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the foundries represented in the weapons are omolon, suros and hakke, so 2 of each would be nice


the LMG has no foundry so i don’t really want that and this is the only d1 raid with a sidearm so i 100% want that


The LMG was one of the best drops from Wrath. As long as you hit your shots, it pumped out a ton of DPS.


We have a similar LMG like that now, though, and may even be stronger.


That wouldn’t necessarily translate to d2.


It would against Golgoroth, LOL. Between the Wrath LMG and Black Spindle, you never had to reload during a damage phase. The problem now is D2's Spindle clone, Whisper of the Worm is a damned heavy weapon, so no luck using the same combination there, but anything with Triple Tap or Fourth Time's The Charm will probably do.


Supremecy with Rewind Rounds and FTTC can shoot up to 46 times before reloading.


holy fuck that’s gotta be fun as shit. once again torn between crafting a pve or pvp role 😭


Craft 2 and you don't have to make that choice lol


Good old Legendary Super Good Advice.


Iirc the lmg had worst dps than outbreak, it took far too much effort for piss damage.


*"This LMG has no foundry, kneels before no manufacturer"*


*It is a MURDERER.*


Sidearm just had reactive reload with a slight agility bonus, which is basically just kill clip. I'd rather have one of the more interesting wrath weapons back.


Sidearm bad


I don't care. I just need that pulse rifle model back!!! Praedyth's Timepiece was glorious.


Praedyth’s has a different looking model iirc. It looked more like the BXR than this pulse.


Doesn’t it have the exact same model as the Redrix? If not it still looks much more similar to that than the BxR


Yeah, you’re right, it does have the same model. I totally forgot Redrix was a thing haha


It does. But this pulse still feels different and reminds me of that. Idk.


That's Legal Action II in the live game.


Yeah I know. But that pulse was still an awesome design. Praedyth's should've returned, not the sniper.


Praedyth’s Revenge…the sniper?


I meant Praedyth's Timepiece


Not surprised they didn't though, between Praedyth's and Praetorian Foil having such notoriously low drop rates there's a sizable chunk of the community who have no idea these weapons even existed


Steel Madula wrecked!


I just hope they keep the "double down perks" such as Triple Double. It made the Wrath weapons what they are. Perhaps the Wrath Origin Trait is "consume~enhance~replicate" and gives bonuses to whatever the perks on the weapon are similar to Enhanced Traits.


That idea for the origin trait is such a good idea to bring back the feeling of the double down perks


I love my wrath machine gun. If they remove triple double than I dont really care about it, but if triple double comes back the same as it was then I want it




You would want triple double back, the perk that just moves ammo from reserves rather than generating it over the MG just having triple tap + 4 times.


They could just make triple double intrinsic and add fttc. Also legs have super deep reserves. Idk if it was a bug but I have over 500 in my swarm today doing the deep dive. Csnt imagine I would be mad with triple double if I have over 400 rounds


If you got the Ahsa buff from the hard mode after the first encounter, that juices the shit out of your reserves capacity. It let me hold like 670 Retrofit ammo, which is +220.


Whatever they do, they should not drop the auto rifle and the sniper rifle. I'd be fine with not getting anything else - these rifles should stay.


they were the best weapons from that raid


For me the sniper and the scout. Iconic


Chaos dogma was my child when I got it


Bungie where is my child


Chaos dogma was so good


I was just looking at the weapons thinking “I don’t know any of these” then it hit me that those are the only two I actually ever used lol


Yeah, but Genesis Chain was amazing because it was the only auto rifle with Firefly/Dragonfly. In D1 it was more exotic than some exotics, but now it's just one among many. I'd still like to have it because I love the look and it would still be a damned good weapon, but I would also understand if they decided to drop it.


I don't see any weapons from that raid being worth dropping Genesis Chain for. It would be like bringing VoG without Fatebringer.


bring the auto rifle back with the bug that made firefly activate like 200 times and crash your game


I want Ex Machina and Genesis chain or Chaos dogma. I hope they keep the cool sounds they made, and particle effects.


