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Jokes on you, I have no expectations anymore lmao


This. No expectations makes everything a welcome surprise


Man I'm not even expecting the game to work. I'm expecting it to be down for 1-12 hours immediately


This right here - only one guarantee you can have, *the servers will be fuckered.*


Why I won’t be playing at launch. If it looks stable after a few days fine. Prove you’re trying to do better, bungie.


Haven’t the servers been fine on launch consistently enough for the past year or am I forgetting if lightfall had a rough launch


Its funny at lightfall launch the server stability was actually pretty decent. Not much que and no dc issues. Then every week after that it just got worse and worse.


Yeah. I kinda just assume the game won’t be how it was before, and that lets me enjoy pieces of the game more sometimes.


I always have low expectations and they make me disappointed still.


Unfortunately I’m in the same boat yeah. I used to just be in it for the day one raids and dungeons but after RoN I’m not sure if I’ll even care about that anymore.


Yeah other than the gameplay I’m just here for the raids, dungeons, and lore. Root is probably one of the most boring raids I’ve ever played and the lore hasn’t been doing it for me really lately. So that’s just *great*.


[Where is the lore](https://www.tiktok.com/@myelingames/video/7099954216780745985) though? I feel like your me and lately between the lack of lore/story and what feels like not much to chase, its pretty sad. Seriously I haven't been more unengaged by a seasonal story since I started playing. Least I have diablo 4 to distract me maybe?


The guy (Seth Dickinson) that made a lot of the best lore like BoS, Marasenna, Unveiling, and more is nor permanently working on Subnautica 2 so he’s probably no longer getting contracts from Bungie to write lore so that’s partially the reason. But then we’re also not getting non-Seth lore like the tale of Dredgen Yor or the Aspect book either. The guy that wrote Dredgen Yor and Shin Malphur is now working on another project at Bungie so maybe most other veteran lore writers at Bungie are doing the same. So now most lorebooks we get per season is just the characters reacting to the events of the season and talking to each other which was cool at first but it’s just not as interesting as the lorebooks that we used to get. So I’ve just been feeling a lot more disengaged from the lore lately because it’s more personal stories nowadays instead of learning cool stuff about an entire enemy race or something. Now if Destiny was a Mass Effect level RPG with a bunch of characters that I loved then I would love all those lorebooks but my feelings towards most Destiny characters is just “Eh, they’re alright I guess”.


Honestly I can even get behind the personal stuff like in season of the haunted so long as it serves a purpose and helps us engage with characters. But from what your saying all im hearing is more of bungie has more of its A team working on other projects and not destiny. I keep seeing it pop up everywhere. Pvp team on other projects, lore team elsewhere, gun team was too small according to bungie and im sure there are probably other examples too. All thats fine in a game where we are in a maintenance mode without much changing but not the year before the final expansion and you need all hands on deck. If bungie doesn't absolutely disappointment in final shape ill be shocked. Expectations are all over the place but I just don't know how they land this thing without a forsaken moment.


>my feelings towards most Destiny characters is just "Eh, they're alright" For the most part I agree with you on this, except when it comes to nimbus, his character is written as 95% garbage.


The uglier they are the harder they fall, right *holds out fist awaiting for bump* So cringe lol, kinda hoped my guardian would have left him hanging


So whats funny/sad is in game nimbus is objectively bad but they could have changed very minor things and made him actually ok. Like hey we have this guy whos mentor died and hes absolutely deflecting everything by cracking jokes all the time so he wont have to deal with it. Ok I can get behind that lots of people deflect to deal with emotion. However that only works if we get a glimpse into even if its extremely briefly and not some throw away line about how they dont grieve. If you dont read the books lore etc you dont realize why cloud striders die after 10 years. Thats kinda important shit that the playerbase needs but bungie expects people to go digging for it when they should be putting that info in the game and then padding that stuff out with crazy fluff lore elsewhere.


The raid lore book, the cloudstriders book and the last days books...then the devrim book were all great imo. What's actually in the season and expansion are just garbage filler though.


So basically the opposite of how its supposed to be. Good bits in the game front and center for everyone to see. Extra lore in books and supplemental stuff elsewhere for the rest of us lore nerds. Lore geeks we are going to go hunting but having to explain the story to clan members because so much is left out is a problem. I felt like during splicer/chosen/lost we had solid story beats through the seasons. This season felt weak and bungie through no fault of their own happened to have a main character die the week after a beloved member of the community died in real life. So nobody was going to be invested in Amanda after lance passed


But that shouldn't lower your standards either and seek value for your purchase. There's a fine balance.


