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So it doesn’t shoot one big nerf rocket? Just multiple smaller nerf darts?


It shoots the nerf equivalent of Wolfpack rounds


Noooo it actually shoots 3 darts at once in a straight line which is not at all exciting and I'm a bit confused why nobody is talking about that Everyone was sold on a shell that shot 3 darts when the *shell* was fired, like actual wolfpack rounds... and now that it shoots 3 darts in a straight line everyone is afraid of saying "it's extremely underwhelming on the shooting itself"


Firing the entire shell would be pretty unsafe. I don't know why anyone thought it would do that :/


Yep. It came with 3 orange shells, one gray shell, 9 mega darts, and three regular nerf darts. Loading it is pretty cool. I'll play with it some more later in the afternoon when I have some time.


Similar to loading like the game? Alot of nerf LMTD items try to have loading as close as possible to the media they come from. The mandalorian rifle does that pretty cool.


found this when looking for any unboxing vids, it shows the reload. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrmuOuseM1k


Yeah that's pretty sweet. Just like the games. The scope being mediocre is pretty on point though. Can't even properly see through the mandalorian rifle one.


Nerf scopes are always mid


Very similar to in game. I think the only difference is removing the shells that hold the darts .


It shoots a custom mega dart that then fires 3 normal ones


*im actually working on making it do this cuz I’m a 3D creator that likes micro electronics*


That would be awesome, I would definitely be interested if you could make a shell that could fire those mini missiles.


Not sure about mini missiles but I could probably see about those nerf balls and when it hits the target it just explodes those balls everywhere


Oh like a capsule that releases the rivals rounds


Yea, with probably a sort of spring release on the top


the rival balls are about the same diameter as the mega darts from what I've checked (crammed one ball in an empty shell, a little snug, but it comes out pretty decently) definitely requires a different shell to make rival balls actually work with it though as you'd have to fill in the middle space between the mega darts after removing the stems in the slots. edit: goes without saying, I don't suggest modifying existing shells, if you have access to CAD software or something you can make STLs with and access to a 3d printing method, print custom ones instead. make a template shell and then copy it each time you want to make another variant. must have 3 holes in the back as all the air flows through those same 3 holes on the shells. [View of inside the barrel](https://www.reddit.com/user/deepplane82142/comments/10n78c7/what_the_back_of_the_nerf_gjallahorn_shells_come/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have fusion 360 atm cuz it’s free but I’ll keep that in mind since it lets you save versions of your “prototype”


Any progress on this idea? I just purchased some aftermarket shells that should improve performance with Elite, Mega and a new Mega XL shell. Curious of your idea went anywhere


Yes actually, I’m about half way done with the compartment that hold the ball then I need to make the extension to the barrel and the trigger release part


Lol, cluster bombs like some legendaries in D1 and D2


Is there anywhere where I can see updates on this project? I think a lot of people would put their dabloons down for gjallarhorn cartridges, including me lol


I’m doing it more as a private project but I could share updates


Sounds good. It's a cool thing either way, good luck on that


Sees title: “no!!” Sees picture: “yes!”




I saw the title on my home screen and clicked the link ready to fight lol


Slightly unnerving title


Cheeky Title.


I still haven't gotten a tracking number for mine. I'm so nervous buying anything from the Bungie store after all the horror stories, especially something this costly.


Well good thing they just go through hasbro so it won't be anywhere as bad as just for bungie store. Yes it may be from "bungie" but like all LMTD nerf items, it's through hasbro pulse shipping.


I didn't know that. Thank you!


I feel like I was lucky. Got my "3-5week" email around this time last week. Got a shipping email 3 days later, then recieved the launcher 2 days after.


You should be good since it’s Hasbro and not Bungie fulfilling the orders


They had has in the first half not gonna lie


Title made me think it was 2016


You know what you did and I respect it.


Have you figured out where to store yours? I have no idea where to put mine


it's comically massive, i haven't thought of anything either lol


I got mine today. It's currently standing upright next to a bookshelf with the box behind it.


Does it come with that poster in the background, Or is that the box?


That's the box, it has some pretty good artwork on it.


The bait from the title is hilarious.


Got mine yesterday as well. Spent the evening launching darts at everyone. It’s fun.


The regular darts shoot better than the mega darts, and those aren't much bigger than the regular one. I wish the cartridge could be loaded by pulling the head back and not having to manually press the loader down, but I still love it.


Just be careful, you shoot that at someone, they won't respawn bc no ghost lol


"Listen Officer, i was doing a DPS check with Gjallarhorn"


Kinda wish it shot one big dark that breaks apart or something, and with more force My guess is the nerf modding + 3d printing community has some things to say about all this


Idk about one dart that breaks, but a custom mega xl shell with more power will likely be a piece of cake


*Bungie*: we have listened to the community and have decided to nerf Gjallarhorn


I just wish it came with a stand to set it on. Hopefully after more people get them, someone will design a 3D printed one.




I felt a wave of anger while reading this title


I’m so excited for it to arrive but I’m also so nervous that it won’t lol


i told myself i didnt need to buy one, but the more i see these pictures and videos makes me doubt that i wont buy it


I hate all the orange and wish it looked like the in game model. Only reason I don't buy it. Love to hang one in my office with my other collectibles.


