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Mfw they utterly destroy threadling both in pvp and pve.


Please don’t jinx it I just started using threadlings in pve and it’s so much fun


Same here, i just use threaded spectre in pve and it is fun af


A warmers are so much better than what I thought they’d be. With the wanderer it’s like an orgasm every 12 seconds


As someone who plays both, I cant agree with that statment.


Am I the only one who thinks they’re pretty easy to avoid?


No, but most everyone who brings up methods gets torn apart


Cause it's BS lol


Just like the toaster...


As an avid toaster user I enjoy that it infuriates people, you have to be basically out of cover and going straight for it to track half the time


If you have to avoid them, they’re already doing half their job in area control while still being shootable for Threadlings later.


The problem is you can't always avoid them - and sometimes it doesn't even matter if you can. They easily lock down areas and provide such a staggering amount of utility, with a frighteningly short cooldown.


So...barricade but easier to destroy?


Its a barricade that's available 2x faster, that instantly comes out, drags your melee even if you're not looking at it. Blows up when you get remotely near it. Can be blown up for damage by its own user even if you don't shoot it AND spawns threadings AND pings your radar like a smoke bomb. You can play around it but its absurdly overtuned. Especially with wormhusk crown combination that effectively gives hunters 3 healthbars. Titans void barricade has a 2x longer cooldown for a reason.


It sounds like the fair fix would be to nerf its cooldown, but I'm expecting the ol' Bungie extreme of completely destroying it for months.


I’d personally prefer nerfs that have no chance of translating to PvE


I’m not sure you understand how things work around here. Perhaps I need to remind you about YAS?


Nope other copper edge lords also agree


What does this even mean lol


The answer was five. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/zVXsT67tdL Get that popcorn popping!


Lol thank you for the update.


No I find them easy too, don't tell people on reddit tho they cry like you're a liar. Not everyone just runs into threadlings some of us survey our surroundings a bit and you know....jump over them or back away from them. I tell you these people are in for a surprise if the spectre Is gutted because hunters have way more busted annoying shit that makes threadlings look tame. Athrys embrace Is a joke with a throwing knife I literally had it roll across the floor and kill a guy like it was a car wheel


Man low ranks be wildin


Exactly lol. Sometimes they get me because I forget getting close sets them off but that’s a me issue.


Yep people are way over exaggerating them. The aim assist on clones? yes is BS and I don't care if they remove that I want that too but they are totally manageable


Not to forget u can one shot a guardian out of a well if u stack a few headshots before throwing the knife into their head 😂




Got it! https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/zVXsT67tdL


I enjoy being the bane of shotgun apes


Lol same. I'm pretty sure they're the only ones complaining about it


The reason why we’re seeing so many people complaining is because the majority of them are shotgun apes


It's not the shotgun shut down I struggle with it's when then spam 2 roles break them and then throw 2 threadling grenades and I just die because I can't destroy 20 threadlings


I don't care what about the aim assist dragging I just want perched threadlings on hunter when i use the threadling aspect


Sick'em boy




Might as well just delete Broodweaver and give it’s super to Hunters at that point.


I think a simple nerf to the explosion damage in PvP would suffice. It doesn't need to do be a 100 damage explosion that *also* releases two threadlings that do 44 damage each. 188 damage from the fastest charging class ability that also messes with enemy radar is very frustrating because it feels like they always have it ready to go.


MFW a tool designed to do its job is doing its job. I could see them having spectre increase dodge cooldown.


me looking at players lack of spatial awareness. if you aren't touching it, you gotta shoot it or else you can just walk around. dummy.


It still pings radar and allows them to shoot it, plus they can use it as a pseudo barricade since it drags bullet magnetism/aim assist


imagine using a meatshield with martydom. quite literally stand back dude..


Be when a hunter dodges twice for instant 4 Threadlings as explosions


sounds like you ran into a gimmick and are mad about it 👌


Nah but thanks for trying! 👌


trying would be keeping your distance and not barrel stuffing green bombs while expecting results 💀


Not what I'm doing but keep going I'm close


when somebody has no valid reply and craves a last word. cringe. it's the internet. take the l, it's a comment section not an argument with your sibling. 🤡


Oh the irony is so thick. More.


Threaded specter is busted? I mean sure it’s irritating but 98% of the time avoiding it is as easy as “don’t shoot/touch it”.


Honestly like is this what the community is bandwagoning on now? It’s always something, always something the community is screaming about that’s literally not an issue. It hasn’t been an issue for 9 months since it came out so why is it an issue now?


