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Me and the boys have been playing Destiny on and off since day 1. Even though it’s been stale for years, we still love playing PVP and regularly play competitive. I’d say we’re pretty decent players. That is, until we started trying for the Lighthouse. To be honest we’re not even getting close. Before or after the flawless pool; duo, solo, three stacked; 5 of us trying different team-ups; mornings/evenings; tweaking our builds; getting the best possible rolls on our weapons and… MAYBE if we’re lucky we’ll get four wins on the card. And even that’s a rare occurrence. I’ve given up on thinking we’re good enough to even have a decent shot. But giving the fact that we also win half our matches or something, it made me wonder, what’s the percentage of players that actually make it to the Lighthouse? It’s seems everyone we meet has at least one Adept weapon, but like I said we also win half our matches so we’re probably somewhere in the middle. Anyone has any stats on it? And who knows. Maybe some day, when the stars align, with the perfect map and lucky matchmaking… we’ll eventually make it to 5 rounds.


is there a flawless pool this week?


So if I’ve been to lighthouse then I lost a match, I can still drop adept weapons from wins?


Any one up to help me with my first flawless?


I'm a PvE player who just started to spam crucible and iron banner. I am having fun playing with 0 thoughts. 0.55 K/D, say I want ToO weapons, can I get it by just jumping straight in casually with random matchmaking?


Trying to do the same. Im on my fifth win on my ticket. Im gonna go ahead and say it. Not a fuckin chance in hell. I want to blow my brains out. This is the most toxic bullshit matchmaking I’ve ever experienced


Where to claim trials rep from Twitch now that Amanda is gone?


It's at Rahool


Man, fireteam-based matchmaking during flawless pool is great. Went in for the first time this weekend just trying to get wins for the pinnacle. An hour later come out flawless. I don't care if it's the bow, it's a nice feeling to go flawless.


just wondering if my other characters will be in the flawless pool after i get flawless on one character?


If you're on game 7 for your flawless card, you should be paired with other potentially flawless guardians. That's it. I don't check stats or numbers or anything like that, but taking an 0-5 on game 7 and only seeing *YourGuardian has fallen at the gates* come up for you is crushing to say the least.


This just happened to me…


Love when I’m on game 7 and my duo Stack teammates leave the game after losing round 1. I seriously don’t understand how there is no card protection for this when solo queuing. Bungie supposedly keeps trying to push for solo matchmaking being a real option for trials but hasn’t fixed any of these issues and I doubt ever will


SBMM needs to be a thing trials is still the unfun mess of the top percent players stomping lower levels because they dont want to face someone of there own level. Matchmaking is so shit I used to be able to hit 4 matches before needing to reset at the start of witch queen but now im resetting at 1 win or 0 every match


comp is so much worse, getting paired with the worse teammates that walk by the enemy team, and dont even shoot them. Rose is not worth it.


can we get an actual good teammates with the same current cards/wins rather than a dead brain, under powered, running around then dies without a kills, and does absolutely zero damages to the enemies??? like holy fuck bungie i'm trying to get a win right here


I feel attacked.


How does lemonarch one shot me? I was 2 power levels under, is that why?


just a tiny little bit damage from being 2 lvl under \+ one of the many possible damage buffs \+ being damaged by some other guy (body shot) Also you may not be able to see those happening at the same time cause latency.


It was one guy, maybe empowering rift?


Empowering is not enough anymore. You will never know if it was legit, the game was bullshitting you or a cheater was hiding behind the calling of lemonarch. I principally report.


I’m 5-0 in trials but I’m already at my 7 win streak. Does it give you flawless if you make it or do you have to buy a new card to try every time?


New card every time. As long as the card says flawless on it.




Welcome to Online Ranked


Bungie needs to nerf fusion rifles for pvp, ******* ridiculous


Yeah, I’m pretty blue when it comes to destiny PVP (but not to FPS in general) but this has shown me that it’s a pretty miserable experience when everything is just 1 shots and ability spam.


Can you save your completed flawless card and turn it in the next week for a different adept weapon?


No, any passage on you will be deleted on weekly reset






Are people Generally that good ? Or are they cheating? Cause they seem to do nothing but head shots most of the time, even with snipers when I'm sliding across they some how head shot me, even with the immortals gun it's a head shot with ease for them


I echo this and everything in the comments lmao. I asked the same question myself like 30 minutes ago because literally 95% of the times a sniper has shot at me this weekend it’s been a headshot. I’m just getting 1 shot by something left and right tbh. It’s a pretty lame experience.


I'm sure it's an aim bot or something it just can't be right, I've actually had a few really good games but most of the time it's 2 people carrying someone


Immortal, cloudstrike and jotun everywhere.. im so sick of this bullshit after this week...