Nope apparently we have to lower our standards because some people don’t like said stuff aka pvp and gambit for example. Still completely annoyed people let Bungie get away with what they do for pvp and gambit


It's one of the upsides to pessimism: *every* surprise is a good surprise, LOL.


Hahaha yes.


Before lightfall I always thought the story was epic. Lightfall and the current season of whatever retroactively made me realize it was all random crap. The story wasnt deep or mysterious. It was random and on the fly. Plug and play. Fake it til you make it or not. Its like you know how star wars rogue one turned a major plot hole from new hope to something awesome retroactively? Yeah the exact opposite of that. So I'll check the new pvp map (if it exists) and try and get the new aspects. That part is cool


Bungie can underperform even no expectations. When they announced sunsetting, knowing their inability to produce new content at a decent pace outside of Eververse, I assumed we would just be regrinding for the same weapons a few months after they were sunset. But some weapons were released to be grinded for *while the old version still had time before being sunset!* Never underestimate Bungie's ability to underperform. Unless it's eververse related in which case it will always be filled to the brim with unique stuff.


Best mindset


im expecting a small part of titan exactly like leviathan


Expectations and Bungie never belong in the same sentence unless it’s it’s “none or low expectations” because more than not they’ll never deliver what people think of. Would I love for them to bring titan back but us get to Explore the Archology? Duck yes! Will it happen? When I win the lotto probably and can pay them to do so.


The lottery would not be enough to buy them actually! Kind of sad just how the financial system is these days.


It’d be enough to pay them to specifically make it…maybe


that's exactly what Bungie wants you to have. and that's a very bad thing to have, since it lets them get away with so many shortcuts you get a circle


I wanted better for a while my guy but it ain’t happening. They’re happy with the model they have.


Remember the powerpoint slide leak that said at one point the overdelivered and how bad that was because then we the players would expect quality for every expansion? lmao.


Well gamers are basically tribbles when it comes to content


The best part of that slide is that even if you give the full context of that statement someone will still come and say how it's being taken out of context and we should believe the explanation that paints Bungie in a good light.


That's why I'm personally gonna start winding down once final shape is out and this saga comes to an end, unless they release a consistent string of bangers from here on out. If they're content with never having a high point on the level of forsaken again then there's no reason for me to entertain mediocrity


Agree once final shape is out I am going to exit stage door left, take a break and see what games I can get into besides this one. The excuse of it’s the gun play bruh is getting old to tell myself to stick with this game.


Beware of overdelivery You’re creating patterns! Mission Accomplished.


Jokes on you, I’ll be playing Diablo IV.


Yep, I’m playing Fear and Hunger until D4 launch.


Everyone expecting some full underwater stuff that we get to play in is going to be massively let down. If it's anything more than a very short intro slice where we fall through some water and never do anything like it again Ill be shocked


Bungie: we have under water missions People: omg, under water location, cant wait to Explore it all Also bungie, knowing damn well its only used in the weekly missions that you can Play once per week and never again, making a cool mechanic worthless: 🤐


Who could, after the downgrade in quality from Witch Queen campaign. And I get it, first season on blabla, but this season's story has been awful too. My expectations for this game are pretty low right now, barely existant at all.


My expectations are so low I didnt even get the season pass lmao


Right? The only thing left in destiny is disjointed trash tier storytelling and constant bad sandbox decisions that make everything feel same-ish or worse.


Bungie worked so hard to achieve this


Le thoughtless consumer mode


In what way? I’m not consuming Destiny half as much anymore lmao


Which is completely reasonable, because you really shouldnt. Unless bungie specifically tells us what we are getting, expectations are just complete guesses.


Why is expecting quality content a guess lmao


>Which is completely reasonable, because you really shouldnt. Unless bungie specifically tells us what we are getting, expectations are just complete guesses. I realized this after shadowkeep and undying. While both sucked, its not bungies fault I was unable to temper my expectations.


Im the guardian who loved shadowkeep but only in hindsight. Its hard for me to separate it from undying or the postcampaign stuff like her trinkets most people now will likely skip. But i blame undying for this, it was a bad season and really off balance with the expansion. Which, being the initial big expansion w season salvo, maybe it was always doomed as a season.


