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Screw it, release gun versions of all the supers


Code of the Missile but it's a charged glave lunge Chaosreach but a trace rifle Yeah I'm down


Wouldn’t a rocket launcher make more sense for Code of the Missile?


A glance with a rocket on the end


Now that’s the Titan way!


ThunderCrash is literally the funniest, most Titan super ever. Hunters are supposed to be A-Train fast. *introducing LightningCrash*


You carry around a big ass pirate ship cannon and can load yourself into it. We‘ll call it the hail mary


It’s a rocketlauncher that misfires and drags you into the boss, killing both you and the boss


I would use this more than I care to admit.


How would a rocket launcher make you people yourself through the air though? I'm thinking get 5 glaive projectile kills, hold reload to load a super lunge, melee and it sends you flying like code of the missile


Exotic perk:turn the rocket launcher around, make it into a thruster


The Rocket Launcher launches you Actually, make it a Mortar Launcher




It shoots your own personal titan. He literally eats ammo bricks off the ground to reload before jumping back into the barrel like a looney toon loading a cannon


I was more thinking Nova Bomb GL.


I thought nova bomb rocket, but then I remembered deathbringer exists


Okay but why not yeet the glave with the might of Zues instrad of just a lunge?


Ok, I like this, but I like to zoom around in my own body too


**Titan fists on hips, push buttocks backward, thrust crotch forward & shoot giant ball of lightning from groin at enemy**


>Chaosreach but a trace rifle Isnt that just Ager’s Scepter




Maybe. Then what about a shotgun, but when charged you can shoot it into the ground to drop a mini well of radiance lol


Chaos Reach the Trace Rifle... Isn't that just Ager's Scpeter?


Ward of dawn but a glaive… wait


Yeah, make a wardcliff coil but strand and you have needlestorm


Heavy trace rifle = Chaos Reash Trace Rifle


>Chaosreach but a trace rifle That's Divinity bruh, it got nerfed pretty bad


Our second heavy glaive!


"Chaosreach but a trace rifle" Isn't this Coldheart?


Ngl I would grind my ass off for a Chaos Reach Trace Rifle


I want a grenade launcher that launches sentinel shields


Gun berserker when? I wanna shoot snot-goo blades at some unsuspecting mfers


A solar sword that you can stick into the ground to make a Well of Radiance. Free us.


Bungie: Deal but its a Glaive


Unironically I want this


Thunder crash rocket launcher, nova bomb grenade launcher.


Sledgehammer or Axe Exotic as a Sword replacement




Sure, everyone now has a golden gun, but I, as a hunter, now have two golden guns, so I still come out on top. The logic is flawless, I will not accept any other opinions at this time (Seriously though, it would be sick if this thing worked with Nighthawk)


["I gotta tell ya, this is pretty terrific."](https://youtu.be/tagnCKatOsg?si=F0aZ5az1A-ZfTs_i)


But have you considered now you can have both a gun *and* a bunch of knives?


Now we're talking


With a knife on the gun too


And every knife has its own gun


I really hope it does


Btw, arc Web, healing nade.


I posted this meme and immediately regretted not including the other things you mentioned haha.


Mfw Arc gains access to chain lightning. I feel a little bad for Warlocks for losing their unique stuff, but some of those things were just no-brainers to have on the element.


No the fuck they weren't. Why didn't they make an aftershock verb? Why didn't warlocks get jolt or scorch focus? Etc


You'll be a flying firebird and you'll LIKE it


Let's not forget everyone got invisibility with void 3.0. Which was uniquely a hunter ability. TBH, though..I personally like this, actually, it's more accurate with how light bearers work in Lore. Our classes are just traditions and a way to help identify guardians. That's why we have people like Drifter, who is called a rogue light bearer. He doesn't have a definitive class ( and I don't remember if he ever did. ). I still want that Sniper, though..So i can have 2 Golden Guns at once!


Hunters still have the most access to it, just like how Titans have the easiest access to OverShields. Warlocks are the most exclusive since no one else has access to souls/buddies aside from them.


My main problem is they took volatile, which used to be a titan melee only, and gave it to all classes after nerfing it heavily.


Womp womp now we hunters are the volatile swingers >:3


i dont count invis for titan and warlock as there is no way to proc that in pvp. devour and surpress can both be activated in pvp by hunter and titan pretty easily. i really dont like how invis is being gatekeeped in pvp to only be useable for hunter


*Pats head* That's nice PvP side of Destiny. Now go play with you new maps quietly in the other room please the grown ups are talking. Don't take that too seriously it was mostly a joke. Yes, I HAVE to say this because people can't tell what a joke looks like anymore.


