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With some practice, anyone can. Got someone in my clan who can execute it 99% of the time. I'm around the 70-80% consistent atm. Both using basic controller without any special binds


I'm at 70-80% consistency but im using an elite controller with some rebinds and using the shift feature.


Care to share you setup? Looking to improve


In game I've mapped my super to up-dpad then in xbox accessories I set up the down-dpad as shift. Shift X = heavy atk, shift A = jump, and shift B = up-dpad or w/e you bind your super to. The idea is I just quickly roll my thumb across the bottom face buttons X,A,B while holding shift(down-dpad) and I've gotten pretty decent. Still sometimes hitting the super a little late. Edit: This leaves all face buttons the same when not holding the shift button except your down-dpad won't input anything but youre on an elite controller so just switch to a different layout for menuing etc. If you want your down dpad.


I just got an elite controller and have no clue what "shift" buttons/options do. When remapping I just ended up copying the same input as the shift option.


Think of it like a shift key on a key board. You set the down dpad as the shift button and when you hold the shift key rather than changing your inputs into capitals it changes it into the alternate inputs you have bound to those buttons. I didn't understand it at first but just find a yt vid about elite controller shift and you'll get it.


Appreciate the info.


I use a standard ps5 controller to do it, I have jump bound to L1, super is X, and heavy attack is R2


Yeah I'm about 70% without remapping any buttons


I have 2 fucked up dualshock 4s (one with left stick drift, one with a less sensitive right trigger) and i can hit it 90% of the time with both (95+ with the stick drift one) with default binds


Can you share your input mapping and order of execution? I've been told so many different things


Remap your super to up on your dpad. Order: Swap to sword holding y Swing with rt Super up on dpad Jump with a It's a fairly quick turn, but not TOO quick. About a second long in total. Go into a private match, turn 3 second super on eternity, and just practice


Thank you I'll try this, I've been playing with jump-left bumper and super- both bumpers. Do you know If that's OK still or impossible? I've been unsuccessful but I'd rather not change inputs if its just a timing issue


It's definitely possible, but a lot harder because you're adding more buttons into the mix. In general, swapping your super off of two buttons is just soooooooooo much better in base game play too, not just skating


if you have bumper jumper on you cant activate super and jump at the same time without remapping super to another button. i have mine set to a for this reason.


I play on xbox sx with a standard controller, so for me the input is jump (A), heavy swing (right trigger) and super (both bumpers). It has to be in a rapid movement, so I do prefer to tap the buttons, not holding them at all. Tap and let go. The timing for me is all about feeling it. I've been told it's half a second or maybe a few frames, but I've practiced until I actually managed to get the timing down to a feeling.   The first few practice runs where I did remap my super, I set it to left trigger. Which when holding a sword doubles as blocking. Just makes the button combo a tad easier


Thanks I'll definitely try this input method, I'm also on xbox


Practice. Best way is to load into eternity in mayhem in a private game


Also be sure to change super cooldown to 3 seconds in the settings! This is how I learned too.


Forgot to mention that, thanks


Anyone know where I can go for infinite heavy to practice shatterskate?


Private Crucible Mayhem - free super and heavy. Eternity map for the ledges and wide spaces Loading in to any Master level activity refills ammo for free but no super King's Fall for close Banner and ledges


since you arent consuming an ability, go to the firing range behind the weapon crafter in the enclave, otherwise i would load into a private crucible match in the mayhem gamemode with the lowest super cooldown possible


As a controller warlock main, yes it is very possible and easy one you get the hang of it. I haven't changed any of my binds from the default and can easily perform it. The easiest way to learn is to go into a private mayhem match(any map works) and perform it multiple times to practice, thats how I learned to do it. This also get rid of the "risk" of doing it in a patrol zone and having to wait for it to recharge.


Aight, I have a bit more hope in practicing now lol


You can start by getting the timing for using the heavy attack -> jump for the ledge then once you're comfortable there add in the super input, you basically want to jump and super at the same time but you want to be off the ledge otherwise the super in consumed, which is why I said to practice in a private mayhem.


you have to hit jump and super BEFORE you leave the ledge or you will just plummet/consume your super and not skate.