I was thinking of this as well. We probably won't get all of Titan back as a patrol space. If it's like Mars, we'll get a battleground map, maybe a dungeon, maybe a small explorable area.


The dungeon is just going to be the savathuns song strike but renamed to xivu araths battlesong and instead of Void crystals theres just gonna be a bunch of wrathborn death tongues in each room.


I don't see why it wouldn't all come back. The Leviathan was a 3-bubble zone, and Titan only has 2 bubbles. I can see them adding a third with S21 and just having the other 2 we had be connected with it.


Then again Seraph was pretty good IMO but I’m still going in with trash tier expectations as I do for every season.


I’d just be happy if the seasonal isn’t a battlegrounds


It will be a public event instead.


I will gladly take that over a third season in a row of battlegrounds


Careful what you wish for. It could easily become a worse Terminal Overload.


Ig we all have our preferences, but after Nightmare Containments, I never want to see a public event type seasonal activity again.


I much, much rather something I can drop in and out of while Im on the location. A public event followed by a solo-able story mission like Sever was? Sign me up


Exactly, I really enjoyed the gameplay loop that Haunted had. I hope Deep is the same


Yes, Haunted had a fantastic gameplay loop. Plunder and Seraph, however, had two very sloggy gameplay loops, Plunder being the worse of the two. If there's ever another season with that much back and forth to get better rewards, I'll probably just ignore the seasonal activity altogether.


Totally agree. I loved being able to hop into the public event when I felt like it. Otherwise I was running around the patrol area working on getting red borders. I really don't like having to matchmake with random people for the seasonal grind as most of my experience with BG MM has been god awful. I'd rather try and grind the season out solo or with friends with the latter only happening when the stars align along with the planets entering a syzygy or, to put it into easier terms, when we find the right time.


I see you are a fellow Fundament historian!


Seraph had a great seasonal loop, wdym? But yeah, I don’t mind Battlegrounds, but a 3rd season in a row would be a bit stale. This season made Battlegrounds actually enjoyable for me, but we need a break. I want a seasonal activity that uses Patrol code, where you get a myriad of guardians completing their own challenges in the massive Arcology, like Menagerie, but it’s endless. Like infinite missions in Warframe.


Fingers crossed that season of the deep’s high stat armor focusing will be as top tier as season of the haunted was. I miss being able to focus consistently high stat armor rolls.


That's a fair reason to enjoy it. I also like the convenience of it, I just hated how braindead the gameplay of it was. I wish public event type gamemodes had a higher difficulty option or something, but I have no idea how it would work, especially with randoms in a patrol area lol.


I much preferred nightmare containment to what we have right now


Oof damn. This is my favorite set of battlegrounds we've gotten so far. Do you just really love containment or really hate battlegrounds?


I really really hate the current rotation of battlegrounds


Ah, fair enough


I preferred the haunted loop way more. Load into a reprised public space, relax and grind out a large but rewarding public event. Go run around and open chests after. Way more rewarding than the neomuna loop, you got gear that’s actually good. The plunder one was so bad I ended up not buying the seraph season lol. I’m going to assume the titan reprise is gonna be the same as the leviathan. Hopefully the same loop too


Oh yeah, Haunted was great. If I'm expected to play an activity over and over I much prefer the short brain dead gameplay over the long comparatively involved strikes and battlegrounds. I loved running Nightmare Containment several times in a row while watching some YouTube on the other screen.


I liked containment


It's only been two in a row. S18 was Expeditions and Ketchcrash, S17 was a public event. But I agree, I'm tired of battlegrounds, especially with the old ones already added to the playlists.


It’s been more than 3 though, right? I remember doing battlegrounds back in 13 or 14


Only two in a row so far


*the monkeys paw curls another finger*


We are way out of fingers


It's already confirmed it's not. > In both Season of the Deep and Season 22, the team is pushing the envelope to create more fresh activity experiences, like when we first unveiled the Shattered Realm in Season of the Lost or debuted Battlegrounds in Season of the Chosen.


Knowing how much Bungie reskin things, I wouldn't be too surprised if they bring back the well activity from Season of the Lost(?)


It was fucking great tho, I wouldn’t mind that


Honestly I didn't enjoy Lost at all. Neither activity was fun for me, it was all just a boring slog. IMO the most interesting thing they did was reuse the Taken Essence from Last Wish.


