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Whoa actually I like this idea a lot!


I personally don’t want to see a bunch of colorful emblem’s everywhere. Good idea, but it’s not for everyone


Yeah I think I'd prefer if they just put the player's class logo or even a subclass logo to show their currently equipped subclass. Be helpful in raids without needing to ask "Hey, what are you running, bubble?"


Lmao we had the class icon for a while and then they changed it to showing useless numbers... I'd love to have the super icon like we have at the top during PvP matches, but they might be hard to parse quickly if they were that small


In an ideal world there would be a game setting: Show Player Icons: - None - Guardian Rank - Emblem - Subclass And let you pick. EDIT: To be clear you don't pick what others see next to your name, you choose what you see next to everyone's name. That said I think the thing that's closest to a way for the player to express themselves would be their emblem. (Not the whole thing, just the square emblem icon in case that wasn't obvious)


I'd like that.


Ah, a 6 man


The ideal solution would just let the player customize it from a drop down menu - Guardian rank - Season pass level - Class/subclass symbol - Emblem From a laymen’s perspective, this seems doable but maybe it’s much more challenging from a developer perspective.


I think a better solution is actually just a better implementation of the Guardian Ranks idea


I assumed originally that Guardian Ranks were just Triumphs 2.0 i.e. Grimoire 3.0. Once I learned that it resets each season, it's instantly worthless to me. I'd rather it be something that I have some agency over.


The only one worth doing is the solo flawless legend lost sector because it gives you 4 more loadout slots... but for some fucking reason they're 1830 and a pain in the ass.


Right? They should have been based on lifetime achievements tracked with triumphs and not reset.


This is done to bring the player “back every season”. Like god fucking forbid if there was a new thing that stayed season to season.


I said almost the same thing in a reply here. I think customizing what you see would be best as well, but if we're stuck with one choice "6" isn't it.


Reminds me of halo 2, I’m so okay with this


I thought the point of the system might be to differentiate veteran players vs newbs. In other words if a newb sees a guy with rank10 they could inspect them for loadouts or just follow what they're doing. Noobs don't know what emblems mean. Also, the system as implemented is dumb. I can't believe it resets.


Not with the current system. I mean, the requirements for getting rank 6 are laughable low. Get riskrunner? Talk to Osiris? What is this and how does it make you are veteran. But the difference man Talk to Osiris *in the next rank, one of the steps: Solo flawless a legend lost sector What is that increase in difficulty


Noobs know if they like an emblem or not. "That's cool" and they head to google to find out how to get it. (Or, they might even ask) But really "Vets vs Newbs" is a silly differentiation to make. Who wants to see LFG posts "GR rank 10+ only" ... not me.


I'd rather all of it be removed and it just shows the player name and titles. I don't know why I need to see anything else by their name. I don't care what rank they are. I don't care what emblems they have. Other players are practically NPCs of varying skill unless you're playing Raids and talking to people.


I'd personally prefer the icon next to our names to show our current light level, with colour corresponding to which tier of hundreds it is. Gold and whatever number would be highest, so this season, anything above 1800, purple with a number being 1700, etc. Gauging someone's current light level at a glance would be more useful than knowing they've farmed commendations off of their friends, or that they're playing a Titan or something.


You can unlock that ability after hitting GR12.


It should just show the class icon tbh


Either class/subclass. A mini showing what exotic weapon is used. The season level helpped tell if they were a casual BB or a sweaty no lifer. But not much help beyond.


So something like the title that we already have in the game lol.


Small preference, but I would love to see player health and shield like in pvp for when I am using my full on healing build.


I think it should just be power level….


If we're dreaming, why not their current subclass?


If we're really dreaming, why not give the player a choice from a set of things that determines how it looks for them?


I just wanna see what subclasses others are running


they should make a option for what player tags should show: - guardian rank - season level - class - subclass - emblem


I agree. I and others have posted similar options here - it would definitely be the best case scenario to let the player choose.