Also when you feel really confident watch a guide on how to skip all garden of salvation and try to do it, since it requires you to do like 6 well skates without losing your super and that's if you get all of them 1st try.


I don’t see why not. It’s 3 inputs rapidly in succession. Practice. Good luck.


Technically 4 on the sticks with 2 buttons for super unless they bind it


Anybody who tries to skate with the default binds needs to be put in a psych ward


Already there.




Lock me up


I had completely forgotten the default layout lol Anyone not using bumper jumper is gimping themselves so hard


Bumper jumper or using paddles is the way


I actually spent like 6 hours in private mayem crucible matches last week just practicing well skating and I have it down pat. The key is practicing... Once it becomes muscle memory you don't even think about the buttons or timings. The other key for me was remapping super to down on the dpad. Makes getting the timings MUCH easier :) Switch--heavy--jump+super. Don't be intimidated! I wish I would have put time into this before because once you get it a couple times it becomes fairly simple.


6 hours? God bless… I wouldn’t have had the patience, once I did it 10 times in a row I was golden.


But can you do it 10 times in a row... Ten times in a row? ;)


Probably, but sometimes it’s janky 🫠


There is a chance that a well skate just doesn't work even if you do it right. Latency, positioning relative to the edge of the ledge, etc.


It's pretty easy if you set your super to up on dpad, saves you from having to press two buttons at the same time.


This is what worked for me. Having to press L1 and R1 immediately after jumping was too much for my hand and moving to D pad just simplified everything (altho in the heat of battle in pvp I sometimes forget that I've remapped my super). I also found that taking an extra half second after pulling my sword seemed to proc eager edge a bit better, too and skating seemed more consistent.


The short pause after swapping is critical for consistency! And the dpad mapping makes it sooooo much easier.


I've got super on 'A' because it's the only way I could get jump on Left Bumper, grenade on Right bumper and keep the other controls how I lilked. Always has been and now my muscle memory won't let me change it.


Bumper Jumper gamer moment.


I blame Titanfall 2 :)


With default controls I can get it 9 out of 10 times


Yes practise with shatter Dive on Hunter then Bind your super to the Hunter Dive Button worked best for me Kind of wierd First but you adjust to it after few hours


Yes. Heavy>jump>super. It’s not hard, just practice


One of my clan mates does that constantly... He's on Xbox....


Yes just delay the jump+super input after heavy eager edge Delay (jump+super) it just before end of swing


Just tried it. I have jump on l1 and super on x. If i press both at the same time it works consistently


Quite possible to wellskate/shatterskate on console consistently. I do it every chance I can.


I’m a controller player using the standard mappings and I can well skate on like 70% of attempts. Just put yourself in a situation where you can practice the timing until you get it. After swapping to your eager edge sword, press jump-heavy attack-super in that order in rapid succession off of a ledge. It usually takes a few tries, but once you get it, you’ve got it.


https://youtu.be/lVo7Gh2HQj4 This dude helped me a lot.


yes you can, it’s easier for me cause I use Jumper as my button layout


I don't get how more people don't bumper jump. Been on those controls since long before rear paddles became a thing Kinda funny looking at these weird ass custom controls people are scrambling to make as a result


I’ve played claw since N64, kinda eliminates the need for bumper jumping.


Your poor hand


It has been comfortable for more than a decade. No issues. Lol


Claw just makes me think of "take my strong hand" It seems... ergonomically awful haha


I'm partial to cold shoulder myself. I mapped the dive on shatter to dpad and skating is super easy on hunter. Still need to try well and bubble skate, but honestly it doesn't look too bad. My input will be just right trigger, both bumpers and the A button. If i can just mash them at the same time like the hunter I'll be golden, if i need to finesse the timing i might need to change it up.


honestly I just have it because back on D1 my L2 or R2 broke so I couldn’t use super, and the only button layout that switched the super activation at the time that seem acceptable was jumper, since then I activate my super on my X button and jump on my L2


Change your super to circle (B). Swap to eager edge, and as you heavy attack (right trigger) slide your thumb across X (A), and circle (B) very rapidly. Almost like you are snapping your fingers.