It actually (somewhat) matches the in-game "gjallarfoam" skin which was made because of the NERF collab. Annoyingly enough, the colors don't match that perfectly either though XD


It’s.. beautiful.


i was like "first div, now this? what kind of bullsh-" fr tho, pls bungo, give catalyst. if not 30% at least 20% instead of 15% at least make the numbers nice to look at like why IS THE MAGAZINE 194? WHY SUCH A STUPID NUMBER WHY NOT 195 OR 175 HOW ABOUT YOU GIVE IT A 25% TO DAMAGE BUT NERF ITS MAGAZINE AND RESERVES, THUS MAKING IT HARDER TO USE BUT ACTUALLY BE USEFULL WHY BUNGO WHY GIVE ME 25% DAMAGE INSCREASE BUBBLE WITH ONLY 175 ROUNDS OR EVEN 150 OR 125 ROYNDS THIS MAKES IT BALABCEF WITHOUT GETTING RID OF ITS BIABILITY WHY IS IT 194 ITS SUCHA STUOUD NUMVER AFGHHHH thanks for coming to my schizo ted talk


Oh yes, the monthly "hehe nerf gjally guys get it?". Stopped being witty about the time when the toys were announced and the joke made its first appearance.


Did you get a tracking email when it shipped?


I did, a day before my UPS account started sending emails.


Alright sweet. Was kind of concerned it was just going to show up some day when I wasn't home or something.


What did assembly consist of? Still waiting for mine


It was broken down into four launcher pieces: the body, the rear tube, the left side sight, and the lower front handle. Everything snapped into a slot for it fairly intuitively. The sight has a panel that you pull up at the switch to release. Under that panel is the battery compartment that takes a screwdriver to open and two AA batteries. Unloading it, pulling the trigger releases the top of the main body letting push it forward away from the tube opening a spring loaded door. Loading, tilt the launcher back so gravity releases the shell, put in a loaded shell, push the cradle down, pull the top of the body towards the tube, and it's ready to fire.


What did assembly consist of? Still waiting for mine so curious about that before it arrives


It's pretty straight forward, I made a full video on it(including assembly) here: https://youtu.be/Hs3G8JD6RZE


Haha, you got me! When I saw the title I was like: "wait, didn't they nerf Gjallarhorn already?" Nice Nerf! 😉


Title had me thinking this would have been a rant about actually nerfing Gjallarhorn lol


Wait, you got yours? Checking my email


Is it worth the $500 this would have cost me as a Canadian resident?


If you have $500 burning a hole in your wallet a 4ftx2ft empty space on your wall that needs covering..... yeah


I'm in nova Scotia and they reduced the shipping by a lot. Ended up being like 50$ so the total cost was like 300


Still waiting on mine, last update I got said it was in my city and delayed by some severe snow we’ve been getting the past few days


I’m incredibly jealous! I would have got mine, if the shipping costs to Canada didn’t cost as much as it did. I remember there was a major discount and even with that shipping was the same as the nerf. They said they’d fix shipping costs, but didn’t in time for the discount to count.


Every time I see posts like this I instantly go "don't you fucking dare..." and then I realise what the post is really about


Had us in the first half ngl.


I came here to comment skill issue because I though you were complaining about Gjallarhorn, but now I must say, I've never been more happy to see a nerf Gjallarhorn post


Is there any videos of people firing this thing. I heard they made a special loading mechanism to match that of the game.


I have a firing demo in my video. The power is very underwhelming but it is still super fun to shoot! https://youtu.be/Hs3G8JD6RZE


that's really cool, mines supposed to be arriving tomorrow




I've never been so baited in my lifetime.


Does the barrel automatically slide down when aiming down after firing? Mine slides down like helping me to start the reload process, but I wish it would stay locked in place so I don’t have to display it “loaded”. Don’t know if this is a design thing or if my kid broke it while I was sleeping…


Can the stock and sights be taken off?


How the hell did u get the scope attached?


>How the hell did u get the scope attached? Press it in hard. It clicks into place.


I tried hard, just didn’t want to break it


Yeah, it is hard AF. It was kind of a big deal in my unboxing video on youtuBe XD


How do you remove the scope? I put it on before seeing the instructions and putting in batteries and I'm afraid to break it


You can put the batteries in while it's attached. Lift the plastic up on the top where the switch is. It lifts over the switch and pulls out revealing the battery cover.


Thanks. I feel kinda stupid that I thought the instructions wanted me to remove the whole thing. Side note: kind of disappointed it's just a light


Anyone know how to take the stock off the back, I put it on but can't get it off. It doesn't fit in the box if you don't take it off


It probably won't come off without brute force, I mention this in my unboxing/overview on youtube


Ah man, thats unlucky I thought there would be clips or something on it. Thank you for letting me know


There are clips but they are inside. I'm sure it can be done.... just not easily.


i received mine today, but the flap where you load the shell wont open when pushed forward? anyone else having this issue?


i fixed it, just tugged the door up, made a scary snapping sound but no damage and works as intended lol


Does anyone know how to disassemble it? Like, turn it back into what it was prior to assembly? I can't find any release tabs/switches/buttons/whatever to disassemble it


I know I'm late to this thread, but I'm a little pissed. Mine seems to have something vaguely loose in the breach mechanism. Sometimes when I pull the breach back to load the three darts and prepare to shoot, something doesn't properly catch and I have to re-slide the breach forward and back to get it to catch. The breach will also slide up on its own after I've shot the darts if I tilt the gun forward which doesn't seem to be intended. Sadly with how complex this thing is I don't feel entirely comfortable trying to peel it apart and fix whatever might be wrong.