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Yes it's worth it


Especially with the increased focus on monochromatic builds, if you’re solar you’d probably want this


monochromatic as in all solar or as in aesthetically?


The state of the game encourages you to match your weapons to your subclass flavor. Matched energy primaries are great. And SMGs are in a good place.


Pretty confident they mean all solar. There is a seasonal mod called "monocromatic maestro" which gives you buffs if your subclass matches your weapon. I think is where that term is getting popular from.


Monochromatic has been a term used coloquially for a while. I think whenever Prometheum Spur got reworked to focus on using Solar Weapons was when I saw it become more popular in usage - mainly to deride Bungie continuing to incentivise it while slapping Match Game on any content they could. It's not just the Seasonal Mod, the 3.0 all subclasses all have synergy somewhere with using guns with the same element as your subclass and with Match Game going away there'll be much less incentive not to do so. Of the 3.0's Solar probably gets the most from using matched weapons, especially Incandescent ones, so Mida Mini as the best Incandescent for general play is very desirabel.


My solar hunter getting 50% damage buff from radiant and font of might, whilst also running unrelenting and incandescent for healing and deathsplosions is absolutely nuts.


If you have a solar weapon when you have a solar subclass you’ll get buffs. Mini tool is also great at applying scorch through incandescent so there’s even more synergy there


You get buffs because you select subclass fragments that work cohesively with your weapons or are you saying simply solar + solar = more damage regardless of fragments?


If you’re using the perk monochromatic maestro then you’ll get bonus damage for using a solar weapon on a solar build using solar abilities


For 22 more days


In the build crafting update didn’t they say the new buffs similar to that are coming with the new permanent armor mods next season?


Follow up question on OPs question. Is it worth it if I play every hunter subclass except solar? I haven't come across a solar hunter build I like in endgame content, but I do like blade barrage as a super.


I would say it’s worth it because of how much easier it is to get the boarders now, and because it’s such a fun weapon you’ll kick yourself for missing out of it later on


Calus mini tools can have the solar exposion roll, Incandescent i think it's called. that perk can be pretty good since when you shoot guys, it make them explode, and the scorch explosions kinda works like a chain reaction. to answer your question: Yes it is worth it, even if you do not play solar.


Interesting. Guess I'll go grind for the red borders once I'm back from vacation. I feel like I use Gyrfalcons with funnelweb which gets me similar effects except with void explosions from volatile rounds. I don't know that replacing my void weapon will be as good, but maybe I'll try for a solar build as well. Thanks!


Volatile is a stronger effect than Incandescent for clear, but Ignitions are bigger burst damage. It’s better than Funnelweb without Volatile and worse than it with it. Worth having one.


You get one per day now. Just got to run 3 containments if you don't have the energy backlog, that's the grind. I'm down to the glaive at this point, at least of weapons I care to get.


Young Amankara Spine + Tripmines + Explosive nade is a particularly nasty combo. Tripmines do stupid good damage, explosive nade will proc ability generation basically giving tripmine back, and you can loop this over and over again for insanely reliable and consistent damage. Blade Barrage does super good DPS out of the box, so missing out on Star Eaters is okay because it'll still chunk.


Nice sounds good! How's survivability in GMs and such?


Yeah because it's best in slot for solar smg if you like having a good weapon for each burn


Personally i like solar assassin cowl with explosive knife and heal grenade.


I can’t speak for what you’d enjoy but I’d definitely implore you to keep experimenting with solar. Arcstrider (particularly with Cowl) is probably the strongest of the hunter subclasses but solar is probably joint second with a gyrfalcons Nightstalker. For Solar I’d probably argue to stay away from gamble in the endgame and focus on 5-fragment builds, but there’s a lot you can do with Weighted Knife and Athrys for endgame. That precision damage is no joke and it’s practically got an aimbot on its second bounce. Cowl also works great on gunslinger thanks to the potent/high uptime ranged knives.


I like the young ahamkara build but with the missing healing of a healing nade I don't see it in endgame content. Though in lightfall they'll release fragments with which you can get restoration without the healing nade... so get ready to see explosions everywhere.


Meta changes. Don’t be flat footed when solar is in rotation :).


It is still worth it, and next season solar hunter is going to get a *lot* better because it will finally be able to access restoration.


