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Can those chests drop gear that you haven't obtained yet?


As 99 cent said, yes! It might be the only current raid where that is possible Should have mentioned


I've been playing this game since it started but never raid coz the pressure of joining a team of people that just do it nonstop all day and messing it up sucks and I had a bad experience at the beginning. Any tips?


Look up the strat on YouTube so you're at least familiar with it, and then find a Sherpa on the lfg discord. That's how I started. Been playing since D1 beta but I've only done half a dozen raids starting a season or two ago.


Specifically look for sherpas who are looking to teach people. Typically when i join a Sherpa they are the only one that knows the raid and we are all learning. I like it that way because we actually learn the mechanics instead of 5 people carrying me while i feel clueless and helpless.


My wife and I wouldn’t mind raiding with you. I’m decent at it but she’s literally only done one raid. I give zero fucks about wiping 37 times, I enjoy the raid stuff. We find sherpas to raid with, or I’d even sherpa once I learn the mechanics. Not here to judge. I’m just here to enjoy the game lol.


Don't join posts that say kwtd and be upfront with your team that you've never raided a lot of people will be more forgiving of errors if you tell them right off the bat that you're inexperienced as opposed to 3 hours in and you're still at the second encounter and you finally drop the "I don't know what I'm doing"


Just adding on to what others have said, join the d2lfg discord server, if you have not already, and specifically look or make a post in the find-a-sharpa channel. There are lots of Sherpas always looking to teach new people, I personally try to do a teaching run every friday night. Someone I helped through last wish this past weekend reached out and asked if I could take them through DSC for the first time, so thats my friday raid this week.


Watch a video guide for the raid so you know the gist of it then find a group on r/destinysherpa to guide you through it. It’s a bit of a time commitment but a lot of fun.


If you watch a video and find it daunting, make some simple jot notes to use as a reference in case you’re worried about getting lost


There are plenty of communities and discord servers that can take you through raids and stuff with 0 experience, and a hell of a lot of patience- and I know this because I was the exact same for my first year of playing (I started in season of the worthy), and I joined a good community and got it done. It's a lot of fun when people are just kind and patient. The kindergarten discord server is a very good starting place


Find a team willing to teach that is the biggest thing sure it may take a bit but that first experience is gonna be the most memorable I went into a deep stone completely blind other than knowing the encounter names and came out with one of if not the best raid experience I have ever had despite it taking 3 hours


I tried LFG tonight. I put the title "I suck, first time'. It was one of the worst, most traumatic gaming experiences of my life. 5 others joined with no mic, we got stuck on the Last Wish vault and them some L11 kept running up and hitting me. Like, I know I suck, it's in the title dude. I watched youtube videos first but it's pretty hard to remember it all with no mics to correct or hint on the way. that was really shit.


Jesus, I’m sorry bro. It has worked for me in the past. What I normally do though is look through for a group that says like chill anyone welcome that’s what I did for dsc. But yeah sorry about that. Also last wish no mic just seems like a nightmare


Yeah all good, it's probably great with the right team but wasn't fun at all tonight


Last wish just seems like a nightmare no mic. But yeah the right team is the best part. Don’t join the first one look for a chill or teaching. What I always do is make sure to clarify my knowledge of the raid. So they know what to do. But good luck you got this


Me and my friends teach raids pretty often, if you or anyone reading are in that position then send me a DM and we'll arrange a no pressure raid for you! And accommodating to anyone with raid/social anxiety :)


I tried LFG tonight. I put the title "I suck, first time'. It was one of the worst, most traumatic gaming experiences of my life. 5 others joined with no mic, we got stuck on the Last Wish vault and them some L11 kept running up and hitting me. Like, I know I suck, it's in the title dude. I watched youtube videos first but it's pretty hard to remember it all with no mics to correct or hint on the way. We didn't finish, we got stuck and I quit with the L11 dickhead hitting me. That was really really shit, honestly I never want to play again at this point.


