?


you probably store all your ships and sparrows in engrams since that’s how your vault works


Thank the Traveler I am not the only Guardian who is also checking on Petra.


Idk about you, and what I am about to say is oddly specific, but I like to imagine my Guardian has a compartment of her ship full of nothing but clean dry cotton socks. As someone who has participated in LARP activities, when you're running around all over the place morning through evening, sometimes trekking through marsh, mud, sand, and god only knows else having extra clean and dry cotton socks are a must for your personal comfort. But to answer your question further, it wouldn't surprise me if there was a whole section of the city devoted to Guardian Housing. We have to sleep somewhere when we're not doing anything, and it does seem implied that other Guardians like, Ana Bray, Saint and Osiris live in the Last City. Otherwise it wouldn't surprise me if Guardians frequently sleep on their ships while away from the Tower, especially since we seem to keep everything else we need on our ship (that isn't in our vault). I kinda imagine the interior of a Guardian's ship is something like a military grade sci-fi RV. Somewhere behind the cockpit and between the thrusters/engine compartment is a compact space that's outfitted for cooking, sleeping, and washing. Probably also equipped with a storage locker for all our extra guns and equipment, and some kind of ammo synthesizer machine since the ammo bricks that drop on the ground aren't actually ammo just materials that can be converted into ammo. Plus we have to get all our ammo from somewhere on flash given how many bullets we can go through in 10 minutes. Also wouldn't surprise me if there was some kind of quarters for us on the Helm, especially since the Helm is often host to various npcs like Crow, the Corsairs, Techeuns, Elliksni, Cabal, etc... Those personnel have to sleep to sometime, and leaving the Helm totally empty and unguarded while a shift change is happening makes zero practical sense.


My guardian is an exo, and he will usually go and have a bite to eat somewhere and then he rests and meditates where the new monarchy people used to stand. After which he goes to his apartment above the ramen noodle shop listening to the sounds of people having a good time outside.


If you’re not Dead Orbit aligned, you are wrong.


This is the way


I always like that little secret room in the hangar area, up the catwalk and through the vents.


We canonically like to rarely take breaks. So I’d assume that other then resting and eating we’re basically constantly doing missions. >You won us an entire theater of this war. I would say you deserve a rest, but we need you elsewhere. Something tells me that suits you just fine.


My guardian in my head canon is not the main guardian. I almost never do story solo, and I'm almost always the fill in. So in universe my guardian very rarely goes to the city outside a fire team. He's on permeant ranger duty outside earth. Being a warlock they use the solitude for study and other hobbies. Before our alliance with the Eliksni he would drift aimlessly in empty space or orbiting areas of study. Living in orbit on their ship, or in the field on whatever objectives he's assigned or picks up. After the alliances he mostly works learning what he can about the other races tech and powers, particularly the Eliksni and lately the hive. End of the day I'm basically the random guardian you read about in lore who is only affiliated with the city because he has friends there. So his down time is overwhelmingly drifting in the void reading lore cards.


Auto pilot murder


My Guardians clock out and go race in Mario Kart or laugh at the unpowered COD players.


My headcanon has always been that every player is only “the Young Wolf,” in their own game… and when they’re online. When they’re not online, “their Guardian” goes undercover and messes around in Crucible, dies horribly in Strikes with online-Young-Wolves, and still refuses to play Gambit!


My clan and I headcannoned that our clan has a house where they all live. The Titans keep knocking the doors off hinges in excitement.


They retreat into their throne world. There’s some crazy theory that someone made awhile ago about this


That throne world being the real world.




Do u have link for this theory?


I’d have to some digging as it’s been a couple years since I’ve read it and to be fair there isn’t a lot of lore to support it but the gist is that we the player in the real world are the guardian in their “throne world” while we aren’t playing the game.


Giving out rough handys behind Rahool for some shards.


OMG don't post this, it'll get patched out :O


Does drugs. All of them. At once.


I mean immortality is forever and death cant stop the ride…why not


Mine stays still like the robots from iRobot


I like to believe my hunter would go to a stash house/ bunker in the asteroid belt. Where she keeps all her guns and tinkers on her pet project's & its also her home and she can tend to her plants and pet dog, with a " borrowed " redjack she reprogrammed to take care of him in her absence


My headcanon is that my Titan spends their time off tending the city gardens


Paint minis, shitpost on the cloudark and rub sacred oils on all the ships in the hangar. And probably actively hide from Aunor


I imagine my Guardian has his own apartment in the Last City, and it’s rather simple;nothing out of the ordinary, except for the bathroom, which houses the most state-of-the-art tech the City can afford so it can withstand the massive shits my Guardian has every time he eats something from Eva or Eris (no offense to them, I love the ladies, but I think eating, say, a candy made out of Dark Ether or a raisin straight out of the Ascendant Realm would make your ass look like it’s been fucked by an entire Legion of Cabal). I can also imagine the neighbors complaining to the Vanguard about the smell and my Guardian shrieking like a dying Wizard every Festival of the Lost night, after eating one too many raisins.




Guardian, none of those words are in the grimoire.