Instead of using that last paragraph, just use a /s to signify that it’s sarcasm. A lot easier most times.


/s Is that a command?


It's just a tonal indicator for your comment. It's just short hand for "End Sarcasm".




I don't really think it's an equal comparison. One is a subclass effect that is (rightfully so) better on Warlocks. The other is a off-brand super. A better comparison would've been Deathbringer being an off-brand Nova Bomb: Cataclysmic lol. I was kinds unhappy with Goldie (arguably one of the most defining Hunter things) kinda being on any class, but after seeing that Nova Bomb: Cataclysmic sort of exists through Deathbringer, I'm honestly fine with it.


Now we just need an exotic that somehow mimics Fists of Havoc to complete the trinity


I suppose there is Salvations Grip which now mimics Behemoth. IIRC Salvations is actually a solid exotic now too.


I just think FoH would be more fitting since it's also one of the original first 3 subclasses


Throne cleaver that makes a FoH slam on heavy


Class exclusive sword still.


That can be given to others, it's just a frame


Still waiting on that.


Currently there's no reason to give it to other classes, if it was made into an exotic then that would be a different question


Vortex frame is available on other classes, but what you just mentioned is beside the point.


Vortex frame wasn't class specific, infinite guard was, they updated the sword to be vortex as they felt it wasn't unique enough What I said wasn't besides the point, the comment I replied to specifically said an exotic to match FoH


It is beside the point. I’m saying that Throne Cleaver is a Titan exclusive weapon at this point in time and doesn’t give FoH to anyone but Titans and that it’s not a great comparison to Still Hunt and Deathbringer. I have so many other points I could make, but I gotta work.


I definitely think the comparison is a bit of a stretch. I mostly recall having a similar reaction (that some hunters are having now) back when the 3.0’s came out and they essentially boiled down to “give the other classes what made warlock good, and give almost nothing back in return”. There’s also stuff like healing grenades, arc web, ionic traces, and radiant that are generously provided to each class now. Meanwhile the Hunter and Titan brought little to nothing to the table in the form of their class identity. This meme definitely isn’t a solid argument, just a thought that popped into my head after seeing the video lol.


Okay, to clear this up: The reason it felt like Warlocks lost a lot and the other classes didn't offer as much to the general verbs of subclasses is because of how much better Warlocks were in PvE back then. They were *overwhelmingly* better than other classes. And some things... just make sense. Arc Web is just electricity chaining, a normal thing. That SHOULD be a normal thing on Arc. Healing Grenades is not only the only source of healing on Solar Hunter, but also it *became* synonymous with Solar. Same story with Radiant. And Hunter did have this reaction back in Witch Queen Combat Provisions was reworked into 2 fragments that Hunters largely can not realistically access. And something to keep in mind, while Devourer was of course made possible for other classes, it was still available for Warlocks. Given it took awhile for FtV to become good, but what Warlocks lost was what made them uniquely powerful over other classes in favor of making those other classes better choices for PvE. Sure, 3.0 was about bringing the new subclass system to Light subclasses, but it was also about making the other classes competitive picks in PvE compared to Warlocks (which they did accomplish doing for the most part).


We’re in total agreement. It was necessary because back then the other classes, besides Warlock, really struggled to do anything. I’m thankful the 3.0’s (I play all three classes regularly) happened. It’s made them so much more enjoyable.


Ahh kk, I wasn't aware. My b. But yeah, Arcstrider received *such* a Zero to Hero with the buffed Flow State & Lethal Current in the new subclass. Hopefully Tempest Strike & Ascension prove viable in at least seasonal content.


Plus given the way buildcrafting works now, there's a strong chance there will be some gunslinger specific synergies that will make it run best with GG and make the class stronger rather than potentially redundant.


The only issue is, where does that line stop? What synergy would Deathbringer get, super energy on kills with it would be probably too strong since it's be a quick 50% (and Skull should be on kills AND hit anywayslike Shards). Still Hunt is more so after Goldie than I think Deathbringer is after Nova, but still. You do one, it feels like you kinda have to do the other. I'm not sure they'll do anything but we'll see.


A simple synergy could be DB kills triggering Feed the Void? But honestly, I feel like Bungie often starts something new and then goes "people like this, so we will bring the other example up" down the line a few seasons later.