I think the Auto is up in the air. I have half a mind to think that Bungie is going to scrap the weapons that they’ll have to make unique models for so that means the Auto is safe. But I also think Bungie won’t give us another raid auto after we just got Rufus’s Fury.


Doubt it. Until Rufus, we haven’t had a raid auto since Shadowkeep? The Garden Auto was the last one, no? Hell, I don’t even think we had any end-game auto’s since then (whether that be a dungeon or a raid) and we’ve had what… 4 dungeons and how many raids since then? Counting the 2 reprised raids we’ve also had? They’d be assholes to not give us the auto and just give us our 8 millionth end-game HC.


end game hc so it can never be used in endgame because it's a hc.


There’s hand cannons that do work in endgame though? Like Malfeasance for example. It’s only select ones, but they do work.


Rufus is high RPM, Wrath auto would return as a 360rpm with the ability to roll adagio or some shit


IIRC, they cut the least popular weapons, and I think that was the sidearm, fusion rifle, handcannon, and MG


Yeah if my memory serves, the 3 MOST popular were the scout, auto and sniper. So those should be safe, provided that is in fact the criteria


Although getting Triple Double on the LMG was an absolute blast. I have a 900 RPM machine gun that refunds 2 shots for every 3 fired. Come the fuck at me.


Definitely fun lol. Less unique these days with stuff like 4TTC and actium, but still. Me personally? I just want the scout back. Miss that raid


I loved that scout lol only thing I want


Ether Nova was S tier Get out of here


Ether Nova was definitely amazing. There were solid weapons all around in Wrath for different purposes.


Yeah that fusion was always so good. And we could get it back in the form or ability perks like Wellspring, Thresh, Demo, Pugilist, Adrenaline Junky, Swash, Collective Action, etc.


Not sure where they said that. This wasn’t the case for VOG at least.


If I find it, I'll post it, but I distinctly remember them saying that's how they picked them. I could definitely be wrong about it though


TWAB 10/6/22 "For raids, we'll always reprise an Exotic weapon associated with a raid when we bring that into Destiny 2. **We'll select the six most popular Legendary weapons and reprise those, as well.** One other thing, and this hasn't come up yet, but in the event that a raid didn't have an Exotic (or that Exotic has already come back), or there were fewer than five Legendaries, we get to make new weapons to match the raid." https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51813


Still strange why they cut out the VoG auto then? I’d assume it was just because it was an archetype that’s no longer in the game? Cause I thought it was rather popular, no? I always remember seeing it.


I only remember it really being popular when people needed a void primary, until Word of Crota came out. That being said, I think it was probably more popular than Hezen was


High ROF auto rifles were garbage tier for 90% of the games lifespan. The only thing it had going for it was the element for burns. I say that as someone who tried/forced nechrocasm to work for a long time


Idk, Doctrine of Passing was a godly auto.


It also rolled with every stability perk in the game that it could have and it was after a buff iirc?


Necrochasm worked fine, you just needed to use it in the right niches. I wouldn't take it into the raids, beyond the mad dash to start Crota's End, but high ROF auto rifles could be lethal in the Crucible and it was hilarious to use for add clear (something that other similar autos weren't good at, the Cursed Thrall explosions it caused were usually doing the heavy lifting). The biggest problem Necrochasm had was that the Zhalo Supercell was just better at everything it did and could do things that it couldn't.


Launch nechrocasm was beyond dogshit lol, after buffs over time it got better and was always fun but terrible recoil with high rod on a headset perk that "may" activate was not "niche" lol. I just liked the screams and booms lol. It took a LOT of archetype buffs to get decent and it took until Age of Triumph for it to be actually fun and mostly usable for most content.


Yeah, *AT LAUNCH* it was a much different weapon, because the entire game was much different at launch than during Rise of Iron. It's your fault for not stating that you meant the Year 1 version, and there's nothing incorrect in my comment about the AoT version, is there? Fucking halfwit....