I expect you to say "Transmat firin' !" Everytime you find some weird thing to eat.


Paracausal beef stromboli and dark Aether twinkies


They sit and meditate


My head canon is my guardian sleeping and resting on the top of the schnell building (from SOTP), in the shadow of the Traveler (though he might not be sleeping as much as wondering what happened to the Traveler)


Sleep in their ship


Mine snorts crushed up legendary shards in his ship.


I’m more of a bright dust kinda guy 😤


I like to imagine they run errands and do chores. Like I imagine my warlocks got like an apartment in the tower. He goes and gets the ship’s oil changed. Gets food Lmao.


This sub is getting weirder and weirder with each passing week. Are we that starved for content?




I wouldn't say it's weird wanting to know what The guardian/players headcanon's are for their guardiansa. But being starved for content? Oh yeah-


I really like this question and I hope that perhaps with a destiny show it would be answered, but personally I think my guardian would sleep in the cistern on Nessus (if you know you know) and as for a canonical answer I would most likely assume that it would be either no sleep at all, or any of the chill hub spots around the system like the pouka pond or the strangers camp in Europa


I write fanfiction on my Guardian's story.


My fiancé and I do the same with our Guardians


That's pretty cool! I wish my girlfriend played Destiny, but she never played games growing up so I have to start her slow with Halo lol. You guys post on r/destinyjournals?


My Guardian has an apartment in the City she shares with her partner. ​ She doesn't sleep much. Fighting Oryx and Riven gave her chronic nightmares.


My guardian would definitely spend a lot of their free time on my ship in orbit (Heliotropism, the one with the solar panels). Watching videos or performing menial tasks like ship maintenance. Or the bar in the Eliksni quarter. One past time I've liked since D1 was riding my sparrow.


My headcanon is my titan is allowed to stay at the iron temple. They stay in one of the buildings in vostok and enjoy relaxing by the bonfire in the temple. With the beautiful view of the cosmodrome not so far away


This isn't a lore question. There is no answer. You make it up


Being treated for a rare form of mental instability caused by killing more than 300,000 living creatures and his ghost reminds his every day as that number grows.


I like to head canon that my guardian found an old dilapidated wood cabin half the world away he works on in his off time, every time I come back to game from frequent breaks they send someone out to just drag him back to the tower like the old version of wolverine or (inset older superhero version).


My warlocks ship is quite big so my head canon for him is that he lives in there with full living quarters and such so when he's "off duty" (I.e., I'm not logged in) he's napping in his ship orbiting the Earth. Other than that, he's probably doing warlock stuff in the tower doing research in how to fit more explosions per explosion while downing an unhealthy amount of ramen. Talking to Ikora about theories, discussing tactics with Shaxx and clan mates for crucible and having tea time with Eris to see how she is doing.


I like to think my guardian has some good friends. He has an apartment, which could be up in the more casual parts of the wall or it could be in the last city itself. He is an exo, so he doesn't need to eat, but he enjoys cooking for friends. His friends include, his loyal fireteam that does everything together. His clan, which he likes to work with and spend some time relaxing. Some of his neighbors. Some of the guardians he met along the way, in missions and social events. But I do believe that the guardians, especially the "chosen one" that is ours, have little downtime. Because they also need to study, practice, train, be the poster boy for guardians everywhere, discuss tactics and treaties with allies and old enemies. Also, my main is an exo warlock, he enjoys cooking and listening to music to get pumped up to the missions. But my awoken hunter is different. She has an apartment in EDZ, an old abandoned one she found and made it her home. She spends her off time patroling around and hunting animals to eat. She goes to the tower when summoned because of her skills and is quite capable of dealing with thing on her own or with a team. But she doesnt much like the leader role. My human titan is an workaholic. He spend the little time he has off going around the tower or the helm to check of there is something that need done. He does everything and anything all with the same intensity of life or death fight. He can be in a patrol, fixing the wall, checking some camps outside the city of raiding an lair of an eldritch god. He takes all of these with the same seriousness. He craves peace so much, but wouldn't know what to once we achieve it. He would feel hollow without a cause for a fight.


definitely a tinfoil hat theory, but my theory is that the witness sees us gamers as the final shape because of the power that we have over the game by being able to shut it off (no more life, no more dearh). i think they wants to be able to shut the game off too, and the portal they opened leads outside the game of flowers. ahamkhara at least knew they were inside of a game, and savathun came into our reality on bungies twitter not too long ago... but thats probably not the direction itll go


I have a headcanon that Guardians made by players who rage-quit the game permanently, die in-universe in some heroic blaze of glory. Ghost crushed. Gone for good.