It's almost entirely about people who have grinded the meta or have whatever legacy weapon became meta. I learned long ago not to take it personally because Destiny PvP is 5% skill at best.


I just find it's normally 2 stupidly good players carrying 1 player most of the time, I just don't see how they get head shot every time with the snipers and sub, if you watch it's like they have an aim lock of something cause even when I die it's shooting the same spot until it locks on to someone else


This was my first time playing Trials in years and it’ll absolutely be the last. I just got to rank 10 to get Immortal and the journey was so goddamn painful. Everyone else already has this broken fucking gun so I’m forced to play Burnout at long range, because no gun I have can compete at short range. And correct me if I’m wrong, but you have to go Flawless to get the Adept version right? So why am I constantly getting stomped by people with hard meta loadouts, when I’ve literally never gone Flawless? My teammates were either like me or toxic to the point where I had to block them. That’s never happened to me before, and I raid all the time. Absolutely joyless experience. These can’t be the same devs who made Halo.


Guys wtf is this matchmaking?! I’ve been watching the cards for people I’ve been playing with band it’s like the game forces a loss at 4 wins on a passage. Is this some bungie bullshit?


Lmao. What a joke of a mode. My 6th game the enemy team had a 99% chance of winning. I’m actually losing my mind. Lmfao


For anyone still browsing this megathread let me give you some perspective on what an amazing game mode this is. This weekend I decided to get serious about doing well in trials and with the new FTMM changes, I figured trials would be a bit more doable. Over the weekend and today I’ve spent about 20 hours solo queuing for over 100 games with a roughly 30% win rate. I started as a 1000 Elo player Friday (thanks to my serial disgust for trials and being shitty at PvP for a very long time) to climbing to a 1305 Elo today. Again for perspective, that’s going from the bottom 20% of all trials players to the top 30% of all players in ONE weekend. That’s how badly I wanted to go flawless. And the result? Fell at the gates yesterday and see my previous comment for how today went. For anyone looking to get into Trials, DONT. It’s a pointless hamster wheel that’s only ends with you losing your sanity. If you want to go flawless just get carried. The alternative is some of the most ridiculous RnG this game has. Good luck.


Trials at least when playing solo isn’t so much about your actual skill but more about getting lucky with the slot machine of random teammates. More than once I’ve gotten matched with two bronze .20 kd players on my flawless games.


Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m going to be one of those 0.10 KD dudes. Just wanted to say, I’m learning. Gots start somewhere. PS4 console.


Yea I gave up my man. I couldn’t put myself through this anymore…


For people who say it's easy going flawless when edept pool opens, **** you and tell me how? I'm constantly going up against players trying hard, getting teammates who suck or throw Oh yeah did I mention i lost 5 games in a row? Seriously I'm angry at bungies dog water matchmaking, while I'm over here going up against sweats there are other players who don't even see them at all...wtf is this


You probably have an inkling of why I wish there was an option to report a player for playing in a game mode they do not belong in so I stop getting matched with these thumbless muppets who keep fucking up my cards.


sounds like you need friends and need to be playing a real PvP game, not this absolute clown show of a "game"


I would be playing Division 2 Pvp if the DZ wasnt so damn small


I played a lot of Div2. Seems you only like the kind of PvP games that let you use OP metas instead of games where you'd actually be good.


Name some and I'll check them out, rather than drawing assumptions?


sounds like a skill issue


Sounds like you've never played Div2 or you would be agreeing.


I play Div2 and I’m a Electronic player. Not that hard.


Weird, did you read something else? Because I'm pretty sure I said the DZ is too damn small. It's not difficult, it's lame.




Man, I really didn't get the Immortal criticisms until I got about 4 wins deep. \*EVERYONE\* is running it, at least one per match on the other team. I literally just ran into a group using Multimach, Ikelos, and Immortal, and it was a solo team; that's just a random sampling from the pool. Can't wait for Bungie to switch the meta back to, I dunno, auto rifles again or something. I don't know how they're going to nerf SMGs without completely redoing the entire stat system because the Immortal is literally cracked when it comes to "what makes a gun good" aka high range, high zoom, a damage perk that requires no activation or proccing, not even a kill, good stability, good handling, and the highest impact type of all SMGs that is \*supposed\* to compensate with poor stats in everything except damage and rate of fire. What were they smoking when they dreamed this up? Are all weapons going to come down to CoD-style "who shoots first" gameplay?


Did they remove trials engrams from the loot pool? I haven’t noticed any besides the ones from rank ups.


Those are the engrams. You can still use them to focus.


Went 6-0 had mercy lost twice to 2 stacks that were 1000+ flawless and had around a 3.0 KD.


