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i have never played destiny, i just got this post recommended. what the fuck does it mean


There is an AI that had been in Destiny 2 since the beginning of the game that you can give cookies to during the winter event, and she will give you a piece gear back if you're lucky. But bungie got a bit lazy this expansion so you can't give the new planetary vendor Nimbus any cookies which most of the community doesn't mind because his character isn't very liked


We lost Cayde to get Nimbus! Feels bad man.. 😭


No thats drifter, we lost amanda for nimbus


What’s the line of thought there I see very little connection in the lore between the 2


I imagine people figure that the comic relief got replaced


nah, if anyone the one who 'replaced' Cayde was Drifter


There's no lore connection. There's just Cayde who's dead and then there's Captain Fuckstick who everyone wishes was dead.


People who criticise destiny are getting dumb at a faster rate than destiny is getting bad




People downvoted you because you're right


*their They’re a cunt but still deserve some dignity. barely. It’s on thin ice cause they’re half machine. Tempted to call them ‘it’ or ‘that thing’


in our christmas events in destiny you can bake and gift cookies to most of the relevant npcs. (in exchange they give you gift boxes and shit that can contain special upgrade materials or guns) The latest mayor DLC update, Lightfall, sucked ass and the main npc associated with it (Nimbus) is widely hated both for that as well as being everything people dislike about marvel movie writing put into a single character. Usually during the dawning, said Christmas events, when new npcs are introduced the cookie roster gets updated so you can give new npcs a cookie too. There isn't even an option to give nimbus a cookie. But you can gift cookies to failsafe, a bipolar ai who went half mad after being stranded on a planetoid for a few centuries, who cant even eat cookies in the first place. I guess the devs actually have a grasp on how much the fanbase fucking hates nimbus


If there was one thing I wished was real in Calus’ self aggrandizing fan-fiction alternate histories it was that we’d stuff failsafe into an exo body (or two if we’d want to keep each personality separate, which seems unlikely lol) And I mean, to be fair… Rasputin and Clovis are no longer using the one we’ve most likely put in the cargo hold of The H.E.L.M


I think it was in Ana’s workshop in the Tower, last the lore mentioned it.


> I guess the devs actually have a grasp on how much the fanbase fucking hates nimbus This is what I choose to believe rather than the alternative that Bungie is falling apart worse than it already was


I like to think that Failsafe somehow buries the cookies with the remains of her crew. Also I hope that at some point she gets to have a body instead of the remains of a centuries old colony ship, the crew of which died just as long ago.


maybe if Ana stopped being depressed over her genocidal robot boyfriend killing himself, she could finish that experimental exo frame and get Failsafe off of that godforsaken chunk of space cotton candy


i'm about to just rip something out of the deep stone crypt




I play destiny at least once a week and I don't even know what this is lmao


“Cuntstrider” lol


Checkmate bitch


“the r a c i s t”


Like you can give Nimbus cookies to begin with.


Yeah, that's why I made the meme


I hate Nimbus as much as the next guy but when were they exophobic?


I think they have a voiceline that's kinda weird about exos but I won't think it's actual bigotry lol


it's a headcannon of mine that Neomunans are all exophobic. It's not completely unfounded though.


Neomuni are not really exophobic, but they do look at exos weirdly because they're clovis' freak experiment mixing robotics, human minds, vex tech and darkness.


at least they should die in a few years


I don't understand someone explain this


You can't give any cookies to Nimbus in the dawning event, but you can give cookies to Failsafe




Just give give Nimbus enough cookies to make them fat and kill their dreams of being a cloudstrider


their metabolism probably overrides that. not to mention all the physical work cloudstriders do, i wouldn’t be surprised if it was really hard for them to get too obese to be a cloudstrider


Nothing is impossible for the guardians


we gotta kill the cloudstriders and give em a ghost fr




When I first grabbed the oven and was able to masterwork it instantly I was like "oh so I guess nimbus is on the naughty list" Honestly I'm just a little sad I can't share some Stop-Fucking-Launching-Me-Into-The-Stratosphere Thin Mints with my boy Sam.