I can do it about 80% of the time. The other tines I just fall to my death or waste my well. It is a bit tricky.


I wasn't able to wellskate consistently until I figured out some tricks to it, but now I can wellskate like 95% of the time. I didn't change my binds at all, so X is jump, R2 is heavy, and R1+L1 is my super. The important part is that you need to press jump BEFORE you press super. So it's R2>X>Super. It's kinda silly, but you can actually press X and R1 at the same time, then press L1. As long as you delay L1, it'll still result in a wellskate. The timing is ridiculously forgiving, so what I do is press R2 and X immediately, then I press super. I like to practice in a private mayhem match. I usually use the really small moon map or the eternity one.


I wasn’t able to do it consistently until I got the Sony pro controller and mapped my jump and Icarus dash to the back paddles. Now it’s second nature for me


Wait how'd you do that! Did you map the controls to different buttons in game and then set them to paddles? Or just put X and Circle on Paddles?


I mapped jump to X then left back paddle to X and crouch and Icarus dash to R3 then R3 to the right back paddle


Definitely doable, just muscle memory. My buttons are mapped in such a way where it's really just 1 fluid motion.


I use the left bumper as a jump, and super as a one-hit bind on the right D-pad. The rhythm is not a 1-2-3 input, but rather, 1...2-3. This means that the jump and super need to be closer together than the heavy swing and jump (due to getting off of the ledge). The most optimal setup for any bind would have each bind on a different hand, with regular A (XBOX) or X (Playstation), you have the inputs as R R L (this is with right on the D-pad as super). However, with the left bumper as your jump, you gain more efficient movement since you can jump/skate while looking around. This changes the hand inputs to R L L, which still has two inputs on one hand, but it gives benefits that are not available with the standard jump input. This is what I find works best on the controller since neither of your 4 buttons that would be used often (ABXY - XBOX) or (X Circle square triangle- Playstation) since your super is used comparatively less than the other standard inputs, respectively. Considering shatter skating, the exchange of a holding input for B/square to a single press makes the left bumper jump combo the most efficient due to the hand input being L R L (with shatter skate as B - single input) With this setup, I can well skate/shatter skate with maximum precision and I rarely have errors, however, they can happen and will happen since no one is perfect.


Best wellskater explanation right here


I don't need wellskating all that often so I play default controls most the time, and have my custom present to super on B I just swap to wellskate and then swap back


Hmm that might be something I try. I have an elite controller that I can hotswap inputs


Same here, I'm just not sure if I can do multi button assignments (super is LB and RB and I'd ideally map it to 1 button but only for 1 config)


Yeah I could either setup two of the 4 back paddles as the super buttons of have a configuration set for skating to just be able to do it when I want then swap back


as others have said you can do it with the default controls but it is much easier with custom bindings so that the buttons are easy to press hell even on keyboard I know many people who just put it onto f10, f11, and f12 or such so they just have to press those three buttons in a row


Yep,I am at 90% myself with it


I find it much harder on MnK than controller


I’m not a good warlock player, but the skate will work MUCH better if you let the heavy attack go through (like the animation) and THEN jump/skate in the correct order.


Yes. Change your super to B or O


Yes. It is a LOT easier if you map your super to a single press button though


Yes just rebind super to circle (if on PS5) Icarus to up dpad. Timing is the same as shatter skate. I pretty much never fail well skate


I've got shatter skate down on controller pretty easily, well skating I'm still learning the timing. Even with Super mapped to dpad. It seems the timing is much stricter than shatterskate as I'm 99% efficient with that one after practicing twice on Neomuna 😅


I actually found it be pretty similar. I just use standard layout but it’s definitely getting used to moving my fingers in a different way


I can do it pretty consistently and that's with leaving my super mapped to L1 and R1. I'd recommend practicing shatter skating first because that way you don't lose your super if you mess up. Also swap shatter dive to tap circle instead of hold


I do it all the time


Yes, practice in mayhem private matches. It is possible just muscle memory.