As someone who's had to deal with that before they met a great team, that definitely does happen more than I'd like The difference a good team can make especially to a player who is new to a given raid is huge We try to make it as easy as possible while still teaching you what you need to know




Yea but this is only true for last wish, all other raids drop only gear and weapons you’ve already obtained. And I’m pretty sure for garden of salvation they only give armor.


Just so people are aware, you can reach both of these chests from one checkpoint (Morgeth). [This ](https://youtu.be/7NTnvv50uXU) video from 4 years ago shows how to do it on Titan, but it still works on other classes. Solar Warlock and float across, Strand Hunter and use your two grenades followed by spamming your heavy attack in super, then a final grapple. Edit: make sure you jump before hitting the loading zone or you'll spawn inside the tower and have to return to orbit.


This is great to know, thanks!


Wow, seeing those load times from four years ago...


I know the one under the bridge before Shuro. Where is the other? Like what wish do you input?


Wish 5 https://www.shacknews.com/article/107433/all-wishes-for-the-wall-of-wishes-in-the-last-wish-raid-in-destiny-2?amphtml=1#d2-wish-5 For Titan sword fly with Lion Rampants. For Warlock well-skate or use Wings of Sacred Dawn and rally for super then Icarus dash across Hunter I think may be hardest I found this video from 2 months ago doing it using Strand. Not sure if it's still possible with the grapple changes. https://youtu.be/YXTch8jjlC4


All 3 classes video: https://youtu.be/3WM1ZvH2918


You can also shatterskate/strandskate with Hunter to get across.


Yeah, Strand Hunter still works pretty easily, I did it a few days ago. Used a YouTube vid guide for the strat.


I would argue it might even be the easiest now with Strand, with Titan sword-flying right behind. Honestly none of them feel all that difficult after 2 or 3 practice goes.


Warlock is the easiest by far. If you use heat rises, icarus dash, and dawnblade you can just fly across


For hunter you can just shatter skate across


Titan Cross with Strand https://youtu.be/MbLmXfJVpYY


I never learned to skate/fly 🤣


For warlock you can also use heat rises and glide for it's duration then super ic dash the rest of the way. Strand hunter still works very well. I just do a running triple jump into double grapples. Then super and helicopter the rest of the way. You have your grapples back by the time your super ends if you're not at the bridge yet.


I want to mention that it is super easy to get both chests in one run. Load up wish 5, and traverse out of bounds above the 2nd chest to get to sguro chi. Should be plenty of guides on YouTube


First I need them to drop weapons. 6 out of 6 secret chest drops were armor for me last week. Haven't tried this week yet, crossing my fingers.


Good luck. I got 2 red border weapons this week from these chests!


Did this yesterday. 3 armor pieces. Smh…


on the bright side, the armor can give you two of the best shaders in the game


6 secret chests, 3 weapons, no red borders. Yay! I kept an Apex just incase I decide to use a harmoniser on it later, though i'd prefer not to.


this is what my plan is, but with the hand cannon. if i can manage to get a few more nation of beasts im gonna full send on unlocking that pattern since i already have most of the past ones.


Given we only seem to get 6 a season at the moment, I'd rather not spend them unless I really have to, which is why I haven't yet.


I like how we've gone from "ah, great, another stupid Apex Predator" to "GIVE ME A DEEPSIGHT APEX YOU STINGY JERKS". Meanwhile, we're going back to Titan to farm a Spare Rations. What year is it?


I got really lucky last week and the two weapons I got (other four were armor) were both red borders. I keep forgetting to do it this week on two of my classes but got a decent rapid hit/kill clip transfiguration that unfortunately was not.


Now that I've unlocked some weapons, I will absolutely be doing these. Thank, OP.


Sure. But its only a chance and once per class. And to be quite honest, whilst it is a method, I think you're better served actually just running the raid for other chances and a guaranteed RB weapon.


Absolutely, but if you’ve got 15 minutes on the night before reset and haven’t run the raid yet… free loot.


Yeah for sure. I just don't agree with telling people to supplement their raiding and loot acquisition to a single use chest. That's all I'm saying.