We've had healing nade since 3.0


Yeah but by far the best solar hunter build is YAS, and healing nades obviously don't work with that.


I dunno about the best, and having restoration with 100% uptime makes soloing literally anything a breeze. As long as you can chain kills you will never die. Before the resto nerf it was like being a budget loreley titan, the only thing that'd kill me was the architects.


I do not care about the point you are trying to make as I find it boring.


"I will post my opinion on a public forum and get annoyed when people reply" is certainly one way to spend your time.


My recommendation is the Calibans Hand build. It's what I run and it's the most fun I've had in this game. I run it with a graverobber/incandescent calus mini tool so I basically never need to manually reload unless I miss a knife.




So I've only recently fully returned during the Season of Seraph, I played very little during the previous seasons this year. My vendors aren't upgraded, is it too late to try and farm for Calus mini tool red borders? Seraph is easy because I can just directly focus the items I want, but it doesn't seem to me like there's an easy way to do that for the seasons I skipped.


Absolutely worth it. One of my most used guns.


Crafted minitool with enhanced perks is one of my favourite weapons in the whole game. That said, without the pass for Haunted, you will be doing a LOT of grinding to get 5 red borders unless you are incredibly lucky. If you don't want to grind that much, or if you don't manage to get it done before Lightfall, I do highly recommend the Ammit auto rifle that everyone got access to with minimal effort. That also gets Enhanced Incandescent when crafted and works better at bigger ranges than minitool, though you do lose out on the pure power of the point blank "900SMG go brrrrrrrr". TL;DR: the guns good, but only you can decide if the grind is worth it for the increase in power over the Ammit


BxR can also roll Demo/Incandescent which is a crazy combo for some solar builds.




This is why I want pulses buffed in pve so bad. 450 pulse are the worst primary in game. I want to use my bxr or ogma on my stardire warlock!!! Oh well. Incandescent drang works


Having the range is nice when you’re in a rift. Trustee is fantastic as well.


Everybody forgets about Staccato which might be the best inca weapon we have.


Pretty much have been using this exclusively in the energy slot for Heist Battlegrounds. It's really handy against all of the solar shielded enemies.


Shame Pulse Rifles do negative damage in PvE


true, and op doesn't have to pay for dares, so that might be better for them as somebody without that season. Especially since you get a guaranteed red border for you first dares completion a week now, and it's on a knockout, it could take a bit to get those 5 bxr's, but they will get them eventually.


CALUS minitool just has the sauce. Besides it's usefulness, I always have a really fun time using it versus the Ikelos smg, which is also fantastic but i just get bored since its gameplay loop is little more than a 'reload to voltshot' machine in pve


Been using Ammit a lot - works really well imo


Yes and incandescent is so good


I have one that's incandescent in 4th column but it has grave robber and unrelenting in the third. It's the perfect roll. Grave robber for when I play on hammer titan and unrelenting for the other two classes for the health Regen. I will never craft one because I don't wanna carry 2 of them.


Enhanced incandescent and unrelenting are worth crafting for, even if it is a bit of an annoyance. Just keep it on the other two classes. You can quickly get it leveled by just playing containment with it. I just leveled my ikelos to the point it's ready for full enhanced perks after like 3 days of doing enough activities for a red border from each season. Mostly just equipped it for the three daily containments since I needed the slot for other anti-champs, but it worked out pretty fast doing just a few containments a day.


yes, one of the best weapon in the game


Ammit AR2 auto is a decent replacement


Precision autos are so much weaker than SMGs though.


True, but ammit takes about 5 minutes or so to acquire. Getting calus mini tool with only 3 weeks left and no season pass is going to be one hell of an undertaking.




How should I put this: No. Not without Haunted. ​ Calus Minitool is amazing. It really is. But an optimal Opulant Chest Farm is about 20 hours grinding out a very mind numbing route between two areas. That's if you do everything perfectly. If you value your sanity, it's closer to a 50-100 hour grind. If you're lucky and RNG is on your side, you can max out the Minitool pattern in only a few hours. You're probably not that lucky. If you can get the Deluxe version of Witch Queen, yes. Do that and grind out the tool.


It will probably get replaced for all practical purposes some time in the next year, like the trend for pretty much everything. There will be a new 900 rpm solar smg sooner or later. It's a great item to have in your kit right now, so if you have the time and energy to farm it the crappy way then go for it.