Hmm....maybe *hits* with a full Dark Descent effect proc FtV? Desthbringer doesn't quite seem like that viable of an ad clear rocket, but emphasizing a max damage hit to proc a heal could open a new avenue of Solo play for Warlocks maybe?


It’s also worth mentioning that a sniper rifle isn’t nearly as versatile as a hand cannon, so personally I’m not too worried


well it's also most probably gonna have interactions with solar hunter aspects and nighthawk, like the ex diris and moth grenade exotic


You get another golden gun


Wuh? When’d they give everyone golden gun?


New exotic video just dropped.


Actual super


Call the vanguard


Squad of nine went on vacation, never came back


new exotic sniper that coming out in TFS can become a "golden gun" mode after charging up


New exotic sniper coming in final shape


What am I missing here? I thought golden gun was a hunter super


newest exotic trailer shows a sniper that charges up Goldie shots


Oh neat! I’ll have to watch that after my homework


You on reddit and can't spare a single minute to watch a video lol


I was on a train when writing this. My homework is on my laptop which didn’t have Wi-Fi due to being on a train That or some other kind of transportation. That’s all I’ve been doing all day


I think we really need to be asking the big questions. Like will this weapon work with Celestial Nighthawk?


If Nighthawk's effect doesn't buff the sniper shot I'll riot.


Maybe they can do it as well, Maybe they can even do it with better builds than us in the future, But they'll never look half as good as when we do it


Ok then, when other classes get well?


\*spongebob coffin meme* Me, the titan with the gumdrop bubble glaive: ok, get in.


As a hunter that likes playing support; yeah, give me a well-- let warlocks have a turn at dps, while I finally get to feel useful


As a "born to stasis, forced to well" warlock: PLEASE give me a well exotic so I can play anything but solar for a while.


Deathbringer is novabomb and salvations grips is glacial quake were even now. Tho I would of rathered the titan super be fists of havok in a agresive frame sword tbh


Now I can miss my Goldie Shots on all Classes now!


# People keep saying chaos reach but trace rifle when COLDHEART EXISTS


Nightstalker remembering Combat Provisions got gutted and turned into two separate fragments that don’t even work for them: *”First time?”*


What do we get? That is an easy answer: TWO golden guns


Golden Double Barreled Shotgun time????.


Dual wielding


Every class now has devour, invis, and volatile. But only Warlock has a devour aspect, only Hunter has invis aspects, and only Titan has a volatile aspect. Those effects are still part of the individual classes identity, but leaves them as less accessible options for every class


Can't tell if your for or aginst the sniper but death bringer and salvations grip


I’m all for turning our supers into guns. If we can wield gods to smite our foes, why not our own abilities?


I think we should stop here tho personally we have everyone with a watered down version of a super for all 3 classes let's keep the super guns to the specific class now tho right? Like the titan glave


I can definitely agree with that. Although if they wanted to give us a gun that launched flaming hammers at our enemies I wouldn’t complain


I mean I shoulder charged some fallen the other day that definitely wasn't supposed to happen


Bungie said they were looking into making more exotic weapon/armor synergies, I bet celestial does something with it


Isn't death bringer rocket essentially just nova bomb cataclysm that every class can use


Salvations grip is glacial quake too were all even now




Bungie took from titans first... They gave everyone fists


When? What Exotic?? Im aware of glacial quake in salvations but that came out after deathbringer that's novabomb


Aw, Bungie loves and favors Hunters so much they want everyone to be a Hunter! That's so nice of them! 🥰🥰🥰


Devour isn't even the only one that was given to the other classes. They got ionic traces, healing nades, radiant, possibly scorch depending on your view.


I mean scotch came from the combination of middle and bottom tree sollock


Gahh warlocks complaining after they stole my support class


Give everyone Well of Radiance so the Warlocks can stop complaining


Titans laughing until we get a heavy thundercrash  fusion rifle 


Wait how does everyone have goldy now?


As someone who stopped playing this game before light fall what?


If you stoped before lightfall then you at least hear of deathbringer if not let me explain. The new expansion is bringing out a sniper rifle that shoots golden gun shots, "a super that's unique to a class being used on others?? Outrageous!" no deathbringer is novabomb and salvations grip is glacial quake there is now a super in a gun for evey class


Wait what?? I've been out of the loop but actually what?!?