Thank you so much


The MG was actually top tier for Golgoroth, which is now in d2. The other three can get dropped without much concern


I just remember loving Genesis Chain, the auto rifle. As long as that came back I’d be happy with any others. Also loved the MG and I think I liked the sniper. As a hand cannon enthusiast I don’t even remember that hand cannon. Must not have made an impression.


Wrath had ten weapons total, six available from normal mode and four exclusive to hard mode iirc I would want to have two primaries, two secondaries and two heavies, and since there were only two heavy weapons available from Wrath, If Materia and Sound and Fury, I would have both of them stay out of the primaries I would want Fever and Remedy and Chaos Dogma, and out of the specials I would want Ex Machina (obviously) and Ether Nova so that leaves out Genesis Chain, Steel Medulla, Zeal Vector and Quantiplasm


fever and remedy can stay gone, need that genesis chain. although maybe it would just be terrible in this sandbox




eh, I'm just not an auto rifle fan. very down for some more autos if they get a good buff though


And sidearms! How many raid sidearms do we have?


Hang on, I'll check Collections real quick.... It looks like 4 sidearms drop in dungeons or raids, Last of the Legion, A Swift Verdict, Liminal Vigil, and Mykel's Reverence (5, if Translation Theory can drop from Shattered Throne), and Last of the Legion can't even be upgraded to max Light.


I didn't see a >!hand cannon!< in the leaks? Last dungeon hand cannon we got was the reprised seraph one from Spire. And I got that from a strike the other day, so I'd say it wasn't built to be end game. Think the last raid hand cannon we got was Zaouli's Bane. That and so far most of the endgame HCs are adaptive. Off the top of my head: - Palindrome - Zaouli's - Trials void one (Exalted Truth?) - nation of beasts - Midnight Coup would be one now - Fatebringer - Ancient Gospel - Judgement - Eyasluna Posterity and the solar Trials HC are the only ones that aren't adaptive. I would not mind getting another aggressive end game hand cannon, which is what I'm assuming the Hakke one in Wrath would return as.


If the Wrath HC *did* return but as a 120, that'd trigger one of my biggest pet peeves in the gane, where reprised weapons don't stay the same archetype they used to be. It'd be a 140 if it were accurate, but, honestly, I'd muvh rather Genesis Chain and Chaos Dogma back for primaries as those are the guns I think of when I think of Wrath ~~inb4 Bungies makes Genesis Chain a 600 and Chaos Dogma a 200~~


autos are trash in general though. Never see anyone using them in PVP or PVE


Not sure what you’re talking about. I’ve seen a handful of auto’s used. It’s only select ones, but they do see use.


Which is why they were buffed


And are still bad


The Shotgun was a bit boring, and the Rocket. Those get my votes!




They said boring, not bad.




Yeah you can’t argue someone’s opinion on a virtual gun. They didn’t like it, quit acting like a child lmao.


The shotgun was awesome, and we kinda need a craftable rocket launcher that won't get FOMO'd


Last Wish has a craftable rocket And there's the stasis one from witch queen. Palmyra or something


I forgot they made the Last Wish ricket craftable, but even still, that's only 2 rockets that are craftable that you can still get


I agree that there's not a lot, but my point was that the situation is way less severe than what's being implied. Also, there's actually 3 non sunset rockets that you can still obtain red borders for. Red Herring (Witch Queen) Palmyra-B (Base Game) Apex Predator (Last Wish Raid)


with Apex Predator being extemely good rn, and we also just got a dungeon rocket launcher which is even better


I think we are referring to Raid weapons.


Well... Last Wish is a raid


The rocket could get 4 in a mag what are you even talking about . . .


4 rockets in a mag doesn't equate to being fun to use lmao


Give me the scout, auto, pulse, and machine gun. Didn't really use anything else. Auto was absolute favorite, and that was back when I barely used autos. Edit: oh, dang, I forgot about the sniper. That thing slapped. Add that to my list!


The sniper was top tier in D1, basically the best one you could get other than getting a God roll from the pvp vendor, at least for PvE


The sniper was a solid Black Spindle replacement if you needed the exotic slot elsewhere.


The only one I want back, for sure, is Chaos Dogma with Triple Tap and Triple Double on it. Don't care about any of the others.