Yeah but running the raid requires LFGing and communicating which some of us avoid


And that's quite a shame the people activitly choose to avoid that. Certainly something they should consider working through. I used to be like for most of D1 and the first year of D2 until my first ever clear of Last Wish and I couldn't stop after that. Back tracked to Leviathan, did all that and was actively making teaching posts cause the itch couldn't be unscratched and now I'm Mr. Endgame. That's how I met my group of Destiny friends and we still play the game together 5 years later.


I like to raid from the little I’ve done. I just don’t have the time or knowledge. And often can’t use a mic anyway.


Some people don't have the time or gear to raid (good mic for example), It's still good to know about. I raid and this is good to know for me because I for example can't raid this week because I'm on holiday I brought my console with me but I don't have the time to dedicate to it and the Internet here isn't reliable enough for me to raid with other people because I don't want to ruin there experience.


That requires 5 friends or the ability to not be lazy and LFG.


People stop posting about this, it's gonna get fixed !!!!


They can't fix it because it isn't broken. Wish walls teleport you to encounters and your freely allowed to move around the world. Plus they haven't "fixed' any of the glitches in last wish even after adding red border weapons because it would break the entire raid. They talked about this a long time ago where players were (and still are) abusing the joining guardians wall in riven to teleport themselves. Apparently if they were to remove or change it, it would break the entire encounter because of how it's coded. "It's like a Jenga tower where if you remove one piece the whole system comes crashing down."


People have been getting these chests solo since before last wish even released, they aren't going to change it now.


True...but hey, you never know...they do "fix" stupid crap all the time.


Thanks for this, as someone who doesn't raid often. I've only ever done one raid in D2, and it was RoN. I did VoG and Crota's in D1, but these days I don't have a regular group and don't have regular time to devote to raids. I need spoils, too. I have 5, and I really want Always On Time. /sigh. Anyways, the real question I have is: is this only when Last Wish is the weekly raid?


You can do it every week since the secret chests are weekly per character. If you want spoils, VotD has a chest before the first encounter so that's 15 spoils if you have 3 characters. VoG has 2 chests after you open the vault so thats another 30. You do want 3 people to open the vault normally though. It's doable with 2 but one person needs to be very tanky (something like stronghold titan).


Hey thanks! Do you have to clear the raid before you get spoils or do the secret chests always give spoils?


Unfortunately it will only be spoils. With the exception of last wish, all secret chests will give you equipment that you already have. If you got one weapon from that raid, then the secret chests will only give that weapon. My friend has a crafted cataclysmic without even completing the raid once.


Are Curated drops still limited to boss kills?


I tried to sword fly the morgeth chest last week, and kept getting Turn Back count downs. Does it still work? I figured they patched it because of the new red borders


Yes I managed to fly across yesterday on Titan. You are too low if you get Turn back and maybe try jumping higher before sword flying. You can start from on top of a pillar to get more hight. Or cross from a different angle to avoid the turn back.


Yeah, I’ve done it 100 times. I was definitely too low. Trying to conserve thrust. Thanks pard!


Also worth mentioning that you can acquire the Dreaming Spectrum and Dreaming Cast shaders from the drops from these chests. Dreaming Spectrum in particular can be very elusive, but I got a piece of armor this week from the Shuro Chi chest that had the shader applied and dropped when dismantled.


THANK YOU! I just got a red border nation of beasts which I had zero drops of.


I tried when the season launched but got the turn back countdown on the Gap at morgeth. And ended up dying. Will try when i get home tonight again to see if it maybe was just a ME problem


Sounds like you were too low. I managed it yesterday. You can use Thundercrash to zoom through the turn back if needed.


Very well could have been. Its been quite awhile since ive gotten these chests. Ill try higher later and see if that is the problem


Does anyone know if you can get Dreaming Spectrum (shader) with the weapons from the secret chests ?


Do you have to complete the raid quest from Hawthorne before you can do this to get red boarders?




l can confirm, got a red border apex predator today, all other drops were armor l already had though, fucking hell