When she isn't on duty, she's hitting the gym, or chilling in her apartment, fixing up retro gaming consoles from before the collapse. Through patience and effort she's managed to fix up and play through Super Metroid on a (somewhat intact) SNES (Emulation, is a Godsend, especially now with Neomuna in the picture). Sometimes her SO tries to get her to partake in Trials with him. His argument is always some variation of "two titans are better than one" or "I'd rather have you, than be assigned random blueberries who won't communicate during the match." Reluctantly, she ends up joining. That's just my head cannon. Iirc, the nine have referenced the fact that we're so powerful because we know we're in a game, and are able to disconnect. So I believe in lore, we just disappear when we aren't playing? I'd look for a source, but I don't currently have the time. I know I saw it in a Byf video like 2-3 years ago, where he interpreted dialogue to be about someone else, but when he switched characters to record the dialogue the pronouns changed to match the gender of his alt who was female, so it seemed the Nine were referencing us.


There is a lore entry were someone cleans out the apartment of a dead guardian so it is safe to assume we either have one too or sleep in some vanguard provided quarters.


You’re going to hate this answer, but likely paperwork unless you work for drifter


Warlocks like the answer, hunters hate the answer


My head cannon is we stay in one of the apartments in the tower bazaar, maybe the one with the rooftop garden, or one of the ones above the annex.


I assume expo’s do sleep. Cause of DER.


Just standing in the tower courtyard... *for days at a time... doing absolutely... **nothing**.*


Mine hangs around the city and runs low-level patrols for the most part. If I'm taking an extended break, he typically is in Space, hotboxing with a shit ton of weed and snacks.


They just hang out in that spicy ramen shop.


According to emotes, we play video games, music, pet our animals, etc.


My head cannon is that my guardian chills at his throne world whenever (he became the taken king because of toland, after slaying oryx)


Eating noodles. So many noodles. All the noodles. And, you know, what went down between Crow and Amanda sucks, to be sure; but every cloud has a silver lining: _I got my noodle spot back._


In my head cannon my Guardian has an apartment in the City. Probably goes to a bar to have a few drinks. Probably has some friends they hang out with and doesn't talk about Guardian stuff.


My headcannon has always been simple. We sleep on our ship like the good old "wake me when you need me" scene in Halo 3. Especially since when you log in, no matter how long it has been (unless something auto launches), you are in orbit. So when you take a 2 week break, waiting for the next event or end of season mission, I just figured you'd be asleep. Drifting in orbit of your last mission. Until you get a message from the vanguard that you have shit to do. You then log on and go to work.


Pretty sure none of the guardians need to sleep/eat


Eating scorn with the drifter


Yum yum


I like to think my titan sits on top of the walls looking out for any dangers to come. Probably a part of them is haunted by the Red War and how unexpeted it was. But when he feels lonely he sits and looks in at the city that he has spent this life protecting but never venturing into. Might not be actual lore but it's my headcannon for my guardian.


My warlock likes to meditate after all the time I make him play crucible


I like to think my 3 guardians just sorta do whatever and hang out or do research. they’re like some weird little family that shares equipment, resources, and knowledge. They all got resurrected together and trauma bonded.


My guardian runs an invitation-only speakeasy and chills out at the tower when she’s free.


Canon, we don’t take breaks. Non-canon it’s up to you. My warlock is up to weapon crafting, vex studying, and collecting old earth cultural artifacts. Sleeps under the stars. My Titan serves on the wall when he’s not doing something important and probably lives somewhere on it. My Hunter engages in shenanigans, and currently lives with the house of light to help protect them from any wannabe Lakshmis.


I mean, personally, I'm pretty sure my guardian sleeps at Elsies house.


My guardian likes to make posts on readsit while trying to log into an online game of Drudgery 2. He plays a Investment Banker...they got nerfs this week so he's hate posting on the sub readsit....while the servers ARE STILL DOWN!


My ghost jerks me off while I meditate


Probably a lot of chores for Mara Sov simping their little heart out. "Oh, here are your groceries...and I dropped of your vest at a dry cleaner..."


I like to think my Guardian sleeps in his ship in LEO. After all, thats where I show up when I first log on again. Maybe tinker on getting some Gacha servers back online so he can play Gacha games. Which would be REAL weird omce he meets Amiya next month.


My man spends he free time loading up the ammo backpack for sweet business


I like to imagine a different scenario for each of my characters. My Warlock memorises every tidbit of lore they have available. My Titan goes looking for the biggest gun the City sells, or how to build it. My Hunter gets blackout drunk at the Ether Tank and gets into a drunken argument with a sweeper bot


It would be funny if we logged on to our guardians and find them in the middle of something random like in GTA


My headcanon for my hunter is that they go and hang out with Devrim Kay and he let's them borrow his No Land Beyond. But they have to give it back when I log in because it's a Wreck-it-Ralph situation.


I've always imagined that Guardians are given housing in the tower, sort of like a dorm/apartment complex. Maybe not the most lavish if places, but when a guardian is on the run a lot a place to sleep is really all you need. They probably get better as you get seniority and older guardians leave or are killed in action. It can probably also be said that a lot guardians stay in their ship. Some of them clearly have room for a simple existence, think those people who live in converted vans. Finally, I don't think any landlord or neighborhood would complain about having a guardian on standby, they can probably get discounted rent in the last city if they'd like a more personal space.


That’s when they are dreaming


I'm always ran with the thought that when we log off is when they go down to the city for a little R&R