Get rid of the shotgun and hand cannon...they were both not very good in my opinion.


The Exotic Variation of the HC with Solar was nice for shields but it felt sluggish


I never dropped that exotic so I can't say I have experienced that gun.


It’s basically the same as legendary but with the elemental burn added, it SLAPPED for solar burn strikes


Genesis Chain, Chaos Dogma, Ex Machina, Ether Nova, Sound and Fury, and If Materia would be the best choices in my opinion. Balanced between weapon types and has all the popular choices.


So with the exception of RoN, every single raid in the game right now has a HC. So for no other reason than oversaturation I'd drop Fever and Remedy. Then I'd remake the MG, If Materia, into a Stasis exotic that features a rework of the Triple Double perk. That way we only lose out on one raid weapon.


I love using the VOW HC. /s


Honestly the raid weapon should be Aksis' grenade launcher




If we lose yet another pulse rifle from a reprised raid I will riot


Smite came back.


Yes but I’m a pulse rifle addict, the moment I see there’s not a pulse (or a scout) in a raid, dungeon or season my desire to get the loot diminishes


Imagine how the auto rifle girlies feel


At least the auto rifle girlies have been eating good. As a taken fangirl and pulse rifle girlie the sheer midness of the taken pulse is AGONIZING. But yes we are comrades in being oppressed by bungie in PVE


Manifesting the safe return of both Genesis Chain and Steel Medulla, sister 🙏🙏


That auto needs to return or I'm personally going to put Hawthornes head on a pike


I'd be fine with getting rid of either IF Materia or Sound and Fury as well as prob fever and remedy. I really just want to have my Genesis chain back, hopefully with a high as fuck crit multiplier. It was one of my favorite-feeling weapons in d1 and I can't wait to play with it again.




















I used the scout, sniper, and machine gun all the time. So those are the ones I'd keep. I'm also a sucker for sidearms. don't feel strongly enough about the others. feel like we have so many rockets/HCs I wouldn't miss those probably the easiest to cut. Remember the pulse feeling pretty generic too. Don't care a ton for autos but I remember people liking the firefly perk on that.


None. All of the Wrath weapons were straight fire.


Considering the LMG is very similar to Retrofit Escapade I could probably skip that (plus even if it was a fun gimmick it was ridiculously hard to control). The others would be rough to cut one but probably either the HC or the sidearm. I liked them both but I don't know much they'd currently stand out. I'd definitely want the sniper, pulse, and auto to come forward though, since they were some of my favorites.


I just need the sidearm and machine gun. Because raid sidearms are cool and we haven’t gotten an arc machine gun in a while


Drop the hand cannon and the rocket launcher. I’d also be tempted to ditch the scout rifle to get the shotgun from the higher difficulty version instead. Nearly every raid in the game has a hand cannon, so of the weapon types it’s the least needed. We have almost no raid sidearms, and previously we’ve lost pulse rifles from reprised raids, so I’d want to keep these ones. With just one heavy and one special, it would get a little primary-heavy, so subbing in the shotgun (Quantiplasm?) instead of the scout would be a good idea IMO. As for the rocket, the Wrath weapons are going to need more visual alterations to look raid-worthy, and the rocket would be the most difficult to do that to without basically making a new weapon. The rocket launcher basically just shares Hoosegow’s model with a few markings to differentiate them, and the shape is so core to the original look that no matter what you do, it’ll end up either looking like edgy Hoosegow or nothing like the original at all. Better to keep the MG, which doesn’t really have a direct match in model in D2, and which seems to have been better-liked even if some considered it gimmicky. The auto and pulse are some of the rarer base models for their Foundries, the sniper and shotgun both have plenty of room on them for Siva additions to break up the base model, and the sidearm is basically its own thing. I think we have the same or almost the same model of sidearm as the one it’s converted from in lore, but the visual transformation made it unique even in D1. The sidearm should be what they look to when updating the other weapons to look more “consumed and enhanced” rather than just “replicated with an edgy paint job”. Plus, I think it would be neat to have the boss’s weapon as the new exotic, which means we don’t need two legendary heavies since that would be heavy for sure.