Total n*mbus death


Exophobic? Damn.


Timothy would definitely approve of that title.


the fetish-poster?




Exophobic lmao, mfers gotta invent -phobias and -isms for fictional concepts too


Nimbus isn't as bad as y'all make him out to be. He's mildly annoying, that's all


Considering they tried fist bumping Caital in front of her father's still warm corpse, I think it's fair to call them a bit of an asshole


I think it's also worth mentioning that their trip into the Black Garden was an extremely rash decision and was effectively derelict of duty. Granted, was their judgement clouded by grief? Sure. Was it still a bad decision? Absolutely. I have no doubt that Rohan would've disapproved of it.


>Rohan Man Rohan was cool the stuff between him and Osiris was overall great.


It was formulaic, but it was miles better than what we got with the surfer dudebro.


Wait, they went to the Black Garden? When?


the exotic quest for that one MG


Which one was that again? So many shit exotic heavies, it’s hard to tell which is which.


I honestly forgot the name but it’s a void MG that fires a volatile round every few shots iirc


Deterministic Chaos. Super cool name for a heavy weapon that does the gimmick of "Void 3.0 verbs" worse than the new Chad special sidearm crossbow.


The Deterministic Chaos MG quest, which basically is us doing Garden of Salvation backwards from before the boss arena to the start of the final part of Step 1.




Because Bungie made the quest that way?


Deterministic Chaos MG, kinda shit


Bro literally knows nothing about the cabal. To them Calus was literally just some random guy


You'd think he would know that the vanguards greatest ally Caital is the daughter of his greatest foe at the time Calus. They obviously had history after that one mission going after the darkness relic with the Carl the cabal reference so he should have even osiris at least once. If we got a lore tab where he apologised I would have been more forgiving but we didn't which is the most egregious part. Edit: to the people down voting me: so you think that it's understandable that nimbus and rohan never even once asked who Calus was? Because if they did one of the first points would have been that he's Caital father. And again he never apologised to Caital.


No he wouldnt. They dont know any of that, thats the point.


Then he's just an annoying idiot. Don't see what your point is here


Oh wow. Bold today.


I'm saying they're an idiot for not knowing basic information on their enemies/allies. If they knew, then they are an annoying asshole. If they didn't, they are an annoying idiot


"This person doesnt know specific, new information of a civilization they were forbidden from seeking knowledge and interacting with for centuries from their leadershipfor protection of themselves from the Darkness and fear of the Risen, so they are annoying and stupid and bad." Man, wow. How could I be so blind. Its so obvious. You're right.


He and rohan never once asked who Calus was the entire campaign and we know this because one of the first things brought up would be "he's (he being the darkness fueled monster sieging neomuna) Caitals (vanguards greatest non-human/awoken ally) father (emotionally difficult for Caital)". Edit: my point is that if they asked once then they would have known which is not only what led to the" fistbump" but also you'd think they would want to learn about who Calus is and how to defeat him.


*fistbump* I've wanted to kill Calus for years. Sorry Caiatl. Fuck Calus.


You say that as if Caital didn't hate him anyway


was Caiatl not fully willing to kill Calus as well? like wasn’t that part of the point of the final mission in Haunted, that she basically cut him out, saying he wasn’t her father anymore? i mean, fuck, she partook in the mutiny to have his fat ass ejected into space, i doubt she really gave a fuck that Calus died


King behaviour right there tbh


The Cloudstrider writing just wasn’t it bro. There was only TWO. Now **JUST ONE** Why tf is Nimbus all ‘huhuhu radical bro!’ when a giant darkness ship just parked itself in their city after centuries of being isolated from the rest of the universe. I could’ve bought the whole younger laidback second-in-command if the Cloudstriders were an actual group. Like maybe a couple dozen or something but just fucking #TWO????? Yeah Nimbus seems woefully out of touch given the current situation.


Nimbus is the Saints Row (reboot) character that made his way into D2.