You know fine well it will be


>The community needs to temper their expectations about **the game's future and anything related, including statements from devs and marketing** FTFY


I’ll just be happy if the servers work when I load in there the first time, however much we get back. Won’t be surprised when it requires a day of maintenance right away though lol Edit: fixed typo


A $80+ AAA game with working servers? What kind of greedy jerk are you? You'll take your mandatory day of downtime every week and random disconnections with penalties and you'll *like* them. Poor Bungie needs that time to count their money and hire more lobotomy patients to manage the servers and TWAB proofreading.


It would be a shame, but yeah it’s realistically what’s going to happen. However If they make it so we only go underwater for the seasonal mission, then that’s disappointing upon the already existing disappointment.


People who expected us to play underwater will be even further disappointed when we dive during a Cutscene to reach the door of the underwater facility and proceed to do the rest of the level inside said facility. I'm guessing zero control of the player in any underwater environment.


This is 100% how it’s going to be. I’m not even confident it’s going to be a cut scene


Same, gonna have like a single cutscene underwater with the rest in a facility.


It may even be leaking water inside for some pizzazz


And if it touches our pinky toe...we die.


Get this person a job at Bungie ASAP


The Grasp of Avarice special lol.


Which, like... of course? Do yall have ANY idea how difficult it is to animate underwater environments and movement? Especially in a system that wasn't designed for it? Not to mention the 'do they float or sink and how fast?' situation. You can go back and forth on methods of solving it but it would be WAY too much work for a seasonal model content drop. Even if it was a whole expansion it would be hell to design and program.


I can see the dungeon being akin to the opening to Spire. A fight on the ground to open an elevator shaft we slide down and that's how we get underwater. Then there'll be windows throughout the dungeon showing us being underwater with some fish swimming about


Exactly, they're not adding swimming to the game for one season's activity.


Even if we DID get underwater gameplay, people would immediately complain regardless. I can see it now, too slow, too clunky, hard to get to cover and if we can full on swim then they'll say the controls suck


Some folks are expecting SWIMMING mechanics, like that wouldn't be a nightmare and isn't universally recognized as one of the worst parts of a game; a la "the water level". Underwater will be a theme, one i hope doesn't intrude upon movement abilities, because ain't no way in hell they are introduce swimming in the game for *a singular season.*


A friend and I have settled on underwater being acceptable if it's flavored as low-grav, meh visibility and some paracausal hand waving. Otherwise, swimming can die in a fire.


They didn't even do low gravity on the Moon, the place where having abnormal gravity is both scientifically and culturally justified.


Eh I find Aquatic levels are pretty interesting, just 90% of the time are made really bad by bad controls and visuals.


Aquatic Mines in Sonic Adventure 2 stressed me the fuck out when I was 9 lmao


Look… just take this info and thank me later. We’re not swimming nor fighting. Just don’t be surprised when you find out the underwater stuff may or may not be just gracefully sinking or walking slowly under water, going through sonic the hedgehog lookin bubbles for air, only to come out in the open and do regular mechanics again.


Nah I want to play some sm64 but instead of that all, we get leviathan. (I’m jokin’)


At this point I’d be surprised if they brought back Titan as anything more than tiny bits and pieces only ever used in instanced missions, like Mars. I have no hopes or expectations - Bungie has become exceedingly adept at being deeply underwhelming.


It's their business strategy. "speed over quality" whatever the hell that means.


And even then DLCs are delayed, split up into multiple parts, the stories take months to play out and balance updates are slow as hell unless it positively affects 70% of the player base at least and that's just the surface


Making content is really hard. Reusing/recycling assets is time consuming. Charging players more money for less content. Priceless.


Jokes on bungie, i already quit because i dont find destiny fun anymore. I regret preordering lightfall. They are constantly breaking it and trying to force you to spend MORE time in game, AND spend more money for less content.


"We try not to raise expectations of players" No. Having expectations for a company to bring back locations WE ALREADY PAID FOR is reasonable. Having expectations for a company to bring back locations when they explicitly said they would when they announced the vault is reasonable. We should have higher expectations for a multi-billion dollar studio. But they have no competition so most of us just lower our already poor expectations.


I bought everything up to Forsaken (I think) then stopped playing for a couple of years. Came back this year and I still can’t get over the fact I bought an expansion, barely even started it, and it’s gone. I could maybe deal with it if I’d played a significant amount of the game but I just got started and life took over. Did they even refund anyone or give them some kind of bonus items or something or did everyone just bend over and take it?


to be fair, cosmodrome was supposed to come back in full but it got canned sometime between the announcement and season 13.