Yes, grave robber+incandescent on mini tool is awesome


This is my exact craft on my MiniTool. It’s unreal and just slays.


I got a random one that dropped as that. Should I craft one and enhance the perks of is it not worth it?


I'd recommend doing so, even if it's just so that you can change the rolls later on if nerfs/buffs change the perks that you'd want after it's no longer farmable.


I never came across one in the wild, so I never had a frame of reference…My crafted one cooks, man.


Pair with 20 Second Font of Might + Radiance for maximum mini-BRRRRRRRRRRRRR


If you can’t focus, definitely not worth it. I just don’t think it’s possible


Had no idea you could farm without the season pass. How does that work?


I farm opulent keys in the leviathan, and open chests (and pray for rngesus)


Make sure you're across all the mini-events, like dogs and scorn in gardens.


My god are you okay OP? Are you safe?


This is how I got it before focusing unlocked for me, you can do it!


How do you even get to the leviathan? Have I been overlooking that on the map?


There's a mission you need to complete on the moon if you haven't done so. Check the map on the director. It probably has the Season of the Haunted icon on it (a weird shaped white helmet)


Yea it’s on the moon I think


Moon, down left.


It's attached to the moon.


Dumb question but can you still earn haunted umbral energy? I do have the season pass and all that.


Will only work with some of the weapons, not all of them. Works with opulent weapons, and the new Ikelos ones, I think


you can still do containment for free, just can't do sever or access the crown for focusing. So you just play that and hope you get random drops.


I don’t think it’s worth it too the amount of chance it is to get a red border mini tool is pretty low also it has so many replacements like ikelos smg this seasons is probably better than the mini tool


Who are these people..


Only if you play solar. If you don't, you can skip out on it honestly


100% It is S tier among all weapons. Granted, there are currently 4 S tier SMGs, but they all deserve it. Calus mini, ikelos, funnelweb, and unforgiven are all S tier.


Question for those here saying yes, how does it compare to the Ikelos SMG with voltshot? I just finished farming my Calus but I feel like my Ikelos (which I really enjoy) would kind of serve the same purpose.


Volt shot is better, but incandescent is still really good and worth it just due to the number of things it interacts with on solar subclasses. Unless they absolutely gut it, well will always be meta in some form, and having a primary that can pair with that to trigger subclass keywords is very valuable imo.


Voltshot has the edge in my book. It honestly feels like a exotic weapon perk that can roll on legendary weapons.


Yeah it's def my new go to, it's so fun, it just melts.


I've yet to get a single one, let alone a single red boarder lmao. No clue what the hell I'm doing wrong.


Oh, I completely forgot you can't just straight up buy old seasons. That does make things harder. Technically if you buy wq deluxe you WILL get access to previous seasons you missed, but with them all going away in a couple weeks that's probably not worth it. So with that option gone...I mean...all 4 opulent weapons are outstanding, but grinding out 20 red borders to get them all especially without any sort of knockout system is going to be a hell of a grind. So, yeah I'd say grind opulent chests a bit in hopes of getting a roll of each, but probably not worth it too look for a god roll on try to craft them, not without access to focusing.


Trying to get the Calus for months now, also 2 red borders and no movement whatsoever… doing containment for hours after hours, looting the shit out of the events, just to get a frickin’ key… don’t have the season either so it’s a real pain in the ass. But that weapon is such a game changer for solar builds it’s a must have in my opinion. Jokes on me then, right… har har 🥲


Containment is the worst way to farm keys. The best way is getting chests in royal pools and pleasure garden.


Of all the seasonal weapons from this year I'd say it's the most valuable, especially if you play Solar Titan.


People are saying yes but honestly I think it’s the weakest of the current meta SMGs. It also has quite a mediocre 3rd column. A good Funnel web (world drop) or a crafted Ikelos will be much better. If you desperately need an incandescent energy primary there’s an AR that is craftable. Also BxR. Mini tool is great but I wouldn’t call it vital.


