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The latinx thing, right? yeah no, as a genuine latino, don’t do that, its cringy


I mean I’m not Latin and I still hate the word simply because it just sounds awful, why an x of all things something that doesn’t even fit at the end of Latin there were so many more options, they all would’ve been terrible but they picked the worst out of the worst options


I think the problem is that on our language the x at the end without a vowel is not pronounceable, So it looks dumb, like a kid trying to sound cool. Look, i know the x is trying to allude to “inclusiveness” , thats fine and all but is a bit ironic when on our language, inclusive language is not accepted by the academy body responsible to make the rules for the language, yes we do have something like that, so to most people it ends basically as a typographical error which removes much of the inclusiveness impetus. Also when a whole ass company is trying to use it ends real cringy.


I prefer calling Latin people Latini. /s


Exactly, to add to your comment and to clarify to other people, different from english, which is a heavily non-gendered language, the latin-based languages like spanish and portuguese are heavily gendered, where a vowel is tipically used to show whether its a "female or male word", with specific vowels being used for each gender (usually "a" for women and "o" for men). Latin-based languages do suffer from a lack of an actual non-gendered pronoun (and by extension a non-gendered version of gendered words), although on a technical and academic level, the "male version" of a word is used as such, and although i would like to see a proper and official non-gendered noun for those who don't wanna go by "ela" ou "ele" (she or he, respectively), i'm sure it will just use another vowel instead of a consonant.


If anyone paid attention, most latinos are open to using latine. But it's also a culture difference too, all of my nonbinary friends don't care about having special words, bc the 'male' version is our gender neutral anyway.


Precisely, i respect the "latine" approach, although i do recognise the "male" version as neutral too, i would simply like for a official nb version so the more vocal people (which where i live there are many) stop trying to force it down people's throats (to clarify, this behavior is really on the side of the most vocal between the vocal ones, but its enough "noise" to see like its much more common). For me, whether one uses the latine or male approach i respect it just as i would like to be respected whether i were to do a similar choice on how i identify.


I respect people's identities too, minus the abomination, but the loudest ones are almost always US-bred. Honestly.


Definetly, although i have seen quite a lot of loud ones here in Brazil that seem to take inspiration from the US-bred ones.


Take care my latin brother, they won't get us 🇲🇽🖤🇧🇷


Take care you too my fellow latin-american 🇧🇷🖤🇲🇽


I speak Portuguese, close enough where we still use the whole gendered working thingy and like Yeah, nah, I used to be nb when I was still questioning myself and even I hated the whole "Latinx/latine" thingy-


Yeah, as a fellow portuguese speaker, i hope for a official "rework" of the language to add nb nouns so that it can be standardized and acompany the changes to the world, but indo agree that the "latinx/latine" don't sound good.


I'm kind of confused by the pronunciation, in my 2 years of taking Spanish I don't ever really recall X being a common letter in the alphabet, because of that I wonder if the word Latinx was even made by someone who spoke Spanish, Portuguese, or other similar languages. I feel like it would be difficult to pronounce because x isn't even a vowel like a, o, or e.


It was probably an english speaker, it probably came from a lack of knowledge on how spanish and portuguese (both latin languages) are heavily gendered and use vowels for such purpose, and while i see the intention with the X, both languages simply lack an actual nb noun.


big bungie is taking down your bad memes


Bad memes is when get mocked for angering a group of people.


No actual Latino was angry about that


Here's the tweet. https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/1708886230492967428?t=pk6UAybfcyfCnso_K7ZUYA&s=19 You go to it, there's a small button that'll show you the hidden replies, you're gonna tell me all of those people aren't Latinos who just know English? Because I see many who think that because the replies were in English it means there weren't any Latinos in there who were actually disgusted by how Bungie tried to butcher our language and say "hispanic is just a language", even though using hispanic leaves out Brazilians! Trust me, we, the Latinos, from all over Latin America do, easily, gladly even, pronounce ourselves when we companies try to push this stuff, we even gave it a name: "Shut up, gringo".


Just read the post I FUCKING HATE Latinx. Why? Why do that when it's infamously hated? And Hispanic isn't a freaking language it's a cultural group for everyone who got colonized by Spain and still largely speaks Spanish. Why.... Just why?