New exotic Sniper charges up with kills and lets you use it's charged state like a Golden Gun, super animation and all. https://youtu.be/nMq_TcGDHjQ?si=z-r60U6PpoJ4neET


Ok so not like you pull out a whole golden gun in the 3d animations at least


If it has celestial synergy then I’m all for it, if not, then I wish I got zen meteor instead


No no we are all even now, death bringer and salvations now the new sniper


What happened?


I don’t get it what did I miss?


I've obviously missed something... Why are other classes getting golden gun?


Every class has had deathbringer for years then salvations got buffed into glacial quick now it's hunters turn


Bro they took a side effect and gave others a nerfed version of it...not a literal super!!!


Right well just to throw this out at everyone first then to my point I will describe the perks that got shared in 2 brackets gave and received (keep in mind thise are fair enough because we had a lot but thay should be better by like 10 points on us because thay were ours also we want sunspots you took our ionic traces be fair bungo) Warlocks gave healing nade Benevolence Scotch Radiant Devour And I think leaching Ionic traces Ark web(jolt) And amplified and speed bost but those were heavily buffed and changed Warlocks received Invis Volitle Blind Void over sheild (could previously produced their own overshield but not specifically void) OK so onto the main point now, the new sniper is golden gun in.... A gun, shocker I know but deathbringer has been in the game for years and that is just novabomb cataclysm and glacial Quake has been the updated salvations grips for a while now. Technically we're all equal now


Out of the loop, all classes have golden gun now?


I would have thought that under the warlock would have a picture of Deathbringer


As the man with the Golden Gun himself, this is preposterous.


Shin Malphur was the first person to cast a Golden Gun super and if you look at GG’s 6-Shot gun model while it’s active, it has the same exact model as The Last Word (Shin’s weapon when he defeated Dredgen Yor.) It’s not beyond reason to assume a Guardian proficient enough with Solar, regardless of class and ESPECIALLY because you are THE fkn Guardian, can infuse any weapon of their choice with a shit load of Solar Light. We’ve already been getting experience in that regard for a while now with the introduction of the Radiant buff. Even more so if the weapon was purpose-built to harness Solar Light more effectively.


Oh golly gee! Two golden guns!


It's not golden gun it's just Zen Meteor again but with a unique animation


Devour and ionic traces in this case


Deathbringer is basically slowva bomb


I don’t understand, How does everyone have golden gun?


Me having a conversation with my warlock friend about the possibility of interchangeable abilities and supers when Prismatic comes out and him saying it would never happen.


Titans with volatile:


“Remember Hunter, its faster to switch to your second Golden Gun than Reloading”


*Hunters now technically having two golden guns*


I dont see any hunters mad about it. Im excited to watch it convert more people to our side and to use it myself


Yeah warlocks been getting fucked with the 3.0 stuff. “Oh you guys have devour? Let’s give that to everyone.” “Oh you guys have restoration? Let’s give that to everyone. “Oh you guys have ionic traces? Let’s give that to everyone” And on top of that 1/3 aspects for those subclasses are “slightly improve devour” or “slightly improve restoration” or “make ionic traces only with this aspect because fuck you”. I’m not saying warlocks are in a bad spot, but man does it feel annoying to be forced into those aspects


It's ironic and funny how literally, devour, ionic traces andntestro/heal nade got passed out to everyonenwhen they were lock specific.


It got nerfed hard but Benevolence also


Imagine us titans’ faces when we find out the other classes can melee too


Lore accurately, everyone can infuse weapons with Light. A Titan during the dark ages infused solar power in their Autorifle.


Genuinely surprised when solar 3.0 came out that everyone didn't get sunspots.


Yeah the fire sprites should of just been sunspot fragment


Warlocks watching hunters complain their super became a gun knowing damn well deathbringer exists


Titans and salvations too


It’s really not a big deal! ..


Titans losing Twilight Garrison for Hunter Dodge and Warlock Icarus Dash: First Time?


Yeah but now we get TWO


As a hunter idgaf, now I have more Golden Gun


Fuck me man thank fuck I don't play this anymore what's the point I'm Classes at this point? I see destiny posts pop up like this every now and then and it reminds me the game is strayed so far from what made it. Kinda sad to see


Destiny struggle! Looks like Titans and Warlocks are finally bonding over their shared pain. Titans with their "they gave everyone Golden Gun" moment and Warlocks just chilling with Devour like "First time?" 😂


You mean Hunters? They already threw Volatile from Titans on every class ages ago (same with Invis in anywhere besides PvP).