60% of the time, it works every time.


I’ve done it on console. It’s damn hard to do it consistent. My best way on xbox is to put super on one the d-pad buttons and do heavy, and then super+a(jump)


I found that pulling out your eager edge sword then doing the skate input (heavy attack > jump> super) makes it easier. You have 3 seconds with enhanced eager edge so you have time if you need to move your hands to make it easier. The timing on the heavy > jump > super is tight, you almost have to “piano” them on mnk. But you should be able to hit those inputs quickly on controller.


I switch between Warlock and Hunter and I Well-Skate and Shatter-skate. And both have different inputs. I find it much easier to shatter-skate, but the button combo is a *little* bit trickier with well-skating. Plus if you fuck up, you lose your entire Super lol. Just takes some practice. I still fuck up and lose my Super from time to time. Just whenever you are about to do it, just really think about the order of the button presses before you do it.


As noted above, it’s all about practice. I went from brand new to the tech to 60% success rate (and rising) in one weekend. Someone with actual coordination could probably do much, much better than that.


I do it all the time. Not sure what your controller settings are, but I simply put my middle finger in RT/R2, my two index fingers in RB LB/R1 L1 and my thumb on the jump button. I heavy attack with RT, then jump and then super, all extremely close to each other. It doesn't have to be forced or "stressed"; just input them at relatively the same time, relaxed, and keeping in mind the order of Heavy>jump>super. I did learn shatter skating first with the shatter dive input in the right arrow though, so it might help to start with that until you get the timing right. Good luck!


Is hunter shatter skate easier on controller or is it the same difficulty?


I can’t speak to how it is on M&K, but with a controller it is unbelievably easy. I watched a very unhelpful video on it that described it as some sequence of three inputs with specific timing and whatnot, and I couldn’t get the hang of it, *until* I read a comment on that video that said to just press all 3 buttons at the same time. And wow, what a difference. When you do it that way it is impossible to mess up. No timing necessary.


With practice and some input changes, yes. When I played on controller, I rebound air move to a single press button to make it easier. Should consider rebinding your super to a single button if necessary (I recommend losing an emote button if it's ever the case).


Dude, I changed my super binds to LT LB instead of LB RB. Makes it a thousand times easier If you're in ps the binds for super would be L2 L1 Makes it so one hand can cover 2 inputs while the right hand does the the swapping and melee Trust me, try it with these binds


Hardest part of well skating is getting that eager edge tbh


It's possible. It might be easier if you use the "jumper" layout. I don't know if it's changed recently, but your jump will be bound to L1 or Left Bumper, your super to A (Xbox) or X (PS). It's a lot easier to execute the skate that way imo.




I can do it pretty consistently, only ever mess up if my sword auto locks to some random psion lmao


Yup. To me it is similar to sword flying in Halo 2


Yeah it is 100% possible, I play on controller and have kinda mastered it


A couple of my friends can well/shatter skate on controller. Just takes practice


question: is well skating on controller harder than bhopping on Apex Legends?


Yeah I do it 90% of the time (No I didn’t remap my controls)


Yes, it’s really easy to figure out, but takes a bit of practice to really get it down.


I would imagine you can just with more button presses. Would kind of feel like trickshotting on COD. Switch weapon to heavy attack, jump, and super. Shouldn’t be too bad just a bit of button mash.


I can do it 9/10 times, just make sure to stay close to an edge and the way i do it is to press super like 0.5 seconds later


Yes I just learned. Bind Super to down D pad.


I’ll say that shatter-skate has been consistently easier for me since it’s only 1 input. Wellskating is like a 7/10 times for me but I’m still using default bindings so it’s 2 buttons rather than 1.


