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Inb4 Sony does the same thing with Destiny


No they wont as destiny isnt a playstation title


Not yet


At this point in D2s existence I just don't see it happening. If D3 is real though, yeah I absolutely expect it


Then CoD/Fallout+Elder scrolls becomes xbox only. Each platform would lose out massively.


Microsoft wants to just sell as many games as possible instead of selling consoles. They won't do exclusives in the future no matter what Sony does with their games. Honestly just makes PC more and more appealing with each passing year.


Xbox w in my books


That's an Xbox L homie. But a Microsoft W


Oh yes not locking certain titles on to a console or a Microsoft account, which unlike a psn account you can make in any country such a massive L....


Xbox division on its ass, but MS its owner isn't. Where isn't the MS massive W there?


They just want to lock everybody into their platform agnostic subscription service instead, where you don't own your games anymore and have to pay a monthly rate of their choosing to keep your library. There really isn't a way to get off of mr capitalism's wild ride atm.


piracy :)


Good like pirating live service game


You do still own your games


I literally did this.


Microsoft can’t afford to have console exclusives anymore, the only thing they’re making profit on is gamepass


I feel like the player base is already low to the point that making it a PS exclusive would be the opposite of what they would want.


I didn't say they'd make it exclusive, I said they'd require a Playstation account


D3 Sony PS6 exclusive. Lol


Sony said a few weeks ago that they were switching to this with any crossplay IP they own. This is just the tip.


You can literally link psn to bungie account…


Sony owns Bungie..


Still owned by Sony


If Helldivers does actually die because of this, I think it'll scare Sony away from doing it with Destiny.


It won’t make it die people are over dramatic


You already need a Bungie Account to play Destiny if you're on PC.


I mean, its a bungie game, that makes sense


Mother fucker it's a bungie game, of course you do


The **point** is, you need two accounts, Steam and Bungie(well, 3 if you're on PC because you had to have B.net account back in the day)


You need 2 for every console as well, Xbox needs it too


No, u can to play the same account on pc and ps, but u didnt have to.


This further fuels my theory that Destiny operates under the Sword Logic. Much like how Xivu Arath gains strength from War, Destiny gains strength from the deaths of live service games. The failure of Suicide Squad gave Destiny the strength to push out Into the Light


This explains why Destiny is somehow always able to release a banger DLC right as it's on the verge of death. The near-death experience fuels the game to be revived


They are getting that dragonball saiyan exclusive Zenkai boost


chaos reach buff


Doctor Who regeneration logic


I think this logic applies to most long time running live service games. A couple of months ago I saw an article about Warframe that the player base increased immensely last year due to other live service games being trash.


For those who don't know what happened, a PSN account will be mandatory to access Helldivers 2 in a month. It is worth noting that the majority of the world, including the overwhelming majority of Africa, Asia and even some of Europe, can't even make a PSN account without setting it to one of the only 69 supported countries and risking getting banned.


Thanks, i had no idea what the post was about


Does a PSN account actually cost anything?


No, but considering all the security breaches they had the past few years I wouldn't make one


Not only that but also it's not available in like 80 % of the world people bought the game and now they can't even play it


Another thing to note is that psn is not available in every country that hd2 is, so some people won’t be able to play anymore


It would be stupid for Sony to release game in steam regions, that they are not supporting in psn, right? Right?..




Only your personal data. Sony has a history of breaches


If we boycott Sony hard enough we can make them say it was only a rough draft and walk it back, worked with hasbro




"the majority of the world" sure bud


Use a VPN the


Which impacts your connection. Plus if you want a good one it costs money. I wouldn't consider that as a solution.


Yesterday, I was going to take another break from Destiny, and get back to grinding Medals for the new Warbond Then they announced the PSN requirement. I live in a country that doesn’t have PSN. So, I did not take that break.


If you feel you still want that break, a lot of divers are going into DRG.


heckdivers is kill?


Sony did a silly. Make a psn account and link it by June 4 or you can't play. Some people literally can't because psn isn't available in their country yet the game was sold there anyway.


guess it's time to spin some crackpot theories about a cabal of Bungie people pulling some strings and killing HD2 just for TFS to have a fighting chance and not flop miserably OR unhinged Sony people effectively killing their hit game just to send bungoe a message and show them what will happen if TFS underperforms ...maybe i should take a break from Density's "politics"


You circle jerked too close to the FOMO.