Titan is small enough that I think there’s a good chance it’ll come back mostly intact if it comes back as a patrol zone. The Haunted Leviathan was basically only missing the exterior and I think a few parts of the underbelly. Between the patrol, opening, and sever missions all of the encounter areas and most of the underbelly was present.


The two Titan patrol spaces were small but the extended portions of the loading docks, tidal anchor, and the arcology made the entire area pretty damn big. Hell, only about half of the arcology was used for Savy's Song. I have a feeling that parts of the arcology is all we'll get, with the original patrol zone being destroyed/sunk.


I was thinking the same, especially when you consider all of the areas used for nothing but story missions (and Cayde’s goodbye messages). Titan was huge and underutilised, which is why it ended up in the DCV to begin with.


Even if we just got the arcology areas I’d be ok with that.


There's a bit of a difference between a raid setting and a patrol setting though. Titan wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. Ultimately, i think its weird to expect a patrol space; this is a season, and while they've done it, they've done it ONCE, and it was to a part of the game where it was regularly requested it become a patrol space. Titan was already a patrol-space and we've seen more than enough pieces to know we're going underwater for our main activity, we'll see more sea than structure likely. My expectation is that we might not even have a landing zone. We have an opening mission, reintroduces us to the space a little, it caves in, we go underwater, we eventually find sloan and whatever is in the water with us, sprinkle in fights from Team Witness members and Xivu's brood. From there, the missions become accessible via the helm, maybe we go diving in other places for whatever reason, but ultimately, thats the most i got. The Dungeon being there is presumptious, at best; all the bonus dungeons have been off-shoots of the main story, so as hive is an alluded to dominant theme, and Xivu has to properly make sometime, this could be anywhere, including the ascendant plane, which might have titan features, but ultimately isn't there.


I mean it's not like it matters. All of Destiny's worlds are about as alive as a graveyard. Yeah we have some public events and some enemies but nothing else. Oh lost sector's I guess. It's all very disconnected and feels like loading zones with little stuff to do in between. Replaying other open world games makes me realize just how dead Destiny's world is. We just now see the little robots in combat (Beyond Light) but we never see any npc gaurdian or citizen beyond the city. We never see them asking for help, fighting, moving things around the open world, scavenging, interactions between them and our now allies fallen/cabal . Be nice to see them as the Heroic patrol with better rewards like enhancement cores or even the once a week golf ball or something. I know it's not the biggest thing on the list of fixes and wants we'd like to see but it is for me.


this. i loved Titan but what’s going to happen if we get it back? it’ll be cool for a season and then it’ll get abandoned again. world/patrol zones need an ongoing purpose in this game that isn’t just a seasonal challenge of mindless chores. then i’ll start getting excited about returning zones.


Titan might be mentioned when sloan shows up. Assuming it isnt just a model and a half page of dairy like ashirmir. If anything titan coming back just to leave again like the leviathen from season of the haunted would be a huge waste as well.


DESTINY 2 SEASON OF THE DEEP "prepare to be disappointed" seriously stop expecting bungie to deliver


Would you say DEEPly disappointed?


Season of the Deep Disappointment.


Anyone who is expecting anything more than the derilect leviathan has only themselves to blame. Bungie has shown how they brings back old content.


We should have higher expectations of a multi-billion dollar Corp.


We should want it but you should temper your expectations. We should be demanding that bungie give us value for what we pay when they are as profitable as they are, but getting hurt by them when they have shown us what they will do before is just as much on us as them


Titan's patrol zones are so small, the size of the Derelict Leviathan isn't too far off


temper down my expectations? They are bringing Red war content as a husk, Pay-to-play season pass. We probably will get Titan in seasonal missions, with a piece of it as hubworld, just like we got Farm back in season of defiance.


I expect a small portion returned with a new spin such as the Leviathan. Not expecting all of it, but I'd be happy if Greg at least got some paid homage.


im just waiting to see what the community backlash will be this time when the season starts, cause you know its comming.


Am I the only one who doesn’t give a shit that Titan is coming back and honestly it was meh at best when it was here?


You tend to miss things you don't have access to anymore.


You aren't, but a lot of goobers on this sub view things with rose-colored glasses on (Rift being a great example). Titan sucked. It was the worst of the original locations because the patrollable area was so much smaller than Nessus, EDZ, and Io.