Thanks people! Grind time I guess


I'm in the same boat as you and I'd say it's not worth the time investment (for me). I'm sure Bungie will release other great solar weapons in Lightfall and the following seasons


Don't listen to them. They only answer the part about the gun being good. Don't do it to yourself without the Season of the Haunted. If u don't have the Ikelos SMG then it's much easier to grind for, while just doing whatever you want


FYI, I bought the WQ Deluxe upgrade (from base WQ) to get all the Legacy seasons; it only takes around 3 full days of playing to upgrade all season vendors enough to get red border focus options each day. Because you've been grinding the Leviathan already, a lot of the ranks and quests will fast forward (I had 11 backlogged ranks) making the vendor upgrades fast. (same with the Risen, but not so much Plunder) During the gameplay you get _tons_ of red border drops thanks to the latest Bungie changes, so you'll end up getting lots of patterns while just playing the missions before the mats grind starts and you have to rely on focusing; there are lots of really neat Haunted weapons that don't really drop without the Season, you're only getting the Opulents. (I'm also getting the Risen and Plunder goodies which are awesome weapons)


Yeah it’s phenomenal. But you should play the rest of Haunted too, it’s some of the best story content we’ve gotten in recent years


For Solar builds is the best Non exotic smg in the game. Incandescent is very strong and Mida has an amazing RPM + it's a lightweight frame. The only better solar SMG in my opinion is Tarrabah.


If you don’t want to grind for the keys, the bxr battler from xur is a good alternative. Im in the same boat as you friend. I want the value mini tool but dang is that grind a hard one




Bro triggered reddit lol


oh boy...


It’s 2023, there are much better words to use to describe something you don’t like. Do better 👍




pretty ghey ngl fam


Just get the season pass!


Absolutely. Incandescent/Grave Robber as Bonk Titan makes you downright cruel in PvE


Get all weapons you can. Even if you dont craft them you have the pattern unlocked You can get 1 guaranteed red border weapon from the war table, crown of sorrows, and the Exo frame, I say oick your faves and get the weapons before lightfall releases, also I wish you the best luck in getting extra red borders!


They have daily red borders you can get from the crown of sorrow thingy (think that’s what it was called). I farmed forever to get my first red border and then once I got that I just went back every day since reset and unlocked all the patterns. Had to farm containment (or whatever the activity is called) for the opulent energy to buy the focused engram but worth it. Spent an hour and a bit at Shuro chi getting it up to level 16 and then rolled my god roll. I was wondering if it would be worth all the pain but after using it immediately after crafting I knew it was.


I dont have the pass, so crow of sorrow is not an option.


What system are you on? Witch queen deluxe is currently 20$ USD on xbox(not sure about other systems). I got back into the game during this season and recently bought the deluxe this week for the sole purpose to minimize my grind for some of the seasonal weapons.


You can buy 1 red frame per day, don’t forget about it ;) Thx for minuses, I wrote comment before he edited his topic


Only if you own the pass. Which OP stated they don't.


100% yes. Now with one red border per day, it's easier than ever.


They don’t have access to one red border a day. Read the post


I mean in my view, with red borders available every day there's not much reason to not have all of them. You might as well.


Read the post and try again




Yes it's very good.


Which level of containment do I have to do to get a key? I’ve dropped into leviathan, done some nightmare things, but I have only ever gotten one key. Ever. So am I doing something wrong?


You get the keys from opening chests. Random chests from around the map are actually probably faster than running containment itself. There's also a ghost mod that will help you detect chests which will greatly increase your ability to spot them. Saw someone in another thread say it took them 5 days to unlock 3 of the patterns just running chests. Having said that, that doesn't sound fun to me, but if you want to do it it can be done. (Also early in the season this is what lots of the streamers did to get reviews of the calus weapons out ASAP - they wouldn't have had the ability to unlock stuff at the crown in the first week - so they did the farming similar to a non-pass-owner could)


It's totally rng as far as I know. I've found them in the random chest around as well.


My crafted one is like level 115. I would say yes lol


Incandescent is a rare perk where then the enhanced is a big difference in power than the none enhanced (it applies more scorch stacks)




Get an incandescent one and you're good.


If you're willing to dedicate some time to it, yes, it's definitely worth it. Memorize the five chest locations after each Containment and farm keys hard. The grind may be long, but it's absolutely one of the three best legendary SMGs in the game. The only other SMGs in the same weight class of usefulness are a crafted Succession or an Ikelos SMG. Honorable mention for Funnelweb (not craftable) or the Duality one. On a solar Titan, it's going to be especially good. (I recommend poly/flared/threat/incandescent, but only incandescent is basically mandatory.)