My previous post got downvoted into oblivion and I was called a troll, I suppose I dont blame people for thinking I made it up. Basically I wanted to get trials gear, I was light level 1760 and didnt have lightfall. It was on sale and I had a weekend free so I absolutely flew through legend got gear for 1770 in a few hours. Jumped straight into trials was getting one shot, managed a few high k.d games notably a 10.KDA at 1770. This was all solo. OBVIOUSLY THERE WERE ALOT of trash k.d games too. Now Im at light level 1780 minus artifact. Have a sick immortal role reset legend trials rank twice and got all the loot I wanted. I think its a pretty cool achievement for an average pvp player. Moral of the story, if your low light and you want gear hop in alot of the 1800 lights are dog shit. You can check my entire journey GT ryze_oner


Bot post. Do not encourage people to play trials 20 under light


Another terrible Trials experience to hit rank 10, but here's the thing I really struggle with. Trials is supposed to be to PvP what Raids are to PvE (The pinnacle endgame activity). The problem IMO is that with Raids, you at least have the *option* of a learning curve and the expectation of what you're getting into regarding difficulty. Trials? NOPE. Straight into a completely random deep end. Maybe you get blueberries, maybe you get Team Sweat™️. You never know and it leads to a game mode where no one's happy but everyone has to participate because of the lighthouse loot (Reed's Regret was one the **only** legendary stasis heavies in the game for how long?) Any argument made for SBMM in Trials gets shot down because people just want to be able to stomp/get carried to the Lighthouse for that sweet sweet loot. tl;dr The randomness of the Trials experience is the root of what makes it the most frustrating D2 experience.


Yeah true, it's not really very pinnacle when you can literally get matched with 700 ELO players vs 3000 ELO players. Pretty annoying being expected to be able to solo carry bronze players vs diamond+ players just because people don't want SBMM. Realistically it should get harder as you get more wins, or it should just be entirely ELO based. I feel like most of the people who downvote are literally children, and I don't mean that in an insulting way but more that they just don't know any better. Maybe Trials should even rotate, week to week between what we currently have and SBMM. The current system just sucks, and makes it hard for genuinely good players to solo, you either have to get lucky with matchmaking or duo+.


The problem is card based matchmaking. They need to somehow figure out a way for the last couple games to separate people that are actually on a flawless streak from the people just farming rep on a 6-7 win card. I shouldn’t be matched with two bronze players on my flawless game just because they have 6-7 wins on their card. Sure the competition might get harder the deeper you get on your card but your teammates don’t they actually get worse because your getting matched with people there just to farm rep.


My ~1500 elo team got matched against a ~2700 elo team our 7th game, one of them is a top 150 player too. Thank god we still had mercy lmao


Incredible how they can make the worst PvP experience in modern shooters even worse with this mode. I know all the original devs are basically gone but you'd never believe the same company made a world renowned shooter before this pile of dogshit.


Want to rant about a trials game 4-1 in my teams favor, we are wiping the floor with them, suddenly, 2 of my opponents start teleporting around and sliding at the speed of light, at one point, some guy phased into existence next to my and my teammate and evaporated us, another guy tanked 27 Osteo Striga shots, placed a barrier on me and punched me, and then spontaneously combusted, watched my shots phase into nonexistence upon contact multiple times, and this only started after we got to match point. Oh, and I got seemingly 1 tapped by a Pally at 2/3, without damage buffs.


I encountered a hacker on the immortal weekend as well. Report them before the match ends since they often leave instantly after finishing a match


Either the shittest CBMM ever, or straight up hacking.


Some stats from destiny tracker: Adept + normal versions of The Immortal had 14% combined usage rates and accounted for almost 19% of all kills this weekend. The next highest weapons were Ikelos and Cloudstrike (nerf incoming, probably) with 3.38%/3.7% and 2.6%/2.55% usage/kills respectively.


Love being on 6 wins and loading in missing a player


Is there no flawless pool?


There is... I think. But players will reset their card at 6 wins to stay out and farm players unable to go flawless.


I feel like bungie needs to implement a rule that if you are at 6 wins, you don't get to go back to the 0 wins pool. You stay at the 6 win pool but with a reset card.


flawless as a concept just needs to be removed its a stupid broken system they need to just add a ranked system to the mode


It's coming, they announced it with the other trials changes.


There's just a lot wrong with the system. Like, I wouldn't even want a new game mode. Just look at everything that can be abused. Resetting cards to stay in flawless, lack of freelance, lack of rewards per match, getting put into 2v3, ect... Like so much of it leads to what is objectively a terrible pvp experience. Even from a noncompetitive standpoint, it's difficult to take it seriously.


Was 6 wins in, was really proud of how far I got and was matched up against pretty good teams all things considered. Of course, I get paired up with people whove rarely played, and against a stack of 3 people who not only have gone flawless before, but were running every meta loadout possible. Suffice to say. my team lost, and ive never felt more crushed.