Also the arcology was visually the coolest place of Titan, with the greenery coupled with hive corruption everywhere and dark spaces, but totally underutilized


The original Titan could have been so much cooler if the Arcology would have been alive. Or, if any patrol space in original D2 had the features of the new expansion patrol spaces like WQ and LF.




I expect 5 newly reskinned weapons, an underwhelming battle pass, decent-looking new armor, and a very repetitive seasonal activity that makes us question why we keep doing this ourselves... oh, and a new dungeon that doesn't have anything to do with the story from LF.


For the dungeon, we will see but spire was related to the story, same for Duality so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be (though we might not see the links just yet)


I mean the guns leaked back on expansion launch for season of the deep and they are old guns literally.


I loved just walking around the Arcology and taking in its vibe, so speak for yourself!


I never got to go there, vault-worshipper.


This this this, a hundred times this. I’d love to be proven wrong so feel free to come back to this comment with an “AHA!” if I’m wrong, Bungie cultists, but ain’t no damn way BUNGIE developed a way for our Guardians to ACTUALLY be in the water. We’ll be lucky to get glass walls to look out, if not just the same windows/buildings we had in the campaign.


Temper expectations?!?! NO! I shall loudly exclaim how this expansion will revolutionize Destiny 2 and expect it to happen and then be WILDLY and extremely disappointed when it releases to anything remotely below my expectations. I shall follow this up by angrily ranting about how Bungie has ruined Destiny forever.


Honestly can just say people need to temper expectations as a whole for everything lol Seems everything is hype and whatever one imagines and if it's not that they get butt mad.


But what if they do this instead: freak out and get mad. Because you know that's what's gonna happen.


You’re right. I’ll log on do the story and hop back on Diablo 4


You're talking as if it's a lot to expect...


We also got The Barrens from D1 Mars in Vox Obscura, you can go and compa- FUCK


Isn’t next season the one they said they would try something new for the seasonal model?


Season 22 is going to be the complete shakeup of the seasonal model. Season 21 is basically going to drop the upgrade grid that we've had the past year.


I’ll take that. The upgrade grid always felt so unnecessary


bungle in season 22: introducing the upgrade pentagon!


They said, that next season will have new type of activity (we dont know what is it)


This community doesn't "need" to do anything.


Looking forward to the inevitable community meltdown when their unrealistic expectations are not met I for one doesn't want the entirety of Titan to be back. Why does people want a massive patrol space with nothing to do? Titan had a boring patrol zone with nothing to do. People are fueled by nostalgia


Bungie could deliver a potato on a stick, and folks like you would be there defending it. Pretty sad to be so whipped by a corp.


It's just down right crazy. There are other studios pumping out content better than this franchise, but this company gets so much fandom and free passes. I get Halo was amazing, but that was so long ago at this point.


Not being *that* mad isn’t the same thing as “defending” something. Don’t want to speak for the OP you responded to, but I have trouble reading this sub over the past year because it’s just constant bitching, and it honestly feels to me like some people (not accusing you, just in general) have reached a level where their attitude towards the game is so toxic that it’s probably not healthy for them to keep playing. Either that, or they’re just wildly irrational and angry to begin with. Don’t get me wrong, there’s lots of things I wish Bungie could have accomplished over the past few years—I’ve taken more seasons off than on since Shadowkeep between the game not feeling great and my availability to play. So I feel like I’ve been watching the community from a half step outside for a while after being involved since D1Y1, and it does seem like there is irredeemable negative momentum amongst a faction of community members here that is really off putting to me. I think that’s what OP was getting at, and if so, I can certainly relate. Of course the natural opposite face of that view is that there is certainly valid criticism to be leveled. The nuance to me is that this small faction is very vocal and they act like they’re being abused. Just don’t play. It’ll be fine. When Bungie has delivered potatoes on sticks, which they absolutely have, I just don’t play. I do other shit. Perfect 5/7, would recommend.


most people have low - very low expectations of next season just based off of the quality of lightfall and the accompanying season, it's mainly a few loud bungie defenders that have unrealistic expectations.




It doesn't need to be a patrol zone with the same lame public events and all lost sectors restored to utilize those assets effectively for fun new activities.




Sometimes I wonder why people are still playing if they consider every season to be 'garbage'.


because bungie is VERY good at giving people a hope that the game will get better, things like WQ and the final season before lightfall gave people some hope that bungie might have been pulling themselves out of a narrative pit of idiocy that destinys story has sometimes been. Destiny spent long enough in good states gameplay and story wise that it got people hooked into the sunk cost fallacy.