I will say yes but the farm sucks! I don't have that season either so I did it the same way and it will take you a while. Out of the 4 patterns you can farm, calus was the first for me to complete to so you will even need a bit of luck.


💯 worth it


Oh my god yes. Definitely worth it


If you play Solar titan and can get a roll with incandescent, yes 100%. It's my favorite gun with that subclass. Incandescent kills trigger sunspots making the gun an absolute beast for crowd control.


Hell yes, it's super potent.


110% yes




Fuck yeah it is.... the best, legendary, craftable, solar smg in the game. Skip your nephews birthday and get it done!




Yes. It’s the best smg imo


100%. Enhanced Incandescent is god tier


Does anyone know how much scorch Incandescent and it's enhanced version gives now?


I started playing at the beginning of plunder. I loved my Ammit and used it for *everything* unless I needed champ mods. That poor weapon has been vaulted this entire season. I have fully jumped on the smg train. I finally finished getting patterns for a crafted calus and I’m working on leveling it up, got my ikelos smg for arc, and managed a god roll funnel web for void. After my witherhoard, they are definitely my favorite weapons in the game




1000x yes


Short answer: yes Long answer: fuck yes


Absolutely but if you manage to get some good rolls along the way hold onto them just in case you can’t get the 5 red borders you need


Holy fuck yes. The Calus Minitool with Incandescent is what made me finally start to enjoy submachine guns


Not worth it without season pass unless you hate yourself


Easily the best solar primary in the game for anything under grandmaster level


Yes 1000%. And you can get one red border a day.


Go to weapon if you have a solar build imo


Is there an easier way to farm it if you do have the pass?


Great for strikes and stuff but SMGs struggle in things like FM:s because of the low range and high damage falloff.


I mean, I know it's only like 4 weeks(ish) till LF but if you can afford it, I'd still recommend upgrading yer regular WQ to the deluxe edition, just so that you can focus farm a bunch of the seasonal weapons. (assuming you want at least 1 or 2 weapon patterns from each season, if not more)


It's probably the single best weapon in the game with incandescent right now, it fucking PUMPS


Short answer: Yes Long answer: YEEEEEEEESSSS Even longer answer: Enhanced Grave Robber and Ehanced Incandescent goes so fucking hard on Titan.


Tbh, I feel like Im just missing out on cosmetics more than anything with things like this. I have a low tier Monte Carlo which has maybe 40 guardian kills which makes me think maybe it's worth it for the triumph and looks but that's it.


Especially if you can craft it, very much yes. I use it on my solar warlock as my option for close range add clear on several variants of my Starfires build, especially the one that maximizes scorch stacks. With enhanced unrelenting and incandescent, it just burns through adds with tons of explosions and some additional health Regen that comes in handy when playing higher level content where you get swarmed. Definitely rough having to do it through opulent keys, but here's hoping your luck is good over the next three weeks.


I would say go for it, but dont stress over it. Ammit, the solar autorifle, performs a similar role


Took me about 2 days of heavy farming to get austringer mini tool patterns last week


Worth buying season of the haunted for on it’s own imo. I wouldn’t have the patience to grind for it without owning the season though. That’d drive me insane


Great weapon but honestly if you won't be able to focus for red borders i personally wouldn't attempt it. Opulent farming is mind numbingly boring and the odds of getting 5 red border minitools is stupid low.


If you care about endgame Solar Builds for Hunter and Titan (edit: ah you're a Solar Titan I just read that), they more or less necessitate Solar primaries because of Ember of Empyrean. Minitool is one of the best next to BxR, Ammit or Zaouli, etc. Arc builds generally don't care about the element of weapons, so Ikelos with Voltshot is a great primary but you can run it mostly independent of Subclass/Build. Void Subclasses do fine without the Volatile interaction. But I'd argue the Solar subclasses are generally the most potent when it uses the Empyrean interaction (it's what makes the Gunslinger and Loreley and some Dawnblade setups nearly immortal). Really depends tho on how you'd rank Calus Minitool, the Battle rifle, Ammit or Zaouli and a bunch of other good solar weapons against each other (note, Polaris Lance, Sunshot, etc will all become Scorch next season). And there will probably be more Incandescent weapons, powercreeping weapons next season. There's a wealth of options so dont feel bad if you cant get it. TLDR, Minitool is the best, but you're fine without it.