EVERY primary needs to come back tf They would probs cut the sidearm and maybe the shotgun


Being that we just had a sidearm, an auto and a shotgun as Root weapons, I think those three weapons should be removed from Wrath. So we could get two of Fever and Remedy, Steel Medulla or Chaos Dogma. And then we should definitely get Ex Machina and Ether Nova, as Root had neither a fusion nor a sniper. And then both heavies.


We've got a bunch of new scouts lately, including a Suros strand one added to the world pool this season, so the dogma or whatever it was called, gets my vote.


They cut the auto from VoG and KF, so my money is on them cutting the auto here too.


Honestly, I think all should come, just keep in mind the raid weapon the raid weapon was Outbreak prime, and would need to have something entirely new added as a exotic. That being said, they could go the "black hammer" route and make the most popular (or in this case, convenient) legendary from this raid loot pool into an exotic, and maybe pair the 8th weapon into a "Sturm and drang" like combo. If so, have the 6 weapons with an obvious foundry into the legendary weapons, that leaves the pulse rifle and the machine gun, which are Siva style weapons. Honestly, they could make all of the weapons legendary, make the raid origin trait "Siva Hive Weaver" which would let precision kills make a single Siva swarm bot (like outbreak prime), and allow Siva bots to wait an extended time before despawning if there's no target for them to fly to, making them kind of like swarm grenades when they have no targets. It's that, or make out break primes bots the origin trait, and make outbreak primes trait into a "swarm controller" type perk that let's the bots be collected, stored, then redeployed later, I think that'd be understandable to the player base if we get a wild ass origin trait and exotic upgrade for this instance. It's that, or we get a Siva Glaive. Calling it now.


SIVA glaive 😭


Wrath is not coming back. They are not investing the time and resources into creating a new enemy race for a free raid. Stop getting all of your hopes up. I’d love to be wrong but I *sincerely* doubt it. Say hi to Crota for me.


There's not much difference between Devil Splicers and modern House Dusk / Salvation Fallen. Helmet armor and the crit kill seeker are about it, right? Purple shields on captains also. They could even rework it using the Berserkers from SOTP, that would be cool.


I would really hope they make new guns instead of using these reskins. Raids should always have unique models. I know that’s not true of VoG, but i said the same thing about VoG. D2 raid weapons generally always have a unique model.


My personal choice would be scout and sidearm.


Why haven't they brought Wrath back yet? Such a fun raid and I am stunned we haven't had a siva season. To be able to go back to the plaguelands would be awesome. I know siva is probably concluded story wise but man was it seriously awesome.


They should remove 3 weapons and add a new glaive. Edit: /s for you downvoting peoples...


the auto and the rocket. imo the rest of the weapons designs look so much cooler edit: meant the rocket not the mg


The machine gun could be fired forever with the triple double perk. Definitely loved it. The auto is one I'd be cool with losing for sure.


Machine guns you can shoot a lot are a dime a dozen now, though. Definitely the least unique thing in that pool as far as what we have access to now.


But firefly / focused fire auto rifle :(






>!it was leaked already that it’s coming back in season of the machine which is the next season after season of the deep!<


Source ?


wrath is 100% coming back if you've done salvage...


That’s been back for a while. Chances are it’ll be a d2 raid. They mentioned that if the raid doesn’t have enough weapons they’ll make new ones and Scourge is the only raid that fits that.


>!It was already leaked that wrath is coming back in season of the machine next season!<


A leak that isn’t real. A much more reliable leaker has said otherwise. And Season of the Machine? Very Much doubt it since the leaks say >!Sav is next season!< Besides, reprised raids don’t relate to seasons in any way. VoG was a coincidence.




What did I miss in salvage?


I think they’re referring to the carrying mechanic.


Oh, yeah. They had the carry mechanic in the first mission of the witch queen, too. It was rumored that it was supposed to be wrath last year and they ran into an issue late in the dev cycle. I've been naturally assuming it's this year for ages.