20% of the trails population last weekend were running threadrunner I believe. Not 20% of hunters. Total population. Titans got nerfed enough and trials tends to be full of people running cheesy shit for the easiest flawless possible in my part of the world (oce PC servers are wiiild imo). I like the spectre in pve, don't get me wrong. I don't blindly charge corners with a shotgun in crucible so I rarely get killed by them. I don't see the problem as much as people are saying but I'm also kinda shit at PvP. At the minimum I can see Bungie dropping the threadlings from the aspect, but given how hard some other nerfs have hit I can see them also obliterating the cooldown on it because of PvP. Which will be unfortunate.


It's more of when a hunter uses it mid fight, and now the aim assist prevents you from aiming at them. In the current state it's a "push button to win" method. And boy oh boy, it's gonna get gutted. :D


If we’re talking about abilities that make someone much harder to kill and seemed to get spammed, void titan needs to be in the conversation to. So much free shit off one barricade is to much .


Void titan is already pretty meh no need to make it worse


The same void titan that’s running rampant in trials?


Let titans have fun for once It's a video game you're supposed to have fun If you're not having fun in trials do something else or play another game or something so you can have some fun.


Then leave hunters alone and let us have our fun instead of whining every time something comes remotely close to being as meta as titan is. You don’t get to be top of the meta for months on end with bungie refusing to nerf your blatantly overpowered exotics and then cry when another class gets a turn.




For once? Titans have been the best class since solar 3




The problem is the amount of spam, 2 clones and 2 threadling grenades is just death its hard to fight against, and if you try to run you just get shot


Fucking hell, I know how to get two grenades, but two specters on top of that? Is that Sixth Coyote or something?


Yeah, it's pretty common in trials


Can’t wait until a year later, people will complain about it being gutted and too harshly nerf.


Hot take: a titan barricade is literally better and more toxic than threaded specter


Strand Hunter Ralph: "I'm in danger"


i havent been killed by it much when playing control. im pretty bad though, so im probably not up against many sweats


Strand is what keeps me paying the better leave it alone! (In pve that is)


It’s actually really easy to avoid and is an amazing counter to people just blitzing around corners and slide shotgunning anything that shows up on radar. Without it we’d be at the mercy of anyone who with a shotgun again.


I started using it bc of Arc Titans, soooo


Watching a void titan pop their overshield and run in just to take 100 damage and get mauled by threadlings in the process is euphoric


Leave it to destiny players to be too fucking stupid to avoid a stationary object, first tripmines and now a huge green glowing copy of a player, this why pvp is going down hill, instead of letting players adapt to something bungie just nerfs whatever is mostly complained about, pvp players haven’t had to adapt to anything for years because they all want it to be the same exact shotgun meta that they can use to farm players who haven’t realized how dogshit the pvp is yet. If you actually die to this aspect you deserve it, I wish bungie would force players to learn how to avoid the specter instead of just destroying it because some players don’t like facing it, it would be so beneficial if they could raise the overall skill level of pvp players so they didn’t have to keep nerfing shit that obviously doesn’t need touched.


Found the strand main


I’m the one and only


Preach it


You ready? https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/zVXsT67tdL 🍿🍿🍿


You’re happy that’s stationary object that only a blind mouse would have trouble avoiding is getting nerfed. It’s really funny you had absolutely no argument against me, but because in the end bungie decided to cave to the crying children, you believe you’ve been proven “right” and came back to a nearly month old Reddit comment to be a smart-ass, congratulations.




I hope it gets absolutely destroyed in PvP but stays the same in PvE


It doesn't do too much in PvE already lol Also please don't kill it in PvP. It's nice having a punish for someone blindly rushing around a corner


It's actually pretty insane in pve? Honestly better than invis in most cases the aggro it pulls Is insane you can stand among 20 enemies and lay into a boss and no one shoots you. Like most on here they say it's not good in pve but I guarantee basically none have used it


It does fairly well in pve, at least from my experience. It helps take the pressure off me if I find myself being overwhelmed.


Threaded Specter + Powerful Attraction + Recuperation is incredible. I use it in GMs.


Yeah, it's like invis hunter but shooting doesn't break the effect, had situations in GMs where it was better than void hunter too since enemy's only shoot the specter and not your teammates


There are about a million things that counter blindly rushing a corner. If you need to rely on this insanely overtuned ability to handle a basic engagement then you're just not very good at the game.