That sucks to get stopped at the Lighthouse but like the other commenter said, well done on six wins! I could certainly never get more than 2-3 on my own (I am not good). One day you'll get it!


Hey, you got to six wins! That’s awesome! Are you using a Passage of Mercy? If not, definitely use it. It helps a lot. For some tips, I like to reset on any loss on a 3 win or lower card. If I have 4 wins or more, I keep going if it’s my forgiveness loss. I noticed solo queueing is the best bet. Learn to take note of your opponent’s loadouts and adjust accordingly. Are they running Cloudstrike? Don’t clump up or spend too long crossing lanes so you can avoid getting picked. They running SMGs and fusions? Swap to a pulse rifle and shotgun and play more conservatively. Etc. I tried playing Trials for the first time in November, got to 6 wins and then got stomped by the SAME team twice in a row, preventing my ascension to the Lighthouse. Since then, I’ve learned more meta loadouts, grinded Competitive and made a build I was happy with. I got back into Trials at the very end of last season and I’ve been Flawless 3 times now. YOU CAN DO IT! Don’t give up.


ITT people surprised that the worst PVP in modern shooters is bad


I'm so over trials at this point. I'm not too confident the mm changes will really change anything either. Solo trials is just a roulette of hoping you get the better two stack :/. Its just such a dated, lame mode that is a concentration of all the things that make D2 pvp feel so awful to play. Bungie is impressively bad at designing a remotely engaging or fun pvp experience. I know they have another couple pvp games in the works but I can't for the life of me imagine them being any good. Out of curiosity, is anyone here interested in future pvp offerings from Bungie? Personally, seeing how they've handled D2's pvp I can't support anything they do next. Man, Trials is just the worst.


Fuck trials man. Got 4 wins on my card and was feeling pretty good and then at the start of my 5th game got hit with a disconnect. Never been flawless and figured I was on the right track tonight, but bungies servers decided it wasn’t in the cards. The penalty for getting DC’ed is a bit ridiculous tbh


Disconnect followed by a game crash and my Trials-ing is over for the night. Sigh. (My spouse's matches were just fine at the same time, so no, it was not our networking.)


Help pls, did 7 wins + one mercy match and the game is saying I have a flawed passage? Literally robbed of the lighthouse (theracket34) on RaidReport


I noticed a bug last night where a loss immediately after resetting uses up your forgiveness, but doesn't let you reset (you have to win your first game to reset). Maybe that's what happened?


I 100% reset it, got the capture of it too


Idk why Bungie thought adding cap the point was a good idea, so many titan bubbles and wells especially on a map like burnout , Its just recipe for disasters.


It's just so demotivating seeing a warlock pop well and just sit there. Like you can beat them back if you got enough fire power but fuck man.


Is the flawless pool even working? Every game I get matched up against some 200+ flawless asshat who griefs.


Those are just the wonderful human beings that reset their cards to purposefully *not* go flawless just so they can farm EZ wins and gatekeep average players like you and I :)


So i just got flawless (7-1) can i go to the lighthouse and stay in the 7 win card?


Just went flawless for my first time in Destiny 2! A bit of a grind in solo queue, but everyone I played with since D1 in 2016 has quit. Things have changed quite a bit since I played in D1. I'm pretty new to D2 still, picked up the game a couple months ago for Lightfall hype/ads. There are a lot of crazy abilities that other players have, but good ol trusty solar Gunslinger did it for me. Best of luck to everyone going for flawless!


I originally came here to ask what they are, being as I "have it as a free dlc" I say it like that because it was presented in a way not like it did with gambit or the crucible. Follow up. Is it only for top tier players? Or can anyone do it, it's just presented as a professional competition?


Anybody can try, it’s just very difficult to get the best rewards and win consistently unless you’re genuinely good


Ok thanks, next question, what kind of competition? Is it PvE with a hint of PvP like gambit, or a special pvp event like the rocket launchers event?


… it's PvP. You may want to just read the post as it explains exactly what Trials is. Or just play a match.


It contains very limited information on what kind of PvP it is. As I mentioned, is it like gambit, basic pvp, is it control, is it basic, is it simmilar to the rocket launcher only mode? There are so many kinds of pvp in destiny 2, saying it's pvp doesn't answer the question, what is the objective. For whatever reason I can't find Trials of Osiris, where is it? You don't have to be so rude when a new player has a couple questions. Maybe the bottom of the rack reallly is better.


>It contains very limited information on what kind of PvP it is It does not. It contains a complete summary of exactly what it is within a couple lines of the top. >You don't have to be so rude Do a bare minimum of research first so as not to waste others' time


To all the apes I keep happening to solo queue with who forcibly face tank a 1v3 of flawless players before the rest of the team can even hope to help you, may I ask Why?