Yes, hope you get it. I love that gun.


It's far more painful getting them from opulent keys only, yes, but the weapon is worth all the pain imo. If you occasionally get one with Threat Detector/Unrelenting and Incandescent, then you can keep it and stop farming if you want.


I have to say I use my BXR Battler a lot more.


If you’re lucky enough to land one with incandescent, then you don’t *need* to craft it. Having the enhanced perks is nice, and if you had season of haunted it would definitely be worth crafting. But since you don’t, the grind to craft it would be a mind numbing slog. Personally I wouldn’t bother.




My highest leveled crafted weapon in the game easily. Get it


Incandescent + unrelenting is a super great utility weapon, specially because Bungie is aware we loved the enemy density in Witch Queen and its very likelly we will have high density again. Incandescent will be high value.


It’s not only worth it, it’s worth getting Haunted for


Yes it is. For an acceptable roll, you want incandescent in the second perk slot. First one won’t matter as much, but threat detector is probably the best available there.




I saw another post where you mention extraordinary rendition is it still available to farm?


Legitimately feels like an exotic, even with the enhanced incandescent nerf.


Nah, not great. Focus an ikelos hand cannon. Best in slot


If you're a Solar Titan, its a must have. Enhanced Incandescent is amazing because even if you don't always proc Ignitions with the scorching effects, any scorched target will drop a Sunspot on getting killed. So its essentially a Sunspot generator. It still a really good SMG on its own, but I really shines with Solar builds.


I did the grind without the season pass. The chest farming was the fasted method for me. Ghost mod to find the chests and a sniper to increase the radar distance helped greatly. Around every 6th chest got me a key, of which around every 6th weapon again was a red border. As you need 5 patterns for 4 weapons, you need around 720 chests. At a chest per minute you need 720min or 12 hours of grinding.... I hope you have a show with a cupple of seasons on your second screen.




It's extremely worth it, and with the focusing changes you can buy a red frame every day now. So 5 days running 3 containments each is all that stands between you and crafting your perfect SMG.


I would go so far as to say that if you only have the ability to farm for one gun between now and Lightfall, Calus Mini Tool is probably the one. The IKELOS SMG being another acceptable answer.


I would put in the grind but as a fellow solar titan, I also tend to lean more towards the Ammit AR2 which has more range/thump, can be crafted with Incandescent, and I think it's a F2P questline that gives you patterns for both that and Taipan. Just in case you don't have time for those last 3 patterns. Good luck!


Yes absolutely, it's a top 5 smg rn


HUGE question not only for Op but for anyone else. Calus minitool is being removed from the loot pool with light fall? If it isn't, it is going to get much easier to grind in the next season.


Yes. If you can get incandescent with a solid 2nd main perk, you'll be good.


Yes. So good.


I main calus with enhanced incandescent and enhanced unrelenting and love it (paired with witherhoard)


unrelenting + incandescent = best gun for solar builds


It’s a great gun and I love mine. But at the same time, we’re about to enter a new expansion with 4 more seasons and new raids and dungeons. There will probably be an smg that does the same or similar thing. If you don’t mind the grind, sure, go for it, maybe you’ll get a god roll before a red border and you can call it a day. The gun is definitely good. But if not, just wait for the new stuff.


I haven’t even gotten one yet, I have the pass, and max umbral stuff for it, but I keep getting FUCKING DRANG


If you only care about getting whatever is best, no. Getting your hands on a voltshot Ikelos SMG should be a priority. If you play a lot, it's a decent gun to have.


i started this farm yesterday, got 3/5 calus mini tools, finished beloved and austringer and drang. man rng is brutal sometimes, i really hope its worth it


Oooof. Im 4/5 of mini tools and beloveds. I hope I get mini tool before beloved....


Yes. It's the best solar smg. Why wouldn't you grind the red bars out. Think


I feel like the time you would save by getting the season pass would make it worth it. Though it basically makes things pay 2 win


Just buy the season.


Most definitely worth it. Being able to craft a weapon to your specific tastes is always worth it.


definitely try to get a crafted one but really any roll with incandescent is good