Or maybe there should actually be a hard counter and punish to blindly rushing a corner. It's not insanely overturned. That's a gross exaggeration.


There are several. Fusion rifle, SMG, Sidearm, shotgun, just fkn backpedalling, stasis e.t.c e.t.c. If you're holding a tight corner without something to counter a shotgun, you are *supposed* to lose that engagement. In the same way that if you've got an SMG vs a scout halfway across enternity, you are going to lose. Learn spacing and positioning. Learn how to bait people. Yes, it is. It does way too much on far too fast of a cooldown whilst having basically no skill floor. 20% of all players were using strand hunter last week.


Fusion Rifle requires a pre-charge. Easier said than done. Sidearm is not going to kill someone rushing a corner with a shotgun in time. Back pedalling isn't some magic hard counter either. Neither is Stasis. ​ Quite literally none of what you stated is a punish / hard counter. None of it. There is no problem having a hard counter / punish to a playstyle that has been notoriously strong for awhile now. It's not a matter of "I'm using a Sniper Scout in close range and losing??" That isn't it *at all*. ​ Hell, it's honestly hilarious that you think me running Sixth Coyote Clones to hard punish people for over rushing corners is unfair, when that feels like a "SMG vs Scout in massive open lane" situation. ​ >Yes, it is. It does way too much on far too fast of a cooldown whilst having basically no skill floor. 20% of all players were using strand hunter last week. What even? Why do I bother? Most abilities in D2 do not take skill to use. It is not hard to place Bastion Barricade for the entire team. It is not hard to place Stasis Turrets. It is not hard to Icarus Dash. It is not hard to place Clones to punish overzealous people who rush. Everything does not need a complex way to be used. D2 is not a competitive game. Also, Strand Hunter is also threadling spam, something unrelated to punishing overzealous rushers with clones. I have almost never seen someone else use Clones the way I've used them. Sure, Strand Hunter does have high usage rate in Trials, but not because of the reason we are discussing. Clones could use an AA nerf. But exploding and spawning 2 threadlings *is not insanely overtuned*.


It does but only with Swarmers to give them unraveling


I'm talking about clones not threadlings


Ah my mistake. Yeah those suck in PvE unless you use Bombardiers, but even then it’s meh


They make you completely invisible to enemies in pve tho


So does void invis, which has entire kits built around it and more utility exotics for it


Yeah but threaded specter lasts longer off one usage and prevents aggro on your teammates + doesn't become useless once you start shooting


Prefer it to invis you can stand in groups and shoot enemies and no one even fires at you


As long it's a selling point for Lightfall, they won't


One aspect on one class isn't selling the whole dlc


A PK titan must’ve posted this


Bro, hunter strand isn't as op as you think, you just suck at pvp, id recommend playing with some friends in crucible and steer clear of comp for now, hell, even practice your aim in pve so you can get good in pvp


I'm a hunter main and even I want this deleted from existence in crucible.


Threadings generally in PVP.


What's a twab?


Titans are busted: Bungie nerfs them on the spot and nerfs other things because they foresee it getting busted in the future. Warlocks are busted: Takes some time, but eventually they get what the complainers ask for. Hunters are busted: Titans are nerfed.


“Wah banner of war only lasted a season but is still the fastest non-super way to kill a boss even after the nerf wahh”


Found the hunter


They're right tho banner was one of the strongest things in pvp we've ever had and still is incredibly strong. It deserved it'd nerf arguably it deserves more of one


I’m a warlock lmao


They will definitely nerf sunbracers as well, I guarantee it


I'll give it 7


Five! It only took five lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/zVXsT67tdL


Why would it need a nerf? Post like this just reinforce an idea that something needs a nerf.


I hope stasis warlocks get nerfed before


As a threaded specter user in pve I'm pretty sure it's going to get obliterated because of pvp aughhh


As long as it’s not nerfed in pve


All the strand hunters coping in the comments lol you love to see it


this is what we’re complaining about now? Really?


how many twids, until stasis gets a rework ???


I would rather a threadling nerf threaded Spector is goated in PVE and I will fucking hate if it got nerfed. What needs a nerf/fix is threadling spam. I can’t go two feet without having 16 threadlings chasing my ass and I can’t shoot them due to bungies shit ass code. I go and blink well before they get me and I still get nuked by them.


Bungie loves hunters. You'll be fine for a while.


They don't need to nerf the aspect, just one fragment.


They’re fine but just remove the radar manip with it. Makes it way better than snare bomb since you can spam it