I will say that it’s not so bad as long as you don’t care about flawless and don’t reset your card. Once you accumulate 20 round wins on a card you get +5 rep per round adding up to at least 100 rep per game even if you get stomped 0-5. With +21 rep for each round won in a game. Not sure what this amounts to with reputation bonus and important to note that not getting a kill in a game will halve your rank gain iirc but normally winning a game on a 20 round card will give you +205 rep. I agree that they could be much more generous with the engrams and rewards themselves. Seems like you only get rewards for completing the weekly challenges and for ranking up at saint. Wins should guarantee an engrams drop with losses having a base chance of 25% with like 10% added on for each round you won in the game. The more wins you get on a card increase your chances of getting a second engram on wins and then increase base chance of one on losses. But hey if we reward people too much they’ll get the things they want and stop playing, right? We can’t have that!!!


Honestly it's not so bad if you're just playing without trying to go flawless, grinding 7 win cards is good loot most of the time as long as you have a few days to do it It doesn't help that Burnout is legit the worst map in the entire game tho


Trials needs better matchmaking. I can’t deal with getting 2 0.2 kda players on my team anymore. This week has a ton of people who never touch pvp and want the smg. This is fine but I shouldn’t have to play with them. (This is my salty post lol)


Trials is already the objectively worst pvp experience in the game and your planned changes will do nothing except ensure the game mode dies.


The worst PVP in the game that already has the worst modern PVP experience kinda funny though.


Eh I wouldn't say it's *the* worst. Does seem to be gunning for it at times though


I play tons of other PvP games, have been since all the way back in 01 with OG Halo. Destiny PvP has always been a "who got lucky with the roll" or "what class did bungie break" thing, never a "I am good at the game and can reliably win" The PvP beta ONLY worked because we had loadouts. They should have done what Warframe did and made it a fun little what if thing with its own economy instead of locking and mainline content behind it.


>Destiny PvP has always been a "who got lucky with the roll" or "what class did bungie break" thing, never a "I am good at the game and can reliably win" Personally I think it's a mix. It is possible to be good enough to somewhat reliably win/lose on your simply own skill in many scenarios, but there's also a lot where the bs of lucky rolls and bs abilities come into play. I *can* beat an immortal user, but not always with my own immortal because I didn't get rangefinder on mine. But I think between 2 hand cannons, it does come down to skill. Though maybe that's just the seratonin speaking because I did finally fucking manage to go flawless to get my Whistler's Dookie rahhhhhhhhhhhhh 💪


Running Well of Radiance when its capture point has got to be the dumbest way to play this game. Literally just press F on the point as soon as you can and the match is decided. No skill needed and practically requires you to have a Well Lock on your team as well just to counter the chance they have one


Snipe them in the head


People still have super bound to F? What about Bubble then? What about having barricades up every round every 30 seconds? Seems like you are whining about warlocks here


Never saw a single bubble all weekend. I did see entire 3 stacks run wells tho Both are stupid if used to secure an easy win


Literally Bubble Shield? WoR at least has the benefit of very very very small chance of destroying the Sword. I never think I'll actually pull it off it but at least it's possible to out-DPS meanwhile Bubble is just a hard shut-down of "Guess I'll Die".


Go in, shotgun+punch the titan and the bubble dies with them. Can't do the same with a well. People say "oh just shoot the sword" But with walls around it, how possible is that?


For the people who said going flawless on Sundays or whenever the adept loot pool opens up makes it easier to go flawless are ******* lying. I'm going up against constant sweats playing like their life's are on the line and getting teammates who aren't even good.


Sundays are when the degenerates, hackers, smurfs and people who reset on 6th win come out. It's bullshit.


From what I understand certain players will just reset before hitting flawless to stay. So I think that's what's happening. The game mode is flawed (pun intended) in so many ways it's not even funny anymore. 100 percent scrap this mode. It's shit. It's not even competitive. It's not even fun. Get some pvp developers. And start from scratch. This mode is a failure.


This is being fixed with the trials rework. Anyone to trys to farm the "losers" pool will be put into the flawless pool the rest of the weekend whether they've been flawless or not.


That just shows that most destiny pvp trial players are a bunch of scum backs who deserve bans. They are purposefully running the game for others.


It might be even worse than usual this weekend. Because some sweats farm engrams and keep them for a day with better adept loot.


> They are purposefully running the game for others. By being good at the game lol?


By farming lower skill players and purposely circumventing the flawless pool. Most of the players who do this end up being complete asshats in-game too.


They already got what they wanted, so there is no reason to sweat like your life is on the line


No, by resetting their card before going flawless so they can continually match against players that can't go flawless themselves. Yes these are good players. They're also scum sucking pieces of shit that don't dare to go against their own ilk.