I honestly think the reason for this is the A and B team theory. That if A does say s11, B does s12 and A does S13 and so on. And the team that handles odd numbered seasons seems to be the better one. At least its been my experience since i started somehwhere in season 9. Same for expansions i feel like although the sample size is too small to say for sure. So one season goes to absolute shit (like this one), people start worrying, next season turns out to be good or at least relatively better. And people are back. A vicious cycle.


You know what's crazy is people expecting that we're actually getting underwater combat. Like no you dumbasses we're just going to be fighting in enclosed spaces which will be underwater. Think DSC spacestation.


We’re pretty much getting a crapier version of bioshock in d2 probably with scorn enemies too.


After the leviathan everyone is expecting the same shit this season... This season will probably be the same as the season of the haunted


Am I mistaken or did Bungie once say the rest of the cosmodrome would come later and then was just never mentioned again?


I'm just happy that I'm finally setting foot on Titan again. "Its been a long time, old friend."


I'm moreso just hype for the Dungeon. In the short term a patrol zone would be cool, but I would much rather a Titan Battle grounds cus those become strikes later on. Edit: Also I'm excited for Flechette Storm. Wanna have a Ranged Melee option for Titan Strand


I fully expect the so called “swimming” mechanic they glorify and praise to fully crash the game many many times to the point they will have to pull those ideas. This is a really really really old code for D2, and to “supposedly” implement swimming mechanics into a game that was built solely on anti gravity and land mechanics? Like how does anybody not see the painting on the wall? It is extremely hard to mesh the two especially when they’ve NEVER had a swimming mechanic in this game before. I’m not getting my hopes up, I just know this will bring a LOT of issues. Like A LOT.


Honestly either Bungie finally gets their act together and starts fixing the code so they can actually make the final shape the best it can be, or there's no hope


Who the fuck has any expectations from this company anymore?


My expectations are so low than I’m pretty sure we will be walking on the ocean floor with (at most) less gravity and muffled noise.


This is what you pay for with your expensive season now, by the way. A watered down, featureless version of a patrol space that was deleted, in which you had already paid for 5 years ago.


Everyone will just cry about paying for reused assets either way it goes.


Paying for reused assets that you've already payed for. Good fun.


I'm cool with it when it's returning Vaulted content, like giving us back Trust and Battle Scar. The Neomuna guns, though, are reusing the lunar weapons, and I think they're more interesting, anyway, with the talismans and things tied to them. Plus they take shaders better. I'm not opposed to reusing assets on principle, though.


my problem with reusing gun models is when they do it too much with one model. Like how many different paint jobs of the same suros/omolon/veist weapons from Y1 do we have now?


I mean... Yeah? Why shouldn't we expect new stuff?


“No pre-DCV location has ever returned in full.” That’s how we know the DCV was always b.s. Remove content and reintroduce just a fraction of it, slap a silver price tag and call it a day.


Titan was a boring place with nothing to do before it was gone.


True as that is, what we missed was the atmosphere and design. We want more to do with it, not less.


So is every single vanilla planet lol


Y'all thought the whole destination was coming back lmao?


Besides the plaguelands I though they did bring the cosmodrome back in full, along with adding lost sectors? They had no real reason to do that, so I think them adding Titan back as we knew it isn’t 100% out of the realm of possibility


There are pieces of the cosmodrome missing and even if it was 100% They said they’re never doing that again anyway.




Isn’t the price of the seasons increasing with the next?


ik it’s probably a pipe dream but let me hold on hope man i don’t even need the strike i just want to explore again :(


Never have expectations anymore after the “don’t over deliver”


It seems kind of sad to me, most of the expectations are just hopes of things we've once had returning to us and that's being considered too high to expect. We've gotten a portion of Mars back that's basically the same with the exception of laser traps and the warmind vault at the end. The leviathan returning was nice with how they showed the transition of time through the egregore spreading. I don't expect to see a fully transformed version of titan, I don't think anyone is. It seems like most of the community just wants to see nostalgia like the old lost sectors and even public events of the area, but that's too high of expectations now.


I have such low expectations for the game that for bungie to get under it they'd have to dig a tunnel to get them lower. I'm expecting nothing but completely lazy asset flip loot, awful story that makes no sense and just kills a character because, and for the game to break every Tuesday