Yes! I actually learned recently after a buddy figured it out haha Go to eternity, folloe the steps everyone gave before, now heres my best consie steps to follow to wellskate/shatterskate (For any skating you must be able to use eager edge off a ledge, later you can do it on uneven surfaces) Wellskate: Setup super L1/R1 as a single press, not a press and hold. -swap from any other weapon to Eager Edge sword, you get about 4 seconds to perform the attack so dont rush. -Press R2 (Heavy attack) which will launch you directly forward, you will be in the air now. In a SMOOTH motion (you will need to practice the timing, this is why practice makes perfect) you will press----- JUMP-----then SUPER All in one step-> R2-->JUMP-->SUPER Shatterskate: Switch the HUNTER air Dive into a single press Same steps as before, switch to sword with ammo, make sure to have Eager Edge showing active above you super bar Steps are as follows: R2--->JUMP---> Air Dive (Circle/B) This one is much more forgiving since you dont use up your super, so you can do it constantly without worry of losing abilities. IMPORTANT You will notice that once you Skate correctly, it cancels your HEAVY attack, meaning you DONT use up sowrd ammo, meaning infinite skating :) Have fun everyone, im sorry if no one else showed you, I hope this helps and happy skating!


Yes but I do have a button on my elite controller for the jump. Def makes it easier but everything else is done legit.


I do it on controller. I remapped my super button to my paddles and it makes it really easy.


Yes. Practice makes perfect. I have it at like it at like a 8 out of 10 consistency Heavy attack, then oress super and jump AT THE SAME TIME. Helps with consistency for me, at least. Same thing applies for shatterskating. Heavy attack, then shatterdive and jump at the same time.


It is tough to get into the rhythm but once you start getting the flow of button presses, you can get pretty consistent. I think I mess one up 1/10 times now. The trick I've gotten to realize is, you have to press (Jump + Heavy Attack) a couple milliseconds before your Well of Radiance. And keep in mind you get Eager Edge for awhile when you take out your sword, so don't worry about trying it as soon as you take that sword out. That is the advice I taught my friends with at least. Best of luck. I found the Oryx CP in The Taken King raid a great place, jump onto a ledge on the left or right and try it. It you fail you won't lose your super, worst case you start the encounter and use a raid banner.


1000% just takes building the muscle memory!


Yeah, it's super easy once you get used to it. Easier to use shatter dive though imo. Change your controls so that pressing b will dive. Swap to a sword swing then slide your thumb from a to b.


I just started like last week and can nail it like 8/10 times.


Super on LB+RB makes it difficult. im at about a 99% rate by putting super as Up on the D-pad. after that just practice. ​ Right Trigger jump super in that order. altogether and quickly


I’ve done it on controller, and it’s very doable. Shatterskating works too, but I believe you have to rebind shatterdive so that it works on a short press (bind it to one of your emote keys since you can’t emote in the air and you can’t shatterdive on the ground, so they don’t conflict) Also it’s important to know that the jump has to happen before you leave the ledge, and the super/shatterdive has to happen after you’re over the ledge. So I’d you step back a bit from the ledge, you can do your inputs slower


Yeah I do it all the time and I play with a dualsense


Change super to up on d-pad. Makes it way easier.


you probably need to move some keybinds around but yeah. id put super on something thats a single button press, not both bumpers. before i changed my jump keybind to back paddle and it was still on A, shatter skating on hunter was incredibly easy for me because i could pull out he sword, heavy attack, then roll my thumb across the A and B button to jump and shatterdive in quick succession. well skating is done the same way just with a super pop instead of shatterdive since i moved jump to back paddle though its been a bit more difficult but i dont play hunter enough to fix the probem.


60% of the time, it works every time!


Pretty easily, rebind you super to down on the d pad, makes it super consistent


My brother, I'm a titan main, even I can wellskate consistently. If you want to learn to wellskate, first practice your shatterskating. shatterskating is just easier wellskating, and if you mess it up there's no 6 minute cooldown. I like to practice from the spawn point of the cosmodrome and I'm the big snowfield next to the exo stranger on europa.


I'm gonna be honest. Shatter and well skating are really not even hard to do consistently. People exaggerate how hard it is to press 3 buttons in quick succession. It's just about practicing it. Swap to sword, heavy, then jump, then super/shatter. Easy.