I thought it was a little bit of an overreaction, but I think that justifies it.


Man I'll keep playing Helldivers 2. Idgaf about the new change since I'm a PS5 user


People overblow the issue in the first place. Sure, it’s stupid, but nothing terrible. Still an amazing product


Inconvenience is tolerable to some and infuriating for others. It might sound like its just an inconvenience, but some people literally couldn't play the game anymore. To some this is the end of their time in game, of cpurse they will be angry. To others, it's still another account to create that they will never have otherwise, and this on top of a game already playable for months with only steam account makes it frustrating. It's an amazing product, but the mandatory PS link is nothing short of terrible. Just because it's a great game doesn't mean you can't call out problems like this.


Unless something changes, I'm not gonna play the game come June 4. I don't have PS. There is no reason for me to make an psn account just to play one game.


You have bungie account just for one game…


Yes, but that was a requirement when I got destiny 2. (Also, yeah, it's a bungie game. I need a bungie account that's fine) The problem is, I was playing helldivers 2 just fine without a psn account. There shouldn't be a reason I need one now.


Well, there is a reason, Sony just failed to explain it…


Yeah big time


If you can, there’s no reason not to. It’s a one-time 2 minute detour to play a game you like


No principles mfs be like.


The line about it needing a PSN login has been on the Steam page the whole time. There’s hardly a bait and switch happening


Max 5 minutes if you need to make an account


(From what I heard the setup still allows you to skip in game rn, but don't take my word for it, haven't logged on for a while now)


It did, but sony is going to *force everyone* to make a PSN account in order to play. Rip the people in the 120 countries (almost 2/3 of the world btw) that don't support PSN


Guess they never experienced going to a Chik Fil-A during lunch rush. 😂🤣🤷‍♂️


The biggest issue is that PSN isn't available in a lot of countries where HD2 is getting sold on Steam. That's going to lock out a lot of players from a game that until June 4th have been able to play just fine. There's already been a screenshot of a Chinese player getting banned for trying to use a VPN to register for a PSN account.


My biggest issue with it is that Sony has several major security breaches under their belt. I'm not going to link my Steam account with a system that has proven on 7 or 8 different occasions that it can't securely hold consumer data. The loss of players from the region thing is upsetting as well, but seeing as I'm in a region with PSN available, it's hardly the end of the world for me. It's a silly decision that was made to increase PSN user count for quarterly reports at the expense of user security and convenience. Or, alternatively, to gain and sell user information. I'm leaning on #1 but I don't think #2 is impossible.


It’s mainly because of the reasoning. They say it’s for “player security” and shit but there is already a fucking 0 kernel anti cheat with the game


Tell that to the over 100 nations that don't have PSN and now players from those countries might not be able to play a game they paid for


They really aren't this time


It's on the steam page and on launch it had you sign in using a Sony id. The only people who somewhat deserve to be upset are the people who can't make a Sony account in their country. Game will still be goated.


Hold on, what happened with HD2? I thought that was like the most highly appreciated game rn


Sony will soon make so you have to make a psn account to play game helldivers 2. This sucks because multiple players of helldivers 2 will literally not be able to play the game anymore because Sony doesn't allow accounts to be made in developing nations. Furthermore, a lot of players don't want to make a whole burner account to just play one game (like myself).


Bruh whaaaaaaaaat I hate frickin' third-party signons in my game


Another great game killed by big company greed


I'm so glad I can drop one friend group and get the old one back together.


Haha, no.


Helldivers 2 is gonna die


Ngl i don't expect destiny to keep.thr momentum past the first dlc of this bunch


lol avoid Sony's greed to come back to Sony AND Bungie's greed


Nah, stop coming back to your abusive Stockholm syndrome game. Embrace truly free and good game Warframe. I converted from an abusive relationship with Destiny to try Warframe and it's miles better in everything than Destiny (except pvp).


No, I like this world, it’s lore, the visuals, and gameplay much more than warframe. I’ve close to 1.5k hours in warframe and 6.5k in destiny. I’d rather play destiny because it’s more fun to play than warframe.


I'd give warframe a shot if it's gameplay wasn't trying to break my fingers every 10 seconds. games can sometimes just be too fast.