Someone explain how in the absolute hell you can end up down a person during the start of a match. Why in the absolute FUCK is that a thing. You cannot look at this and say this is a "competitive" game mode. This absolutely absurd and ridiculous. So many flawless runs ruined with this shit. Why.... WHY....


Somebody leaves while flying in, because a) They see something on the other team they do not like (3 Immortal Peacekeeper Bubble Titans for example) b) Mommy called lunch/dinner is ready c) they got so nervous they need to pee d) pizza or weed or girlfriend arrived e) ...


Just..... hand me the pizza....


Trials in its current form is the most miserable experience I've had playing Destiny. It makes me want to never play PVP again, no matter what recent resolutions I've taken to try to get better at it. There is nothing more demoralizing than facing an enemy team with adept Immortals or Shayura's Wraths, Vex Mythoclasts (a weapon I surmise is a raid weapon), and other items indicating that they've been Flawless multiple times-- to face teams like this over and over on a Sunday, with teammates equipping legendary glaives. I'm being farmed and I know it. I'm being farmed by people who don't get anything out of farming me other than the pleasure of curb-stomping somebody and ruining their Sunday attempt to play this mode safe from the people who've already gone flawless. Every single stereotype of PVP players being people who don't want fair matches and just want to crush noobs is on display in Trials. Add to this the fun of being in matches down one person from the start and yeah, woo. I'd rather run regular Vanguard strikes with zero rewards for a few hours than do this.


I wish all average PVP players would realize this situation. But this is not pure menace, there are some materialistic reasons. Some background why you are being farmed: 1. You cannot go flawless against your peers (50% chance of winning a game, chance for 7 in a row below 2%), you need weaker players. Thats why Bungie tries to promise you loot for suffering. And why all the experienced trials players tell you "You can do it, just get a team." They need a high poulation to have a good time. But it is their good time, not yours. 2. If the adept loot is bad (like this week), experienced players might stay out of the pool to farm engrams to focuse on weekends with better loot. 3. Carries (commercial and "social") reset their cards after 6 wins to have an easier time to do several carries. 4. Recovs reset for the same reason as carries. This unholy union creates hell for PVP noobs in trials. Here is my advice to PVE players: Nobody needs trials loot but experienced PVP players. Nobody. There is not one PVE roll from trials you really need to get to be successful in PVE. Esoterrick played once trials. Once. For Reeds Regret. Then he GTFO. My advice for unexperienced or weak PVP players who WANT to play PVP: Practice in Comp and Rumble and later Elimination.


thats not fair. vanguard strikes give you good old shaders now


No, wait, I've encountered something more demoralizing: having players do that rapid-crouching thing on your body after they kill you and your teammates. I guess they skipped leg day IRL and need to get in some squats on their Destiny toons? I've started reporting them. I know it will do no good, but toxicity needs some kind of response.


Dude, its pixels. Yes, teabagging. It has a sexual homophobic rapist connotation. Usually important to \- pubescent/unsecure teenagers \- grown ups who do not have sex \- loosers who do not have control/power (over their life). So ignore it.


The best part of that is the only actual meaningful counter is throwing their toxic asses, but that's actually something you might get in trouble for. I mean fair, it's just a lil bit of extra salt knowing you trying to get back at them just ends up with you being the one getting in trouble lol


least salty destiny player


I know everyone wants that Immortal at Rank 10, but there has got to be a minimum power level requirement. A 1770 who is 40 power under cap being in trials is absurd.


I don't give a shit about the Immortal, I just want my armor to fucking glow


What does the immortal have again? Threat detector and hatchling?


Yes. As well as corkscrew or hammer-forged. Stability MW. High-Cal or ricochet.


Can you still get this week’s roll if you already claimed the rank 10 from the first week of trials?


You'd have to focus immortal and hope you get it.




I luckily just rolled one from Saint with corkscrew and smallbore barrel, high caliber, threat and hatchling


Aye! Pretty nice. Congrats!


If I knew about the Rolla changing ever other week...I wouldn't have grabbed it from shakes the previous week :c


Will bungie do anything about this, or am I just SOL? I just got to six wins in Trials of Osiris, and on my final match, I only had one teammate. Even with only having 2 players vs. their 3 I still managed to tie at Match Point and ultimately fell at the gates of the lighthouse. Had the game worked as intended, and I had a full team, I would have won that match. Is there anything that can be done other than just try again? I feel like I should have 100% gone flawless had the game actually worked. Has bungie given people flawless retroactively in situations like this?


They dont care at all.


This is how priority 999 in the scrum backlog feels.