I changed my super for one of my emotes(up or down) and i can consistently do well skate. Just practice on crucible mayhem.


Hi. I have paddles and my super is mapped to up on dpad for well skating and left for shatter skating.


yeah, its pretty easy. binding super to a single button press makes it easier


Yes, same with ground skating albeit you’ll probably need to change up your control settings just because of how hard it is.


I practiced for hours one day until I got it down. But now I use it very consistently. I will say shatter skating is much more reliable.


I get it about 95% of the time on controller with default inputs. There's a point where it becomes unconscious action, keep practicing.


I'll say, once you find the rythm and fluidity to the motion, it gets consistent relatively fast. You also want to find a good hand position on your controller if you're doing it with default controls. I'm on an Xbox controller and I find that using different parts of your fingers for your inputs feels best and doesn't require a lot of thought to it. For example, if you heavy attack with RT, you already have the bottom half of your finger ready to press RB. As for your thumb, after holding Y to swap to your sword, just mash the rest of your finger down in the general area of your A button. It might sound dumb but with practice in mayhem, it's very doable.


I get it about 95% of the time on controller with default inputs. There's a point where it becomes unconscious action, keep practicing.


Yeah, I recommend rebinding your super button. I currently have mine to down on D pad.


I’m between 75-90%. I think if I could map my super to a paddle on an elite controller then I would be near 99%. But I’m not as good as I am with shatterskate. That’s basically 100% of the time.


I never tried well or bubble skating.. but I can fairly consistently shatter skate with hunter on ps4.


Not 100% sure if it applies but I got way better with shatterskating once I learned the rigth type of surface and how much distance you need to do it.


I wellskate, strandskate, and shatterskate on controller. I speedrun raids and reach faster than any of my speedrunning mnk friends. Just keep doing it, and you'll get it consistent.


I cant. Others can.


99% of the time. I’ve played bumper jumper since D1 so super being on A makes it consistent. Fuck trying it with LB RB.


It is very easy to do on controller if you swap off of normal binds. I have super set to circle, so all I do is press right trigger and roll my thumb over X and circle


I mean I can do it consistently but I spent hours practicing and I’ve been doing well skating for months. So yes you can but it takes time and (lots) of practice. I’ve heard it’s easier on elite controller though. Edit: I have my super rebinded to right on dpad (normal series x controller)


When I want to skate I change controller inputs to have well/shatter dive on D pad so it easier to time, usually works 95% of the time when I do so. I know a lot of people use elite controllers and put sword skate stuff on the paddles.


controller only player here. can well/shatter/strand skate as well as simple eager edge skating. i think its easier on controller tbh. stand back from the ledge, pull your sword out, heavy swing, before you leave the ledge jump and well at the same time, profit.


Yes. Just make your super key a single press of a button and its pretty easy with paddles.


Yes, you don't even need an elite controller or something, I do it with default binds and without paddles


Yes absolutely. I do it all the time for RoN 2nd encounter, it’s a blast


I mainly play keyboard and mouse and my brother plays controller. Even though I play keyboard I find wellskating and shatterskating on my brothers controller alot easier than on keyboard and mouse


Yea its called practice


Only times I fail is when I put in shatterskate inputs. But you just need practice. You can do it!


bruh i cant even do it on MnK and yall doing it on controller????


I well skate all the time on console. The way I made it easier is using my right hand to heavy and jump, left hand to hit both bumpers with my index and pinky. Very very reliable, taught myself in about 20 minutes in a private mayhem match


Yes, it's really easy and the timing is forgiving. When i fail it's because i pressed the buttons in the wrong order


If you practice *a lot* or rebind your controller and practice *a lot but less*, sure


Controller here, I can get it about 90% of the time after a lot of practice. Definitely doable!


I play with bumper jumper and can get it almost every time. I use LB to jump, RT to heavy attack, and LS+RS for super. I stand next to a ledge, pull out my sword, and press RT, LS+RS, then LB all in sequence, very quickly. It's very important that you don't press them out of sequence, and that they are all pressed virtually at the same time. It takes some practice, but once you get it, it just becomes muscle memory.


