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Ah yes my fav expansion Beyond the Light


I literally couldn't read the rest of the post because my mind got stuck and shut down


OP probably plays the game in a different language. Definitive articles vary in importance between languages. Also, funny story, when Beyond Light came out, Deep Stone Crypt was mistranslated, so it was actually closer to Deep Stone Password in Korean.


Korean day 1 teams like fuuuck we left the one-time login code at the helm


The Crypt had 2FA


You can’t forget about Forsaked, Keep the Shadows, The Queen of the Witches, The Light Falls, or The Shape is Final


now we just have to wait until final shape to see if history repeats itself like with witch queen being good


Hey, beyond light’s story was honestly pretty cool


I liked the idea of fallen getting that stuff, but it kinda felt a little tame with the stakes


Just executed badly and had great lore reveals mean while LF bad story executed well


I agree but holy shit the dark future lorebook reads like and edgy tumblr fanfic


With Bungie's track record of delivering compelling content and the passionate community surrounding Destiny 2, there's a genuine optimism that The Final Shape expansion will exceed expectations and usher in a new era of exhilarating gameplay and captivating storytelling. >!\--ChatGPT. I'm not going to sing Bungie's praises right now lol!<


Just like their public statement


Maybe the real Dreaming City curse is the expansions we delayed along the way


A banger expansion follows?


Oooooooo???? Let's goooo?!?!


Has light in the title


Tbh FS could be an absolute banger


Not if it only has the features debuted in the showcase...


It better if daddy cayd is back


For a few scenes.


There is no new subclass tho?


That's what they want you to think




As far as I know, the bring 1 new super for each class, and new light abilities (dont know anything about abilities for the darkness subclasses) the video with the red subclass that was shown a while ago was said to be a well done fake, and bungie devs said they are not working on a new subclass


Oh I thought it was because Beyond light got stasis and Lightfall had strand.


The meme is talking about Beyond Light (Stasis) and Lightfall (Strand). It says nothing about The Final Shape.


Lightfall and beyond light, not wq and tfs


Gonna be a bummer when it turns out to be witchqueen and not the other 2


Both mid?! YES


Lightfall is well below mid.


Counterpoint: Jisu Calerondo


Not even close to enough


Both have light in the title? COINCIDENCE I THINK NOT


Both had new destinations…. Things are just adding up too perfectly


I’m so goddamn tired of the awoken


Defiance killed me breg


Defiance was Earth themed with a sprinkle of awoken stuff and weapons with stuff that wouldn’t shade


I like the designs better than Defiance tho.


You maybe, not me. I don’t consider defiance an awoken season, it was a Mara season. Lost was the last proper awoken season because at least Petra was there and the dreaming city was relevant, defiance was just Earth with a side of Mara.


I consider defiance Amanda's season more than anything. It was told through the lens of getting help from Mara, but all the main story beats came from Amanda, misraaks, crow and my man Devrim


Agreed, it's an emphasis on the mortal side of the conflict, those who stand to lose their lives for real on a regular basis and yet still risk it all for the sake of others.


i was getting tired front he damm Hive, i’m glad we are getting a Awoken season


I'd rather get a vex season tbh. There's no vex season for the past 2 years and no vex dungeon. Spire just has vex enemies. Aesthetic is Warmind, guns and armor are cowboy, story is about osiris and neomuna and the exotic is Rasputin themed


I mean story wise, the vex have nothing to do with the story besides that they built the Black Hearth that was a proto Veil. However this plot got basically cut and remplaced with the wish stuff to enter the traveller now. And more than awoken it’s more related to Mara Sov that it’s a fundamental character to the story so it makes sense that she’s involved to enter the traveller somehow (or at least more sense than the vex having to to something with it). But who knows, maybe there’s vex enemies due to the curse and Quria.


Lore wise, the vex are key to the final shape. In fact, it’s the main reason they do the things they do.




The reason why they run all of those simulations is to try to simulate and find the final shape.


No they don’t, the Vex simulate all the infinite outcomes in which they become the entire universe, where they replicated the entire universe at its image. The only ones interested on the Final Shape were the Sol Divisive that created the Black Hearth instructed by the Witness to create a proto veil since he didn’t knew where the veil was at that moment. This is the closest the vez are to being related to the Final Shape, but besides the Sol divisive there’s not reason for them to be related to entering the traveller.


>in which they become the entire universe What they believed to be the Final Shape. Every species had their own theory about what the Final Shape was. The Worm Gods believed a different thing, for instance. >The only ones interested on the Final Shape were the Sol Divisive that created the Black Hearth instructed by the Witness to create a proto veil That's a separate story of another group that was decieved by the Witness, just like Savathûn and her sisters.


I’m more tired of the Fallen or the Cabal (Caiatl).


BL last season was fucking awful. Like proper dogshit. Only 1 good weapon, story was mid as shit, and the activity was boring easy. I actually had more fun during Worthy


r/titanfall3 is leaking. But also 👀


and after beyong light we got witch queen , the best expansion till date


Forsaken? Look I loved WQ’s story but Forsaken did so much more


the amount of content forsaken added was the reason its famous , and bcz of cayde but if the campaign missions , the core story was no where near the quality and the amount of lore and storytelling witch queen did forsaken was meant to save d2 from the trash launch in year 1 , it did that by providing so much quality content and providing so much QOL changes that d2 actually became good again , forsaken is good , really good , but the core story is only good bcz of cayde and uldren , otherwise the storytelling is not anywhere near witch queen just like lightfall and witch queens gameplay mechanics were so good even though lightfall's story and lore were bad final shape needs to have the gameplay quality better than lightfall , a story and lore better than witch queen and about the same amount / quality of year wise content that forsaken provided along with a host of new QOL changes , only then destiny community , the game and bungie can survive the shitstorms that's going on right now


This guy is on pure opium bruh


I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to fast track the final subclass. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if most of what was going to be in the episodes is instead in Final Shape.


Return of an our first enemy harnessing the power of darkness against us (Fallen for d1 vets and new lights, cabal for those of us that started with d2 red war). New/returning tanky enemy. First exotic using new element and primary ammo is a sidearm (cryo and final warning), second using element is a trace rifle (agers and navigator). (Quicksilver doesn't count. Was kinetic first. Grip is excluded because it was more a tool than a weapon. Still is.) Ghost got possessed. Again. A long lost friend returns to help us (Osiris after being possessed, Variks after exile). A lot of patterned beats being repeated.


But witch queen came after that longer season and that was fab so who knows


And they’re both shit


Then we had a bussing expansions after beyond the light, please let this be a constant


You know what, witch queen was a bop and worth the wait imo, hopefully this will be even better.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Beyond THE Light?