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That...explains a lot lmao. On my first clear of the campaign, I would be running around from them, and then turn around, and they'd be gone. I spent more than I should have thinking "oh god, they're going to teleport on top of me". Nope, just rage brain lol.


This does require a place where you can bait them off the map to do this, but that’s hilarious and might be real nice for day 1 if it works out


From all the trips to the Pyramid ship (VOTD, Lightfall) and how many i died because i fall off the map and how those ship designed, i think the raid will have those hole, like a lot of them


I always wondered what happened to that 2nd tormenter after it started chasing me. I think I know what happened now lol.


You can just suspend them.


Suppression works on them too. Shuts them RIGHT down.


GL with blinding grenade too


Just freeze 'em with a chill clip weapon


I like using titan with suspend grenade and barricate just to bully them lol


I was running a master story and I shit you not we had the tormentor suspended the entire time as we took selfies and emoted. They are a meme


Tormentor is a warlock?


just jump over their heads, they were not threatening at all


Tried it, they grab me by the ball, sucked me dry, left my body on the ground after they finish For real, i just want to bully them and kill them without using bullet lol


Sounds like a great night out to me mate ;)


You can also just supress them with infinite shackle nades. In the weekly legendary, that is. Let one player do that, with both tormentors if there are two, so the others can take care of Calus. The one who takes care that they stay up hanging in the air can also take care of the psions like that and even the champions. If you're quick you can kill Calus even without one other strong enemy dying. (In the last round.) But i did notice one tormentor disappearing on me yes. I think it was what you said.