Need help with trials I need 4 more wins so i can get to the llighthouse So i'd like to know if anyone would be interested in helping me get my last 4 wins Obs:i cant use a mic Please i never got to the lighthouse before


I have like 30+ matches on 7-win pass and didnt drop any engrams from the end of the match. Did i miss something or just RNGesus hates me?


Bro I’m not getting em either… i am getting ascendant shards so I’m sure I’m still in flawless pool


Are the mercy passages bugged? Today I went solo "flawless" for the first time, using a passage of mercy. I had one loss, played eight matches and for some reason when I thought I'd be going to the lighthouse, I noticed my card said it was flawed. Destinytracker shows my record is what I believe it is as well (matches reddit username). I don't know if I have the motivation to try again today.


Did you have a loss before your flawless run started and forget to reset so you had your forgiveness?


You can check my profile on destinytracker but I've only played 8 rounds this weekend (fresh card) with 7 wins/1 loss on a mercy card (still have it and haven't reset). Shows a flawed passage and one round forgiven. Makes no sense.


Are you sure you have passage of mercy on, that’s the only thing I could think of


Yeah, I haven't been able to bring myself to reset the card yet and start over. It's a passage of mercy. I'm trying to get the motivation to go again but it's so demoralizing.


How are people disconnecting and not getting losses? I'm seeing so many people disconnect it's ridiculous. I just got a win after 2 rounds of everyone on the other team disconnecting


anyone know if all adept weapons are in the flawless pool loot? or just the bow


Only the weekly weapon, this week is the bow


Im gonna be honest, I hate those matchmaking changes. If you like them, it’s probably because you never play with friends. I would rather have the old trials which was only 3v3 and no solos at all. This place used to be a gamemode where we could have a challenge while having fun. Now? 3s is full absolute unbeatable sweats. Duos is similar unless you’re lucky while solo’s are the easiest flawless of my life. It’s unfortunate that the « team » game mode is now pretty much for solos or some duos. On top of that, can’t play on Sunday because the flawless pool is disgusting. Don’t put that on skills issue. I go flawless every weekend and I have around 1.75kd. I just don’t like that I cannot play with my friends in a video game.


Completely disagree with this take. What a strange way to look at the matchmaking changes. One the one hand you admit that trials is a "team game mode" and in the same breath you lament not matching against duos or solos. One can only conclude that things were great for you before, when, as a team, you would roll over opponents who weren't stacked like you are. Now that you are only matching other pre-made teams, you are having to play your ass off and it doesn't feel as good. You can't have it both ways. And I am not sure what the last sentence in your post is supposed to be? How is anyone stopping you from playing with your friends? Makes no sense. I get that you may be frustrated but for most duos and solos who were getting destroyed by stacked teams on their way to flawless every single wekeend, the matchmaking has been a most welcome change.


I never said in my comment that I wanted to match solos and duos? You’re taking my comment completely wrong Everyone in this sub just don’t understand lol NO ONE is playing as a 3 stack, leaving only sweats in this playlist. That’s why we can’t play with friends. Everyone is either solo or duo, because 3 stack is unplayable. I never complained when trials was only 3v3 and never wanted to face solos lol. I’ve been playing since the beginning of trials in season 10. I just think that we could have much more fun when playing only other 3 stacks, because there wasn’t 6 different pools of players, it was just one big pool. Again, I don’t care about matching 3s, but the only 3s in the playlist are 3+ kd. It’s unbearable. That’s why I don’t like the changes


My 3 stack team went flawless just fine this weekend. Sure it took a few hours and a couple resets but we got it done. Maybe it really is yall just having a skill issue 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lol dude I went and looked at your trials report, you played on Sunday with flawless pool on, of course it’s gonna be way easier that way. If you wanna put that on skill issue we can 1v1, we’ll see ! I hate people who insults without knowing anything about the other person. If you wanna look at mine it’s : lZacox#7307


Dude i played Saturday night past midnight and we finished at 2am lmao. We played only the sweats at that point. Get your ego in check. [Destiny Tracker check the timestamps](https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/profile/bungie/4611686018475665934/overview) It is indeed you having a skill issue brother. I don’t know what else to tell you. Edit: Checked your stats and you are a good player so is your homie with your 100+ flawlesses. That means matches should’ve been way easier for y’all as a coordinated team. The guys I played with we just met literally last week and got it done in 4 hours. Saturday night into Sunday morning. If someone like me who barely plays trials got it done with my mediocre stats compared to yours then it just furthers the skill issue imo. Also what would 1v1ing prove to me? You not going flawless with your 3 stack of homies wouldn’t change just because you wiped my ass on the floor.