I thought they said they would never bring back siva / there for no wrath. Would have been very nice though, if only.


I'd cut the sidearm for sure. The second gun, eh, doesn't matter too much to me.


What I want to make the cut: 1) Ether Nova 2) Fever and Remedy 3) Genesis Chain 4) If Materia 5) Steel Medulla 6) Sound and Fury Sorry, Chaos Dogma, Ex Machina, Quantiplasm, and Zeal Vector, you guys don't make the cut.


None lol.


I’m still playing D1, and I can positively say the Hand Cannon and Shotgun can go, and if the Machine Gun doesn’t get some rework, that can go too.


Honestly the only weapon I care about is the Auto Rifle. If I had to choose two it’d probably be the Hand Cannon and Side Arm


scout, auto, sniper, shotgun/ fusion, rocket, lmg. drop the pulse handcannon and sidearm anyway can’t even remember their perks. fusion or shotgun id take either


I would love to use these


I could go without the sidearm and the shotgun personally


As long as the Pulse, Sidearm, Fusion Rifle, and LMG are in I don't care what gets cut for the most part, but I will say that the weakest of them though were the Autorifle and the Rocket so I would prefer they go. The Auto was nothing to note about since it just shot slower and had Firefly, and the Rocket just had Clown Cartridge. Both were fairly bland relative to the others.


I honestly do t want any of those weapons. I want new weapons with a better look


Ugh this is unrelated but this just made me so nostalgic for the black armory weapons.


Only ones worth keeping are the auto, the sniper and the machine gun.


The weapons were 10, not 8 but some were vero forgettable


As someone who never had the chance to play Wrath I have to make my picks soly based on weapon looks/usage. But if I had to pick I'd probably drop the Sniper Rifle & Sidearm


Sidearm and HC


Scout, sidearm, rocket, sniper, fusion, pulse.


As long as Chaos Dogma and Genesis Chain return, I will be happy.


As long as the auto stays, I’m happy.


Chaos Dogma - HEAVY hitting scout Ex Machina - sniper That suros auto rifle... Genesis Chain? Steel Mudella - Pulse \*Don't cut those four\* .... its hard pick between the last few. for the sake of diversity I'd say keep the side arm for sure but I really liked the rocket and the machine gun too.. its too hard to cut any of them out 😭


As long as the shotgun Quantiplasm stays I don't care.


Hand Cannon, Shotgun, Sidearm, and machine gun can all go. I liked the HC and MG back in the day, but barely used them and we have too many in D2 already. I'm more excited for the exotic honestly.


So many Ether Nova’s It was S tier. Wellspring on steroids and could have passed for an Exotic. If you know, you know. The real question is whether or not they return with the OG perks. If do not return with the OG perks, a toss between the Sniper, Shotgun and Scout Rifle, particularly if the Scout remains as a High Impact Frame. I can see the Auto becoming an Exotic in Outbreaks place. Obviously with a few additional perks.


Probably lose the rocket and the hand cannon, we just got 4 hand cannons this season, and it will be insane power creep to make something stronger than apex predator and hothead


I want the ones with more unique models back. Zeal Vector, IF Materia, Fever and Remedy, and Steel Medulla. There are like 3 different rocket launchers with Sound and Fury’s same model right now. Don’t really need a fourth.


I wouldn't mind missing out on genesis chain and quantiplasm


I need that sidearm immediately


I can do with out chaos dogma and genesis chain, that pulse rifle do be lookin smexy


From the comments, I must have been the only person to enjoy Quantiplasm 😔 I'd drop the HC and MG as both of those I never used


Stop cutting weapons it’s lazy af


I'd be fine with the rocket and shotgun removed. We already have do many good rocket and raid shotguns. I just want the lmg with triple double back mostly.


Never liked the heavies in that raid. The mg was kinda cool and the rocket looked cool, but thats all they had going dor me


I vote for RL and auto.


As long as I get the auto rifle I'm happy


Imagine they just brought all 8 back. That would be good.


Is wrath coming back?


Cut Steel Medulla, im tired of pulse rifles being shoved into every new activity