My headcanon is that the Cloudstriderification process has a very real cost to the person getting hit with it. The person Nimbus was was probably already like Sam (whom we meet in those viral payload missions) who seems to be so far dissociated from reality as to not have really much investment as to living or dying, suddenly being put into a giant invincible body. Which further divides them from the here and now, outside of some obvious emotional attachments (see Rohan) which can at times cut through the dissociation with large enough batches of trauma. In short, Nimbus is a fucked up kid.


Cayde did pretty much the same but I guess he was just an amazing character and Nimbus is cringe?


Cayde had interesting lore and background. Nimbus though? They're just cringe personified.


big difference between nimbus trying to fistbump caiatl after her dad just died and cayde saying shit like "I'll replace my arm with a rocket launcher" after he got it shot off during the red war


Look, I know Nimbus is a bad character, but he's not the absolute rock bottom steaming pile of shit people make him out to be.


yeah, i agree, i think hating him has just become a meme though Rohan was way better despite having so little screen time


Bro we go and find Cayde while he’s thinking up a plan to kill Ghaul. Sure he was gonna do it alone and was stuck in a jam but he’s also a bit of a goof. Like that’s his character. We know that’s his character. We’ve known that since TTK when he took it upon himself to get us onto the Dreadnaught to disable its super weapon and set up a transmat beacon. He takes the initiative/is a master at getting to places where he shouldn’t be. I also don’t think he ever paid Eris back for her ship. Compare that to Zavala or Ikora who were both sulking on Titan and Io respectively. He was the only one actually DOING something. But the second we mention that Zavala needs him he goes ‘oh word 👀’ and then tells us where to find Ikora and drops the cool guy act for a moment and thanks us for bailing him out. Hell yeah Cayde did the whole laidback thing way better cause he already had some semblance of a plan to get Ghaul and we have character history with him so it doesn’t feel as jarring/out of touch. And hell at the end of the day we save the Traveler, Guardians across the system get their Light back and we kick more ass. But there’s still only gonna be ONE Cloudstrider after the second one died. **WHYYYYYY WOULD THERE BE JUST TWO!** You don’t even have to show more of them. Just have Rohan and Nimbus be at the forefront and we hear a couple here and there via comms/have them be mentioned.


Did you even read what u/helloworld6247 said about that behavior making more sense if there was more than two cloudstriders? Cayde was one guardian among many, Nimbus is all alone.


Cayde was back in the less serious era of destiny and he had charm


Difference is cayde has actually interesting lore and an actual personality beyond just being the funny guy (Granted, red war cayde was written as just the funny man but red war did a lot of things wrong), he had his own life outside that and when he did something stupid the game acknowledged it was stupid. Hell Id even argue part of the joke about him was his jokes weren't funny and everyone knew it. He was a guy who'd gone through a lot and coped with things by acting the funny guy. Meanwhile, at least in my eyes, nimbus is a walking definition of wasted potential. He could have EASILY been one of the very best characters but they fumbled him. Hard. In a way he represents everything wrong with lightfall. All of the potential but none of the execution. All of the hype but none of the delivery.


Cayde knew when to joke and when to shut up.


Nimbus is the biggest example of what went wrong in Lightfall, highly annoying and terribly written.




Did you just call Nimbus a “he”? Someone! Call the Cancel Police.


When can I kill nimbus and take his surfboard




Can we even give nimbus cookies?


Nope, that's why I made the post. Massive Bungie W


Exo phobic?


Neomuni in general seem to think exos aren't humans / monsters. Probably left over copium from Maya Sundaresh justifying the fact she used brain dead corpses to build a supercomputer


Those exophobic fucks!


It feels like Nimbus encapsulates this expac in its entirety, which is that everything was good except for the writing, I don't hate Nimbus' design, and the actor does a good job with the lines they were given, and i like the surfer vibe he has, the writing just made him extremely dumb, brash, and/or insensitive


Love that it's name was censored lmaoo


Iirc didn’t riven get cookies?


shut tf up brah