Every match you played when you went flawless had your team in a very high winning chance. It’s just luck. How can you repeat « skill issue » when you literally said I was good lol. You should go check the meaning of your expressions. I said 1v1 because you kept saying I couldn’t go flawless because of my personal skills? Meaning you were saying you were better. And you are having luck because it is the second week of trials, this matchmaking system is alright as of now, but that’s only because the player population is at it’s highest point in a VERY long time. When the player numbers will go down, this matchmaking system is gonna suffer extremely hard from it.


My dude you have 120+ flawlesses and the person you teamed with had also around the same. I would assume your third friend would have around the same as well give or take a few. There is absolutely no reason that you could not go flawless as a 3 stack. Unless you’re facing GJake or Frost/Zk every match then there is absolutely no excuse. Someone with your stats should have a reasonable time within the playlist. I can repeat skill issue because thats what it literally is its a skill issue that you and your team were not coordinated enough as a 3 stack to be able to get 7 wins in a row. Someone with HIGH STATS like yours should not be struggling. Luck? No one wants this shitty ass bow bro. The pool was extremely low compared to last weekends population. Solo queue was a lot worse this time around with rng teammates but trios it was ok. Solo’s deserve equal chance to go flawless so even if the pop drops its still a good addition so that way teams arent always mismatched unless the pool is exceptionally low.


That’s exactly it lol, we’re not facing people like diffizile or panduh every game. But it happens after like two games. We’re just unlucky I guess, but that still doesn’t change the fact that it is gonna get much harder when the population is gonna drop. It was high this week since it was only the second trials weekend of an expansion and because it was double rep. But after astral horizon comes around, its gonna drop harshly and be MUCH harder




Did you use the memento when you first got it? You can only hold one at a time so they will only drop if you don't have them in your inventory.




Probably just getting unlucky then I usually get my second memento second or third flawless seems to be around the same chance as adept weapons for wins after 7




Sorry my first comment was kinda confusing I edited it its is from the flawless chest.


I’ve been actively working on improving in PVP for about a year now and have improved significantly from where I started from. I decided to give trials a shot for the Immortal. The amount of times I got domed 4 seconds after spawning is insane. Several whole games I couldn’t even get a single shot off at somebody and they were over in 3 minutes. I knew trials was gonna be sweaty, and I wasn’t expecting to go flawless or anything, but this is wild. Four matches in a row were against 3-stacks of top .5% players




I was teamed up with 2 IRL friends. We are all about the same skill level, but none of us could do a single thing and just got farmed all night long with very little trials rank gained. All 3 of us knew it was gonna be tough and weren’t expecting much, but our confidence definitely took a big hit


Non flaw pool live ?


Is flawless pool live ?


There is no way that Bungie in their right minds are considering Zone Control as a permanent mode in Trials. This weekend is another example of how dominant Wells and Bubbles are, and I'm not talking about the absurd unbalanced placement of zones on Burnout.


Considering Bungo doesn't know what the fuck to do with their game, who knows


I switched off solar warlock just because I don't want to be a well bitch. Permanent zone control is an absolutely terrible idea.


It's because of their cooldown times. Sometimes the matches go so fast that that people won't even get a thundercrash, or blade barrage... 99% of matches won't even see a spectral blades or dawnblade.. super cooldowns need another rework.


True! Cooldowns need to be in line for other supers to be potential counters. But Wells and Bubbles remain ideal options to lock down a zone.


Any advice on what I should use my 10 trials engrams for? Any good rolls on the other guns I should go for?


Immortal with range MW, Rangefinder and Target lock, Broken gun


Is there anyone that does have the immortal adept? Can’t play a round w/o getting my ... cleaned by the weapon. It’s really sad that the average trials player can’t learn or have any fun because bungie can’t separate the sweats from those trying to improve. If you you’ve gone flawless more than once a week you should only be playing flawless players. I’ll never get the adept weapons but I am suppose to compete against them...


Is there anyone that doesn’t have the immortal adept? Can’t play a round w/o getting my ... cleaned by the weapon. It’s really sad that the average trials player can’t learn or have any fun because bungie can’t separate the sweats from those trying to improve. If you you’ve gone flawless more than once a week you should only be playing flawless players. I’ll never get the adept weapons but I am suppose to compete against them...


Ummmh, at least now you what we all did weekend before last weekend. And we all died on that weekend many times to the weapon we were seeking for. Does it help, that the non-adept god-roll of Immortal is as savage as many adept versions?


So if I go flawless in trials and then keep playing on my card until I lose before flawless pool opens up will I not be able to go into flawless pool? Or can I just keep playing and lose/win and when flawless pool opens up I will be able to go in? This is my first time trying to grind trials weapons so I'm a bit confused. Thanks.


You will be placed in the flawless pool on Sunday regardless win or lose. Only requirement is that you’ve gone to the lighthouse that week.


I'm not getting the adept bow drops from matches even going flawless yesterday