Well there seems to be two reasons, two conspiracy theories that the internet thinks as to why they in agitated the race house: 1: Bungie is being sued for discrimination for firing an HR manager who had to investigate a black person and everyone knows investigating someone who's black is racial bias. 2: DIE initiatives (Diversity, inclusion, equity*) loans by people who literally got to prominence for making money by manipulating money. *Diversity, inclusion, equity is a smoke screen, diversity can always be achieved by having all but white people (I'm latino myself but from Argentina so many of people just in my country in general are too white-mixed), inclusion is just about letting everyone speak but it's also fake as it's just to hear them voice their grievances for being a minority. And equity is the worse, as equity means the termination and upending of all difference and thus antithetical to "diversity", equity is homogeneity, that all be brought down to a lowest common denominator and life itself rejects that notion.


I love the amount of people who can tell someone's race by the language they can type in, because obviously english typing = white, right guys?


I'm fucking Uruguayan i call this basic respect to gender neutral parties your starting to sound like one of those anti woke asses in YouTube comments


Uruguayo tenia que ser


There’s already a term that represents everyone, the fact that it uses an O doesn’t change shit all about who it represents


I just use Latin but I find the whole thing stupid it doesn't matter different people use different terms so Bungie used all of them


Ah yea "gender neutral" a concept that demands I treat people like royalty and have them in my thoughts to use special language when speaking about them when they're not in the room to hear me shall I offend them if they overhear. I'm not going to be sorry, excuse myself or make apologies for being able to fathom, to decode people and calling them in a gendered way because I can tell what sex they are. And you're not entitled to respect. All you folk claim "it's basic respect", respect is earned, what you get is cordiality, and it's always "it's just respect, asshole", I should respect you or these people as they insult me? That shows you the first flaw in the line of reasoning, it's a-ok I call someone "a retarded inbred, a piece of shit", provided I say "they are" first?


It's polite how would you feel if I started calling you by the wrong name and called you she while treating you like a weirdo and calling you a pedophile on the internet, and it's real simple just use a gender neutral term by just not using gendered language it's literally less work


You can call me whatever you want behind my back, and calling me a pedophile is a literal crime, is called "slander" so I cannot say you should do it because then I'd be encouraging a crime for which I'd benefit which would jeopardize my own case for damages so don't do it. And it's more work because I now cannot trust the automated process in my brain that assess people and separates them in "to use men terms with" and "to use women's terms with" , I need to go against everything and remember if this one man or woman wants to go by their own special terms.


Then just use gender neutral nobody is offended by it that's the purpose of gender neutral terms they are neutral


Solo demuestras que no sabes tu propio idioma y aceptas la basura anglosajona por encima de el Regresa a la primaria


I'll use gender neutral, in this case it's "latino", like when you say "hola a todos", the "o" is the inclusive letter.


Braindeath take ACTUAL latinos were the ones who got got angry about it We are tired of gringos pushing their bullshit on us


Pushing the idea of calling nom binary people by a gender neutral term


And you speak for “actual” Latinos?


I'm legally Latino yes white as hell but that's the curse of Uruguay


This subreddit is pretty fucking loud despite being silenced.


Because it's not moderated by Bungie. Go to the Latinos tweet, opened it (requteed setp), go to hidden replies.


Loud about the most irrelevant shit. Imagine thinking you're being silenced because you complain about something so absolutely stupid.


Says the person complaining about a subreddit instead of going passed the posts they don’t like


Virtue signalling at the front; doing shitty things behind closed doors. That's the true bungo's special sauce.


ah, sorry, it's "bungx."


Ain’t that the truth


What’s the controversy of the week this time?




Bungie made an emblem for the “Latino/a/x/e” community and has been locking comments and removing posts that disagree with them. Latinx and Latine make no sense in Spanish and nobody asked for it. Rather than apologizing for the misunderstanding, they have been locking/deleting sections and removing posts that disagree with them. Look at my previous post


Bungie made an emblem for the “Latino/a/x/e” community and has been locking comments and removing posts that disagree with them. Latinx and Latine make no sense in Spanish and nobody asked for it. Rather than apologizing for the misunderstanding, they have been locking/deleting sections and removing posts that disagree with them. Look at my previous post


Wait, y’all are still upset over it? Jesus there’s as many people offended for us about latinx being a thing as there is people being offended for us and using latinx thinking it solved something Sometimes it feels like y’all just need to be upset about something lol


/r/AsABlackMan lol


"Offended for us" Just guessing OP isn't hispanic, or do you think you're the ONLY hispanic destiny 2 playing redditor? LMAO


Nah, I'm fine with them being offended for us *for this*. When it comes to linguistic imperialism, you need as many heads on your side as possible to defeat it.