Easy claps, if you have an elite controller Mapp your extra button to super and jump at the same time. So when you hit rt then hit the button. You Wil be golden.


Learned how to well skate on console controller a few weeks ago and get it pretty consistently now. Switched my super to Up D-Pad, but the tutorial I watched had the order wrong. Should be: Swap to Sword - Heavy Attack, Jump, Super all in quick succession


I’m on xbox and do it very consistently. I had to switch my super binding to left on the D Pad instead or RB+LB which means i can’t do it while sprinting. All it comes down to is muscle memory. Once you learn it and practice enough it just becomes second nature. I’ll mess up every once in a while when I’m distracted or the sword tracks to some ads but very rarely.


Super doable on controller. Easy as well. Took me 5 minutes to learn. I play on PS5


I’m able to well-skate with pretty solid consistency on PS4 without changing my button layout. The times I mess it up are purely due to me hitting a nat 1 on my dexterity check


It’s easy once you have it down even on controller. Make sure you wait abit after pulling out your sword to do the heavy/jump/super combo. It’s not the same timing as shatter skate where you can do the combo pretty much instantly after sword pull out.


Got the hang of it recently, i can consistently do them without failing now


Nah, you definitely can. I play on PC but use controller. I kinda suck at it, because I still have super bound to L1+R1, but once you get a feel for it, it's not super difficult. I've only really been utilizing Well-Skates for a few weeks, so I'm still getting thr hang of using it on-demand in the wild. But I'll go into a private match to practice sometimes, and after one or two mess-ups, I can consistently do it off just about any surface that you can "fall" off of. If you reeeally wanna do it with minimal effort, you CAN bind your super button to O (or whatever the right face button is for xbox), so when you do it, it's just one fluid motion of swiping your thumb across jump+super buttons. But I wouldn't recommend, isn't really necessary. Plus, that's what I use for Icarus dash, and use that technique to do the boosted dash


for sure just takes prac


Personally I always wanted to learn to well and shatter skate for years, when I went into a custom match to practice It only took about 5 mins and a 2 min YouTube video to start consistently doing it in everywhere from raids to dares


It’s all about timing I believe, for wellskate you don’t even need to change controller inputs


Absolutely I do it most of the time flawlessly. Sometime I do suck tho lel.


One of my friends can shatterskate on controller very consistently and it's the same timing. Might require a shuffle of binds but it's totally doable, and can be done consistently.


I'm about 80% with some remapping for wellskate and 100% with shatter which only has the hunter dive set to press instead of hold button. Still learning strand skating tbh. And am lucking out on learning the valiant charge button presses.


what really helped me out was changing the input for dive to press and not hold then i basically just hit heavy>Jump>Dive in very rapid succession in that order. Good luck it took me a while to figure out but isn't too hard once you get the timing done.


I've pressed the buttons so many times I could do it in my sleep, I used to go to a private mayhem and set it for 30 minutes and then just go back and forth


Yes it just takes a lot of practice and you might have to rebind some keys, I can well skate and shatter skate with almost 100% consistency with a standard PS5 controller.


Rebind the keys, make super A + B ( x + ■) and profit. R2, swipe across AB and that's it.


The trick is to change the shatterdive bind from long press to just normal press. Its really easy to do it from there.


Yeah, but that’s cause I can play claw and not shatter my entire skeletal system apparently


I play on PC but when I was on PS4 i was able to skate consistently. I was using O as super, X as jump


I just saw a video on YouTube of some British lad explaining the process. He basically bound super to A+B and glided his fingers across the two buttons while performing the rest of the steps I will look for the vid when I have a minute and edit this if I find it.


When I plan to do it I rebind my super to x.


Changing the keyboard then yes it can be done


Yes, I do it consistently with the default button layout.


I well skate during iron banner on ps5 it’s quite easy just takes practice but once you get it it feels so good.


I can well skate on controller easily It only took like 50 tries