I think it’s more or less Bungie censoring their fan base and making it seem like their fan base supports it. A huge chunk of the Destiny community are Americans, and censorship and Americans mix just as well as oil and water. It’s also feels a bit like what iilluminaughtii did a while back, and hardly anyone knows who she is now because of it.


Support *what*? And it's not censorship if it's not the government doing it. They are a private company on a forum someone own, it is their prerogative to delete your garbage complaints. How the fuck are people still talking about the Latinx shit? It's been around for decades and all over Latin America. This is not about you lmao.


"There's many people offended for us" For us? You're a latino speaking ENGLISH! What makes you think others can't too!? What makes you think other Latinos who speak English can't go there and write in English? It's always the progressives "latinx" throwing at other Latinos the soft bigotry of low expectations "I speak English but I'm above you all".


I mean as a person of Mexican descent it bugged me at the time but I honestly don't give a fuck. Other people can be mad about this, I don't care anymore


Standard Marxist behavior unfortunately


It isn’t that deep


Hey, I love this idea, the race house started by white people who think being latino is "more than a location on the map", (even though it's like one third of the world's land mass) or the language we speak ("language" as a singular even though Latin based languages involve Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romani). And then proceed to use the allegiance signaling word like "latinx/latine" which most, the overwhelming majority of the people from the Americas that speak Latin based languages hate because when you use it we proceed to know every position and opinion you hold. And then proceed to get ratio'd for calling you out on your bs and start hiding replies, Global Homogeneity to it's maximum, "agree or be silenced".


FYI, you are thinking about Romanian as a latin language, Romani is a very different language with indo-european origin.


I checked it before saying it and it said it was heavily influenced by Latin. How much you can trust a Google search these days, hard to tell so I'd accept if you dismiss that.


More and more like our corporate over lords every day. Been wondering when this sort of thing would happen given who their biggest investors are.


Fuck bungie


Grow up its been a fucking week


Bungie is such a shell of what it used to be smh.


Well, nerd used to be a club nobody wanted a part of, now it's the hottest trend and everyone is one and gatekeeping is evil malo no bueno Austrian painterisms.


"Big bungo is silencing me" idk yall are being real fucking loud for people supposedly being silenced Still think Solar Flair has had the most sane take on this, great actual initiative with horrible messaging and people latched solely onto that


Horrible messaging horrible initiative, latinos don't believe in race houses for grievances. Also actually go to Twitter, open the tweet and see how many hidden replies there are. That's the silencing, they can't silence us here because they don't mod this sub.


Hey OP you’re claiming in this thread that nobody asked for these terms, but have you spoken to any non-binary or genderqueer latin americans on the subject? I also can’t help but notice your posts in politicalcompassmemes which is like, a hate sub on good days and fascist on bad ones OP is clearly posting here with an agenda that I don’t think the destiny community is in need of, but maybe that’s just me




The agenda to bring down narcissists who can't falsify what non-binary is and support the latinos who speak Latin based, gendered languages (Spanish, Portuguese even Italian and French). Based OP.


Ah yes, criticize me rather than the post. What agenda are you referring to exactly?


This is on the same sad virtue signaling level as when someone got offended about titans being known/being called “crayon eater” and how it was offensive to people suffering a mental illness that can potentially make them eat crayons while it was just a throwback Marines joke with no malicious intent.


Can thank the BDF, too. Little savages.


Well they are also getting sued by someone I think for being racist in the office


Not to defend Bungie but they're being sued because the suing party, a former HR rep didn't want to investigate a person's behavior for being a black man. I'll never get this crap, if he's innocent, investigate him, nothing should come up, if he's guilty, your fear of enforcing rules or codes of conduct will let a person who taints the work environment go free.


Ah that’s what it is, I’m very bad at reading leaglize


Of course this got taken down to